Super Soldier

Chapter 1599: Arrival at the seal

Ayi Ding was moved. She smiled and said: "If I didn't enter here, I might have a little bit of mind, but since I entered the Fairy Gate, I am no longer the little girl outside, I and They are totally different, will I still mind these? Just..."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is it?"

"Just Miss Ye..."

"Do not worry." Xiao Bing smiled. "If I am not sure, can I mention these? Rest assured, as long as you promise, everything will be solved perfectly."

Ayi Ding suddenly stopped and looked up at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took a moment and then his eyes were attracted by Ayi Ding. The two men began to get closer and kissed.

Xiao Bing accompanied Ayi Ding here for three days, but in the past few days, Ayi Ding's temperament was simple, never mentioned that aspect, Xiao Bing did not break the last level with Ayi Ding.

Three days later, Xiao Bing and Ayi Ding separated and reluctantly separated. Xiao Bing promised to come over to visit Ayi Ding in a while, and then left the Fairy Gate.

He came over this embarrassment, the overall strength of the Fairy Gate directly improved a lot, not only Ayi Ding and the fairy door to advocate the strength of Tsinghua is so simple, other people took the soul of the soul, the mental strength is also improved A lot, many of which have great benefits for their future cultivation and combat.

Xiao Bing went out of the fairy door and returned to Xiao Fu that night. Then he left with Gao Fei the next day and went to the seal of the Mozu, which Gao Fei said. The purpose was to see the seal of the gods and demons. The knot is not strong.

The two first arrived in a city in the south by plane and then rested first.

In the evening, Xiao Bing came to Gao Fei’s room. After Gao Fei opened the door and saw Xiao Bing, he asked: “Is there something to say?”

Gao Fei always looks like a person who refuses to be thousands of miles away. Xiao Bing has long been used to it.

Xiao Bing said: "Well, just talk, talk to you about the seal of the gods."

After Xiao Bing entered, he found a position to sit down and then looked at Gao Fei. He asked, "I am curious. Does the Mozu escape from you, besides you?"

Gao Fei said: "There is still."

"Oh?" Xiao Bing's spirit swayed. "Sure enough, those people?"

Gao Fei said: "But it was not from the time, but from the inside. I heard that the seal was loosened one day, so the woman sent a few people out to kill us. As a result, they were crossing the seal. I was seriously injured. After I met me, I was killed. There are still a few escapes."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "This makes sense. All countries in the world have plans for the blood of God. They have found that a few very few people have incredible power, and when they fight, they also emit red awns in their eyes. But now it seems that they are not the ones who have the blood of God, but the talents of the Mozu who have the blood of the devil."

Gao Fei said: "It should be like this, but I think there should be not many Devils coming out at the time. Recently, the seal of the Mozu has been loosened. It may not be impossible to get out of it, but it is very It’s hard, it takes an opportunity, and it’s necessary to have the opportunity to do this when the seal is weakest, and even in this case, it takes a lot of risk. As far as I know, the stronger the demon, The more harm you have to take when you come out of a gap, the more powerful those in the Mozu will not take this risk."

Xiao Bing nodded: "So all the small ones came out at the time."

"The little scorpion is not talking, but certainly not the top ones."

Xiao Bing said: "So I understand, right, is the seal of the Protoss and the seal of the Mozu together?"

Gao Fei said: "Yes, the gods and the demons are sealed next to each other. In fact, there is a seal between the Protoss and the Terran. There is also a seal between the Mozu and the Terran. In fact, it is also a seal."

Xiao Bing nodded: "It turns out that this is the fact that this time we are going to see more than just the seal of the Mozu, but also the seal of the Protoss."

Gao Fei sighed: "In fact, even if the gods and the demons came out from it, what could they do? In the original mythology, the gods and the demons were sealed by the Terran, but can they defeat the Terran now? In my opinion, if the two demons are collectively dispatched, it will bring huge disasters to the Terran. It is a disaster that has never been seen since ancient times, but the final victory should be the Terran, and the last three tribes should have no winners! ”

Xiao Bing said: "So, absolutely can not allow such a situation to appear, the tragedy of the past can not happen again!"

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of a problem. Looking at Gao Fei, he asked: "If in the middle of our life, the seal will eventually disappear, and the three races of Protoss, Mozu and Terran will go to war. Will you help the Mozu to deal with the Terran?"

Gao Fei thought a little and finally said: "I am the magic of the Mozu, the real mission is to protect the Mozu."

In the eyes of Xiao Bing, there was a hint of regret, and he sighed: "I know."

Gao Fei said: "But if I have the ability, I will do my best to stop this war."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I believe that you will be able to do it. I will do my best to stop the Terran. If the three parties can coexist peacefully, it is the best."

Gao Fei’s tone is calm: “Go back to sleep early, maybe it will come that day, maybe it won’t come.”

Xiao Bing sighed, stood up and walked out of Gao Fei’s room. Xiao Bing’s mood was a bit heavy, especially thinking of Gao Fei and Maggie. If there is such a day, what should be between them? From the inside?

Xiao Bing sighed slightly, thinking in the dark, maybe like Gao Fei said, maybe that day will never come.

