Super Soldier

Chapter 1577: Re-enter the palace

Xiao Bing played with Red Rose for three days in the city of Lundun. Sure enough, from the second day, Xiao Bing always felt that he was following his tail. Although the other party’s tracking skills were very good, it was in front of Xiao Bing’s ancestors. Just like a three-year-old child is generally not worth mentioning.

On the fourth day, Xiao Bing hugged a puppy and brought a red rose to St. James's Palace where Princess Anna lived. The red rose looked at the magnificent palace and kept sighing in her mouth.

The red rose whispered: "Xiao Bing, you have a good relationship with the princess of the country of R, and have been to their palace. Which is better than here?"

"Well, how do you say this... This palace was built by Henry VIII in 1530. It was officially the main residence of the royal family in 1698, and it was destroyed in a fire in 1809. After the fall, the royal family moved out of here, and built Buckingham Palace. In contrast, it should be not as good as the royal residence of the country of R, but Buckingham Palace is better than the emperor of the country.

"Oh I see."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But in comparison, there will not be much difference here. We must know that the country has been a strong country in the world since ancient times, and it belongs to the old powerhouse. The historical heritage is even deeper than that of the m countries, so it is built. The time here is very grand and huge, but now I have experienced a big fire, but it will not be much worse."

"Well, it looks really shocking."

Leading the way is two tall women dressed in military uniforms. These two beautiful women are masters of Dan Jin. When Xiao Bing came here last time, they were also led by these two beautiful women. They are responsible for protecting the safety of Princess Anna. .

After entering Princess Anna’s palace, she saw Princess Anna standing in the middle of the hall. The two beautiful women bowed respectfully and then retired. There was only Princess Anna and Xiao Bing in the hall. Three red roses.

Princess Anna was wearing a long blue dress and a gold necklace on her neck. After seeing Xiao Bing, she immediately walked over. Her walking posture was so charming, graceful, noble and beautiful. Princess Anna.

Xiao Bing put the dog on the ground, then opened his arm and smiled on his face, but he saw Princess Anna hugged the red rose directly and smiled and said: "Sister Rose, welcome you."

The red rose smiled: "Come and stay with you for two days."

"Well, you must stay a few more days."

Xiao Bing was about to take back his arm. Anna smiled and walked over and hugged Xiao Bing. Then the two kissed gently. Anna smiled and said: "If you didn't encounter that thing, say Maybe I don't know if you are here. It doesn't matter if you don't entertain you. Can't entertain my Rose sister."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, then I left the red rose here. I am leaving."


I know that I am joking, but a few people still laughed.

Princess Anna took the red rose's hand and said with a smile: "This is our St. James's Palace. Is it okay?"

"It’s just too good." The red rose said with emotion. "I really didn't think that one day I could live in this palace for two days."

Princess Anna smiled and said: "If you like, you can always stay here, just to accompany me, but it is estimated that Xiao Bing will not give up." Red Rose smiled: "You still don't know how many women he has." What else would he not be willing to do? But sometimes it is not very convenient, there are so many things in the house, but occasionally come to find you."

"Well, let me go, I will take you around. Oh, yes, this puppy is?"

At that time, the puppy was turning around Xiaobing. Xiao Bing gave it to his arms and said, "This is a stray dog. I took the needle to the pet hospital and then cut the hair. Bring the grandmother who is ready to give it to you."

Princess Anna was surprised: "You want to give my grandmother a stray dog? And it seems that it is not a purebred dog. It should be a hybrid, but it is quite cute."

Princess Anna teased the puppy. The puppy was very embarrassed and licked Princess Diana’s finger.

Xiao Bing said: "Yeah, aren't you saying that your grandmother likes dogs? I think any purebred dog, your grandmother should be lacking. This stray dog ​​will have some special meaning."

Princess Anna thought for a moment, then she smiled on her face: "You are right, come on, I am coming to hug."

Princess Anna, while holding this well-behaved puppy, walked out of the palace with Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing and the red rose followed Anna Princess, Princess Anna and Xiao Bing began to turn around. The entire St. James Palace was very large. Although it was once a big fire, it was later repaired. After all, the details are there, so it is very amazing.

The three people wandered for an afternoon and did not finish here, mainly because they stopped and stopped, and many places are worth watching.

At the end of the meal, three people sat in the dining chair, and there were more than a dozen dishes on the whole table, a variety of delicious dishes, and a bottle of red wine.

