Super Soldier

Chapter 1644: Xiao Bing is so domineering!

After the son of the sneak shot, the other young people all surrounded the past, happily.


"Yes, haha, don't be noisy, let me share it with you..."

This son is planning to share the pictures with these people. Suddenly, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed his mobile phone. The son of the son stunned and turned his head and shouted: "Mom, who? Ah? Do you know who I am?"

All these brothers stood up, because the voice of this son was too big, everyone around them looked in this direction, and the rouge that was facing the matter here turned around and just saw Xiao Bing, followed by I saw these violent sons, her brows wrinkled slightly, and then smiled at the sneak shot of the son: "Zhou Shaoye, this is my friend, I don't know how you made such a big fire." I don't know if I can give me a face."

This week, the young master heard that this mobile phone was actually a friend of Rouge. He thought that it was very likely that his own sneak shot was discovered, so the mobile phone was taken away, and he couldn’t help but be confused. He knew that rouge was the first in China. Communicative flowers, that is not a good idea, although they say that Jiangjia is also a second-rate family in Kyoto, but even if he is not afraid of offending rouge, he does not want to give his family a shame, especially in the eyes of the public, he also plays women on weekdays. Even if it is, but this kind of sneak shot is not allowed on the table.

So Master Zhou forced to suppress the anger in his heart, reached out and said: "Give me back my phone, this thing is alright, I also give Miss Rouge a face."

Xiao Bing smiled and played the mobile phone in his hand and asked: "If you want a mobile phone, I will give you a mobile phone. Do you know what you have done?"

Rouge also had some curiosity why Xiao Bing would inexplicably **** Zhou Shao’s mobile phone and provoke Zhou Shao’s anger. So he walked over and glanced at it. Zhou Shao wanted to grab it, but Xiao Bing directly blocked it.

When I saw that the photos stored in the mobile phone turned out to be under the spring of my own skirt, the face of the rouge was immediately changed, the face of the gas was white, and the eyes looked cold to the young master Zhou, cold and cold: "Zhou Shao, I know you. I like to look for flowers and flowers in the weekdays, but my rouge is not the usual girl. You make such an anecdote and shoot my skirt under the mobile phone. I am afraid it is not very glorious!"

The sound of the rouge gas was a little trembling, and those around the bustling people suddenly understood why Xiao Bing had to grab the mobile phone and Zhou Shao would care so much about a mobile phone. It turned out that Zhou Shao had just sneaked a rouge skirt, and there was a lot of discussion around. The voice, although the people present are often looking for flowers outside, but this embarrassing thing is indeed a bit shameful.

Listening to the surrounding arguments, Zhou Shao's face flushed, and finally shyly added: "What, who can prove that it is a sneak shot of Miss Rouge? Unless Miss Rouge can personally open the skirt and verify the photo inside. ""

Xiao Bing coldly said: "This dress is worn by Miss Rouge now, and the time you took is just right. Can you still prove it?"

Zhou Shaomei said with anger: "I said no, it is not, unless you give the skirt to prove it!"

The rouge's chest is constantly undulating, loudly: "You are too shameless!"

The people around me are also secretly scornful. How can a woman's house open a skirt? You can use this way to prove that it is too thick.

Xiao Bing's face changed and sneered: "It doesn't matter, you can't admit it doesn't matter, as long as I see it with my own eyes, we know what is going on."

Zhou Shaoger said: "Return the phone to me!"

Said, Zhou Shao reached out to grab, but was denied by Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing sneered: "I haven't taught you yet, do you dare to grab the phone in my hand?"

"Jokes, teach me? Do you know who I am? No one in Kyoto has ever dared to teach me lessons!"

Several young people beside him are also screaming: "What if you can take a sneak shot? But it is a blind man who comes out to be social, isn't it something that we are happy with? What are you wearing?"

"Yeah, what a pure saint!"

These young people don’t know Xiao Bing, but they don’t know that they don’t know other people. They don’t even know each other. There are several eyes around them that show their pity. But if Xiao Bing doesn’t say anything, they won’t name them. They don’t want to offend Xiao Bing inexplicably.

The rouge gas shivered. Although she was called the first social flower, her body was clean. Only Xiao Bing had once owned her. In front of Xiao Bing, her most taboo is that others mentioned her. The identity of social flowers, no matter how clean she is, but people always think more.

