Super Soldier

Chapter 1583: Xiao Bing's dream

Xiao Bing sent some of their girls into the school. Finally, he said that the guards allowed Peng Shanshan to go back to the dormitory to sleep. Xiao Bing also gave a call to the class teacher Xu Min, solemnly guaranteeing that this kind of thing will not be the next time. However, Xu Min also stressed that if there is another time, he will stay in school directly and then drop out of school.

Peng Shanshan returned to the dormitory, took a picture of her chest, let out a sigh of relief, and lay back to her bed.

Hu Mei asked: "Do you say that he can really get the concert tickets?"

"I don't know." Peng Shanshan said, "Actually... he is not my uncle at all. He is the boss of my uncle and has a good relationship with my uncle."

"You said this to us," Zhang Xin said. "But no matter what, he cares about you. It is definitely not wrong, although it is probably because of your uncle, but you should actually be grateful. he."

"Well, I am very grateful." Peng Shanshan said with emotion. "In fact, at the beginning, my heart was somewhat contradictory and somewhat angry. But then he taught me slyly. Although he is fierce and overbearing, he is very arrogant. I can feel that he really cares about me, so I am willing to listen to him. This time is the last time, the next time I say nothing will skip classes, and I will not go to the nightclub."

Zhang Xin said: "This is right. If one person cares about me so much, I will obey. But when it comes to concert tickets, I think it is really very promising. Since Xing Jia can get tickets, he naturally Yes, but I am afraid it is difficult to get tickets in the front row."

Hu Mei said excitedly: "Don't say it's the front row. As long as you can get in, even if you are sitting behind, I am willing."

Zhang Xin said: "The back row is not good, it is too price-cutting. The middle position is possible. If you change it to Xing, you can find a way to get a few middle positions."

After several girls were excited, Hu Mei said: "But he is really embarrassing. Today, the kicker will step off Xing Long’s leg. The painful Xing Long will wet his pants. I don’t lie to you, I’m almost scared.”

Zhang Xin said with emotion: "So it seems that he has always been a superior, so he is so domineering, even when he stepped on his leg bones, he didn't even blink his eyes. Such a man is basically a big man. It is even more likely to be used to life and death."

Peng Shanshan was surprised: "Is used to life and death? Is there anyone in the world who dares to kill?"

Zhang Xin smiled bitterly: "The world of big men, where we know, is more complicated than we think."

When Zhang Xin was talking, his eyes still showed a bit of yearning.

Peng Shanshan snorted, then looked at Hu Mei and said: "Hu Mei, thank you, if you are not brave today, I might drink the drug."

"Don't thank me, don't forget that we are good sisters."

"Yeah, good sister!"

Xiao Bing also came home at this time, lying in bed and telling what had just happened. After listening to the leaves, the voice smiled softly: "In fact, this thing makes Peng Shanshan a memory, and she Didn't the classmate have already said it, she has changed a bit, she might have been three minutes of blood, but this time it is equivalent to giving her a fire, I think she will definitely be in every aspect. I pay more attention to it."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Today's business will be scared if you change to any woman. She must have a long memory. Oh, but it is also a good idea. If it is not for me, I am afraid she It’s really an accident.”

Ye Xiaoxi said: "Everyone has a path for everyone. If she is really in trouble, this is a sad thing, but it can only explain her destiny. Character determines fate. This is not a strange thing for you. But Fortunately, she met your noble person, so that she can make her life less difficult and help her take the right path."

Xiao Bing said: "In fact, I also met an expensive person at the beginning. Otherwise, I may be like the heads of the street. Of course, I may be stronger than them, and may become East King. The king of West King is a big mix, but that’s it.”

Ye Dao: "I know that the noble person you are talking about is the old class."

"Yes, it is the old class. Fortunately, I have met the old class. He is really a benefactor in my life."

Ye Xiaoxi smiled and said: "So every time he looks for you, no matter what, you will go to help. Of course, there is patriotism in your bones, but it is also inseparable from the old class. You are a grateful person."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So sometimes the naughty children are not necessarily bad boys, but they need to pick a more correct path."

"Well, my wife, I am going to sleep."

Xiao Bing took the leaves and slowly fell asleep. In her sleep, she saw a round of the sun, and the sun lit up every corner of the earth, the glare of the light.

Then he saw a face and slowly approached himself. This face looked very vague. It was a woman's face. Xiao Bing tried to see the face clearly, but could not see clearly. .

A line of tears flowed from the woman's eyes and fell on her body.

