Super Soldier

Chapter 1578: Agreement with the class teacher

Xiao Bing opened the door and walked in. He spoke to a Sven male teacher with glasses. The male teacher looked like he was in his forties, and he was very gentle. There were six desks and six teachers in the office. At this time, apart from the fact that there were no two desks, the others were sitting exactly two men and two women. The male teacher asked curiously: "Which one are you looking for?"

"Oh, sorry, I am the parents of the students. Which one is Peng Shanshan's class teacher?"

At this time, a female teacher in a white shirt immediately put down the pen in her hand and looked up at Xiao Bing and asked, "Are you a parent of Peng Shanshan?"

This female teacher is in her thirties. She looks very thin and wears a pair of glasses. She is medium-sized and looks medium. She feels a little bit smirk. Xiao Bing immediately agreed and said: "I am his little. Uncle, amount, not blood relationship, but my uncle and I are brothers, so it is also a family. Recently her uncle has been very busy, so I entrusted me to pay attention to Peng Shanshan's situation in the school, no Do you know that you are her head teacher?"

"I am." The female teacher said, "Come and come and sit."

Xiao Bing immediately went over and moved the stool and sat down in front of the female teacher.

The female teacher looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Will you wear sunglasses in the office?"

Xiao Bing's wry smile and said: "I have had some problems in these two days. It doesn't look very good. It will always wear sunglasses, I am really embarrassed."

The female teacher snorted, accepting Xiao Bing’s explanation, and then began to look at Xiao Bing, and said with a serious look: "I am Peng Shanshan’s class teacher, called Xu Min."

Xiao Bingdao: "Mr. Xu is good."

"You don't rush to say good things. I may not listen to what I said next." Xu Min said with a serious tone. "Not only me, the entire office knows how you are doing in Pengshanshan, even in the school. I know you Peng Shanshan in the school. She is a celebrity in our university."

Xiao Bingyu touched his nose. He knew that this celebrity is different from other celebrities. It is estimated that he is going to be trained today.

Sure enough, Xu Min continued: "I don't know how you are a parent to discipline your children. Of course, I know some of Peng Shanshan's family situation, so we will have more tolerance for Peng Shanshan. Otherwise, I will have you Peng Shanshan. Since she entered our school, she has just passed more than half a year, gathering people, not only beaten girls, but even boys dare to fight, is a famous big sister in the school. In fact, not only that, she I often skip classes and go out to play at night. When I go to the rounds, I don’t see people. I jumped out of the wall in the middle of the night. These things, one pile, one piece, even those who are naughty, can’t do it, and Peng Shanshan of your family. But still a little girl!"

Xiao Bing said: "That... I feel shameful. But I think from these things, Peng Shanshan still has some leadership ability, so those little girls are all willing to follow her, and she can jump at night. When the wall came back, it proved that I still care about the school’s school rules and regulations, and there are still salvation.”

Xu Min was annoyed: "What do you mean, I have to praise her well?"

"Forehead, I don't mean that. I just mean that she will change her life in the future and slowly become a good student who is obedient and obedient. She has this potential."

"Why didn't I see where the potential was." Xu Min said coldly. "Not only that, she often hits the teacher, and I used to find a parent. She also used my words as a whisper. She never looked for a parent. Come over, I am planning to talk about these things in front of her parents at the parent meeting this year."

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "There is only one grandmother at home in her family, and her body is not very good. But it doesn't matter, I will take the place of the parent meeting instead."

"Can you replace his parents?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Now her family has only grandmother and uncle, and her uncle has entrusted her to take care of me."

"Okay," said the teacher in charge of the class. "Then I have to talk to you well. Look at her last monthly transcript."

Xu Min opened the drawer and began to turn it up inside. Finally, she took out a transcript and handed it to Xiao Bing’s hand. Xiao Bing received a look at it, but saw a total of 50 people in the entire class, and Peng Shanshan’s test. The result turned out to be forty-five, and only the results of the language passed.

Xu Min said: "This is just a monthly exam, so I can't decide anything, but if he does this for the next final exam, our school will not be able to accommodate the student, and will not give her the opportunity to retake the exam. She left."

Although Xiao Bing knew that Peng Shanshan’s performance was very poor, he did not expect that it would be so bad. Xiao Bing looked a little shameful.

