Super Soldier

Chapter 1636: The collective improvement of Xiao Bing’s forces

In order to revive the majesty of the Dingwu office, Xiao Bing made people spread the news of his return on the same day. Let everyone know that I am not dead, and Xiao’s director of our Dingwu office is still alive. Moreover, before the outside mad pass Xiao Bing was killed by Kunlun and the Holy See. Now Xiao Bing is alive and back, and it has a certain blow to the reputation of the Kunlun School. It is sure that everyone thinks that the Kunlun School is deliberately taking advantage of the disappearance of Xiao Bing. Raise yourself and spread the message that he has destroyed Xiao Bing.

The next morning, Rouge and Bi Tingting all sent a call to Xiao Bing. One by one on the phone complained that Xiao Bing’s recent disappearance made them worry for a while. Xiao Bing explained it and smiled. Everyone is there.

Finally, the beautiful women were comforted. Xiao Bing walked out of the room and checked the training of everyone. It can be said that the strength of all people has improved now, but it is not enough to reach the level of jealousy of Kunlun. Only Longmen Eight will make Kunlun a little jealous. This is also why Kunlun must destroy Xiao Bing. It can be said that if Xiao Bing does not come back this time, they will even try their best to destroy the Longmen Eight, otherwise With the strength of the Dragon Gate Eight, once Kunlun's teaching is gone, Kunlun will endure the disaster that Longmen Eight will bring to them.

And Xiao Bing’s biggest dream is that one day he can retreat, and the women who accompany him well, Xiao Bing also has ambitions for martial arts, but the biggest dream is to be able to live up to the leaves, after all, they have paid for themselves. Enough is enough.

To retreat, two conditions must be met. The first is to kill all the threats. The second is to let the forces of Longmen and the Dingwu Office have the power to deter the world. Hands-on, even if they come out, is enough to make any big forces dare not move, so Xiao Bing is now very concerned about the strength of everyone.

Seeing that everyone's strength is not enough, Xiao Bing is anxious, but he also knows that he can't eat hot tofu. After all, these people are not like Kunlun disciples. Since childhood, there are famous teachers who teach martial arts and lack too many resources. So it is not so fast to make progress.

But now Xiao Bing is not worried about this problem. Xiao Bing also found some semi-centrals when he robbed the arsenal. Although it may not be enough for everyone to take one, but select some of them to take each person. One is still ok.

So Xiao Bing let Molong wait for the best of the 10 talents for the instructors they trained here, and then each person issued a half-fair, directly creating nine fierce masters and a broken level. The master came out, and as a result, the strength of the Dingwu office immediately began to increase.

Not only that, Xiao Bing also distributed some of the treasures that were searched to these elites. Although these treasures did not reach the level of the spirits, the attack power was far more than those ordinary weapons, if they did not In the case of weapons of the same level, it is enough to ensure that they are invincible at the same level. Seeing that Xiao Bing has directly created so many first-class masters in one day, the morale of the Dingwu office has been further improved.

In addition, Xiao Bing did not forget Peng Zhiqiang, who had been carefully cultivated before. Peng Zhiqiang had guided him because he had too many famous teachers around him. He knew that he valued him, so Xiao Bing was not in the period of time. Long and others often directed him separately, and Xiao Bing once opened the second line for him, so the strength of Peng Zhiqiang has just set foot in the early stage of Dan Jin, and the strength has reached a higher level. Xiao Bing gave him a precious medicinal herb. The effect of this medicinal herb is even above the semi-fair, because the half-stem is said to be the planted sage, but the grass is compared with the lingan. There is still a little bit of difference. As a result, after taking the Lingdan, Peng Zhiqiang’s strength has entered the initial stage of Qi Jin.

On the third day after Xiao Bing's return, Xia Hongyin came back from the outside. Xia Hongyin, who was the servant of the dust, saw the first time of Xiao Bing, and his eyes were red.

Xiao Bing was sitting on the steps of the yard and teasing Xiao Mingyue. When Xia Hongyin came back, Xiao Bing immediately stood up and was about to talk, but he saw that Xia Hongyin seemed to be crying. Xiao Bing was anxious immediately and hurriedly walked. In the past, said: "Mom, you..."

Xiao Bing hasn't finished yet. Xia Hongyin's two hands hold Xiao Bing's cheek and say, "Let your mother see, let Mom see if you are okay."

