Super Soldier

Chapter 1628: Demon reminder

Xiao Bing looked at the demon and said: "The second question, if one day, your demon really broke the seal, will it really have to break into the whole human world? At that time, it is a **** rain. wind?"

The demon **** slightly indulged and said: "I have heard Gao Fei talk about the development of your human world outside. To be honest, if the two sides fight, the probability of the devil's failure is still higher, although after thousands of years. The time, the Mozu has been adjusted to recuperate, but after all, the space we are in is too small, not to mention the fertility of our Mozu is not as strong as human beings, just as my wife is very soon after giving birth to a daughter. When I passed away, my second wife was squatting, so I finally got safe, and my body has gone from bad to worse in recent years. Our potential in martial arts is indeed bigger than the human race, and the progress is faster. However, our life and fertility are not comparable to those of the human race."

The devil was slightly silent. In Xiao Bing's view, the demon must have given up the plan to attack humans. However, what the devil said was to surprise Xiao Bing's heart and completely broke Xiao Bing's possession. That illusion.

The devil said: "However, if the seal is really broken, I think the action of the Mozu to attack humans is still unavoidable."

“Why?” Xiao Bing said with a look of disbelief. “Since you know that you will fail, why do you have to deal with humans hard? Is it necessary for both sides to be able to stop?”

The devil looked at Xiao Bing and said: "You don't understand the hatred of the Mozu to human beings. You don't know this, so you will ask this question. And the Mozu has always been a race that you humans cannot understand. We would rather die, but No compromises! Even if I am the demon of the Mozu, I am afraid I can't stop the hatred of the Mozu and attack your **."

Xiao Bing shook his head and looked at the demon god. He said, "You are their god. Your realm of power is above them. If you want, you have a way to control them and let them take orders from you. To provoke humanity and let all sides live together peacefully."

The devil asked: "Then you ask your human leader, there is a demon who has been watching all the time, even when you were above the human beings in the mythology, and all your human beings are stepping under your feet. Mozu, will they be assured that we will survive in your world?"

Xiao Bing was actually speechless. He wanted to say yes, but Xiao Bing found that he could not represent the whole human being, but he could only replace himself.

Imagine being a national leader of humanity. Can you rest assured? Even for the safety of the people, will someone deliver security to the trust of the enemy? The most important thing is that the other party is a group of non-my people, their enemies must be different!

The devil said: "How, as I said, will they let us go?"

Xiao Bing shook his head in a difficult way.

The demon saw Xiao Bing shaking his head, but he smiled: "I like your honest person."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Honest people are not good at doing, because I am honest, so there is no reason to blame you now."

"War itself is inevitable. The world exists in one day. The war will not go out one day. Why should we blame each other? Weak meat and strong food, strong people survive. This is the law of the world. We remember these things for thousands of years ago. I remember these things thousands of years later."

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a firm gaze, and his tone was firm and said: "But I must stop this unnecessary war!"

The devil looked at Xiao Bing and smiled: "What do you rely on?"

Xiao Bing tightened his fist and said: "I am weak compared to the two races, but my firm beliefs will not be weak. As long as I want to do things, I will definitely do it. I will do it. There is no way to say what I rely on, because my strength is not enough to control the ability to dominate both sides, but I have the same determination as your Mozu, even if the moth is burning, I am willing to save this. Field war!"

"The moth is like a fire... It's really meaningless. But maybe you can really have a little chance to do this one day... Are you just thirty years old this year?"

"Yes, thirty years old."

The devil sighed, your talent is no worse than Gao Fei, and even there is to be. It is necessary to know that Gao Fei is the messenger of our Mozu, talent is second only to the existence of our demon, so you may still be able to Beyond me and create a miracle.

Xiao Bing asked: "What miracle?"

The devil smiled and said: "Don't you hear about it? A realm in the legend is not dead."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "I don't die?"

