Super Soldier

Chapter 1518: Can dare to kill me! (one more)

Compared with the infuriating, Xiao Bing’s mental strength is actually more powerful. At the beginning, he has experienced the volcano test continuously, has withstood the test of the true fruit, and has repeatedly been mentally attacked by those who are stronger than himself. Winning in one hazard, this time is a rare temper for Xiao Bing, plus his will is stronger than others, the will is also a kind of spiritual power, and he also studied the old Mr. Han Huabin Illusion, illusion is also a way to temper your spirit.

Therefore, his gaze is actually an attack of mental power. The horrible attack directly causes Su Weiyang’s mind to instantly tingle. He screams and then retreats two steps backwards. Then the knives are actually turned. The slamming sound fell on the ground, and the sky clumped the sword, and the flying knife immediately turned into powder.

Su Weiyang shook his head, his eyes looked at Xiao Bing in a complicated way, and some horrified words: "You..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can catch my cockroaches with bare hands, and I can use my mental power to control the flying knives to attack me. Your moves are simply never before. Smell, I am a little stunned."

Su Weiyang asked: "How did you find this?"

"It's very simple. If the flying knife is a spirit, but he does not have the master's control, the power is absolutely impossible to be such a huge, and the flying knife is not in your hands. How do you control it? It must be that you and the flying knife are already in spirit. You use your mental power to control the flying knife."

Su Weiyang’s face was ugly: “It’s so, are you through this point?”

"It's not just that." Xiao Bing said, "The flying knife has forced me to the point where I am in a hurry. Why are you not coming together? Prove that you are more than enough, because your mental strength is completely used. Control the flying knife, so the combat power will become limited. Once you come to attack me, you are worried that you will lose control of the flying knife and expose the flaws, but it will affect the good situation!"

"Good... good..."

Su Weiyang's face was pale, Xiao Bing looked at Su Weiyang, and said with a smile: "You are more likely to be my opponent now, no matter what strange cards you have, but you have just withstood my mental attack, plus you And the flying knife is already connected with the spirit. I have destroyed the flying knife. It must also make your spirit suffer. At this time, your strength should have fallen below the saint. What is your opponent?"

Su Wei’s face is ugly and ugly, just as Xiao Bing said, the strength of a person is not only the strength of the infuriating, but also the strength of the mental power. At this time, the spiritual strength of Su Weiyang has just been Reinvented, the mental strength has weakened to the extent of Tianzun, which is like a person suddenly top-heavy, his overall strength has also declined.

He was slightly inferior before, and now he is the opponent of Xiao Bing.

At this time, netizens on the various microblogs, Twitter or forums and other online platforms began to explode again.

"Great, our Chinese hero has to win!"

"Yeah, that man's weapon is broken, I will say, with a knife, I want to win our Chinese hero? Isn't that a dream?"

"Ah, ah, I want to give him a monkey. I just love him. He is my newest Prince Charming."

"The little brother upstairs is getting thicker."

"Hey, people are sisters."


At the top of the world, at this time, they are also talking to their national security departments.

The heads of China and the military's big brothers have already come to the headquarters. Looking at the picture above, the head of the first one is a little excited: "It's amazing, it's too powerful, I didn't expect to be printed* * The party tried to stop it. He still came to the capital of the Indo-China, and stopped the person, and now still has the upper hand."

"Ha ha ha ha." A military amnesty is a heroic laugh, "too much fun, this kid is more and more my eyes, old class, you have trained a talent!"

Another military smirked and said: "You don't want to raise the class. Is such a saint so able to cultivate it casually? It can only be said that this kid is simply a enchanting, close to the thirty-year-old saint. Not a few?"

The old class turned a blind eye: "What? When the kid was in trouble, you pushed me one by one. At this time, I found out that this kid is very powerful. If I have the ability, I will say that it has nothing to do with me?"

The heads and the big guys all laughed.

Head No. 2 smiled and said: "Old class, you don't take too much credit. Can this kid win or not know, even if it wins, how can he get better? This is still a problem. !"

"Yeah!" said the No. 1 head. "Don't look at the country of R. These years are aggressive, but the Indian country is more desperate than the country. The country is only a strategic layout, but the Indian countries have been fighting for war. Constantly, especially strong, and recently we have been rubbing against us at the border. They are the types of fearless things that are not afraid of trouble. These years have developed a lot, they obviously began to expand, so they This time it is estimated that nothing will be put on Xiao Bing, this kid will easily return to China, and there will be waves at that time!"