Princess Anna first raised the cup and said, "I will pay tribute to you, let's meet again, it is worth celebrating."

Red Rose and Xiao Bing also raised their glasses. The three men each drank a big mouth. Xiao Bing smirked and said: "You two should drink less. I am afraid that if I drink too much, I will be unsafe at night. ""

Princess Anna said with a sigh: "Hey, are you still unsafe? Is it that we are not safe?"

The red rose giggled: "I said, he is the radical method, I want to let us drink more!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not so mean, I am telling the truth."

Princess Anna smiled and said: "I don't know him yet, the mouth is slick, the mouth is especially poor, oh, yes, when I see my grandmother, I can't be so poor. Usually I am in front of the grandmother. I dare not talk nonsense."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "Reassured, Xiaobai, I will give you away when I am, but people are queens. I guess you will eat better and drink better than me, so I There is nothing to worry about, you just have to listen to it."

Xiao Bai’s mouth is the stray dog, because the hair on it is snow white, so Xiao Bing gave it such a name.

Xiao Bai listened to Xiao Bing's words, and screamed at the bottom of Xiao Bing's feet, and then looked at the table, his mouth licking the scorpion.

Xiao Bing laughed, grabbed a piece of meat and threw it to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bing looked at Princess Anna and asked curiously: "Anna, I am curious, what is your grandmother wanting to see me? Could it be that I am a good person, so I want to marry you? Then I Think about it."

"You want to be beautiful." Princess Anna's face was red, and then some doubts said, "I am also curious, but it is also possible to know that your relationship is not normal, so I plan to see you, in short, not too Worried, the relationship between the grandmother and me is very good, she will not treat you badly."

"Well, then I believe, after all, my future grandmother."

Princess Anna: "...."

The red rose smiled and said: "Anna, don't listen to him and you play with a poor mouth. I told him before, this is Grandma wants to see the ugly granddaughter."

Xiao Bing asked with a look: "Rose, then do you remember how I responded?"

This time, even the red roses that are always daring on weekdays can't help but blush. Xiao Bing proudly laughed.

Anna looked at Xiao Bing, feeling that they must have something in the words, I don’t know what it meant, so I was curious: "What is Xiao Bing laughing at? What did you say before?"

Xiao Bing smirked and said: "You will know when you wait in the evening."

Anna seems to understand it too. No matter what it means, it is definitely not a good word. It is estimated that it is related to rolling sheets. She immediately has a red face and shouted: "Sure enough, there is no good word, Rose sister, you are careful with him for a long time. I will learn badly."

Xiao Bing said without words: "Don't make trouble, in the end, it is not necessarily who and who learns bad."

A meal was spent in a few people laughing and joking. After dinner, Xiao Bing was a neglected one. The red rose and Anna sat together and chatted endlessly. Xiao Bing couldn’t even insert it. Princess Anna thinks that the red rose is different from other girls. The red rose dares to love and hate. It is always unspeakable. This character makes her feel envious. The red rose thinks that Anna Princess is more than the average girl. I know a lot of things, all of which are worth her to study, so she also likes to talk to Princess Anna.

Seeing the darkness, the red rose yawned and said: "These two days with Xiao Bing, sleep well, sleep well, today is not good, I have to make a good one myself, Anna, you Give me a room for me."

Princess Anna’s face was slightly red, but it was seen that the red rose wanted to create a separate opportunity for herself and Xiao Bing, but she did not break it. She said, “That’s good, Xiaomin.”

At this time, a yellow-skinned Asian girl came in from the outside. Xiao Bing was surprised: "This is..."

Princess Anna smiled and said: "She is Zhang Xiaomin, but also you Chinese, because I want to know more about China's knowledge and culture, so I asked her to take care of my life around me. By the way, I would like to talk to me about China. s things."

Xiao Bing heard a touch of emotion inside, Princess Anna has to understand what Chinese culture does? Not all for yourself? Princess Anna has paid too much for herself, and she must not disappoint her in the future.

Princess Anna said: "For me, please arrange a good room for Miss Red Rose."

"Know it." The girl named Xiaomin said to the red rose, "Miss Red, please come with me."

After the red rose was taken away by Zhang Xiaomin, Xiao Bing looked at Princess Anna hotly and smiled with a look: "Then we should be."

(End of this chapter)

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