Rouge was cold and cold. Suddenly a warm big hand grasped her cold little hand. She turned her head and saw that Xiao Bing was smiling at her. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "A fool, why bother?" A few outsiders are talking nonsense here, and your men will naturally help you repair them."

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "The rouge man, is he a dragon!"

"You just know, he is a dragon, and he is the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security, director of the Dingwu office...."

When Xiao Bing and Kyoto are less than one person, Zhou Shaohe’s young people have widened their eyes and looked at Xiao Bing with fear. Zhou Shao’s face was pale and shivering: “Dragon ... dragon... dragon less... you listen to me explain... I..."

Zhou Shao’s words have not been finished yet. Xiao Bing took a slap in the face. Zhou Shao’s whole person flew straight out and flew out more than ten meters away. He directly hit the wall and then fell down. When other When people looked at the past, they couldn’t help but take a breath of cold. A cold air began to rise from the soles of the feet. Even the people who had just helped Zhou Shao’s speech shook and shivered at this moment.

However, seeing Zhou Shao’s left face has completely collapsed into it, his eyes are invisible, his head is full of blood, his body is twitching, and his eyes are only venting without air.

Rouge did not expect that Xiao Bing would have such a killer. This week, she saw that she could not be killed by a slap in the face. She hurriedly said: "Xiao Big Brother, still almost finished..." Xiao Bing smiled slightly, saying: "Is it okay to humiliate my woman!"

Xiao Bing grabbed the hair of one of Zhou’s accomplices, and hit a knee. The whole face of this man almost collapsed, and then slammed his face up on the ground. Xiao Bing continued to pull out several feet. Several other people flew out in lightning, one by one, the chest collapsed, and the mouth was wowing with blood.

In the blink of an eye, none of Zhou Shao and his companions were standing still here, all falling to the ground.

Xiao Bing finished all this, and his tone was plain: "I have always been blaming this person for doing things. The main criminal Zhou Shao will directly pull into the cemetery. As for other people who are forced to enter the hospital, there is still a chance to live. Go on."

For Xiao Bing, the successor of the second-rate family is like a shit. He said that he would fight and kill, and he would not even blink his eyes.

The few young masters brought the next person to stand nearby, but things happened so suddenly, they didn’t have time to react. At this time, a few people rushed to call an ambulance, and the next person in Zhou’s family called After completing the ambulance, they also called the family patriarch. This kind of thing can not be handled by a bodyguard. The young master can’t live, but this dragon is not a defender who can offend him, let alone the other party. The slap can give the young master's head a smash, is he offended?

The people coming from the whole hall are basically high-ranking figures on the countertops in China. Some of them have seen Xiaobing’s hegemony before, and some have only heard of it, but today they still have all of them. One by one, watching Xiao Bing's eyes are full of awe.

No matter in any country or any race, only the strong will be awe.

Xiao Bing deleted the photo of the sneak shot that week, then threw the phone on the ground and easily crushed it with his foot. Then he looked at the panicked bodyguards and said calmly: "Tonight's nine Before the o'clock, if any of the patriarchs did not come over and apologize in the hall, it would offend me Xiao Bing, and then wait for the revenge of my Xiao Bing's Thunder!"

The murder was not overwhelming, but after Xiao Bing finished the lesson, the parents of the family came over and apologized. All the people finally realized the true hegemony of Xiao Bing and knew that the four of Kyoto were really Long Shao is the most difficult to provoke, one by one is a complete understanding of Xiao Bing's prestige.

Xiao Bing licked the rouge and said: "Okay, nothing big, don't be angry, let's go, I will accompany you back to the room and have a good chat."

"Yeah." Rouge has some souls. She has seen Xiaobing’s hegemony before, but today she still surprised her. She has never seen such a domineering in her life, but she can’t blame Xiao Bing. On the contrary, it will feel warm, because Xiao Bing is fighting for her.

Xiao Bing left the hall with rouge, the whole hall was silent, all the people held their breath, even those who went out to other places were all eye-catching big people. At this moment, the atmosphere is not afraid to breathe.

When Xiao Bing left, the people in the hall gradually began to talk, and they talked one by one...


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