Super Soldier

Chapter 1625: Devil and Grand Commander

After entering the inside of the chasing stick, Xiao Bing’s spiritual strength suddenly felt that the soul inside the chasing stick suddenly seemed to be activated. Xiao Bing could even feel the soul inside the chasing stick seems to be excited, even the stock. The intense emotions caused the internal mental power to skyrocket. If Xiao Bing already has the power of the saint-level, I am afraid that it will be shocked or even injured by the intense emotion inside the chasing stick at this moment.

Xiao Bing was a little surprised. He only felt that the interior seemed to be living a soul. This soul could break out at any time. This soul is excited but does not want to hurt himself. Even he seems to be very affectionate. I don't mind if I killed the original owner before.

Even when communicating with Tianjian from Yunjian, Xiao Bing did not have the feeling of blood connection, but now Xiao Bing feels that this chase stick should be his own, born to build for himself, and chase The soul stick did not have any resistance to Xiao Bing. The two people became close friends as they saw each other.

Xiao Bing’s spiritual strength immediately resolutely wandered inside, and then Xiao Bing was a little surprised. He seemed to be hearing what the chasing stick was talking to himself. He was praying for something, but he could not understand it because he could not understand it because What Xiao Bing felt was only the excitement of chasing soul sticks when he met himself and the unwillingness and sorrow that he encountered at the moment. It was a manifestation of emotion, but it could not be expressed in words. Xiao Bing felt very much. Sad, but I don't know how to help chase soul sticks.

Xiao Bing’s mental strength still wants to continue deeper, but he feels a sense of exhaustion, knowing that he has reached the limit, so he will completely return his mental strength, long spit and export, and his forehead is already fine. Sweat beads.

Xiao Bing looked at this look that looked black and ordinary chasing soul stick, gently stroking the stick of the chasing soul stick, muttered to himself: "Chasing the soul stick, chasing the soul stick, I just found it on your body." The feeling of an old friend, I will slowly trace the secrets about you anyway, and then help you."

The chasing soul sticks a joyous tweet, that kind of sadness and unwillingness to fade a lot.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can feel that you are my true friend, the weapon I should have. From then on, you will be my personal weapon, how?"

The chasing stick immediately began to sing joyfully.

Xiao Bing is very happy. This time, he has a chasing soul stick. It seems to be a good friend who has been lost for many years. Xiao Bing feels happy from the heart.

Xiao Bing did not know why, the heart naturally began to feel that this chasing stick is an important weapon to accompany his life, and even the importance is above the artifact of Tian Congyun.

Putting the chasing soul stick to the side, Xiao Bing is planning to sleep under the suit. Suddenly, Xiao Bing’s gaze looks out of the window, then one hand holds the chasing stick tightly and jumps out directly from the window. Going forward, I don’t know how far, I reached the woods, then stopped and asked loudly: "Who is it? Who is monitoring me?"

At this time, the voice of a middle-aged man passed from the front. This voice reveals a bit of surprise: "No wonder you can defeat the spirit of hunting, there is such a strong mental power, the district breaks the void level, you can Discover my existence."

Xiao Bing’s heart sank, and the front figure was getting closer and closer. For the time being, you could see a tall and burly figure. Although the man was far away from himself, the magical power of the sky was far better than that of Xiao Bing. Anyone you see and any one of the devils, the oppressed Xiao Bing is a little breathless.

Xiao Bing’s heart is in a sudden, so horrible atmosphere, such a strong sense of oppression, is it the devil god? The strength of the other side must be above itself. Is it the **** level in the legend?

Xiao Bing felt that the emotions in the chasing sticks in his hands seemed to start to stir up. There were hostility, excitement, and tension. Even under the spiritual stimulation of chasing souls, Xiao Bing felt that the oppression was slightly weaker. a little bit.

The other party snorted and then smiled: "I have heard of this spirit, the spirit of the spirit, whether it is a magic weapon or a spirit, the spiritual class is the rarest and most powerful, you do not have to Too nervous, I have a magic weapon in my hand, and naturally I won’t marry you."

On the one hand, Xiao Bing sighed and saw that the other party should have no intention of killing. On the other hand, he was even more nervous. The opponent’s hand still had a magic weapon. The so-called magic device is actually an artifact that humans and protoss said. I almost don't have any advantage at all. The strength is under the other side, and the weapon is still under the other side.

