Super Soldier

Chapter 1506: R country starts (one more)

The painful color on Xiaobing’s face disappeared, and then the air in the underground seemed to fluctuate wildly in an instant. Xiaobing’s body glowed with dazzling light, half of the body exudes red light, and half of the body exudes golden light. He floated slowly, yes, it was so light and floating.

Gao Fei and Yamamoto Xiaodie looked at him with a stunned look. Gao Fei’s fist was instantly tightened, showing how excited he was in his heart.

Finally, Xiao Bing floated in a position more than two meters high, slowly opened his eyes, it is a pupil that can penetrate everything, as if there is no other thing in the world to escape his eyes.

Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at Gao Fei and Yamamoto Kocho, and Yamamoto Xiaodie felt the tremor in the depths of the soul, while Gao Fei was even more surprised. Even in front of the Raytheon, Gao Fei had never had this kind of It is only the Buddha son who can bring this feeling to Gao Fei.

It can be seen that although Xiao Bing has just broken through to the saint, the strength is much more powerful than that of Raytheon.

Xiao Bing slowly fell on the ground, stretched out his hands, felt the mysterious feeling, muttered to himself: "I suddenly felt a feeling, my internal organs, blood, bones, skin All of them have changed. At this moment, my body has been completely renewed, and it has been completely different from ordinary people."

Gao Fei sighed: "What you bring to me is that feeling."

Xiao Bing said: "I finally know what the ants are all about under the saints, but they are all wrong. If the saints are regarded as ants, then they will never be able to reach the supreme level of the gods. The saints should be pregnant. There is a heart of Purdue and a heart of the world, so that you can be respected for life, loved for life, and finally you can step into the ranks of God."

Gao Fei said: "Your eyes are already on the horizon. This is your difference. In the history of the Terran people, no one has been able to set foot on the gods for thousands of years. The saints are already the peak of the human race."

Xiao Bing said: "I think the reason why there is no **** level in the history of the Terran is because God itself is against the sky, so there must be a lot of shackles. Only with the heart and the wish of the people can you break through the shackles. It is impossible to do it with personal will."

Gao Fei said: "Your understanding of martial arts is already above me, and I have been taught. What level have you reached now?"

"In the early days of the saints, there was still some distance from the early completion of the saints, but I feel that even if I meet the Su Shizun again, I have a battle."

Gao Fei said with emotion: "So I said that you are not a mortal. I think that after you reach the realm of saints, you have really changed. Even if you are more powerful than others in reaching the realm of saints."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't know anyone else, but I know that Raytheon is nothing in front of me. I have full confidence to kill him. Now I have successfully reached the beginning of the saint, and you have reached it. Half-step saint, now we can finally go to the ghost gate."

Gao Fei asked: "When is it going?"

"Not in a hurry, go home first to report a peace, but unfortunately, Su Shizun was taken away by the Buddha, this is the biggest regret this time."

It was already the next day. Xiao Bing and others left the Valkyrie Valley. In the Valkyrie Valley, they also encountered some r** people. These soldiers wanted to stop Xiao Bing’s cross-examination, but they were easily sent by Xiao Bing. Go back to the orphanage.

Sitting in the courtyard of the orphanage, Yamamoto Kombu asked with some regrets: "You are leaving?"

"I have to go." Xiao Bing said, "If you don't leave, it is estimated that the r** team can't help but catch us."

“Why?” Yamamoto’s face looked puzzled. “This time you are equivalent to saving the country and not knowing how many people are.”

Xiao Bing touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "I asked my brothers to control their missile control room for a burst of bombing, and then let my brothers send their missile launchers before leaving. It’s all ruined, and the total amount is ruined by two bases. It’s estimated that they are losing less and there are hundreds of millions.”

Yamamoto Kocho was stunned and almost fainted, but Gao Fei was expressionless and didn't care.

Xiao Bing said: "There is another point. Now Tian Congyun is still in my hands. If you change to be the leader of the country, it will be so easy for me to make the artifacts in my country be like this. Take it away? The spirit can cause the squalor of the rivers and lakes, but this is an artifact, and the artifact is even enough to make a country blind."

Gao Fei said: "You are right, then we..."

At this time, the sky suddenly sounded a rumbling sound, but I saw several helicopters flying over the orphanage. In addition, there was a sound from the ground outside the track, and the sound was heard. Open in the distance.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "These guys are really trying to deal with me."

Yamamoto Koto said nervously: "What should I do?"

The teacher of the orphanage came out with a few children. Xiao Bing looked back at the teacher and the children and said, "You go back to the room and come out later."

They didn't quite understand what was going on, but they immediately agreed to take the child back to the house.

