Super Soldier

Chapter 1563: Anna came (one more)

Two days later, Peng Zhiqiang returned to Xiaofu. He also brought a parcel with a relatively simple dress. Xiao Bing asked him and knew that he had hired a nanny for his mother. His mother had just started. I totally disagree, but Peng Zhiqiang does have a military style. If you don’t say anything, you will play it first. Even in front of your mother, it is also a direct and tough style. Of course, he is all out of love for his mother.

Although Xiao Bing let him live, but after all, it is all Jiangcheng, even if Peng Zhiqiang's mother lives far away, certainly will not go far, so usually Peng Zhiqiang can often visit.

When Peng Zhiqiang settled down, Xiao Bing began to conduct special training for him. At the beginning, Xiao Bing was carrying out the most basic special training in the special forces. After all, Peng Zhiqiang had left the army for so long, and Xiao Bing did not. It may give him too much exercise at a time, so his body can't stand it.

After a few days, his body basically recovered his peak state, Xiao Bing began to call him into the room, using the infuriating to start washing his marrow.

The reason why he trained him after a few days of training is because the effect will be better. Xiao Bing can wash his marrow through internal force, and can directly penetrate his Ren Duo. It is impossible to be like a martial arts novel. The same is written inside, it seems that he has become a master of martial arts directly, but it can make him more smooth and unimpeded in the future martial arts road.

Peng Zhiqiang’s age is too big. Even if Peng Zhiqiang is now 20 years younger, according to Xiao Bing’s current strength and realm, he has the confidence that he will enter the enthusiasm in his lifetime and may even break the void period. The soldiers are the most able to let him step into the realm of enthusiasm, and may only be in the degree of Dan Jin period, and everything is not very good.

After washing the marrow, Peng Zhiqiang opened his eyes and felt wet, and the whole person's body seemed to be completely different. There was a feeling of lightness, which was very comfortable and could not be said to be comfortable.

Xiao Bing looked at Peng Zhiqiang and said with a smile: "What I just used for you is called washing the marrow."

“Washing the marrow?” Peng Zhiqiang asked with a strange look. “What is the washing?”

Xiao Bing said: "Every person has impurities in the body, the less impurities, the easier it is in the process of martial arts, and the quality of each aspect of each body is completely different. Your talent was originally only Moderate, even in the martial arts, people can only be considered as a medium-lower, and now your physical fitness is already top-notch in the ordinary people after washing the marrow, even if compared with many martial arts At the very least, your current talent is at a moderately high level. According to your current physical level, there is absolutely no problem with Dan Jin period, and if you work hard enough, you may even step into it. Realm, do you know that a sturdy master looks at the entire dragon tooth, and it is also considered to be a top player with a strong rank. A Dan Jinqiang is equivalent to the threshold of the dragon tooth. Your lower limit is also the lowest threshold for reaching the Dragon's teeth. Your upper limit is almost the same as the outstanding players in the Dragon."

Peng Zhiqiang said with some excitement: "Really... can you really do it?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Since I have said it, how can I lie to you? Rest assured, I said at the beginning that you will become a strong player who can compete with Dragon's teeth in the future. I will definitely say it. ""

Peng Zhiqiang spit out and said: "It feels like a dream."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is all true, well, I just helped you wash the marrow, you take a bath first, then take a good rest, don't train today, start to increase the amount of training tomorrow, The training class of the Dragon Tooth Brigade that others used to use on me can finally be used on you."

Xiao Bing walked out of the room, but saw the female staff wearing the proper body came over. In fact, she came almost every day for the past few days. When she came over the first day, she thanked Xiao Bing, and then, by the way, look at Peng Zhiqiang, second. The next time is to take a look at Peng Zhiqiang, and then take a look at myself. Everyone can see that she is interested in Peng Zhiqiang. Only Peng Zhiqiang is now thinking about martial arts. She never thought of a girl who is younger than herself. I will actually look at myself.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Jia Jia, you are coming."

This girl is called Zhang Jiajia, a very ordinary but very nice name.

Zhang Jiajia shyly agreed, and was about to talk. Xiao Bing went on to say, "Your nephew, are you coming back together? Just eat dinner for a while, just eat at home."

"Good." Zhang Jiajia finally plugged in the words and said, "There is a foreign beauty at the door who says that I want to see you. She said that she is a good friend. It looks so beautiful and beautiful, it is just as beautiful as the nephews."