"I'm fine, I'm really fine." Xiao Bing did not expect Xia Hongyin to be so excited, but I don't know why, seeing this kind of mother's excitement, Xiao Bingxin felt very uncomfortable inside, "I am There was nothing at all, and there was still a lot of gains, and peace came back."

Xia Hongyin nodded and said: "It's okay, I will be relieved if nothing happens. Don't scare my mother in the future. Peace is a blessing. Peace is more important than anything else."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Yes, peace is more important than anything. I will never let you worry anymore. But if you really can't let you worry, you still have to rely on strength. Only with enough strength will it be absolutely Security."

Xia Hongyin’s eyes flashed a bit of worry and asked: “Do you really have to be stronger than others every day? If you don’t participate in anything, it’s not safe to specialize in your own little days. ”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I didn't believe a word before. People are in the rivers and lakes, but they don't help themselves, but now I believe."

Xia Hongyin sighed: "I understand, if you really insist, no matter what you are doing, my mother will support you."

Xiao Bing’s heart has a warmth. From small to large, he has never had such a feeling. This feeling made him very excited and nodded. “Mom, thank you, thank you for your encouragement... I believe that I can do it myself."

"You can!"

At this time, the leaves and Su Xiaobian said that they had come over. They are now in the Dingwu office every day, but they are also very busy. They just moved the work inside the company to their homes, saving daily commute. Time, but sometimes there is more time to communicate with the company.

Now they are busy in one room every day. At this time, they are busy, so they came out together. When they saw Xia Hongyin, the leaves immediately said happy: "Auntie, you are back!"

"Yeah." Xia Hongyin said, "I just went back to my hometown and did something. I just finished coming back."

The leaves asked: "Auntie will not leave now?"

"Well, don't go." Xia Hongyin laughed. "Catch me, I won't go."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "In the entire Xiao Fu, who dares to drive away the aunt, here is the site of the brother, you are the mother of the brother, then you are in the ancient times is the Empress Dowager."

When I heard Su Xiaoxiao’s metaphor, everyone laughed one by one. Although Xiao Mingyue didn’t quite understand what everyone was laughing at, but he was happy and jumped and laughed, the small looks looked particularly happy.

Xia Hongyin was on the ground, holding Xiao Mingyue and kissed him: "Grandma kissed you, did you want grandma?"

Xia Hongyin’s milky voice said: “I want my grandmother.”

"Good moon, bright moon can be true." Xia Hongyin tightly holding Xiao Mingyue, looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, said: "If you can do this every day, and your family is happy, it is so good. ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, it is so happy, Mom, wait until one day I retired, we will simply buy a small island, or simply live directly into the fairy door, I and them The relationship is very good, and the environment there is also very good, we live there, and then enjoy the flowers and birds every day, and occasionally come out and travel around, the family is fun."

"Well, my mother is looking forward to that kind of life and looking forward to the day when the day really comes."

Everyone laughed and chatted for a while. After dinner, Xiao Bing originally planned to go back to the room to rest, but was pushed by the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao to the door of the room of the red rose. Xiao Bing did not react. They both knocked. Knocking on the door, then ran away, Xiao Bing smiled and knew that they were living in the room of the red rose tonight.

Although the red rose seems to be the hottest and most arrogant, among these people, the red rose is also the most modest one. At any time, it never fights with the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao. Whenever they are let them, even if I was also worried about Xiao Bing. When I saw Xiao Bing safe and sound, I also let the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao rush in front. She always followed behind, and the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao always looked at it all. How can you not feel it? How could it not be moved?

In fact, every woman is paying, they are paying for Xiao Bing, and they are all paying for each other. It is because of this harmonious atmosphere that these people around Xiao Bing are always safe and sound.

The red rose opened the door. When I saw Xiao Bing, the burning eyes looked at Xiao Bing. I rushed straight up without saying anything, and held Xiao Bing in my arms. Two people embraced each other in the room. Lying in bed together.

The two people are getting less and less clothes between each other, and they gradually become naked. Then they gently touch each other and kiss each other. They want to integrate each other into their bodies, and they can feel each other. To the enthusiasm of each other, this feeling turned into a desire, has begun to boil, the last two people finally reached the apex, the room inside resounded the sound of trepidation and blood burning.

Ps: A few of you came to Harbin from your hometown. Today, going to dinner and helping to find a hotel, etc., delayed some time, but it was completed on time. The first chapter of tomorrow is around 11 noon.

(End of this chapter)

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