Super Soldier

Chapter 1552: War of Artifacts (one more)

Hong Hao suddenly pulled out the long sword behind him. Yes, he put the chessboard behind him, and then pulled out the long sword. This long sword exudes the power of the sword that is close to the sky, and the sword is out of the sheath. People only think that a sword light spreads like a flowing water.

At this time, the strength of this long sword is not even weaker than the sky, and it is another artifact!

At this time, some people in the ancient Wumen school exclaimed: "This is one of the two great artifacts in Kunlun. The sword is one of the treasures of the Kunlun school. It is said that only the master can wear it, but Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of Hongjun, and Kunlun had such a big capital in order to let him win!"

"Not only that." Another voice said solemnly. "This also proves that Kunlun really regards Hongjun as the future teaching!"

"That's right, this war, no matter whether Hongyi wins or loses, he will definitely be the future of Kunlun, and will be the first person in the entire Chinese ancient Wuwu!"

"Oh, if you lose, what is your life?"

"There is no thorough understanding of this. If Hongyi wins, Xiao Bing will naturally have no life, but if Xiao Bing wins, he still dares to kill Hongjun? He is now deeply enemies with our Guwumen school, no matter how It is estimated that it will not go to the Kunlun faction to tear the face again?"

Others have also been attached to each other at this time. Apparently, it is believed that Xiao Bing cannot completely tear the face with Kunlun, at least temporarily.

At this time, another voice sneered: "You use common sense to analyze a person. Can Xiao Bing do things through common sense? He is not an ordinary person at all! Do you forget Xu Mu? How did Xu Jianxin’s son die?”

When I heard this, everyone was dumb. Yes, according to common sense, Xu Mu is a Chinese god, and its status is even higher than that of Kunlun. Xiao Bing should not kill Xu Jianxin anyway, but in the end, Killed, at this time everyone suddenly realized that Xiao Bing is really difficult to judge, at least by their thoughts can not guess.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh? Is it an artifact?"

Between the talks, Xiao Bing took out the Tian Congyun sword and the two men shouted and slammed out.

These two swords seem to be in the sky, and the swordsman has reached a length of three or four hundred meters, as if the space was directly torn, and the surrounding onlookers rushed back and forth, and the people who were weaker and less flashed It was directly torn in the swordsmanship. Only the people of Xiaofu and Kunlun were unable to move because of the existence of the saints. Other forces have already withdrawn from the hundreds of meters and watched the battle in the distance.

Two people died in the dark world, and the Guwumen faction also killed two people. In addition, there were other forces in other countries.

A top master of the ancient Wumen sings: "It’s terrible, it’s terrible... is this the power of the artifact?”

"Not just." Another ancient Wu master said, "This is still the power of the saints. It is also an artifact. If it falls into our hands, it can't even exert the power of one tenth of what they are playing now." This battle of saints is almost a rare battle in a hundred years, and we are fortunate to see that it is not alive!"

After the two dazzling lights of three or four hundred meters collided, the heavens and the earth trembled. Some people felt that they were standing unsteadily and fell to the ground.

The two swordsmanships actually offset each other, and the spirit of Hongjun was shocked. He sneered: "This time I know that even if I am one level higher than me, you are not omnipotent? My body now has Hongmeng. Qi, basically, can make me reach the invincible level of the saint's early days. Together with this Tianhe sword, it is specifically an artifact that fits with our Kunlun method. I can play close to 80% of the power, and you If you are stronger, I am afraid I can't do this."

Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "So under this circumstance, the gap in the realm is offset. Is this the gap between you and me?"

Xiao Bingxin also has to admit that Hongjun is indeed in perfect harmony with the Tianhe sword, so it is also an artifact, Tianhe sword can play a stronger power.

Hongjun said loudly: "Yes, even if your injury is healed, even if your realm is improved, I can still kill you across the level!"

Hongyi once again went out with a sword, and the light of this sword was even better than just now.

Xiao Bing smiled and laughed as well. Two swords collided, and the power of terror was stirring. The two forces were once again offset.

In the eyes of Hongjun, the color of dignity is revealed. The strength of his second sword is stronger than that of the first sword, but the effect is the same, or a tie, which is not to say that Xiao Bing is in the first sword. Didn't use all the power?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Hong Hao, don't be polite, take out all your skills, I will let you lose your heart this time!"

