Super Soldier

Chapter 1461: Su Yi Zun (one more)

Watanabe Zuochuan was seriously injured by a blow. Even Fengchen Jiakang didn't know what happened. He looked at it all with a blank look, then looked back subconsciously and then showed a shocked look. .

On the third day of Xiao Bing’s stay in Kyoto, Xiao Bing took a small trip to play a lot of places. She also took her to look at the office and let her recognize the door. If there is anything, she can go to the office. Looking for himself, Xiao Xiao received a call from the old class when Xiao Bing was preparing to bring Xiao Xiao to the home of Zhang Yizhi on the second day. So he rushed to the office of the old class with a small rush.

The old class first made a funny teasing, and then he said to Xiao Bing with a serious look: "You may not be able to spare."

Xiao Bing turned a blind eye and said helplessly: "Isn't it so clever? How come there is something? I haven't had a few days since I was idle."

"I know that you have just been free for a few days. To be honest, I am also embarrassed." The old class said helplessly.

Xiao Bing said: "I didn't find you embarrassed, let's talk, what is this time?"

"This thing doesn't really matter to the country, but we think it may be more important to you, so I will tell you."

Xiao Bing was amazed: "Is this thing related to me? Then I have to listen."

"Have you heard of the devil?"

"Devil?" Xiao Bing thought for a moment, if he thought, "I have provoked the demon teaching in the country of r, but the devil has not heard of anything, where is the devil."

The old class sighed and said: "But someone really saw the devil, it is in the r country, and this thing has been spread, and now the eyes of the whole world are eyeing the country."

“R country saw the devil?” Xiao Bing frowned and curiously said, “What kind of demon is there in country r? Who saw it?”

The old class said: "Two days ago, another village in the r country was destroyed. This kind of thing happened recently in the r country, and then a team of warriors who went out to take risks passed the village and saw the murderer. Guess who the murderer is?"

"do not know."

"The murderer is the new lord of the martial temple, Toyotomi."


The old class said: "It looks like you are not surprised at all."

"What is strange about this." Xiao Bing said, "I don't feel surprised at all. You have never seen the Toyotomi family. If you have seen him, you will feel that he is doing this thing. Not surprising."

"Oh, is that the case, then I am not sure. In short, you should listen to me and continue to talk about it. Later, Toyotomi Jiakang saw this team warrior appear, so I wanted to kill people, but at the crucial moment, a v senior country appeared. This old predecessor is called Watanabe Zuochuan, the master of the previous martial arts temple, Ikegawa Valley and Tokugawa Benxi."

"What? Is it called Watanabe Zuochuan?" This time Xiao Bing was really a bit surprised.

The old class curiously said: "Why, do you know Watanabe Zuochuan?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded. "A good old man. When I was practicing on the volcano, he used to eat it every night. The roast chicken and grilled fish that I baked would be given to him. And then he had some pointers on my martial arts. At that time, I felt that this person might not be an ordinary person."

"It turns out that you still have such a chance." The old class said with a sigh of relief, then said, "This Watanabe Zuochuan is the master of the Toyotomi family, so he will clean up the portal. Two people are fighting. It is said that Toyotomi Ikekang was not the opponent of this Kazuo Kazuo. In the end, it was almost abandoned by Watanabe Zuochuan, and a magical moment came out at the crucial moment."

"Oh, then? What does this demon look like? What happened to them after the devil appeared?"

The old class said: "The warriors were all scared after the devil appeared. They were afraid that they would all be buried there when they left, and in fact they only escaped when they fled. The rest People are all dead."

Xiao Bing blew a whistle and said: "Is this going through? That is, it is all the words of that person? But even if he said it is true, what does it have to do with us, r country convenience should be a large number of masters Go hunting the devil."

The old class said: "This thing is true. The person took the photo at the time and the photo also flowed out. We verified that the photos are all true."

The old class grabbed a photo on the table and threw it to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took it up and looked at it. He frowned slightly. In fact, the photo inside was very vague, but he could still see it. Watanabe Zuochuan and Toyotomi. Jia Kang stood face to face, and behind the Toyotomi Jiakang stood a very tall man, because this man is a back, so can not see what the concrete looks like, from the back, the man has a head Waist white hair, height of two meters or more, squatting under the body with explosive muscles, it seems to be endless, he is wearing a gold warrior, holding a long sword in his hand, with wings on his back.

The skin of this man is bronzed, and the black muscles are embroidered on the muscular muscles exposed in the battle suit. However, this dragon pattern does not seem to be embroidered, but exists naturally. His body is covered with black gas. With a bit of the king's wind.

There will be wings behind no one, so this person must be a monster.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "This is also a mythical monster?"

"It should be," said the old class. "Although he did not photograph his face, his sword was a clue."

Xiao Bing carefully looked at the curved sword held in the hand of the monster in the photo, like a cloud.

The old class said: "According to historians, this sword should be the legendary Congyun sword, one of the three great swords of the country, and the master of this sword is the legendary three kings of the country. One of them has the devil's name."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Is it a good name?"

"Yes, in the mythological history of the country of r, he was the third child born of Ignatius, one of the three main gods. Among the three main gods of the time, the first was the Amaterasu, the second The position is the man of Zuo Zuo, and the third is Su Yiming."

