Super Soldier

Chapter 1532: Jiang Ziying's revenge

In the mouth of Red Bella, there was a blazing flame, and the raging fire began to burn the surrounding ants, but the number of ants was too much. The dense marching ants went to the red Bella, and the red After Bella’s pursuit of Xiao Bing for a long time, Bella finally showed his fatigue. At this moment, the flames in his mouth were not as fierce as when he was chasing Xiao Bing.

In fact, Xiao Bing has already noticed it in the later stage of being chased. He can even find that the time interval between the red Bella and the flame is once longer than once. At that time, Xiao Bing knows that the opportunity has come, but Xiao Bing does not want to take risks and fight with Red Bella alone. The most important thing is that he has already explained his plan to Gao Fei. Xiao Bing did not want to change things because he changed his mind. When he accidentally left it, he abandoned it. Therefore, Xiao Bing still tried to lead him to the Jedi by pressing and red Bella trying to win the game.

At this time, Red Bella madly spurted the flames, but in his breathless space, the dense ants had climbed to its feet, opened his mouth and bite it, and the hood was quickly bitten open one after another. The flaws, the ants crawled up to the foot of Red Bella, climbed to the body of Red Bella, Red Bella continued to trample these ants with two feet, constantly groaning, constantly using the tail that was almost broken To beat these ants, more and more ants began to bite off the meat on it.

Even if Red Bella is really hard, these ants can even bite through the hood, not to mention his flesh and blood. Soon, there is a wound on his body. Soon, its wounds have climbed inside. More and more marching ants, then the wound began to expand, began to deepen, and even finally revealed the white bones.

In the mouth of Red Bella, there was a cry of desperation and desperation. Suddenly, he screamed wildly: "My demon sacred sacred sect will die on these low-lying, weak ants. I am not willing, I am not willing. what……."

Regardless of whether it is willing or not, these ants are unparalleled in death and injury, but they go on and on. At this moment, these ants are burned to death by the flames of Red Bella, and they are killed by their feet. The tail is beaten to death, and at least tens of thousands have to die. However, in the face of millions of marching ants, the number of these deaths is too negligible. Gradually, the screams of Red Bella are becoming more and more desperate, and its legs have even revealed white bones. The hateful eyes looked at Xiao Bing, and the resentment went straight to Jiuyi. It suddenly rushed toward Xiao Bing.

It was just a few meters away, and the body was immediately submerged by the marching ants. The red Bella, which was several meters high, was all covered with dense ants, and even could not see any of its skin, followed by it. Suddenly collapsed, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei looked at the side and felt only shocked. Within a few minutes, Red Bella had only one bone left.

Xiao Bing pulled out the sky and clouds, and a sword smashed on the ground. The ground cracked a gap of up to 100 meters. After confirming that the marching ants would not climb over, Xiao Bing gave up the vulture.

Seeing this scene, even if it is a high flying, can not help but give birth to a few points of emotion, said: "The demon sacred, will actually die in the mouth of the ants in the district, how ridiculous it sounds."

Xiao Bing's tone contains profound meaning: "This is the causal relationship. It regards the Terran as the ants that it slaughters, but in the end it dies, but it happens to be in the hands of the ants who die in its mouth."

Gao Fei said: "In fact, if they are not so good at first, it should not be so, but this is also your calculations. Boss, now I am even timid about your calculations."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "As for what? Not so... I am all in a hurry in a critical moment. At that time, you and I may not be able to fight this big guy, but it is very likely that you and I will fall together. Although we are here to hone ourselves, I don't want to take this risk, so I just use a little trick."

Gao Feidao: "You can be awkward, and let it die so deadly, but there are not many threats to us. These marching ants say that horror is also terrible, but unless it is forced Into the dead end, otherwise we will not be engulfed by these marching ants. There is no strongest in all things, only the opposite phase, the biggest weakness of these marching ants is that they crawl too slowly, if we calculate Red Bella , tempted it to the Jedi, how could it be buried in the hands of these marching ants?"

Xiao Bing said: "Well, what is said is that the real threat to us here is no longer there, but we must be careful and be careful to sail for thousands of years. In the next time, we will shut the ghost door to the bottom of the sky. Take a good look at the Ghost Gate and see if there is anything worth taking away."

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei began to walk in the distance and searched around in the ghost gate.

In the outside world, the news that Xiao Bing broke into the gate of the ghost did not know how it was suddenly spread. Some people in the upper world cheered and worried. The reputation of the ghost gate was terrible. No one ever lived inside, so Most people think that Xiao Bing is crazy, or too bloated, and even go to death!

