Super Soldier

Chapter 1581: Zhang Er, interrupted his leg

From the bathroom back to the box, Zhang Xin and Peng Shanshan sit next to each other. Peng Shanshan looked at Hu Mei with some curiosity. Some worried: "Hu Mei, I don't think your face is very good, is it uncomfortable, sick? ?"

Hu Mei shook her head and whispered: "No."

Zhang Xin also felt that Hu Mei’s face was a little bit too timid, and whispered: "What happened to you? Come to my aunt?"

Hu Mei shook her head again.

Peng Shanshan saw that Hu Mei didn't seem to be very comfortable. She couldn't attend the concert. She stood up and said, "Xing Shao, let's play first. Let's go back first. I think Hu Mei is not very good. ”

Xing Shao grabbed Peng Shanshan's arm and smiled. "Shan Shan, what are you doing so eagerly? I think Hu Mei has nothing to do. I don't believe you ask Hu Mei."

Hu Mei whispered: "No...nothing."

"Oh, is that the case?" Peng Shanshan quietly broke away from Xing Shao’s hand, and Xing Shao’s eyes showed a bit of anger.

After Peng Shanshan sat down again, he said: "Xing Shao, you said that you can help me get Bi Tingting's concert tickets. We don't want tickets, we want to spend three to buy three. What do you think?"

"Tickets are actually simple, but Shanshan, you know that I have been pursuing you for so long, you will be my girlfriend. As long as you promise, I will give you three more!" Xing Shaozhi Say honestly.

Peng Shanshan said: "Sorry, I really don't want to be an object now, otherwise I have already fallen in love and will not wait until this time."

"Hey, you don't disagree, then I can't do anything. That's good. If you accompany me for a drink, I will sell you three." Xing Shao raised the glass and smiled. "This can always be What?"

Peng Shanshan’s face was dubious and asked: “Do you really drink two glasses with you?”

"Of course, can I lie to you? Do I have that need?" Xing Shao smiled. "In any case, I am a woman that Xing Shao likes. Even if I can't be a boyfriend or a friend, I think this requires me to still Try our best, let's have a toast!"

"Well, then we will have a cup." Peng Shanshan lifted the glass, Hu Mei has been staring at Peng Shanshan's movements, and her eyes are constantly struggling.

Xing Shao’s face showed a sly smile and handed the glass over: “Cheers!”


Two wine glasses met together, Peng Shanshan put the wine glass on his lips, and he would drink it when he looked up. Hu Mei suddenly rushed straight in a step, and shouted in his mouth: "Can't drink!"

With a bang, the wine glass was directly photographed by Hu Mei on the ground, and it was broken, all the people were stupid, and the whole box was quiet.

Xing Shao took the case and said, "Hu Mei, you are crazy!"

Peng Shanshan was confused and looked at Hu Mei and asked, "Hu Mei, what happened to you?"

Zhang Xin is also puzzled.

Hu Mei’s tears will flow out: "Sorry, I just hurt you a little. They got a drug in the wine. They want to start with you. I was threatened by them and dare not say, my father and them. Do business, if it is said, our family will be destroyed. But you are my sister, how can I harm you..."

The more Hu Mei said, the more ugly the face of Peng Shanshan, Xing Shao is a look of iron.

Peng Shanshan suddenly stood up and stared at Xing Shao. He asked: "Is Hu Mei saying that it is true?"

"What's the matter?" Since it has already been exposed, and today I didn't intend to let Peng Shanshan leave, so Xing Shao did not care, and directly tore the face, "Peng Shanshan, I am giving enough You face, send flowers and write love letters, you didn't give me face at all, and I haven't agreed to it now, so today I can't blame me, you don't know the current affairs."

"You..." Peng Shanshan was so angry that "I want to tell me Zhang Ge!"

Xing Shao suddenly laughed: "Zhang Er? You let him dare to move me to try, I lend him ten courage, he does not dare to move me a finger."

Xing Shao suddenly showed an evil smile and stepped closer to Peng Shanshan: "Shan Shan, you agree directly to me, you will accompany me tonight, I will give you a lot of money, and the concert tickets. Can also help you solve it, how about you?"

Peng Shanshan smacked and smacked, but was abandoned by Xing Shao, and then Xing Shao showed a look of anger, said coldly: "Sister, hold her down."

Zhang Xin and Hu Mei looked at the posture. They grabbed Peng Shanshan’s hand and ran towards the door. But they were directly blocked by the boys, and then they rushed toward Peng Shanshan.

Zhang Xin and Hu Mei are a bit stupid. Peng Shanshan is not a big sister. She grabbed an empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it directly toward the head of the front boy. The boy hurriedly avoided and was shocked. A cold sweat.

The boy shouted: "Peng Shanshan, you are really dare to start."

Peng Shanshan said coldly: "You dare to bully me, move me a finger, and you don't want to stop in the school."

The boys also hesitated a little. Peng Shanshan was a big sister in the school. She often followed more than a dozen girls. Although they were not afraid, it was also a trouble.

Xing Long said: "Afraid of what she is doing? Wait until you help me to subdue her. After this evening, I can let the school expel her from a single sentence. How can she still treat you?"

They thought it was the same thing, so they once again rushed toward Peng Shanshan.

Peng Shanshan’s wine bottle was waving wildly, and it really scared these people. The two sides were deadlocked for ten seconds. Then one of the boys’ hands was fast, and they hugged Peng Shanshan’s arm. Immediately there was a boy who gave the bottle to the bottle. Captured it.