After listening to this, everyone is silent.

The old official of the National Security Bureau: "We can't come out?"

The head of the first one asked: "Do you think you can come out?"

The old class of the National Security Bureau opened his mouth and sighed. When he actually asked this question, he already thought that he was asking a nonsense. This matter must be shirked by Huaxia. Otherwise, it would trigger two. In the wars of various countries, China is not afraid of war, but it cannot create excuses for the Indian countries. It cannot be used in a way that is worthy of its own losses.

Therefore, Huaxia said that this responsibility cannot be taken over. Xiao Bing can only be a personal incident this time. Therefore, it is difficult for China to go to Xiao Bing for the first time, and there is no way to exert pressure on the Indian state.

Everything can only be solved by Xiao Bing himself!

The military sighed and said: "I feel deflated. I also admire Xiao Bing. If he returns, I have to ask him to drink two cups, but we really can't help him now. This is not We don't want to help. In fact, we can't wait to bring people to kill the past, but we can't easily fight, and we must be defeated in this war, and we must be attacked internationally."

"Well," said the old class. "Forget it, I understand this truth. This thing can only see this kid's own skills. I have confidence in him!"

These big monks did not dare to say that they had confidence in Xiao Bing, but everyone prayed silently in their hearts. Even the netizens who saw this scene in China were praying for Xiao Bing, and the national sentiment was soaring. The moment, plus the moment to know that Su Weiyang is a sinister class, all the people are praying for Xiao Bing, praying that Xiao Bing can kill Su Weiyang and pray that Xiao Bing can leave alive!

Xiao Bing still doesn't know that he is now being remembered by a country and a nation collectively, but at this moment he has the confidence he has never had before. He has the confidence to kill this evil person who is not evil.

He is not only for himself, not just to get some news from there, but also for the poor girls who have died in the hands of Su Weiyang, in order to let their peace in the heavens rest.

In the eyes of the public, Xiao Bing suddenly floated up, yes, high flying, and some of the Indians who saw this scene actually collectively kneeled on the ground and began to worship.

And the netizens all over the world who saw this video are all shouting the gods!

Xiao Bing raised his hands in the sky, and the sky was full of sparkling light. The light of it was like shining the sun in the world, letting everything around it be awesome.

Su Weiyang felt the shocking power contained in the Tian Congyun sword. The power made his soul feel tremble. He no longer dared to hesitate, and turned and ran toward the urban area.

Xiao Bing shouted in his mouth: "Hey!"

One knife out, everything is dead!

The space actually teared directly from the middle, and a hundred meters long sword mans went to the ground. Even if Su Weiyang had already ran a few tens of meters, he still could not escape the swordsman. The body of Su Weiyang actually bloomed at this moment. The faint golden light, but it disappeared instantly, because his body was directly cut into two breaks by the sword mans!

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and slowly fell from the ground. His face was slightly pale. He looked very relaxed. In fact, in order to avoid night long dreams, this sword almost took away more than 70% of his. power.

This sword not only directly killed Su Weiyang, but even directly appeared on the concrete floor of the long street with a huge crack of more than 100 meters.

The people around us were shocked. The heads of the world and the military and political leaders were shocked. The netizens who watched the war in the world were shocked!

It seems that at this moment, the world's six billion people have a very tacit understanding of breathing, the world is quiet!

India's vibration, China's vibration, Asian vibration, Europe and the United States, the world is shaking!

Xiao Bing took a breath and took a breath. He walked over and looked at the dead body on the ground. This one-eyed corpse was originally intended to take the body of Su Weiyang to exchange conditions, but he will definitely not move this time. It has become a body of two halves, and it does not need to be like this. This battle must have been concealed, and it must be shocked to the world. Xiao Bing only needs to find it.

At this moment, he looked up and looked up at the sky. Suddenly he snarled loudly against the sky: "The Indians help the abbots! I am standing here, you are not benevolent, human beings are dogs, I am replacing them today. Heavenly way, killing sin! If you want to kill me, even if you open fire on me, fire at me!"

"We will come to agree that you will open fire on me. If you can't kill my life, I will take your head!"

Xiao Bing pointed at his temple and violently said: "Can you dare to kill me?" rw

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