Even a lot of people began to celebrate the championship, and the Guwumen faction was still in a hurry, but no one dared to act rashly. After all, Xiaobing’s prestige was too strong. After Xiao Bing entered the Indian country and returned safely, The fear of the Wumen faction against Xiao Bing reached its apex. Of course, this does not include the Kunlun faction. Kunlun only regards Xiao Bing as a difficult opponent, but there is no fear. After all, in terms of Kunlun’s heritage, Not afraid of anyone.

The phone calls of the old class in these days are about to be blown up. Every day, all kinds of calls are made to the old class. Basically, they are all high-level. How can the old class allow Xiao Bing to go to the ghost gate? The reputation of Ghost Gate is It has been handed down from ancient times to the present that many masters of ancient times did not live after entering the Ghost Gate. There were also some strong men of the saint level at that time.

The era of the Tianshan old man was the last time there was a sage-level challenge to the ghost gate. The Tianshan old man was already a legendary figure at the time, and according to the high-level files, the other two people who went with the Tianshan old man were also legends of the time. The strong man is the strongman of the Taishan Beidou class standing at the top of the pyramid at that time. One of them also set foot on the saint, and the other one also reached the half-step saint. But this kind of combination is only after the entry into the ghost gate. People are alive.

Even after the Tianshan old man who came alive came back to the Tianshan Mountains, he died after a long time. It is rumored that the Tianshan old man was seriously injured in the ghost gate, so he will die so quickly.

So the three top peaks have not benefited from entering the Ghost Gate, let alone Xiao Bing? Although Xiao Bing is strong, it is also legendary, but obviously in the eyes of modern people, Xiao Bing can't compare with the Tianshan old man. It is a human tradition. The former characters always make people feel better than the present. The people are much more powerful.

Soon the terrible legend about the ghost gates began to spread to all countries of the world. On the fourth day of Xiao Bing and Gao Fei entering the gate of the ghost gate, everyone almost determined that Xiao Bing would not live out of the ghost gate.

In the Jiangjia villa in Kangzhou, the young church of the Holy See, Ovkar, is standing in the room of Jiang Ziying. He looks at Jiang Ziying, who is standing on the balcony and looking at the outside. His brow is slightly wrinkled. Up, the tone is full of gentlemen's words: "Miss Jiang, why do you want me to deal with the Xiaobing of your China? He is the official official of China, and the strength has reached the saint, not so good."

Jiang Ziying looked outside, and there was a bit of resentment in her eyes. In the past few days, she finally gave Ovkar a seduce. At this time, Ovkar was very interested in her, so she took the opportunity to present herself. The condition is to let Ovkar help her to deal with Xiao Bing, she wants revenge, and then she promises to be with Ovkar.

However, he did not expect that Ovkar was somewhat concerned about the strength of Xiao Bing, and he did not agree to start.

Jiang Ziying said in a warm and cold voice: "His Royal Highness, this is the only condition for me to be your woman, and it is also my biggest wish, because this man has humiliated me, if you really like me, You should help me to teach this **** man, isn't it?"

Jiang Ziying turned around and looked at Ovkar, with an incomparable resentment in his eyes.

Ovkar looked at the resentment of Jiang Ziying's eyes, coupled with Jiang Ziying's beautiful face and elegant temperament, Ovkar could not help but sink, slightly hesitated, at this time, his phone rang. When Ovkar picked up a phone call, his face immediately glowed with radiance. He said with a smile: "Your dream may come true. Now we don't need us to do it. The Xiao Bing has entered the ghost gate, and it has been four days. But it has not come out yet, it is estimated that it is already dead inside."

Jiang Ziying wondered: "Ghost door off?"

"It is one of the forbidden places in the world." Ovkar gave the horrible story of the ghost gate to Jiang Ziying.

After Jiang Ziying listened, the heart felt happy again, and felt a little lost and sad, but she thought about it, but she still did not give up her intentions and said: "Well, if I prove that he is dead, then I will be willing to follow. If you are together, if he is still alive, then unless you kill him, I will not compromise."

"This way..." Ovkar sighed and said, "Well, I promise you, even if he walks out from there, I will help you fulfill your wish."

Jiang Ziying said with excitement: "Is it true that your Highness is true?"

"Yes." Ovkar said, "I am the person who will be the Pope in the future. Even if it is the identity of the cardinal now, there is no joke. According to the energy of our Holy See, nature will not really fear Xiao Bing. However, I have always thought that the strength of this man can not be underestimated, even if it is our red dress, it will inevitably be a heavy loss. But since you have to do this, then I have no other way, for our Love can only satisfy my beloved woman."

His tone is full of affection, and his eyes are full of affection.

Jiang Ziying smiled and leaned on Ovkar's body. He looked up at Ovkar and said softly: "Your Highness, really, that day, my Jiang Ziying is your woman!"

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