Super Soldier

Chapter 1631: Family worry

The old class sighed and said: "This can't blame them. When you just disappeared, Kunlun sent to the circle, and there was no compromise. But when you disappeared for more than a month, the outside has been madly passed by Kunlun and the Holy See. The forces killed, although Kunlun has never admitted, but this news is obviously released by Kunlun, their ultimate goal is to let outsiders know that you are dead, and those who offend Kunlun are the end."

"At first, no one believed, but when you have been missing for more than a month, the outside world has to believe. At least some people have already believed, plus Kunlun’s power is huge. The country has more considerations. Under the circumstances that the Guwumen faction did not endanger the state power, it is not suitable to use the army. At present, it is only intended to be restrained, instead of wanting to destroy the Guwumen. Under this circumstance, the Kunlun faction began to use various means to intimidate and induce. In the end, the ancient Wumen faction, in addition to the fairy door, all the other factions fell to Kunlun one by one."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and nodded. "I understand, this thing can't completely blame the eight sects is the wall grass. They are going to survive after all. I know in my heart. But since the fairy door did not rely on Kunlun, Kunlun did not. Take the fairy door to open the knife?"

"Get started with the fairy door!"

Xiao Bing’s heart is tight, and the relationship between Fairy Gate and Xiao Bing is very close. Xiao Bing should protect the interests of Fairy Gate in morality. On the other hand, Ayi Ding and Xiao Bing still have such a relationship. Xiao Bing More heart-warming is whether Aydin has anything.

The old class said: "Kun Lun gathered together the masters of other major sects to go to the fairy door to press, I heard that seriously injured the fairy door and advocated several masters including Tsinghua, and finally got the compromise of the fairy door, but in order to be assured They also grabbed their personal qualities in the fairy door and returned to Kunlun."

Xiao Bing’s heart sank and raised a very bad premonition. Sure enough, the old class said: “The hostage seems to have some relationship with you, and it is extremely valued by the fairy doorkeeper, called Aydin. ”

With a bang, the table in front of him was directly shattered by Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took a deep breath and nodded hard. He said, "Well... a Kunlun, a Kunlun who is arrogant! Whether it is Kunlun or that. The Holy See in Europe, I have to give them a little bit of awkwardness, people who dare to move me Xiaobing, always have to pay the price!"

The old class Shen Sheng said: "You can't act rashly. The strength of Kunlun's teaching has reached the peak of the saints, unless it is the inferior of Shaolin. Otherwise, even Huaxia Shenzhu has no chance to face him. There is one more thing I didn't tell. You, a few days ago, Xu Mu, a Chinese god, has already gone to work with Kunlun. He hopes that Kunlun’s Taoism can be slightly converged. As a result, he lost in the hands of Kunlun’s teaching, and he was injured and returned. Now I am rehabilitating."

Xiao Bing thought of the powerlessness that he faced when he was facing Xu Mu. However, his strength was still weak at the beginning, and he was still in the realm of Tianzun. The suppression of that realm was not something that he could compete with, but now it is different.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "The person who can defeat Xu Mu may not be able to beat me, but I also know that when I face Kunlun, I don't necessarily have a big chance of winning, but I can try one after all. test."

The old class said: "Xu Mu said, the strength of the Taoist teaching has reached the peak of the saint!"

Hearing the old class, Xiao Bing slightly frowned, but his eyes were still very sharp. He started with Xiao Bing, no matter how strong his strength, how terrible, Xiao Bing will have to take him one day sooner or later. Torn into pieces, but now know that the strength of the other party has reached the peak of the saint, Xiao Bing has to think about it, although it is angry, Xiao Bing is not a person who will be too impulsive to do things, according to his current saint mid-term The strength, want to deal with the sacred peak of the saint, presumably still there is a gap.

But Aydin is in the hands of the other party, how can it not be saved?

Xiao Bing now falls into a dilemma at once.

The old class sighed: "Unless you are also stepping into the peak of the saint, otherwise, how could you be a virtual opponent?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded and said, "But I have to go to someone. If Aydin is a little lost, I can't beat him now. I want them to leave the Kunlun dog!"

The old class knew that Xiao Bing had the strength of the stock. The old class was only because of Xiao Bing’s strength, so he accepted Xiao Bing. It is conceivable that this time he had offended Xiao Bing, and Kunlun and the Holy See were spared even temporarily. There will be no good days in the morning and evening.

