Super Soldier

Chapter 1400: Fly (one more)

The group finally walked to the ground of Du Yusheng's tomb. Du Yusheng's graveyard and Du Yusheng's daughter Du Xiaoya's graveyard were squatting. Grandpa looked at Du Yusheng's tombstone, and suddenly the tears almost came down. The mouth said: My twin brother, we really can't stop you. This time we still have to bother you, but we also want to see if you are murdered. If your death is another sensation, I hope to get back for you. A fair word."

Xiao Bing took the shovel and waited for Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather to stop talking with Du Fusheng. He waited until Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather wiped his tears and looked at Xiao Bing. He said, “You can do it.”

Xiao Bing only waved the iron shovel and put the cemetery away. Then the war petty immediately opened the coffin, which was all white bones and clothes that had been rotted, and there was a disgusting taste.

The war spoiled the body and carefully examined it. Du Xiaoyu was curious but did not dare to look at it. Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather shook his head while sighing, and Xiao Bing took it and watched it together. After the good stood up, Xiao Bing asked: "How?"

"It was poisoned by people, so he died."

When he heard the war spoiled and said that Xiao Bing's eyes were bright, Du Xiaoyu's grandfather excitedly said: "Really? Really killed? Are you sure?"

"Of course sure." The war spoiled. "There is a black hair in his bones. That black is all caused by toxins deep into the bone marrow. It is not poisoned, but how can it die?"

Xiao Bing hesitated for a moment, suddenly picked up the shovel and pointed it to the graveyard next to it. Du Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "Xiao Big Brother, what are you doing?"

"Since I have already checked one, I don't mind going to see the second one. We have to help them get back to justice!" After that, Xiao Bing opened the second cemetery and then spoiled it. I checked it in the past and finally stood up and said, "There is even a recessed mark on the bone above her neck, and her nostrils are enlarged and her mouth is slightly open. If I judge well, she is used. The rope is strangled."

Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather’s body was a burst of tears, and Du Xiaoyu on the side kept whispering: “It’s too embarrassing, too embarrassing. What a big hatred, a father and a daughter. People, one is poisoned and one is strangled, this is to be retribution!"

Du Xiaoyu said: "Isn't that Zhang Wuren? Besides, besides him, who else can do this, Grandpa, he was saved by others, and he married a girl who actually did this kind of thing. It was not even as good as a beast. ”

"Yes, even the beasts are not as good, even if the grandfather is dead, you can't let you marry the son of the beast and the beast!"

Du Xiaoyu said: "The son he educated is not a good thing. Unfortunately, if Du Xiaoya is not dead, maybe Zhang Dachun will not be so badly educated."

Xiao Bing said next to him: "Now things have been clarified. The matter of the past was clearly a criminal case. However, this Zhang Wuren has become a climate. His two younger brothers are officials in the county, plus their family is only Du Fusheng. And Du Xiaoya's father and daughter, after both of them died, even if some people doubted, they would certainly not go into trouble with Zhang Jia without evidence, so this made the Zhang family go unpunished."

Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather’s slap in the face: “Hey, I was a bit skeptical at the time, but all of us were just chatting in private, but we couldn’t believe it was true. It’s really time for the police to investigate clearly. Ah, even if this Zhengzhong County is their world, I can continue to sue and continue to petition, let people investigate the truth of the matter. I hate that I am old and confused, when my brother did not help me!"

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "In fact, this thing does not blame Grandpa. In that case, no one will really dare to guess so boldly. Even if it is privately talked, it is generally a casual guess. Maybe even I dare not believe in myself. Who can think of the son-in-law of the biggest good man in the village?"

Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather grabbed Xiao Bing’s two hands and said, “Thank you, thank you, child, thank you for investigating this matter, so that those who are not **** can contain Zhao Xuexue.”

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Grandpa, this thing is what I should do, not to mention how you can thank me, even if you want to thank, it should be my thank you. Thank you for saving me with Xiao Yu. Otherwise, I can't do these things now, and I can't talk to you here. Grandpa, I will put the bodies back, the coffins and the tombstones are put back, and then we will go."

Xiao Bing and the war pet together put everything back to the original look, after a proper arrangement, several people left.

Grandpa asked: "Xiao Bing, what should I do with this matter? Is it necessary to call the police and let the police investigate?"

"First, don't let him send us home, then my friend will help solve this problem. He is the policeman. It is best to solve this problem."

Grandpa looked at the war and said: "Little brother, thank you, thank you."

