Super Soldier

Chapter 1520: Returning to China (three more)

The hostess did not expect that the interview would be so smooth, and Xiao Bing would easily cooperate. .

Her spirit rose and she hurriedly handed over the microphone. She said: "Long Gongzi, the most concerned issue for netizens now is, do you really come from China as you said online?"

Xiao Bing heard this question and replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

"Oh," said the hostess. "We all know that China and our Indian country are now having border friction..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know what you want to ask. I tell you so straightforwardly. What you illegally encroached on is our Chinese territory. The troops of your country should roll back. The territory of China is definitely not Your point of relying on procrastination can be taken for yourself."

Xiao Bing’s voice turned and said: “Of course, our country has said that these things must be resolved in a peaceful manner, so I respect the decision of our national government. What I said in my interview today is only my own personal. The attitude of a Chinese citizen!"

The hostess sighed and then asked: "I want to ask you this time to come to our territory in India and to kill the capital of our country, what is it for?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I still use this question... The reason is very simple, because I am a conscience person. If you have more time, I suggest that you go to interview the girls who have been victimized. I heard that for more than 20 years, every day in the manor house where Su Weiyang lived, there are dead girls who are thrown out and secretly buried or thrown directly into the wilderness. For more than 20 years, you are dead. How many women should he have in his hand?"

The hostess snorted and said: "It is really hateful. The local police have serious dereliction of duty."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Twenty years, enough to change a few leading groups. If it is because they are dereliction of duty, I am afraid it will not be so? Miss host thinks that if there is no big man in the dark, he will do it for so many years. Do you know that those who are dead are from all over the world, including most of you in India, you think that your fellow sisters are caught, whipped in the cage, When I was hungry, I was forced to use the body to serve the animal. I was very likely to be killed after playing for a few days. Do you think that you don’t feel chilling?"

The face of the host has become heavy. She is also a woman. Naturally, she can feel how desperate those girls should be. It can even be said that she is not as good as death.

Xiao Bing said: "So I came here for four words. Using one of our Chinese idioms is called the Heavenly Way! Unfortunately, unfortunately, I broke into the manor and rescued the girls. Su Weiyang, who has been infected with thousands of lives, has been obstructed by the army of your Indian country. He even wants to kill me and kill me. I don't know what it is for."

This news is really too much, but this host is not afraid of it, but it is extremely excited. In her opinion, this is absolutely explosive news. The TV station itself does not support the current president, but supports the opposition party. Otherwise, she will not be sent to interview Xiao Bing in this sensitive time period, and Xiao Bing is really as unscrupulous as talking and doing things.

After the female host interviewed several questions here, the final ending was summed up by Xiao Bing's fair and sincere heart, and then the host was sent away by Xiao Bing.

In the evening news of the day, Xiao Bing’s interview today was broadcasted. Xiao Bing was lying in bed and looking at it with gusto. He felt that he was really handsome, and he seemed to be a punishable evil and a rebellion. The hero of the violent politics.

And this TV station is also bad enough. At the end of the show, the beautiful hostess said with a look of indignation: "When did our society become like this, when is the wicked man crazy, the good man suffers? I am Throughout the interview, the dragon son has always been polite and polite. One thing is that a country can force such a gentle gentleman to such a violent level. Is our country and society going to have a good review? What about the review? Today’s show ends here, and we will continue to follow up on the report. Thank you for your attention."

Xiao Bing turned off the TV, haha ​​laughed: "Perfect!"

Xiao Bing was happy here. The TV set in the president’s home was directly destroyed. Then he grabbed the landline phone at home and called the relevant department directly. He shouted loudly: “Take me the TV station. Seal that TV station for me! Otherwise you will not have to do this minister!"

The voice on the phone said extremely sensibly: "Mr. President, your opinion poll has been reduced to a minimum. There have been large-scale demonstrations in all major cities in the country. Two police stations have been received by the public this evening. The collision, all this is before the news broadcast, now the news has been played out, then the nationals will be completely irritated, if you still do not give a statement, I am afraid ... I am afraid we will face the largest ever A trouble."