Xiao Bing’s eyes sparkled with confidence. He broke through to the saint in the middle of the saint, so he must use this force to deter the world, so that everyone knows that the Dingwu office is not easy to provoke. All the martial arts factions understand that they can't do the wall grass, knowing which side is lighter and which side is heavy.

Hongjun swallowed a sip of water, burst into a bang, and once again smashed out a sword. This sword is different from before. It was swept out horizontally, but this sword is from the top down, this sword seems to be From mid-air to the ground, there is a huge sword man, which has fallen toward the lightning of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and laughed. The same sword fell. The two swordsman looked terrible. It seemed to divide the heavens and the earth into two. The surrounding sounded an exclamation, and shouted loudly: "How do I feel that the world is going to be divided?"

"It's terrible, is this still human? This is simply the power of the gods!"

"Yes, the saints are so strong. It is no wonder that Kunlun has always been the head of the ancient Wumen. Now there are two saints in Kunlun. I am afraid that one can sweep the eight sects."

And in the dark world, one by one is also excited to say: "It's terrible, it's terrible, the dragon son is more terrible than a few years ago, the most frightening thing is that the dragon son is still so young. !"

"Yeah, how can the strength of the dragon son's strength be improved, it is simply scaring people!"

"This is called genius, martial arts genius, the future world is the dragon son, and now the dark world has long been the dragon son."

"The dragon son cheers and kills the prestige of Kunlun!"

The old class was stunned and his eyes were slightly disappointing: "It's too powerful, it's too powerful. Is this the middle of the saint? Hey, as a warrior, I really envy it!"

The old class is also right. He is indeed a warrior. Although he is working for the Chinese government and is the minister of the Ministry of National Security, he is still a martial art warrior. No one can be motivated. The mind, his slow progress over the years, is not that he does not want to progress, but because he put all his energy on the country, there is really no extra energy to hone martial arts.

There is a certain loss. He gave up his lifelong pursuit for the country and the people. Such an old class is worthy of admiration.

The commander-in-chief at the side sighed: "This is really the style of the future Chinese pillar!"

The old class sighed slightly, and was pleased, envious, but more is gratifying.

Jiang Ziying looked at the battle, his eyes flashed brightly, his mood was extremely complicated, and he thought secretly. This is the man I like. His style is so beautiful. My dream from small to big is to be like this. A hero of the world, but why didn't he like me? Why don't you look at me, am I not beautiful enough?

Jiang Ziying thought about it and began to hate it. In fact, sometimes she did not understand whether she loved or hated it.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It seems that you have no use for anything, you can't kill me!"

Hongjun snorted a little, and then a sword broke out. The sword light of this sword was four or five hundred meters across the sky. The horror was abnormal. Xiao Bing once again broke out. This time Xiao Bing seems to have begun. Seriously, then a sword mang, who is not weaker than the sword of Hongjun, directly hit the past. After the two swordsmen collided, the earth trembled violently, and even the ground began to crack out numerous criss-cross gaps, everyone They are all stunned and can't believe it!

The two swords were once again offset, and no one was hurt.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What do you want to do now? Do you think you can kill me? If you don't have other housekeeping skills, this time you have to teach me a sword!"

Hongjun saw it, Xiao Bing did not use all his strength, and his heart was deep in the heart, how could it be, how could it be, how could Xiao Bing be strong enough? Is this the real power of the saint in the middle? My Hongjun is so far away from the saint's mid-term?

The shock in Hong Xin’s heart was not overwhelming, but he did not give up, nor did he despair. For the time being, he did not go to despair, because he still has his own cards in his hands.

He looked at Xiao Bing and said, "You killed my younger brother Zhang Jiu?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing said, "He had tried to rebel before, and the bad things were done, so I was killed, Kunlun sword, the strength is still very good."

Hongjun said: "I and Zhang Jiu have always been in love with each other. Today, I can only let you pay for it. Not only you, but after killing you, there is everyone in Xiaofu."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am afraid I can't give you this opportunity!"

Hongjun said: "We have Kunlun four sons in Kunlun, and I am the boss of them. The weapon used in my hands is not a sword, but a chess!"

Ps: I have already arrived home tonight. I just coded it in the little black house, so I just updated it. My grandfather’s condition has slightly improved. I am going back to Harbin today. I will resume the three chapters every day tomorrow! In addition, there is a chapter before zero in the morning.


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