Super Soldier

Chapter 1657: Buddha and Xia Hongyin

When Jiang Ziying was worried about Xiao Bing, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. Jiang Ziying and Chris looked at the door together.

At the door, there was a soft voice. When I heard this voice, Jiang Ziying almost knew that it was Ovkar. Ovkar was always light when he knocked on the door, and he would stop when he knocked three times.

Jiang Ziying nodded to Chris, and Chris snorted. She went to the door and opened the door. She saw Ovkar standing at the door. She immediately reverently called: "His Royal Highness."

Ovkar snorted.

Jiang Ziying said: "Cris, you should go back to the room to rest, I will call you if something happens."

"Okay, Miss has something to call me."

Chris promised to retire, and helped Ovkar and Jiang Ziying close the door.

Ovkar’s eyes looked softly at Jiang Ziying, who stood up and asked, “Is Chris taking care of you? Do you need to change people?”

“There is no need to change people.” Jiang Ziying said, “She cares for me very well and is very caring. I want to use her all the time.”

Ovkar smiled: "Well, it seems that I should give her a salary increase. Since then, she has been taking care of you. I have a few days to go to the wedding, how are you prepared in your heart?" ?"

Jiang Ziying heard Ovkar mention this and sighed a little, saying: "Whether or not you are mentally prepared, you still have to marry."

Ovkar frowned slightly, approaching Jiang Ziying, and asked: "Is your heart still thinking about Xiao Bing?"

Jiang Ziying hesitated, and Ovkar said with some anger: "Where is there more than him? I only have you as a woman, but he is a few people who are indulgent, even he is not even in the eye. Look at you, why are you so dead to him?"

"I'm not……."

Ovkar shook his head and clenched his fist and said, "You are humiliating me."

"I am not humiliating you, I am not thinking about him, I don't think he is better than you." Jiang Ziying hesitated and sighed. "Just he is the first man in my life to have feelings. I know that you will be angry, but I don't want to lie to you. His figure is hard to erase in my heart."

Ovkar's pupils shrank slightly, and the eyes were murderous. Soon after the murder, he sighed and said: "This time he is also on the list of invited people, he will come to join you and my wedding. ”

Jiang Ziying also planned to ask this, but he was still hesitant to ask how to ask Ovkar to suspect that Chris was on the body. When he saw Ovkar, he spoke out, and when he was relieved, his heart was inside. I am grateful to Ovkar for his confession.

Jiang Ziying asked: "He came over? Are you going to invite him? I know that you have already formed a dead end, do you want to take the opportunity..."

"No!" Ovkar categorically said, "I really do not want him to die, but it is not the time, especially if you can't start with him when I am married. If that happens, this wedding 岂Not to be a joke, let alone a wedding in life, I don't want to let your only one wedding break."

Jiang Ziying’s eyes flashed brightly and asked excitedly: “Is it true?”

Ovkar coldly said: "If you don't want to believe, you can't believe it."

"I believe!" Jiang Ziying said excitedly.

Ovkar sighed a little, and the tone eased a little. He said: "We invited him to come because he is now a negligible person in this world. It is normal to invite him. On the other hand, It’s because we don’t know **** him now, and it’s better to ease the relationship than to be hostile.”

Jiang Ziying was relieved.

Ovkar looked at Jiang Ziying and asked: "Now you should rest assured?"

Jiang Ziying opened his mouth and wanted to explain something. He suddenly found that he was powerless regardless of what he said, and finally sighed deeply.

"Well, let's rest, it doesn't matter if you want to go out shopping. Let a few people accompany you, not for surveillance, to protect you. I will go out first."

"Oh, I see."

Ovkar walked to the door, opened the door, and was about to leave. Jiang Ziying suddenly called out: "Ovkar."

Ovkar’s footsteps stopped and looked back at Jiang Ziying.

Jiang Ziying said: "Thank you... Thank you for always letting me endure."

The frost that Ovkar originally accumulated in his eyes when he mentioned Xiao Bing, slowly melted at this moment, faintly said: "After getting married, you can't communicate with him."

"I know, I won't."

"Yeah." Ovkar turned and walked out and closed the door.

Jiang Ziying thought of Ovkar's sly eyes, slightly licking his lips, his eyes slightly blurred.

After Xiao Bing was busy at home for a few days, he finally got to the time when Jiang Ziying was getting married. Because he was busy with the company, the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao didn’t come over. Xia Hongyin insisted on Xiao Bing and the red rose. Delivered to the airport, Gao Fei has already passed one step ahead.

