Super Soldier

Chapter 1500: Black iron chain! (one more)

No one thought that the Buddha’s son would suddenly shoot at this time, but he would not feel how surprised. The Buddha’s Eight will have already arrived. It proves that the Buddha’s son is also a scorpion, but he is waiting for the opportunity to shoot. . .

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei glanced at each other and waited tacitly. It is not yet time for them to shoot.

At this time, the Buddha’s son is about ten meters away from Susie, and his palm is like a foreigner’s. The huge palm seems to be pinching the palm of the two-meter-high giant. .

Susie was violent and angry, and screamed, and Tian Congyun sword swung out and cut directly to the palm of his hand. Tian Congyun Sword broke out with incredible power of incomparable horror, and instantly shattered the palm of his power.

At this time, the missile even stopped, no longer missiles were fired. Obviously, the situation in the command room was observed here, so I waited patiently again, waiting for both Su Shizun and Fo Gongzi to lose both sides.

The sword tip of the Tian Congyun sword in the hands of Su Shizun points to the Buddha son, and roars: "A little more!"

The Buddha son actually stepped on the empty feet without falling, and smiled faintly: "Su Yuzun, the power of mythology, according to the generation, you called me a junior is not a thing, but the world of martial arts, The strong is respected, how do you mean to call me a junior."

Su Shizun looked at it with a glance and said: "The realm is actually above me. How can there be so many difficult juniors among the Terrans!"

Xiao Bing whispered: "The strength of Buddha's son is really above the sage's early stage. It seems that in the world, the known strongest, the strongest should be the Buddha!"

Gao Fei whispered: "You don't have to worry, whether it is strength, talent or opportunity, you have hope to catch up with him, don't forget the true fruit."

Xiao Bing also thought of a true yuan fruit. If you can really take the true yuan fruit, it is inevitable that you will break through to the saint early, and then go to the ghost gate, and perhaps you can get another opportunity. Although the old Tianshan old man entered the ghost gate in the saint stage, it is still very thrilling, but the harvest and risk are always proportional, and the more dangerous the place, the easier it is to get the opportunity.

Xiao Bing said: "You are right, but you should first consider how to overcome this difficult situation today, especially this stalking cloud sword, we must get the hand, with such an artifact, we will grasp in the ghost gate Bigger."

Gao Fei’s eyes are fixed on the Buddha’s son and Su Shizun.

Su Shizun said loudly: "Well, look at your strength, I will not call you a junior, you can tell me your name."

"Foshanzi." These three words seem to have any magical powers. They even stunned Su Shizun’s heart. Su Shi’s eyes showed a bit of caution. He knew that it was the mental attack used by the Buddha. He did not expect that the spiritual ability of the Buddha son was so powerful.

Su Shizun’s heart has been raised to an unprecedented vigilance. This is the first time since he revived that he feels that someone will pose a huge threat to his life. Of course, he is not afraid, even if the other’s realm is higher than himself. It is not necessarily true that he can really do what he wants. The strength that Su Shizun possesses is far beyond the realm of his time.

There is no fear in his heart, just that after the resurrection, someone in the world can bring challenges to himself.

Su Shizun grinned, white hair fluttering in the wind, fingers holding the hilt, holding the sky clumping sword and saying: "Buddha, I will always remember this name, you are my resurrection in this world. The first person killed is worth remembering!"

Su Shizun’s sword smashed down, but his Tian Congyun sword just slammed down a few points. The Buddha’s son appeared in front of him instantly, and the head of the Buddha’s head was only a few inches away from the sword front of Tian Congyun.

With a bang, the hand of the Buddha’s son was directly photographed on the chest of Su Shizun, and then the other hand grasped the arm of Su Shizun who was holding the sword, followed by a forceful fall. The plains were thrown on the ground, and the earth shook a bit.

Xiao Bing and others saw a burst of horror. This is the biggest dark loss that has been eaten since the beginning of the game. Although it was said that it was also wounded and wounded, it was hurt twice, but the previous two The first time was a siege, and the second time was a sneak attack. It was not as good as this one was defeated by the fair.

Su Shizun’s strength is so strong, but in front of the Buddha’s son, it reveals a gap, even if it is a hand-held artifact, it still falls into the wrong wind.

The strength of the Buddha's son is almost beyond the expectations of all people. Even the Buddhist monks have never imagined that the Buddha's son is so strong. Just so incomprehensible, the singer is so bad in front of the Buddha's son, a little bit of Cheaper can't take it.