Xiao Bing looked up and looked up. Haha laughed: "This is what I can see when I am under the Emperor. I know that I have to go back to China. I used a special plane to pick me up!"

At this time, there was a man on the helicopter who came out with a horn and said in a loud voice: "The Emperor’s Majesty said, leaving the sky cloud sword and letting you go."

Xiao Bing laughed: "Even if there is no sky cloud sword, you can't stay with me. Why do I have to listen to your Emperor's words?"

The Emperor and the Prime Minister are still watching satellites in the headquarters of Jingdong. The emperor’s face is gloomy and cold-headed: “A good boy!”

The Prime Minister of the r State said: "This Xiao Bing is indeed arrogant enough. This time, even if it is a Tian Congyun sword, we should also bring him to justice. According to the strength he showed in the Valkyrie Valley, his strength is strong. Unlimited potential, coupled with our country has always had a holiday, and although we and China are friends, but the contradictions continue, there is a headache in China, Xu Mu is enough to make people a headache, and definitely can not add another Xiao Bing."

The Emperor said: "Well, this time you must kill him!"

After listening to Xiao Bing’s words, the person on the helicopter said loudly: “Don’t be stubborn, give up your Tianyun Yunjian, let us leave.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are going into a dead end, you can't hand over the sky, you will not let me go anyway, but even if I really give you the sky, I will give you the sword." Do you really let me go? Don't think I don't know, you have used at least 30 tanks at this moment, huh, huh, so big troubles, you can let me go so easily!"

Xiao Bing’s words directly exposed the true face of the other party. The reason why the other party is still so tempting to let Xiao Bing put down the Tian Cong Yun Sword is mainly to deal with Xiao Bing’s abandonment of the Tian Cong Yun Sword, but they will definitely not let Xiao Bing leave. of.

Xiao Bing turned back and said to Gao Fei: "Take care of the people here!"

Gao Fei nodded, sighed.

Xiao Bing smiled lightly and said loudly: "You want Tian Cong Yun Jian, then come with me!"

Xiao Bing actually flew up in the air, and Gao Fei squinted his eyes and muttered to himself: "The rumored volley is the skill that God has. He is not jumping, but really flying, Xiao. Soldier Xiao Bing, you don’t mean... really beyond ordinary people!"

Yamamoto Kodie asked: "Is there anything wrong with Xiao Bing?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "The people under the sun have things, and he will not have anything. According to his current strength, who else can he do under the sun?"

Seeing that Xiao Bing flew up in the air, the people in the helicopter were also dumbfounded. Although the flight was not high, it was only about three or four meters away, but it was also called flying.

In the command center of Jingdong, the new martial temple master is a trembling voice: "The volley flies, the legendary **** can freely come and go in the sky, is he already stepping into the **** level? This is not may!"

Yes, it can fly under the **** level, but that kind of flying is just called flying in the eyes of ordinary people. It is a jump, how high a jump is, and it has extremely horrible ability to stagnate, such as an ordinary person. It takes about two seconds to fall at a height of 100 meters, but a strong person who breaks the void level may reach more than ten seconds. Even in the middle of the air, the two feet can be connected to each other, and it can be increased several times, but they are all borrowed. The force jumps, not the fly.

Xiao Bing is equivalent to flying up, the distance of three or four meters from the ground, flying far away and not falling.

The helicopter immediately followed the past, and even a few helicopters had organic guns at the start of the shooting.

When the tank saw Xiao Bing flew away, he also neatly headed out in the direction of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing has been flying three or four hundred meters away, and finally began to slowly land, and then began to run forward, rest for a while, once again volley flew up, has been fluttering into the woods, this is considered to stop under.

Xiao Bing is actually not sure why he has the ability to have a **** level after he has arrived at the saint. Of course, this is definitely different from the real **** level, because Xiao Bing feels that although he can fly, he even Keep flying for two or three minutes, but it will be exhausted in two or three minutes, and it will consume your own instinct. This is far less energy-saving than double-legged leaping, but this is a Xiaobing. Freshness, not to mention the next time you encounter a monster of the same level, you will not fall so easily.

Xiao Bing flew farther and farther. When he came to a wilderness, he stopped and stood there, smiling at the plane and the tank and heading for himself.

At this moment, Emperor Majesty suddenly shouted to the inside of the microphone: "This person is a bit weird. Use secret weapons directly to solve him. Don't waste time!"

Someone inside the helicopter replied: "Yes!"

Xiao Bing is planning to wait until they are close to give them all the solutions. Suddenly they feel a sense of crisis from the soul, and even the hair is involuntarily established! Rw

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