Super Soldier

Chapter 1586: Mysterious man near Xiaofu

The headmaster of the side also trembled: "This... Xing Boss, what are you doing, a little child, why should you send such a big gift."

Xing Tianyi glanced at the headmaster. In the face of the president, he did not face the amiable acquaintance of Peng Shanshan at all, and even his face was proud: "I need to be arrogant when I do things, let alone Miss Peng Shanshan is smart, The temperament is extraordinary and it is very general. The future is definitely the pride of your school. These gifts are a big gift in front of others, but what is it in front of Miss Shanshan?"

Xing Tianyi said that countless people feel a little dizzy. What is the situation? After all, everyone knows about Peng Shanshan’s family history. He has never heard of any big guys in Peng Shanshan’s family. But how can Xing Tianyi be so blessed?

The headmaster was also on the side of his face, and his face was too dark and he couldn’t speak.

Xing Tianyi looked at Peng Shanshan again and smiled. "This ginseng is for your grandmother. I know that your grandmother's body is not particularly good for the past two years. Ginseng is a big supplement, but remember that you can only eat one less each time. A little bit, otherwise it will be counterproductive. In addition, this jade jade is for you, let alone my son scared Shanshan, even if I saw you this time, it is like seeing your loved ones, I should also give You, don't be polite with me, otherwise we will all stand here and not go."

Peng Shanshan was a little dumbfounded. She completely lost her sense of proportion. Zhang Xin, aside, quietly stunned Peng Shanshan. The whispered: "Shan Shan, you still accept it."

"But..." Peng Shanshan whispered. "This ceremony is too heavy, and I don't know what he is doing."

"You can't guess it, of course, because of that person."

"What do you mean, Uncle?"

"Because Uncle, I didn't expect him to have such power. He would scare the Xing family and immediately plead guilty. He may be the uncle who dared not go directly to see you. He thought that coming over is the same as your apologizing." And it seems more sincere, so with so many people coming over, but also in the face of so many people lost face. If you do not accept, I guess he really did not dare to leave."

"This..." Peng Shanshan hesitated, and then saw that there were so many people around him, and finally had no choice but to speak loudly. "Thank you, Xing Shushu, I will accept it."

Sure enough, Xing Tianyi was relieved and his face was more intense. He smiled and said: "Miss Shanshan is not polite. If you have any troubles in the future, you must tell Xing Shushu that Xing Shushu is a good person. It’s okay for my family to look at it. In addition, it’s good for me and my brother.”

Nowadays, people around the crowd are fascinated. I’m afraid Xing Tianyi has made such a big squad. It’s all for the sake of saying good things for me and the soldiers. It’s just that everyone is very upset, I don’t know the soldiers. Who is the brother, I can only guess that it must be a very great big man, but after today, no one in this school will ever dare to despise Peng Shanshan, and the second generation like Xing Long does not. May be afraid to play Peng Shanshan's idea, Peng Shanshan was originally a school man, and then it will be even more of a man of the situation, but there are some differences between the two.

Peng Shanshan took the gift and said: "Thank you, Xing Shushu, I will definitely be good, and tell my uncle all the things I know today."

Xing Tianyi had a deeper smile on his face. He and Peng Shanshan were very polite, and then they took the people away.

Peng Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief. The people on the side of the crowd looked at her with a strange look. She had some slight panic in her heart and did not want to continue to have too much stop here. She hurried back to her dormitory. And the people outside are slowly all scattered.

Back to the dormitory, Peng Shanshan patted the chest and said: "I just scared me."

Hu Mei joined in the past, looking at Peng Shanshan's jade, enviously said: "Shan Shan, your uncle is really too powerful, even the big entrepreneurs like Xing Tianyi are so afraid of him."

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "I have long seen that he is a bad person, Shanshan, you are blessed in the future, such a big man's casual two words can change your life, not to mention he still I care so much about you."

Peng Shanshan said: "That's all because of my uncle. I can't leave these two gifts anyway. I still tell the uncle to let him take the gift."

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "According to my understanding of people, people like him will never take these away, you still keep yourself."

Peng Shanshan still called Xiao Bing, first said the thing just now, then let Xiao Bing come over to take things away, or send things to themselves, the result is exactly as Zhang Xin said It was rejected by Xiao Bing.

The two talked a few more times and hung up.

