Super Soldier

Chapter 1573: The whole Y country is panicked!

Sure enough, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau...that is, Andrew’s top boss is roaring loudly on the phone: “Catch people, who makes you hesitate, don’t you know that Old Bauer is a member of Congress? Little Bauer was seriously injured. If you anger the old Bauer, we will have trouble."

"Yes, yes, but... they are Chinese people, China is not good at provoke... and one of them is the official of China."

"That's going to catch people. It's a big deal to follow up on the matter. But the first step is that we must first do it for the Bauer family."

"Oh I see."

Andrew hung up the phone and looked at Xiao Bing with a gloomy face. He said: "If you arrest, we have the right to kill you, so please come back to investigate with us now."

"That's okay." Xiao Bing shrugged and said, "I hope you don't regret it."

Andrew sneered a sneer, thinking that this matter is destined to cause diplomatic trouble, but I have any regrets, anyway, I listen to the superiors to do things, and then there is really trouble, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Director The burnt head is ruined, and you are a Chinese official, can you still move me?

Andrew sneered: "Don't talk nonsense, pick it up."

The red rose wanted to start, Xiao Bing pulled a red rose, shook his head, and then two people were picked up.

A few young people on the side said proudly: "I have already told you that we are not so good. What about your Huangpi monkey even if it is a Chinese official? This is not your land, but it is not you. territory."

"Yes. Hey, you are going to suffer. This time, it will not be so easy to let you go. A Chinese official is beating us here, and you must give us an explanation."

"If you sin here, you should accept our trial here."

"What happened to the deputy minister, what is the status of honor? Is it still necessary to eat in our country? Can someone save you?"

Xiao Bing listened to them screaming and talking, and sneer in his mouth. Andrew looked at the side and rolled his eyes. These young and energetic officials and rich second generation really didn’t understand anything. I thought this was just a small problem. Didn't they know how big the deputy minister is? Until now, they still don't know how much trouble they have caused! However, it does not matter to them. People are at most two countries to negotiate, and they are not able to get a few of them.

Andrew’s heart stunned two of these young masters, but they were too ignorant, but their faces were upright and took people with Xiao Bing.

After Xiao Bing and the red rose were caught in the police station, they were directly locked in the detention center. Before the separation, Xiao Bing whispered: "Reassured, I am sure I can go out tonight."

"Yeah." The red rose nodded. "If they don't let go, I will just go out and play it out."

Xiao Bing had a black line and rushed to the red rose, letting her wait for her own message.

Xiao Bing himself was locked in a small black house. He sat for about ten minutes, then patted the door hard and said loudly: "I want to call and call my lawyer? You will not Don't let a lawyer find out?"

In any case, y is a democratic country, not to mention the fact that Xiao Bing’s status is honorable. They have directly taken Xiao Bing up and they have already suffered a lot of pressure. Naturally, they dare not deprive Xiao Bing of the outside world. right.

Soon someone came over and took Xiao Bing out, and then returned the phone to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing sat in the chair and found Anna’s mobile phone number. He dialed the past and smiled and said: “Hey, I am You have a little trouble in London..."

Xiao Bing simply said things through, and then two people quickly hang up the phone, Xiao Bing returned the phone to the police officer next to him, said with a smile: "Cust for me first."

The police officers stored the phone and brought Xiao Bing back to the cell.

After Xiao Bing was brought back, he lay down on the bed and began to slumber and sleep, not worrying about the situation in front of him.

This matter has already been alarmed to the above department. After all, Xiao Bing’s identity is special. No one dares not to report such a big thing. Even the Prime Minister of the country of y knows this matter. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Many of the departments inside are in the process of discussing how to deal with this matter.

Bauer’s injury has been investigated clearly. It’s not too serious, and it’s not Xiao Bing’s. This is where things are a little troublesome.

However, they still feel that Xiao Bing should be closed first, especially the old Bauer has some friends in the Congress, putting pressure on this matter.

They did not think that the Queen of their country even called the Prime Minister overnight, severely condemned this behavior, rebuked them to maintain a few deaf children regardless of the image of the country, but also screamed that the old Bauer was innocent.