Susie was furious and screamed in his mouth. His body just bounced off the ground. He suddenly slammed and his chest was hit hard. The Buddha didn’t know when he had landed in the air, his knees were heavy. The impact on the chest of Su Shizun directly succumbed to the ground.

This blasphemy directly gave other people a sigh of relief. It was so easy to lose in the hands of the Buddha son? Such a powerful and unmistful mythical demon **** is so vulnerable in front of the Buddha son?

So what should the Buddha son be strong enough?

Is he in the middle of the saint?

Or the peak of the saint?

Or has it reached the legendary level of God?

No one can guess.

Su Shizun is also a face of disbelief, showing a face of shame, the Buddha's one fell, the broken is his pride, the smashing is his self-esteem, he never thought that one is already alive The old monsters of thousands of years will actually suffer such a big loss in the hands of the juniors of the Terran after thousands of years!

Su Shizun wow squirted a large mouthful of blood, his eyes were so slick and round, and roared: "You dare!"

The Buddha son smiled lightly: "What do I dare?"

After that, the hands of the Buddha's son went straight out and bowed to the neck of Su Shizun.

The Buddha’s hand stretched out halfway, and suddenly flew back quickly, and then stood not far away, but the body of Susie’s body quickly expanded, and the body suddenly rose from a height of two meters or more. About three meters, and each piece of the body became unusually thick and strong, and the injury on his body was also advanced. He stood up with a long sword and looked down at the Buddha. The voice trembled with anger: "You Really angered me!"

The Buddha son looked at the scene with his eyes open and asked: "Is this the forbidden sect of the protoss in your country?"

"Yes! This is the ban of our Protoss. After use, my realm can be greatly improved. After the ban is used, I will return to the strength before I used the ban. Before that, my realm returned to the early days of the saint. Now that we have reached the realm of the great completion of the saint's mid-term, it is only a foot from the foot of the saint!"

The Buddha’s son said with emotion: “The horrible ban, the sage’s realm, the strength of any level is very different. If you upgrade one level, this promotion is not a star and a half.”

"Yes, unfortunately, this ban has a lot of side effects. After using it, I will fall asleep again, sleeping for at least three months."

The Buddha son smiled and said: "Alright, let me take a look at your magical forbidden!"

Su Yuzun said: "According to my protoss power, even if I don't use magic, I dare to compete with the saints. If I count the artifacts in my hand, even if it is the strongest of the saints, I There is also a chance to kill! Juniors, my time is limited, I don't want to fight with you, you are leaving now, I am not embarrassed!"

The Buddha said with a smile: "I can leave, I want to get what I want."

Susie Zhan frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

"Without him, a pet!"

"What is a pet?"

The Buddha son smiled lightly: "Isn't pets just you?"

The scorpion of the Buddha’s son suddenly changed. Originally, one pupil was golden and one pupil was red. At this time, both eyes were all white.

Susie said with great anger: "A good junior, I will not kill you, I will not be a god!"

Su Shizun’s body disappeared in the same place, and the Buddha’s son disappeared. The sound of two people’s battle broke out in the air. The battle between the two people was fierce. Xiao Bing and others had completely unable to capture them. I could only hear the slamming sounds and the sparkling sounds, and then they heard Su Shijun laughed and said: "Ha ha ha, don't want to run today, know the power of the artifact, look at my Heaven Cong Yunjian!"

Countless forces swept toward the center of the battle, as if this power was being sucked in the past, and a mysterious force around it was instantly taken.

Gao Fei said: "This is the power of the Excalibur. The Excalibur can absorb the power of the heavens and the earth for its own use. Even the warriors of our Terran can't do this, unless it is a warrior who has already entered the **** level. It’s as easy as he is to swallow the power of the world."

Xiao Bing said: "It turns out."

Seeing the center of the space, Su Shizun suddenly stopped. The general spirit of the gods is holding a long knife. Like the gods, the sky clumps of clouds exudes a sacred breath, and it shines extremely dazzlingly.

Su Shizun suddenly seems to be staring at the position of the Buddha's son. The thunder in the mouth is a big shout, and a sword stabbed.

This sword is like a stunning time. Time has already existed in this sword as if it did not exist. It instantly penetrated into the eyes of the Buddha.

The figure of the Buddha's son appeared, and the madness of the sorrowful hahaha laughed: "Heavenly clouds, who can avoid under the heavens? What can resist?"

The Buddha did not answer, but suddenly a long black chain was inexplicably drawn out of thin air. This black chain greeted the sky from his sleeves, and the black chain was thick but extremely Ordinary, as if even the ordinary long sword can be shuffled by a random stir, and soon, the chain will collide with Tian Congyun!


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