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "How? I didn't make a mistake. I guess he can't do this. These are really valuable for us, but it may not be anything for him, but also from you. Taking it away, he also let him fall."

Peng Shanshan suddenly showed a happy face, Zhang Xin smiled and said: "What are you laughing at? Did he just promise to take things away?"

"No." Peng Shanshan said with some excitement. "Uncle said, come over and send us tickets for the concert tomorrow."

Zhang Xin and Hu Mei glanced at each other and cheered, then rushed over and held Peng Shanshan in her arms.

Xiao Bing was originally eating seafood with Bi Tingting. After receiving a phone call from Peng Shanshan, he talked a few words. By the way, he said the ticket and then hung up.

Bi Tingting smiled and said: "I heard it seems to be a little girl?"

“Jealous?” Xiao Bing laughed. “It’s a niece of my friend. Because I’m not doing business right now in school, I’ve followed it together...”

Just Xiao Bing told this about Peng Shanshan. After listening to it, Bi Tingting said, "Fortunately, she met you, otherwise her life will not necessarily become what it is."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I used to experience the same experience as her, and I met a benefactor. But in any case, I really hope that she can completely change in the future."

Bi Tingting smiled and said: "Yes, will you sing my song?"

"Singing? Of course, it will be." Xiao Bing said that he would just say a few songs of Bi Tingting, and then smiled and said, "My own woman's song, I often listen, the sound is good, and the song Still moving."

"Okay, don't praise me, eat it, the taste of this seafood restaurant is really good."

"Yes, this is Jiangcheng's famous seafood city, but compared with those cities that are by the sea, it is indeed a hundred thousand miles."

Two people ate and chatted, and had been eating at 9 o'clock in the evening. Bi Tingting wiped her mouth with a napkin. He said happily: "Today I feel that I am eating the most full day. In the past, my agent supervised me not to eat. Too much. Um... but seafood is good, seafood is low in calories."

Xiao Bing said: "I have a lot of headaches for you, it is not easy to be an actor."

"Yeah, I have to shoot a movie and dance at the concert, so it is very important to keep fit." Bi Tingting laughed. "But for the sake of my own ideals and career, it is worthwhile to pay something."

Xiao Bing raised his thumb and he really admired Bi Tingting.

Xiao Bing asked: "Let's go on a walk?"

"Well, go shopping." Bi Tingting laughed. "As long as you can help me back for a while, I will have nothing to do when I stroll. I just sent a text message to the agent. I said that I have already eaten and have slept. She won't bother me."

After Xiao Bing waited for Bi Tingting to put on the mask, he called the waiter. After paying the bill, he took Bi Tingting’s hand and left the seafood city. The two men began to walk to the bustling pedestrian street.

This evening, it was a very happy night for Bi Tingting. Two people occasionally strolled around the jewellery shop on the pedestrian street, went to the fashion store, occasionally bought two street food snacks, and then found a corner of no one to take it off. The mask began to eat slowly, this sneaky feeling, if it is often so likely to be very bored, but occasionally there will be a little bit of small stimulation.

Wait until 11 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Bing is also afraid that Bi Tingting is too tired these two days, so he is not ready to take Bi Tingting to continue to go outside, with Bi Tingting came to the hotel, and flew back under the night.

Xiao Bing sent Bi Tingting back to the room, then gave her a hug in her arms. The two kissed for two minutes. Xiao Bing softly said: "Okay, sleep well at night, I will not stay with you. You are afraid, I am afraid that you can't rest."

Bi Ting Ting sighed and said: "Dr. Xiao Bing, will you come over tomorrow?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, the time he and Bi Tingting met was really very few. Since there is time, naturally it is necessary to accompany him, so he nodded and said: "I am still here."

Bi Tingting’s face showed a happy smile. Xiao Bing went to the window and flew straight out. Bi Tingting rushed to the window and looked at Xiao Bing, who was gradually disappearing. The eyes showed a bit of confusion, and then a faint Smiling, saying to himself: "Perhaps, this is my hero."

After Xiao Bing flew to a place where no one was, he found his own car and then drove back to Xiao Fu. Xiao Bing was planning to go in. Suddenly a girl ran over and asked, "Are you Xiao Bing?"

Xiao Bing looked at the girl and asked curiously: "Who are you?"

So late, there are still people who are at the gate of Xiaofu. Xiao Bing realizes that it is not easy!


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