Super Soldier

Chapter 1482: Su Yizun and Toyotomi Jiakang (one more)

Xiao Bing went to Jingdong City for a night, but this time Xiao Bing did not go to the Emperor. Although the Emperor said that he was the supreme spiritual leader in the country of R, the current real power was the Prime Minister of the country, and Xiao Bing met through the Emperor. The Prime Minister then exchanged with the Prime Minister of the country for more than an hour. Later, Xiao Bing left the Prime Minister’s Mansion with satisfaction and returned to the orphanage. He left the city where the orphanage was located with Xiao Bing and Yamamoto Koto.

This time, since it is used as a bait, Xiao Bing naturally wants to choose a way that is not too harmful to the people around him, so this time the location is chosen in a famous valley in the country of r, which is the most One of the most mysterious valleys, there is a martial temple in the history of the country. It was born from this valley. The martial temple was originally a very first-class warrior, but it has not yet reached a super-class realm. As a result, he once misunderstood the valley. After he came out, he set foot on breaking the virtual realm and swept all the warriors in the country and became the master of the martial temple.

After that time, the nameless valley immediately had its name, called the Valkyrie Valley, which means that once you go out from here, it will become a **** of war, but then many people have come to admire it, but at all There was no discovery, no change, because the valley itself was very remote, so it didn't take too long for no one to appear in the valley.

The three people of Xiao Bing went to this Valkyrie Valley at this time, and the Emperor also walked outside for a message, saying that the demon teachings were all destroyed, and there was only one girl named Yamamoto Kobashi. Now she has fled to the Valley of Valkyrie, and the country has sent a ninja to chase her.

This news spread all over the country in an instant, and everyone got the news of this intentional walk. The first reaction is that this news is likely to be related to Su Shizun. Otherwise, how could it be so clever, and the country wants to seduce The idea of ​​swearing on the hook began to be judged by the masters who came from abroad, and later there was a gossip that the girl was a key to the recovery of Susie.

This method of waiting for the rabbit is actually not very clever, and Su Shizun should be easy to guess, but everyone is gambling, even if he guessed it, he could not refuse this temptation. He must know that he is the three main gods. First, and now he was forced to escape by human beings, where is his face? The most pressing thing for him now is to restore strength, and he is willing to take risks in order to restore strength.

When the outside has begun to swell, and all eyes are directed at the Valkyrie Valley and Yamamoto Kocho, the three Xiao Bing have come to the Valkyrie Valley.

Going to the mouth of the Valley of the Valkyrie, Xiao Bing looked inside and said to Gao Fei: "The legend about the lord of the martial temple here sounds very real, so I have a feeling, maybe there is this Valkyrie Valley. What magical things, such as fruits, can enhance their own strength, and the result was given by the lord of the martial temple, and then his strength began to improve with leap. After leaving, he began to sweep the martial arts of the whole country. Bound, but the fruit should be gone, so there will be no gains when the descendants come in again."

Gao Fei said: "There are some very magical fruits in the world. This is the possibility, but the more often there are magical species, the more dangerous there is."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What else can we be more dangerous than this time? We just came over this time. We are better off here and see if there is any chance." Let's go."

Gao Fei said: "I am fine."

Yamamoto Kocho said: "Everything is listening to you."

Yamamoto's voice is very gentle, directly letting Xiao Bing’s heart sway, and Gao Fei can’t help but look at Xiao Bing’s eyes. The meaning inside the eyes makes Xiao Bing’s own understanding. Probably, you mean, you are good. There are several in the family, and there are such beautiful companions in the country of r.

Xiao Bing coughed and said: "We are all democratic. Since you don't object, you will go in and look around. I have enough to eat and drink on my back for three days. If it is more than three days, It is estimated that I will leave here, so I hope that Su Shizun can find it as soon as possible, and I hope he can have this courage. After all, this is a very obvious request.

Gao Fei said: "He will come, a warrior must have a face to face death, otherwise how can he create a legend? He is a legend in itself, I think he would rather take the death to catch Yamamoto Kobayashi, also quickly It is much better for him to improve his strength and risk his death than to escape everywhere."

Xiao Bing said: "I think so too, so I will set up such a bureau, let's go, let's go in and walk well."