However, Xiao Bing is now going to help Peng Shanshan, so it is impossible not to help Peng Shanshan say a few words. He suddenly thought of several students in the back, and he said, "Mr. Xu, Peng Shanshan is very poor. However, there are five students behind her. The five students will not pass the next test if they fail, and in the end, there is no chance to make up the exam. Are they expelled?"

"They are different." Xu Min said coldly. "They said that although they did not have good academic performance, they did not study at all, but at least they did not disturb when they were in class, and they would not affect the order of the class. At the very least, they would not help. The team’s going out is a nuisance, and it’s not going to go out to the nightclub every night to discredit the school’s image. So although they have poor grades, the school will give them the opportunity to retake the exam because of some considerations.”

Xiao Bing said: "This is actually not fair. I think it is a matter of fact. If my niece is really in violation of the school rules, then I can dispose of it according to the school rules, but I will take the exam, which is also the school’s express provisions. It should also be followed. These rules are for disposal, am I right?"

Xu Min looked at Xiao Bing, and his tone was a bit unpleasant. He asked: "Do you think I intended to target your niece? I have not given you a chance to be a prostitute?"

"Of course it is not." Xiao Bing sincerely said, "According to the performance of my niece in the school, in fact, I have already remembered many times, and after several times, I can reach the level of persuasion. But she has been It is still possible to stay in school now, thanks to the care and tolerance of Mr. Xu, otherwise she will not stay today."

Xu Min heard Xiao Bing say so, his face was slightly relieved.

Then Xiao Bing continued: "Mr. Xu, this time I will come over, I want to change Peng Shanshan with a very sincere attitude. You are a responsible and caring teacher, a true concern student. A good teacher who cares for students. I believe that your real thought is not to let a student leave the school. What you really want is to change a student so that the student can work hard, improve, and get ahead. In fact, teach a good student. It's easy, but it's even harder to change a student after a fall. Only teachers like you who have the charisma, responsibility, and perseverance can do this."

The other teachers in the office looked at Xiao Bing one by one. Xu Min wanted to vomit blood. After being said by Xiao Bing, she suddenly found that she had no idea what she wanted to say before. I swallowed it back.

For a long while, Xu Mincai said with a smile: "Of course I hope she can get better, and I never thought that she would have to persuade her. After all, Shanshan’s age is still small, but I have to consider it for other classmates in the class. You don't know, many students in the class are affected by her..."

"Shanshan will change. I am her uncle. I am definitely not coming over and asking for it. I will help you with your work. It just requires the cooperation of the teacher."

Xu Min frowned, although she felt that Xiao Bing was not reliable at all, but as she said, if Peng Shanshan could change, she naturally did not really want to persuade Peng Shanshan, so Xu Min asked: "Then you want How do I cooperate, how do you do it?"

Xiao Bing said: "I naturally have my method. Teacher Xu, you have to do very simple. I just want to tell Shanshan about it in school every week. I will communicate with you every week. A phone call, let me know more about her performance in school, that's enough."

Xu Min didn't believe it: "Is it ok? I want to remind you that Peng Shanshan is not so easy to change, let alone you, even if her uncle or her grandmother comes over, I am afraid I can't manage it. She, I just need to tell her about you, can you manage her?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can, from the next monthly test, the results of the next monthly test must be better than the last time, and she will also cut off the phenomenon of skipping classes and going out at night, Xu, I Can guarantee with you."

"Oh, although I don't believe it, I hope this will happen. Let's just say it. You tell me your phone. I will call you every week."

"Thank you teacher, really thank you..."

At this time, the bell rang in the class. Xiao Bing stood up and asked, "I want to go to see Shanshan first, so I won't bother."

"Well, you are going."

When Xiao Bing left the office, several other teachers looked at Xu Min, and then one of the male teachers asked: "Mr. Xu, do you believe he can do it?"

"what about you?"

"Not too convinced."

"I don't believe it either."

Seeing that these people are very distrustful, Xu Min smiled and said: "I don't believe it, but I don't know why, just sitting in front of me, I have a sense of trust, no matter what, we are Look at the facts, everything is based on facts!"

At this time, Xiao Bing had already walked to the door of Peng Shanshan's class. At the same time, he stopped a student and smiled and said: "Hello, trouble to help call Peng Shanshan out."

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