Xiao Bing nodded and his face was dignified: "I have heard of this myth. Su Yizun looks ugly and innately powerful. Su Shizun is thinking of the mother of Izumi, the mother of Huang Quan. And crying day and night, so that his father Yi Xie was unhappy, so he was exiled. After his mother Yi Xie Namei died, he tried to open the door of the country of Huang Quan, ushered back to his mother, but did not succeed. Then he began to scream Gao Tianyuan ""

"After he came to Gao Tianyuan, he said that he wanted to talk to his sister Tianzhao Dashen and his sister. Later he went to see his sister Tianzhao, and the two decided to join hands and gave birth to many children. However, after using the Amaterasu, his behavior began to become arrogant and debauchery. Some behaviors even scared his sister. Later, his sister, Amaterasu, hid in anger and caused the world to fall into In the darkness, therefore, other gods have no choice but to find a way to re-exit the Amaterasu, and then exile the prime minister again."

"And on the road of being exiled again, he accidentally learned that the most terrible monster in the history of the gossip and the big snake was a disaster. He offered conditions to those who asked him to marry a beautiful woman. Then he drunk the gossip snake to the deceit, and then killed the gossip snake."

"Sui Yuzun said that although he is one of the main gods, he is respected, but because he is repeatedly exiled, and his character is uncertain and daunting, he is called a demon."

The old class said: "Yes, this Su Shizun is extremely violent in the mythological era, and the reason why he has not set off too much trouble now, I guess because his strength has not fully recovered, but now also The best time to kill him, if you kill him, not only can kill the people, but also have the opportunity to get the master sword in his hands, that is the real artifact above the spirit!"

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and excitedly took the case and said: “This kind of devil is a devil, it’s just that everyone can get it, even if I’m not a country, I can’t watch the people of the country. It’s going to suffer there, so it looks like I’m really going to take a trip.”

The old class smiled and said: "You, ah, OK, you are ready to prepare, but the strength of this demon should be very strong. You should be careful. The strength of a monster that can live to the present will not be weak. ""

"Well, I know." Xiao Bing said, "I will not go this one myself. I may call Gao Fei, Mo Long and me to go. According to their strength, go with me to the basics. Not many people in the world can threaten us."

The old class said: "You have a spectrum in your heart."

At this time, the old class took a call and hang up the phone. He looked strangely. "It’s a coincidence. Someone outside the National Security Bureau is coming in. The person’s age is very large and he is wearing a ragged, Claiming to be called Watanabe Zuochuan, I am looking for you, because he does not know where to look, you just heard that you are a member of the National Security Bureau, so I found it here."

Xiao Bing suddenly stood up and said: "Then I will go first."

"Well, let's go."

Xiao Bing hurried out of the National Security Bureau building, and I saw that the outside of the iron gate was Watanabe Zuochuan. The face of Watanabe was very unsightly, and the breath was slightly unstable. It seemed to be seriously injured. Xiao Bing was in a hurry. Going over, I am concerned: "You are injured in the Watanabe predecessor? Will I take you to the hospital?"

"It doesn't matter." Watanabe Zuochuan shook his head and grabbed Xiao Bing's arm and said, "Take me a place to talk."

"Well, go to my place."

Xiao Bing made a gesture, the driver drove over, Xiao Bing took Watanabe Zuochuan and got on the bus. Two people didn't say a few words along the way. After going to Xiao Bing's residence, Watanabe Zuochuan sat down and got some emotions. Excited to say: "You may not believe it when you say it. Su Shi is born. Although he is one of the three main gods in our mythological era, the legendary temperament is called the devil. It is the country of r. The ancestors of the Mozu, I think about it, and only you can help."

Xiao Bing said: "I have heard about this matter. What strength is he now?"

Watanabe Zuochuan sighed and said: "At that time, I almost abolished my misguided descendant. Su Shi did not know when it appeared behind me. I took the opportunity to attack me and I could only escape. , barely escaped from his hands."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "In other words, is Su Shi Zun attacking you?"

"Yeah." Watanabe Zuochuan said in a deep voice. "I know what you are thinking. You should not underestimate his strength. He is a mythical power after all. The strength of the old man has reached half a step, and he believes that The half-step sage should be invincible, because the old man realized the three martial arts of the demon, and the reason why the old man could not break through to the saint for so many years is because the old man has learned too much and too much, unless it is One day, there will be a way to merge the three martial arts into one. At that time, there is hope to break through to the realm of saints, and it is the most powerful saint strong in history."

Xiao Bing's tone is heavy: "Yu Zun Zun can seriously hurt you, then its strength will at least reach half a step of the saint, and even may be the beginning of the saint."

Watanabe Zuochuan sighed and said: "In the old man's opinion, his prosperity is definitely more than that. But after he has been sleeping for thousands of years, his strength should not be restored. The strength that can be played now should be saint. Underneath, it is stronger than a half-step saint."

Xiao Bing sighed, although it sounded very powerful, it was difficult to deal with, but at least it had not reached the point of despair.

Watanabe Zuochuan said: "After I fled, I heard that Su Shizun and Toyotomi's family have disappeared. This thing can't fully count on the government of the country. I feel that he seems to be looking for something to upgrade him. The strength of things."

Xiao Bing was shocked and said: "Is it... it is looking for someone???"

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