Back in the room, Xiao Bing and the old class had a phone call, and talked about the so-called God Blood program in the country and other countries, and learned that the other party used some of the body of the Mozu to carry out the plan. The old class also felt very unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

It was almost the same as the old class. Xiao Bing hung up the phone and talked with Su Xiaoxiao for a while, then talked with Liu Kexin for a while, seeing it was very late, and it was not good to disturb other people, so Charged off the phone and started to sleep.

The next day, Xiao Bing got up early, went out and called Gao Fei to have some breakfast, and then went out to rent a car. After driving far and far, after arriving at a very remote tribe, two people got off. Walking, they walked very fast, but even then it took three or four hours, and in the evening, finally reached a canyon.

Xiao Bing looked back and said: "I don't know how to walk in. I feel that if no one is a guide, I will definitely not get here."

Gao Fei said: "This is the case, what do you look at in front?"

Xiao Bing looked up, and suddenly he was stunned, because Xiao Bing couldn’t see anything, yes, this feeling is very strange, completely incapable of using words to describe, neither is a wall in front, nor anything Purely, nothing can be seen. Xiao Bing has never encountered such a strange thing since he was a child.

Xiao Bing stepped forward step by step, then stopped. In front of Xiao Bing, it was a white piece. This is not smoke, but it is not a mirror. Xiao Bing reached out and touched it, but it seemed to touch it. On the water surface, but this surface of the water has a very strong buoyancy, Xiao Bing's hand quickly bounced back, completely unable to reach, but this piece of water rippled ripples.

Xiao Bing looked back at Gao Fei, Gao Fei said: "Yes, this is the seal. On the side of this seal is the place where our Mozu live."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Although I have already had psychological preparations, but when I really got here, I still feel incredible. Is this seal impossible to cross?"

"I can't cross." Gao Fei said, "The Mozu's all sides are sealed, including the sky.

Xiao Bing frowned and said: "This is the seal. I never thought of it before."

Gao Fei said: "You feel the power of the seal."

Xiao Bing closed his eyes, released the power of his body, and began to come into contact with the power of the seal. He suddenly felt an extremely terrifying force and began to shock his back. Xiao Bing opened his eyes and stepped back. Two steps, revealing the look of surprise.

"I saw it, the power of the seal is extremely powerful, because this is the seal that was collected by the strong people of the Terran. At that time, the Terran has a god-level powerhouse!"

Xiao Bing swallowed a sip of water and said with a smile: "It's really amazing. The ancestors of the Terran martial arts are simply amazing."

Gao Fei said: "But you can feel some weaknesses in these seals."

"Weakness?" Xiao Bing frowned and carefully observed. Then, Xiao Bing felt that the seal had been trembled constantly, just as human beings were shaking, even Xiao Bing actually felt the seal was exhausted. .


Gao Fei said: "It seems that you have already felt it."

“Feeling.” Xiao Bing said, “The seal seems to be not as indestructible as I imagined. The power of the seal is indeed extremely powerful, but I can feel that this seal has existed here for too long, and it seems that it can’t hold much. Years, it is already very tired."

“Yes,” Gao Fei said. “In fact, you said that the power of the seal is only relatively strong. If it was changed to millennia, the power of this seal would be nearly twice as strong as it is now. The consumption, now the seal is obviously weak, but it is still impossible to penetrate him than our strength, nothing more."

Xiao Bing asked: "Where is the seal of the Protoss?"

Gao Fei said: "You come with me."

Gao Fei took Xiao Bing to the left and probably walked a few hundred meters away, then stopped and said: "This is the seal of the Protoss."

Xiao Bing felt it again. He punched it up and there was a sharp ripple, but it was just a ripple. The seal still existed and still could not be shaken.

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said: "If it is always so strong, I think even the strongest of the saints can't cross, but the power of God is not clear."

Gao Fei sighed and said: "If you have been so strong, even a god-level master can not freely shuttle, but this seal is not as strong as you have seen it from now on, you can feel the seal Exhaustion, then you should know that no matter whether it is a person or a thing, everything in the world is like this. As long as it is really on the edge of being very exhausted, there will be intermittent time, otherwise it will face the early collapse. This time The seal must have been just finished."

Xiao Bing thought: "What you mean is that the seal has just ended intermittently, so now is the most sturdy time, and it is the weakest interval during the interval, easy to break through from inside?"

"Yes," Gao Fei said. "When I and Maggie came out from there, it happened that it was the weakest time. Even if this was the case, it was still used to help us break through."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I really want to give it a try. If I have encountered their weakest stage, can I break through and enter inside?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "This is almost impossible. You must have the blood of the real demon god. Then you can use the forbidden technique. You can't do it without the blood of the devil, and you can't do it. How can you... ...."

Gao Fei and Xiao Bing are talking. Suddenly they feel that the seal in front of them seems to be shaking a little. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei glanced at each other, and they all slightly stunned, but when they looked again, the seal everything is normal.

Gao Fei frowned and said: "It seems that the seal is really weaker and weaker. Nowadays, I am afraid that even a hundred years will not be needed. Even for decades or years, the seal will naturally collapse. !"

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