The president hanged up the phone, and a cold sweat ran down. Although the other party said it was more concealed, it still suggested that if the anger could not be calmed down, the president could even step down at any time. This is also the case. This time the crisis is too Big, this interview is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. The current imperative is not how to deal with the Chinese, but how to calm the public anger, and even this thing needs Xiao Bing's cooperation.

The president repeatedly stepped on his feet at home. After about five minutes, it seemed that he finally made up his mind. He grabbed the landline and dialed a number and said, "Go and let the defense minister and the Chinese Xiaobing meet."

The other party said: "Yes, Mr. President."

Then the Indian Defense Minister came to see Xiao Bing personally. At the beginning, his attitude was still very arrogant, but when Xiao Bing said that he wanted to send a guest, he immediately began to serve softly, and also with a few pleadings. The idea is that the current situation is really burning eyebrows, and the media began to pay attention, as long as the past day, things will be intensified to a new stage, and now almost the entire country's top management can not sit still.

Seeing that the Minister of National Defense finally began to helplessly, Xiao Bing had a good talk with the Minister of Defense. The Secretary of Defense’s face became more and more ugly. Finally, he called for a president and all agreed.

On the second day, the President of the Indian State personally convened a press conference to announce the official dismissal of the General Director of the State Public Security Bureau. Even the former Chief of Public Security was arrested and announced that it was because of these two As a refuge for the director, he was able to blame for decades. Then Mr. President expressed his gratitude to Xiao Bing at the press conference. If it was because of Xiao Bing’s trouble, the Indian nation would never know. There are still people who will make such a thing below. The President personally apologized to the families of the nation and the families of the girls who died in the world at the press conference.

Next, Mr. President announced that he would let the entire high-level review of his own negligence, and then unconditionally let the dragon son leave, with a reward of 10 million dollars to express gratitude to the dragon son, but also to the medicine of the dragon son fee.

This is only a matter announced at the press conference. In private, the President of the Indian State has secretly let all of its cross-border troops withdraw. Even a soldier has not left. Of course, this is also the condition for him to promise Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing was a big win this time. On the morning of the day he was about to leave, there were many media reporters who were interviewing at the entrance of the hotel. Xiao Bing waved his hand and said righteously: "Ten 10 million dollars are not A small number, but all of them are the hard-earned money of the people of India. I can’t afford this money. But since the Indian country gave the money to himself, I am also grateful and decided to give it all to the money. The largest foundation in India."

Xiao Bing’s decision directly caused everyone to marvel, and then Xiao Bing answered a few questions casually, and then quickly left.

The result of this incident has caused the world's top executives to stun. The top officials in the world think that Xiao Bing is definitely unable to go back alive, but he did not expect that Xiao Bing only used the time of three or four days to give the President of India the succumb to it. And even gave Xiao Bing an expensive medical bill? In the end, Xiao Bing did not want to do a penny. It was not only an idol of the people of the world, but also the people of India all stood on the side of Xiao Bing, and even one of them forgot some of their elite troops. They are all in the hands of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing walked out of the airport and stepped on the land of China. When he felt cordial, he was greatly relieved. It can be said that Xiao Bing was really a dead life this time, and this time the crisis was not mainly in Su Weiyang. On the body, Xiao Bing has confidence in Su Weiyang, but he does not have a little bit of control in the face of India.

The Indian country is also considered a military power, and it is also a military power with nuclear weapons. Therefore, Xiao Bing seems to be in the forefront of the Indian capital, but Xiao Bing knows that he is dead and still, and finally Fortunately, Su Weiyang did indeed do nothing, and stirred up public anger. Together with Xiao Bing’s clever use of the media to pressure the Indian president, the President of the Indian Republic would have to let Xiao Bing leave even if he was not willing to resign. Pray that Xiao Bing will not do anything on the road, otherwise the netizens all over the world will drown him with spit.

After Xiao Bing came out of the airport, he immediately saw the old class and the two military departments standing in front of them waiting for themselves. Several soldiers were holding banners behind them, and they were welcome to go home!

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