Zhang Xin scratched the head of the boy who hugged Peng Shanshan's arm. One of the other two boys directly hugged Zhang Xin and dragged Zhang Xin away. Zhang Xin struggled and shouted: "You put it." Peng Shanshan."

Hu Mei wanted to rush to the boy who hugged Peng Shanshan’s arm, but Xing Long grabbed her hair and fell to the ground. Xing Long squatted down and took Peng Shanshan’s two slaps, and shouted in her mouth: , blame you for your mouth!"

Xing Long’s side brought a total of three followers, one hugged Zhang Xin, two held Peng Shanshan, and Xing Long fell Hu Mei.

Peng Shanshan was pressed on the sofa by the two boys, and then shouted wildly: "Help, help!"

Xing Long stood up and went to the waistband of the trousers while laughing. "Who can come to save you? I am not so good at Xing Shao, let alone other people, even if you change your brother, He didn't dare to appear in front of me. I let him get out of the way. He couldn't even dare to put a fart!"

Peng Shanshan’s heart was desperate, and the other two girls were desperate. Peng Shanshan regretted it and regretted not listening to Xiao Bing’s words. She always regarded herself as a big sister, and she could not be arrogant, but in front of these real bad guys, She is a joke, and her usual so-called 'bad behavior' is like being a family.

Xing Long walked over to Peng Shanshan and was about to break his hand in his trousers. Suddenly the door slammed and the door that had been locked was actually opened directly from the outside, and even the door lock collapsed. It can be seen how terrible this power is.

Even if Xing Long is daring, he should raise his trousers to see what happened behind him. He looked back and saw other people looking at the door, but he saw a **** face wearing sunglasses. The man came in from the outside, followed by the big brother Zhang Er and a group of younger brothers.

Xing Long was a little stupid, and then reacted. He looked at Zhang Er with a gloomy face and said, "Zhang Er, how come you come here?"

The three people around Xing Long almost unconsciously released Peng Shanshan. Peng Shanshan and Zhang Xin immediately ran to help Hu Mei, and Peng Shanshan choked: "I'm sorry, I am tired of you."

Hu Mei shook her head and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She said, "I am fine."

Peng Shanshan took out her handcuffs from her pocket and pressed it in the place where Hu Mei’s forehead was broken. Then she looked at Xiao Bing.

Xing Long is still there, but Peng Shanshan knows that since Xiao Bing is here today, Xing Long is probably unlucky. She doesn’t know why, although she was cleaned up like Xiao Bing, it is full of Xiao Bing. Confidence in confusion.

Zhang Xin also saw Xiao Bing and muttered to himself: "It is he who came."

Hu Mei apparently also saw Xiao Bing, but her face was still full of suspicion, saying: "Xing Jia is not comparable to Zhang Er, can he do?"

Apparently this is what he refers to, Xiao Bing, although she also saw Xiaobing’s prestige last time, but Xing’s family is not the same as Zhang’s street gangster.

Xing Long's face became a bit ugly, and his face was unpleasant: "Zhang Ge, are you deliberately going to go with your younger brother? If not, you will leave with your person, and I can invite you to dinner the next day."

Zhang Er deliberately wants to show his performance in front of Xiao Bing. The Xing family is indeed a calf. He can't afford to sin, but he knows who is the one around him, but he is the real boss, and himself. Compared with the boss, Xing Jia is a fart?

If you change to the past, Zhang Er said that he would not offend Xing's family for a Pengshanshan, but today is different. Today he is going to be a good prestige, and more importantly, to show his loyalty.

I want to stop, Zhang Er smiled and said: "Xing Long, you said that you are a good student, not good to read, come out to do this kind of thing. I just want to see you, but want to rape? This is illegal!"

Xing Long frowned, apparently did not expect Zhang Er really dare to go with him, he was somewhat unhappy, said: "Zhang Er, for a girl, you are not willing to go with me?"

Zhang Er said: "Sorry, this is my sister. Today, you took your person and left immediately. I have not done anything."

Xing Long looked at Zhang Er and looked at Peng Shanshan. Although he was not afraid of Zhang Er, but today the other person has a lot of people, and I don’t know why he actually took the bear heart and leopard, and he really took Zhang Er. There is no way, so he nodded, hate the words: "Oh, I am serving today, but this thing will not be finished like this, Zhang Er, offended my Xing family, I hope you really think about it. We Let's go!"

Although a few of them said that they were not cheap, but at this time, they were still a very arrogant look. They were planning to go from Zhang’s side. Xiao Bing suddenly said that the tone was not light and heavy: “Move me. People, let them go, Zhang Er, I am so disappointed with you!"

Zhang Er did not dare to tear the face with Xing, but he also planned to let Xiao Bing know his loyalty, so he showed it properly, but he did not expect Xiao Bing to be dissatisfied with him, scared him to fight. A cold greeting, hurriedly shouted: "Block them, can't let them go!"

A group of gangsters immediately stopped Xing Shao in the middle.

Xing Shao’s face was gloomy and looked at Zhang Er. He asked, “Zhang Er, what do you mean by this?”

Xiao Bing faint smiles: "He is not what it meant, he just wants to beat you."

Xing Shao looked at Xiao Bing again and suddenly reacted. Today's abnormality of Zhang Er is due to the reason of this person, so he asked in a deep voice: "What are you?"

"I am not something, I am the one who can kill you." Xiao Bing said in a faint voice, "Zhang Er, he just said that you have to go out if you come, now you let him know who is the king, Who is Xiao Wang. Listen to my words and interrupt his legs!"

Interrupt his leg!

Xiao Bing said this sentence, immediately shocked the audience!


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