The Queen of y was so angry that this was unexpected. The Prime Minister was directly defamed. After all, the character of the Queen in the weekdays has always been dignified and elegant, and there is rarely such a time of anger.

Moreover, they originally thought that they would protect their own country. Although it was said that this matter was biased, it was almost over, and no one thought that the most distinguished big man in y was actually angered.

The Prime Minister immediately realized that if this matter is not handled well, I am afraid that the image in the Queen’s heart will also plummet, although the Queen has no decisive power now, but if the Queen is not optimistic about him, then the position of his re-election as Prime Minister is also A big trouble, he quickly reviewed himself, and immediately convened the Congress, slammed the old Bauer in the congress, and put all the previous anger on the old Bauer, and then gave the top of the Public Security Bureau Don, tell them that they must immediately release the Chinese people, and apologize to Xiao Bing, otherwise, the top and second hand of the Public Security Bureau and all those involved in this matter will lose the black hat.

No one thought that this matter had not been pressured and condemned by Huaxia. It was already so big. The head of the Public Security Bureau was simply the most embarrassing. He was not particularly clear from the beginning to the end. I don’t know which gluten-free second-handed second-handed squad has caused such a big trouble. After the end of Congress, he rushed back to the Public Security Bureau to hold an emergency meeting.

On the emergency meeting, he patted the table continuously, blowing his beard and blinking his eyes and shouting: "It’s timid, it’s timid. This thing must be dealt with immediately, and immediately apologize. Who is that person? That is Huaxia. The deputy minister, you have just casually arrested a Chinese vice minister? Is there water in your head?"

"Do you know what the deputy minister represents? Now the relationship between China and our country is developing steadily. Do you want to destroy this relationship immediately? I tell you that all of you who participated in this matter are all All are dereliction of duty. If a diplomatic dispute arises, then you are waiting to be demoted!"

All the people were frightened, especially the deputy director was even more ugly.

After the director of Douglas had finished his temper, Deputy Director Ouli began to say with a look: "Is this thing so serious... They really hurt people, even if they let people go, let us put people in one day. It’s not a big deal.”

Douglas yelled: "This is already a big problem. The Queen personally called the Prime Minister and was very dissatisfied with your actions. The Prime Minister even gave me and Old Bauer a meal in Congress. Follow me. Look, the old Bauer’s lawmakers will not be long before.”

All the people were stunned. I didn’t expect that a deputy minister of China would have caused such a big trouble. Even the parliamentarians had to be removed.

Douglas said: "This is not something you can think about. In short, I will go out and ask people to come out immediately, then apologize, otherwise... don't blame me for not reminding you, you will not be insured at all times!"

Orly quickly stood up, his face was very ugly and said: "I will let... let Andrew who caught him come in and pick him up."

"No, you have to go together, I will go together, go now!"

Douglas and Orly called Andrew and went to the room where Xiao Bing was locked. Andrew was uneasy all the way. He never dreamed that things had been fermented so much. It was just over an hour. How can it be so big?

This is still China’s temporary protests. If China exerts pressure on it, God, I can’t imagine what it will be like.

The door was opened, and the three Douglas walked in. Xiao Bing was lying on the bed, slightly opened his eyes, and then began to close his eyes and began to sleep.

Douglas smiled and said: "Deputy Minister Xiao, this is our fault, we did not investigate clearly, and this will come to an apology with you."

Xiao Bing faintly screamed, his eyes did not open and went to sleep.

Douglas was a little embarrassed, but still smiled and said: "We will let you go out now, how are you going to see?"

Xiao Bing turned over and went to sleep. He said, "No, it's good."

The first time someone said that the cell was quite good. Although it was a detention center, not a prison, Douglas didn’t know whether it was a pain or a smile.

Douglas looked back at the deputy director Orly, and Olivia walked up and said with a smile: "This thing blames our Andrew captain for not investigating clearly. He has come over to apologize to you."

After that, Oli quietly gave Andrew a look.

Andrew is simply trying to die. He just grabbed the person with high arrogance. When he was less than two hours, he came over and apologized to others. Is there a seam? I have to get in!

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