Xiao Bing suddenly felt an inexplicable grief, as if he had lost something in a flash, and that kind of grief was to stab his heart.

Then Xiao Bing heard a vague but familiar voice: "Child."

Xiao Bing woke up from his sleep, sweating in his body, gasping in his mouth, all the eyes were shocked.

Ye Xiaoxi opened his eyes and sat up in confusion. He looked at Xiao Bing, who was not normal. He asked, "What happened to you? Have a nightmare?"

"Yes...Yes." Xiao Bing slammed his head and said, "I just dreamed of... my mother."

Ye Xiaoxi was surprised: "Don't you say that you are still being sent to the orphanage while you are still squatting? Then you have memories?"

"Possibly, but the memory is very vague, I can't see her face at all, I can only see her crying..." Xiao Bing began to feel heartache again, and even had a feeling of wanting to cry.

Ye Dao: "It may also be a dream of a day and night. I think unless you really find your loved ones, it is very difficult to completely open this knot."

"It's also possible...just this dream seems so real. Hey, sleep, leaves."

Xiao Bing lie down again, but knows that he can't continue to fall asleep anyway this evening.

Ye Xiaoxi looked at Xiao Bing, and some of them were distressed by Xiao Bing, but they really didn't know if there was any way to help their men.

The next morning, Xiao Bing’s spirit was not particularly good. When he came to the restaurant to eat, Maggie saw that he was still asking: “Bing brother, did you stay with me for too long last night, so I didn’t sleep? Good feeling."

The leaves flexed and slammed the head of Maggie, and said, "I don't learn well at a young age."

Maggie said with a sigh of her head: "I mean, did you chat with you for a night, where did you want to go?"

The face of the leaves was slightly red, but when Maggie was laughing, I knew that this little girl began to try to tease herself.

Xiao Bing sighed: "Nothing."

Xia Hongyin sat down beside Xiao Bing and asked: "I see you have something to worry about, talk to your mother?"

"It's really okay." Xiao Bing smiled reluctantly.

Everyone is no longer asking, continue to eat.

The leaves asked: "Right, Bi Tingting is coming over?"

"Well, she will go to Jiangcheng tomorrow, but she won't come to our Xiaofu. After all, her identity is too special, and this time it was because of the concert, all the media and fans are paying attention, so not so much. Convenient to come over, I will take a look at her when I take the time, and take some concert tickets by the way."

The leaves said: "I should go and see. There are not many opportunities for you to contact. In particular, she is so busy, she runs around the country, and there are always paparazzi around. It is not easy to meet."

"Yeah, it is not easy to meet her." Xiao Bing said, "The star has the happiness of a star, and the star has the trouble of a star."

Ye Zidao: "Yes, everyone has their own troubles."

Xiao Bing looked at the leaves with affection: "My existence is to help you eliminate troubles."

"Oh, yeah, it’s a dog's food in the morning, I can't stand it, I have to go to school."

Maggie ran straight out, everyone smiled, the face of the leaves was slightly red, but with a little sweetness, Su Xiaoxiao showed a bit of envy, but the leaves were laughing: "Little Envy, including you."

Su Xiaoxiao’s face was red, and he looked at Li Chunlan quietly. Then he said, “I don’t know what the leaves are saying.”

Now Su Xiaoxiao has not completely clarified the relationship between Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing, but everyone has basically seen it. Even if Li Chunlan is also aware of it, Li Chunlan has not expressed his position. Obviously she is also entangled.

After everyone had finished eating, Xiao Bing took Peng Zhiqiang to practice, and the leaves were ready to go to work, but they were stopped by Xia Hongyin. The leaves were curious: "Auntie, do you have something to say?"

"Well, what happened to Xiao Bing."

"Oh, Auntie wants to ask this... In fact, he dreamed last night." So the leaves said the dream of Xiao Bing last night, and then sighed, "I think it is a day." I have a dream, I don’t mind if you are aunt, this is a knot in his heart. I am afraid that no one can completely think about his own biological parents. This is not his relationship with you. Not close."

"I understand, I don't mind at all." Xia Hongyin sighed and lowered her head slightly. She said, "I just feel a little distressed...."

"I am also distressed, but no one can help him solve this problem. He can only rely on himself. Auntie, I am going to work first, and the little one is waiting for me."

"Go, pay attention to rest."

"Knowing aunt, goodbye."

After the leaves left, Xia Hongyin stood alone at the door of the room, showing a few unseen colors of struggle.

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