Zhang Jiajia also learned about the relationship between Xiao Bing and the leaves, Su Xiaoxiao, and the red rose. Even she also knew Liu Kexin. At first she still felt very shocked. She didn’t understand why Xiao Bing had so many girlfriends, but It is now numb.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Is it a blond beauty? I know, Princess Anna is here."

Zhang Jiajia raised his eyes and asked: "Who is Princess Anna?"

"British princess. Amount... one of my girlfriends." Xiao Bing smiled.

Zhang Jiajia almost fainted in surprise, my God, how many girlfriends do you have in the end, even the British princess is your girlfriend? This is incredible, right? ”

Xiao Bing looked at her with a look of surprise and hurriedly said, "Oh, yes, remember not to tell others about this. This thing is only for those of us who can be known by Xiao Fu. Well, I think of you as a person. I have told you about the Xiaofu people."

Zhang Jiajia nodded quickly.

Xiao Bing added: "After all, Peng Zhiqiang is my person, then you are naturally a person of our Xiaofu..."

When I heard Xiao Bing, Zhang Jiajia’s face immediately became red, and shyly said: “Xiao Bing’s brother, in fact, we don’t have...”

"Ha ha ha, needless to say, I know, know, I understand you, come on!"


Xiao Bing hurriedly ran away, Zhang Jiajia touched his hot cheeks, and he sighed with a sigh of relief. His eyes flashed with a happy light and muttered to himself: "I want to cheer."

Xiao Bing rushed out of Xiaofu, just as Princess Anna had followed the leaves into the yard. The leaves were walking and chatting with Princess Anna. When she saw Xiao Bing, she immediately smiled and said: "Xiao Bing, brother, Anna. It is."

Princess Anna is wearing a pink dress. Her temperament is beautiful, noble and charming. Her body is followed by two close-fitting guards who protect her enthusiasm. When she sees Xiao Bing, Princess Anna’s eyes shine. But she is not the same as Princess Nami, she is still able to keep her grace as a princess.

Princess Anna’s eyes sparkled with excitement, with a faint smile on her face, and went forward and said, “Dr. Xiaobing, we finally met.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, finally met, have you been okay recently?"

Princess Anna sighed. "I have been very good, but you have not been very good. I have been shocked to see your recent news."

The leaves smiled and said: "He has always been like this. You have come over this time, but you have to talk about him."

"Well, I will." The light in Anna’s eyes flashed and said, "But you are his girlfriend. You said that he doesn't work. I am afraid that it is even worse for me to be a friend." ?"

Xiao Bing’s heart is dark, hey, still pretending to be there, people now know the relationship between you and me, and it’s not something that can be easily concealed.

The heart of the leaves is also laughing, smiling and said: "Who said that you are not good at speaking, Xiao Bing often mentions you, this time, but come over here for a few more days?"

Princess Anna said: "This is not very convenient. I will book a hotel in Jiangcheng and stay in the hotel."

The leaves smiled and said: "Don't be too polite here, a little squeeze can still live. Not to mention we have to be a family sooner or later, what are you here?"

Princess Anna listened a little for a moment, then saw a few smiles in the eyes of the leaves. Princess Anna immediately realized that the leaves had already been clear, so she was no longer welcome. She smiled and promised. "Oh, well, I just don't know anyone in Jiangcheng. It may be convenient to stay here."

The leaves smiled and said: "The big brother of Xiao Bing, you first talked with Princess Anna, I went to the kitchen and said, add a few more dishes, the imperial Princess of the Court came personally, we can not be slow."

Princess Anna said: "Leaves, you don't have to be too polite with me."

"I know, I am treating you as my own sister, but after all, this is the first time you have come. It is still necessary to do a few more dishes."

As the leaves spoke, they walked toward the cafeteria. Xiao Bing looked at Princess Anna and said softly: "Let's go, let me go to the room and talk?"

"Okay." Princess Anna, who looked at her two guards, said, "You two will stay here, you don't have to go along."

The two guards have long discovered that the strength of Xiao Bing is unfathomable. Even if they join forces to get Xiao Bing, there is no way to do it, so it is useless to follow them, so the two of them agreed.

Xiao Bing and Princess Anna walked into their room together. Just entering, Xiao Bing closed the door and held Princess Anna in her arms.

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