However, in this case, Xiao Bing became extremely calm, but he did not want to fight too much, so he did not think too much, so he immediately unloaded all the defenses on his body and smiled: "I don't know where it is." Seniors?"

The other person's body shape gradually appeared, tall and burly, the height reached more than two meters, wearing a black soft armor, Xiao Bing can feel the soft armor exudes a very strong atmosphere, it should also belong to the devil At the level of the device, and his hand is still holding a long axe, this giant axe can be as open as the sky, the above power is still above the sky, and it must be the best weapon.

"You don't even know me... I am the leader of the Mozu!"

"Guiwu commander..."

Xiao Bing heard about the name of this big commander, returning to me, the strength is mysterious, his sister is now a woman of the devil, he is the big brother of the devil, and the most important is how many of the top ten commanders He has already secretly invested in him, and now he has become an important force that his sister relies on, even the devil is very jealous of him.

The eyes of Guiwu looked at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing was as if he was stared by a giant spirit. Then he couldn’t help but shudder. He said helplessly: "The big commander actually found me, I am honored, but I am not. Knowing why the big commander came to me, is it because I am in the blood list?"

"It’s almost like this." Looking at Xiao Bing, who is at the top of my house, said to Xiao Bing in an unquestionable tone. "For talents, I have adopted two different attitudes, one is fostering, one is It is destruction. Are you willing to follow me from now on, be supported by me, or intend to be my enemy and be destroyed by me?"

I didn’t even say a little bit of nonsense, and I didn’t have the slightest attitude. I told Xiao Bing in a straightforward manner. You must either rely on me or else you should die. Choose the same. It is indeed a race with a strong flesh and a strong personality. In addition, I also saw that I did not put Xiao Bing in my eyes.

Xiao Bingchang sighed with relief, at least for the time being, I still haven't seen my true strength. It seems that I am hiding my strength is still very good.

Xiao Bing pretend to sink up, and then carefully said: "The big commander, we are all the devils of the adults, whether you, or me ... who are loyal to them, what is the difference?"

In the eyes of the returning eyes, there was a **** glow. He said, "I don’t want to be loyal to me, then go to hell!"

Guiwu directly raised his hand and grabbed the past toward Xiao Bing volley. Xiao Bing was originally planning to sneak a few words with the ruling. According to the situation, I didn’t expect that my temper would be so hot. However, he directly dealt with himself, Xiao Bing was shocked, and he had to make a judgment between this moment. Whether he should expose the real strength, if it is hidden, it will definitely be killed by a blow. But even if you use all your strength, I am afraid it will not be the opponent of this guy.

Since the debut of Xiao Bing, in addition to the front of the Buddha, he has never felt this kind of powerlessness without any hope in front of anyone else, and this is almost a must for Xiao Bing!

Xiao Bing exclaimed at this moment: "Don't..."

He originally said that he should not kill me. I am willing to surrender to you, but when the words have not been spoken yet, another more powerful force directly cuts off the connection between himself and the great commander. Xiao Bing immediately felt it. The body relaxed for a while, and the sweat was soaked in the clothes.

There are people... strength is above the big commander? Xiao Bing immediately thought of the only possibility. My heart was secretly glad that I didn’t have the first time to promise the big commander, because Xiao Binggang was originally planning to promise, anyway, it was a flicker, and he would leave the devil world sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, even if you donate a poisonous oath in the name of God's name.

The reason why Xiao Binggang didn't immediately agree, just to add some chips to himself, maybe he could get some benefits, so he held it a bit, but he didn't expect it to almost kill his life, but fortunately Because I held up that moment, I didn’t offend the demon **** with a higher status and a higher realm than the big commander!

Sure enough, the face of the big commander changed slightly, and then the face showed a bit of respect, and slightly shook: "Devil God!"

A figure appeared extremely abruptly in front of Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing can only see the extremely wide back of this demon god, thinking in his heart, this person is the devil of the three realms of the devil, is the wheat Qi's father, the supreme leader among the entire Mozu!

The devil is also wearing an armor. The armor is blood red, and the force on it is even more irritating. In addition, he has a round shield behind his back and a dark spear in his hand. The spear also exudes a thrilling terrorist power.

The voice of the devil is very low, but it is not pleasing to hear, but what he said is expressing his mood at the moment: "The big commander, are you going to fight against me?"

In an instant, the surrounding air has solidified.

(End of this chapter)

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