Xiao Bing then inquired about some other things. After knowing about it, Xiao Bing hung up the phone and immediately called the leaf. The phone just turned on, and did not wait for the leaves to speak. Xiao Bing It’s straightforward to say: “Leaves, I know what you are going to say, I know that you are worried about me, I know that you are angry now, but you listen to me, you will never have an accident, Xiao Da’s will never happen, always It’s safe, you’ve been wronged before, I will help you back soon!”

"I don't want you to come back, I just want you to be safe." The leaves shouted, "Where are you now, hurry to find me!"

Xiao Bing sighed slightly and asked, "Are you injured?"

"I was not injured, but Liu Zhen was very wounded, and the father of Akasaka Nakayama was inadvertently injured. Plus, his age is too big, I am afraid..."

Xiao Bing was in a tight heart and asked: "Is Zhang Yi pointing to the old man in the past?"

"It has already been seen, but Zhang Lao said, now, unless there is a magic bullet, you can temporarily maintain the life of the father of Akasaka."

"What is the magic bullet?" Xiao Bing thought of some expensive elixir that he had bought from the Mozu in the past few days. He thought that it might be useful, so he said, "I will see it tomorrow morning. Going to Kyoto, where is Akasaka's father? Where is Zhang Lao?"

"Zhang Lao and Akasaka are all in the Dingwu office. There is no way for the hospital. So the red scorpion father insisted on leaving the hospital. Now only Liu Zhen is still in the hospital. The masters of the National Security Bureau are guarding the show. Every day, the show is beautiful. I will not leave if I stay by the side."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Hey, the feelings between them are so deep now. This is a good thing, but if one of them has something wrong, another person is really hard to bear this. Kind of blow, but it doesn't matter, since I am back, I won't let anyone have anything to do."

"Dr. Xiaobing, where have you been recently..."

Xiao Bing hesitated a moment, whispered his own recent experience, and then let the leaves must help keep them secret. Xiao Bing's secrets may be holding on to anyone else, but he will not hide the leaves.

When the leaves heard Xiao Bing and Gao Fei were jointly attacked by Kunlun and the Holy See, and finally entered the legendary demon world, and then experienced many things and returned to life, the leaves are like dreams, only feel Unbelievable.

I have been listening to it all the time, and the sound of the leaves is a little choked: "Big bad guys, when can you not let us be scared every day, just because we have a small day we want, I am too worried about you."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Foliage, I am now owing you, I will double the compensation to you in the future."

"Oh, actually, when I heard you talking about it, I already knew that your people are not just ours. In fact, I should not blame you." The voice of the leaves was sobbing, "From the first When I see you at a glance, I realize that you are different. Just like the roaring dragon in your body, you should be like a dragon. How can a dragon be possible? It will be controlled by one person. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, I can't control, because if I try to bind you to my side, then I am a sinner."

Xiao Bing sighed, and there was some embarrassment in his heart. Some powerless said: "In fact, I am not a dragon, I am just your man."

"Okay, big bad guy, I know what is in your heart. If I lie to you and say that I am not tired at all, then you will be more self-blaming. I honestly say that my heart is very tired because I always want I am worried about you. But I know that you are more tired, I am just worried, but you, at any time, risk your life, and even blame for me all the time, at least my heart is calm. I can also say that I have suffered a lot for my own man, and fact, you are the most bitter one."

There are some faint touches in Xiao Bing's heart. There are too many women in the world who always think of how sad they are, how wrong they are, but few people are like leaves, obviously they are being wronged. It is possible to think that the grievances of the other party may be greater than themselves, and perhaps only a deeper love can do this.

The leaves suddenly said: "Don't mention those things, the little ones are coming in, little, big bad guys call me, he is safe and sound, I will see you soon, do you want to talk to him?"

Immediately after the phone there was a footstep, the phone seemed to be changing people. Su Xiao’s voice passed from there, but Su said, but directly crying.

Xiao Bing’s nose was sour, and he hurriedly comforted Su Xiaoxiao. It took a lot of effort to persuade Su Xiaoxiao, even Su Xiaoxiao’s frosty goddess cried like this. One time they were missing for two months, how worried they were and how much psychological pressure they faced.

Xiao Bing thought secretly, I can't live with you, rest assured, this time the fault, I will not stop here, the ultimate responsible person, I must let him pay the price, blood debt blood compensation!

(End of this chapter) 8)

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