"Yes, it is not dead. If one day you can touch the edge of the realm of the realm, perhaps you have the edge of saving the fate of all things, because I have never heard anyone have reached this level, but This realm has always belonged to the legend, even if it was in the legendary era, then I think... Maybe this realm is really there and maybe."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, his eyes lit up and said: "If you can really achieve this kind of realm, maybe... some things can really be done."

The devil smiled and said: "You are really interesting, this is an illusory realm, you really want to believe, really willing to pursue?"

Xiao Bing’s expression became extraordinarily serious, and the tone was a bit firm: “Even if I am only able to catch a little possibility, even this possibility is only one in ten thousand, I will go made."

"Good!" The devil nodded and took a deep breath. "Then I will wait for you to reach that day."

Xiao Bing asked: "Would you like to let us go?"

"Of course, why should I leave you here for me? And I hope that you can leave soon, because I heard Gao Fei talk about it, even if you are in the human world, it may not be the strongest person for the time being. You still have a lot of enemies, I don't want my daughter to be in any danger outside."

Xiao Bing said: "If the Devil is willing to let us go, then I want to go immediately, goofy, what do you say?"

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei. Gao Fei didn't say anything from beginning to end. At this time, he finally said: "I am also worried that Maggie is safe outside."

The two men reached an opinion. The devil looked at Gao Fei and Xiao Bing and thought about it. Then he said, "I will say a few more words before you leave. I believe I will have some help for you."

Gao Fei and Xiao Bing immediately looked at the demon god. Listening attentively, there are very few people in the world who are qualified to point to them. I am afraid that there is not even a single slap in the face, but the devil is one of them.

The devil said: "First, you must be psychologically prepared. Even for a genius that has only been produced for hundreds of years, the promotion of the saint to the **** level is almost the biggest level. Most people can't do it for a lifetime. Therefore, you must be psychologically prepared. However, the talent of the devil is the top of the Mozu. There is no suspense to promote the demon. It is only a matter of time."

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei nodded. The gods belong to the top of the race in any race. Once they reach it, they can call for the wind and ignore any rules. How can such a state be easily reached, so they are early Be prepared.

"Second, Xiao Bing, this stick in your hand is probably not simple."

Xiao Bing said: "It is called the chasing soul stick, I took it from the hands of the hunting soul."

The devil nodded and said: "The power it displays now is the best, but I just felt that it is not only the real power, but even if you are not my daughter's benefactor, I will endure. I can't help but sneak up this soul chasing stick, and others can't see it. Even the big commander can't see it, but it doesn't look like my eyes. It's not so simple!"

Xiao Bing did not expect even the devil gods to be interested in chasing soul sticks. It seems that this chasing stick should really be very simple. There is a burst of excitement in his heart. The original chasing stick is such a **** connection. Now it has become its own weapon, and it is so extraordinary, Xiao Bing is simply more happy than anyone else.

The demon **** continued: "So this soul chasing stick, you have to study it well in the future. Third, you must protect my daughter, I can promise, if one day the seal is broken, we can go out, At that time, I will owe you a favor, and I will definitely return it. Of course, perhaps when we are alive, this seal may not be broken, and that is the best."

Xiao Bing said: "I will take care of Maggie, but not for you to owe me a favor."

The devil nodded and said: "In short, I am very grateful to you, and I must have owed you a human condition. As a demon, I will never speak without a word."

The devil said again: "In addition to this, I handed you a scroll with a secret hidden inside!"

The devil said, a reel flew out of the sleeve and flew directly to Xiao Bing, who was caught in the hands of Xiao Bing.

The devil said: "Now don't rush to open. Before you solve the outside, don't rush to open the reel before making sure that Maggie will be safe."

This reel is not big, and it can be plugged directly into the trouser pocket. Although Xiao Bing is completely entangled in curiosity, it still forcibly suppresses this curiosity and puts the reel into the trouser pocket.

The demon continued: "Now you can go, but I want to leave with you and leave the Demon Mountain!"

The devil took one hand and grabbed Xiao Bing and Gao Fei. After kicking the door of the main hall, he quickly flew away in the distance!

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(End of this chapter) 8)

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