The war spoiled and said: "Don't, don't be polite with me, this should be done. What's more, if you change this kind of thing, you won't care about it. Don't worry, this thing is wrapped in I am on the body, let alone their Zhang family is a director, even if someone is a county magistrate at home, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand. There is also the existence of Wang Fa in this world!"

The so-called director is a fart in front of the backbone of his national security bureau. What is it? Therefore, he is not bragging at all. Since this matter has already been investigated, he has full confidence in bringing the bad guys to justice.

They re-entered the car and sent them back to the village door. Then Xiao Bing took Du Xiaoyu and her grandfather and got off the bus. When they were good, they drove away.

Several people returned home, and it was almost late at night. Du Xiaoyu let Grandpa go to sleep first, then went to Xiao Bing's room and asked: "Xiao Big Brother, do you really have a way to bring the bad guys to justice?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This village is not a village of a certain person. The county town is not the county town of a certain person. The country is not opened by someone. The state has laws and everyone must abide by it:"

Du Xiaoyu snorted and gave a sigh of relief and said, "That's great. Such a bad person should have bad news."

Xiao Bing said: "And your things are estimated to be gone, and then Zhang Jiajiao is so bad that there is no energy on you."

Du Xiaoyu said: "We don't matter. The important thing is to give Du Fusheng a grandfather."

Xiao Bing curiously said: "How did Du Fusheng help your family?"

Du Xiaoyu said: "I had a high fever when I was a child. It was very powerful. I was so small and small at that time. I didn’t remember much. At that time, my father was not at home, working outside, my grandfather was anxious to send me. In the county seat, Du Fusheng’s grandfather heard about it, and immediately came over to the county town where he drove to us. Later, the doctor in the hospital said that it was fortunate to send it in time. As long as it was a little later, my brain might be burned out. It will be ruined."

Xiao Bing vomited and said: "Fortunately, fortunately, it is no wonder that your grandfather will be so excited. People have saved his baby granddaughter. This time I can finally understand. You can rest assured, I will help to get back to justice. ""

"Well, thank you, Xiao Brother, I will not bother you to rest. Good night."

"good night."

Du Xiaoyu left the room and both of them started to sleep in their own room.

The next morning, the three people had just had breakfast. Before they had time to clean up the tableware, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, but they saw Zhang Dachun coming in with a group of popular people coming in from the outside, and these In the hands of the people, they sticked to sticks and machete. Du Xiaoyu and Grandpa frightened a big jump. Du Xiaoyu hurriedly held his grandfather's arm and then looked at the people and said, "You are not allowed to hurt my grandfather."

Zhang Dachun laughed: "Reassure, we don't hurt you, we are looking for this person to settle this time!"

Zhang Dachun looked at Xiao Bing, Du Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "You must not hurt Xiao Brother."

"That can't be done." Zhang Dachun sneered, "I remember the thing yesterday? I want to fight him, he is not as good as death, let him take a wheelchair for the rest of his life. You go!"

Du Xiaoyu wants to rush over, but she is stunned by her grandfather. Her grandfather knows that Du Xiaoyu is a girl. It is easy to get hurt when he rushes up, so he dares not let go and shouts: "Can't move him. You can't move him, his body is still not good."

"Fuck, if you don't have a good body, you can start hurting people? If so, today we will let him hurt and hurt, and you will never be able to leave a wheelchair or a hospital forever!"

After these people rushed up, almost everyone thought that Xiao Bing had to be really planted. Although Xiao Bing had hurt the person brought before Zhang Dachun with the wrong bones, it seems that they are still brought by Zhang Dachun. The people are too big, plus the last three people, this time brought six people, the hero can not stand the wolves, the two fists are difficult to attack four hands, for Xiao Bing this time can also escape a robbery, they I definitely don't believe it. "

Seeing that these people rushed to Xiao Bing, Du Xiaoyu screamed in his mouth, and even dared not look at it. Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather also sighed, and Zhang Dachun smirked.

But then, Zhang Dachun’s laughter solidified, Du Xiaoyu’s scream became an exclamation, Du Xiaoyu’s grandfather’s eyes widened, but he saw the six people who rushed to Xiaobing almost at the same time, while flying. Now!

Lying in the trough, flying, a total of five or six meters away, more than three meters high, this is really flying!

Ps: In order to ensure that a stable time update can be restored today, this chapter is completely ready to sleep. After one o'clock in the middle of the night, everyone is good night, the second chapter is 11 o'clock at noon, and today's normal update is resumed today. Now!

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