The palace of the Holy See is located in an island country called the group county in the European and American continents. It is located in the middle of the country of y and the United States. It is a distance from both countries, closer to North America, and relatively closer to m. some.

The environment of the Holy See is also very convenient. There are ports on the sea, you can take the boat in the past, and there are four very long bridges that can drive past. In addition, although the island country is not large, the total population is only a hundred thousand, but it has been built. An airport is also very convenient to use by plane.

Outside the airport of the group of counties, at this moment, a man with a low hat pressure went out from inside. He looked around and called a taxi to leave. He took off his hat in the taxi. It is Gao Fei.

In the airport of Kyoto City, Xia Hongyin looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Be careful to protect yourself, you must come back safely."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do not worry, Mom, I am going to the wedding, there will be nothing."

"Well, but all things must be careful. Don't be too reluctant when you encounter something. You must understand the situation."

"I know, Mom, you can relax at home, don't worry too much about me." Xiao Bing smiled.

Xia Hongyin said: "If you are in trouble, I think you just don't lie around there, find a way to escape, and with the three of you still running back, no one can leave you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, yeah, mom, you know quite a lot."

Xia Hongyin said: "I have listened to Molong, but I am still not at ease."

"Do not worry." Xiao Bing hugged Xia Hongyin and smiled. "Hurry up and go back by car. Don't worry about us. We should also check the ticket in the past. We can't delay the time."

"Good." Xia Hongyin said, "Let's go, take care of the roses."

"Well, definitely."

The red rose also smiled at the side: "Auntie don't worry, I will marry him."

"Well, you are staring at him and holding your breath, I can rest assured, you go."

Xiao Bing and the red rose waved their hands together, and then began to check in the past, Xia Hong Yin has been watching Xiao Bing and the red rose, seeing them disappear.

She sighed slightly, turned and was about to leave. Suddenly she saw a pair of red and gold pupils staring at herself in the distance, but it was fleeting. She hurriedly walked and went straight to one of the airport. Inside the corner, I saw that the Buddha was leaning against the wall and looked at himself calmly.

Xia Hongyin took a look and said, "How come you?"

"He is not dead." The Buddha smiled lightly. "I think you can rest assured this time."

Xia Hongyin said with some excitement: "He is not dead, you are still staring at what he is doing, can't you let him go?"

"Why should I let him go?" The Buddha suddenly laughed. "It’s strange, isn’t this all designed by you? How can you say this to me now, Mom, don’t you think you are weird? ?"

Xia Hongyin’s eyes were filled with tears and said: “I know that all of this is designed by me, but I didn’t understand it before. Now when I’m old, I calm down. Sometimes, many things are irreparable, no matter if we What I am doing now can't be changed. I didn't tell you the last time, I hope to see you able to live a normal life."

"It’s late." Buddha’s son sighed and said, “Everything can’t be taken, I don’t want to close it. Oh, my brother is going to attend the wedding. I don’t think he’s so bold, so many times before. Can not let him long lessons, even dare to take two people to go deep into the Holy See, one is the Mozu messenger Gao Fei, one is the big snake family's embers red roses, he thought that with them three people can be invincible in the world? He is Not a little too small to see the Holy See?"

Xia Hongyin asked: "What do you mean by this? Is the Holy See really going to shoot him?"

"It’s true whether it’s true or not, and whether the Holy See will be shot. How can we know it?” The Buddha’s son chuckled. “But I’m really curious. If the Holy See really shot, Xiao Bing again. How to deal with it, he has created too many miracles on this road, really makes me more and more curious."

Xia Hongyin gnashed his teeth and said: "Are you treating your brother as a **** in your hand?"

"No." Buddha son chuckled. "Mom, if you say so, I am not happy. We are all your chess pieces."

"Oh...." Xia Hongyin was speechless.

The Buddha son laughed and said: "Well, I don't have much to say. Next, I plan to go over and see this good show with my own eyes."

The Buddha son straightened up, Xia Hongyin hurriedly said: "Child, listen to me... If Xiao Bing is in trouble, you have to help him."

"Of course I will go... help him." The words of the Buddha son seem to have deep meaning. After the talk, they laughed again. Then Xia Hongyin still talked, but found that the figure of the Buddha son was blurred. Already disappeared completely in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter) 8)

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