At this time, in a cave, Toyotomi Jiakang is wiping the magic knife in his hand. His eyes are completely different from before. Even in normal times, his eyes are equally terrible, as if he should always look at himself. People and things are eaten in general, it is not the eyes of the beast, but the eyes of the devil.

He will show awe in the face of the man, and will hide this kind of eyes completely, because the man is too terrible, the other is not an ordinary person, but a legendary god. It is a legendary demon.

At this moment, he lowered his head and wiped the magic knife. The man was outside the cave. He wanted the man to never walk in from the hole, because only one other person’s eyes would make his heart full of fear and would make him The souls are shaking.

In fact, some aspects are the same as myths, and some aspects are different. Su Yizun is unusually ugly in myths and legends, and even ugly and scary, but this kind of appearance in front of Toyotomi Jiakang Respect is not ugly, but it seems that even the flower girl is sharp and angular. At first glance, it is a tough guy image, and with the breath of his body and the look of all things, the feeling of his whole person gives people a feeling. Like a bully, the king of the body.

He has been a good man for a few days. In these days, he carefully asked a question, and then Susie said with some disdainful laughter. History has always been written by successful people, but Su Shi Yan Zun also said that compared with his two older brothers, he really does not have any advantage in appearance, so it is estimated that it is related to it.

Su Shizun is the same as the legend. It is murderous. Fengchen Jiakang has never seen such a violent temper. Susie is like a tyrant, but he feels that there is a little bit of it. Satisfied, he will wipe out the other party's merciless, even if it is now loyal to the Fengchen Jiakang who is following the Su Shizun.

Susie Zun came in from the outside. Fengchen Jiakang did not dare to raise his head, kneeling on the ground, bowed his head and said: "God, are you coming back?"

Susie said with disdain: "I prefer to call me a demon."

"Yes, Devil."

Su Yuzun said: "Tomorrow and I will go to a place."

Toyotomi's family was awkward and asked: "Wu Shen Gu?"


Toyotomi Jiakang hesitated a moment, whether he should have violated the majesty of Su Shizun, but thought about it for a moment, he and Susie Zun are basically living together, not to mention if Su Yuzun went. I am sure that I am going too, so Fengchen Jiakang has enough courage, or said: "The devil adults, the Valkyrie Valley must be the trap they set, deliberately let us pass."

"Even if it is a trap, I believe that the girl must be there too. I can feel it... not to mention the fish, so I have to use real bait. I believe they have no rumors."


Toyotomi Jiakang is trying to discourage, and Su Shizun snorted and said, "Are you afraid of death?"

"Yes, yes..." Toyotomi Jiakang said helplessly: "The world is all afraid of death, and I don't think God is the exception."

Su Shizun’s voice is filled with infinite meaning that no one else can understand. It seems to contain the most endless mystery of martial arts: "If you want to be a god, you must face death, not face the heart of death. Never be able to reach the highest level!"

"Yes!" said Toyotomi Jiakang. "But they must be a trap this time, and I believe that there are already many people waiting for us there. Do you think that is necessary?"

Susie said with a sigh, Fengchen Jiakang trembled and felt that the breath in his body had become disordered. His eyes could not help but show the color of panic, and the cold sweats flowed down.

Su Shizun said: "Don't worry about it, I will set off tomorrow morning. But I will give you some benefits before I leave."

The eyes of Toyotomi Jiakang shine brightly, and the excitement screams again and again: "Devil, you have to give me..."

After all, Su Shizun is a legendary god-level figure. The rewards he said are definitely different. The Toyotomi family’s heart is full of expectation.

Su Shizun said calmly: "I am helping you to promote to the middle of the sky!"

Toyotomi’s excited body is shaking. He is now in the early days of Tianzun. Although the early and middle stages of Tianzun sound like a level, it is very likely that such a level will take five years or even ten years or more to cross. Now that Su Shizun has a way to help him upgrade a level, this is incredible, it sounds unimaginable, how can he not be excited?

In addition to the gimmicks, Toyotomi Jiakang has no idea what to say.

Su Shizun indulged in a moment and said: "The reason why I am willing to help you improve is because the bones in your bones are actually the blood of the Mozu."

"I am the blood of the Mozu?" Fengchen Jiakang's face can't believe it, but it's hard to believe it. After all, this is not from the mouth of other people, but from the mouth of Su Shizun. Speaking, the first person in the history of the country to be called the devil is Su Shizun...


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