Super Soldier

Chapter 1688: M country special envoy

After flying to Xia Weiyi by plane, I stayed at a hotel. Two people leaned back in bed and prepared to rest for a while, then went out to have dinner and watched the night scene.

Two people were lying in bed, holding hands, all with their eyes closed and enjoying the good times together.

"The world outside is really big." The red rose took a deep breath and said, "I have the opportunity to walk with every man you like in every inch of the world. This may be the women in the home. I can be imaginary, so I am so happy."

Xiao Bing opened his eyes and turned to look at the red rose. He said: "This is just the beginning. I will often take you around the world in the future."

"Well, not only take me, but bring them to the leaves."

"Well, bring the leaves to them." Xiao Bing smiled and accepted it.

The two people began to be silent again, holding hands and enjoying this kind of beauty. The feelings really reached this point, and they would not feel any embarrassment when they talked or did not speak.

In the Holy See, a middle-aged man in a red-haired suit and a suit stepped into the palace. The guards of several Holy Sees were attentively leading the way. This person was very tall and eager, as if he did not People give it to the eye.

When he arrived at the living room, he casually found a place to sit down, his eyelids lifted, and he asked with arrogance: "Your pope? Why didn't you come out to see me?"

The eyes of the two guards showed a hint of anger, but they immediately said: "The Pope just heard the news and came over immediately."

"Well, don't let me wait too long, my business is busy, it's not that much time can be delayed here."

The arrogant man just finished speaking, suddenly felt a terrible pressure of pressure over the moment, he felt his body tremble, the chair under the **** immediately gave a creaking sound, and then instantly broken, he smashed Speaking on the ground.

The Pope appeared from the room. No one knows when he appeared. When he saw him, he was already standing in the middle of the hall and was walking towards the first place.

The arrogant man stood up from the ground, and his eyes were furious and said: "The Pope, you..."

The Pope sat down in the Lord's position and calmly looked at the man. His tone was an understatement: "Even the director of your National Security Bureau will not be so arrogant in front of me, who will give you the courage?"

"This..." The face of this person has changed and he wants to attack, but he does not dare. On the one hand, he is the special envoy of the National Security Bureau of the country of M, even if it is an elite in the National Security Bureau, no matter where he goes. People flattered, but today they actually eat here, and their hearts are quite unwilling, but on the other hand, the strength of the Pope is unfathomable. Even if it seems to be able to kill him only by the momentum, how can he dare to resist?

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

The Pope looked at this person and asked, "What is your name?"

This person reluctantly said: "James Jones."

"Good, Jones, it looks like you are not convinced."

"No." Jones hesitated and said, "I just want to say, Mr. Pope gave me such a downroar. Is it because I want to be an enemy of our country?" The Pope suddenly laughed and laughed: " Do you think that I am humiliating a small person like you, will the country go to war with me? Oh, yes, maybe you are not a small person. Since you can be a special envoy of the National Security Bureau, you must be in the National Security Bureau. Elite."

Jones snorted.

The Pope's tone suddenly turned cold: "But for our Holy See, as long as it is not the deputy director of your National Security Bureau, it is a small person!"

Jones’s face turned red in an instant. Jones didn’t even reach a director in the National Security Bureau. He was only a deputy. There was a great distance from the deputy director. The other party said that everyone except the deputy director was all Little person, isn't that just a sign that he is a negligible little person in the eyes of the other party?

The Pope’s tone is calm: “Don’t you believe it, how many years have you known the Holy See?”

Jones snorted and said, "Hundreds of years?"

The Pope smiled and said: "It has been nearly two thousand years. Our Holy See has always had the influence of terror in history. This influence can even penetrate into the political power of countries in Europe and America. It can be said that our Holy See is the most glorious in history. The period is even stronger than the current m countries, and it must be brilliant. The Holy See that has existed for so long, which has the roots that you can imagine?"

Jones whispered: "Do you want to be an enemy of our m-state regime?"

"You are wrong. Now is the era of peaceful coexistence. It is about mutual benefit and win-win. In fact, the country of M looks strong, but the country can understand this. Even a strong country cannot make all the countries that are not pleasing to the eye. To eliminate it, cooperation is the means to solve the problem. Therefore, it is impossible for the m country to come to our Holy See because of you. The Holy See is indeed impossible to be the opponent of the m country. If the m country wants to, it can always let the Holy See Destruction, but the country does not want to suffer such a large loss. In this era of peace, even if it is an era of international shocks caused by the death of dozens of people, it is absolutely not easy for the country to come and destroy our Holy See."

The Pope smiled and continued: "Because they will be afraid that our Holy See's fish are dead and can't afford it. The Holy See's power is so great. It is taught in many countries around the world. Once you escape some fish that slip through the net, then go. In retaliation, it should be normal for a few hundred or even thousands of people to die in M. If this happens, do you think the president will not step down?"

Jones stunned and thought about it.

The Pope said: "So, you are still too young, some very simple truths, but you don't understand at all. Of course, this is also the consciousness of a lower person, and why you have not been able to become a true person. Because your consciousness is not enough, so I tell you, the country may not want our parish to be good, but they will never easily start with our Holy See. If it is just a small person who teaches you, it is not enough to irritate. The behemoths of the m country, even if they kill you, are frowning for the m country, unless your director or deputy director is dead in our hands, so maybe the m country will consider some action."

The Pope said faintly: "You have been so arrogant. If I kill you now, would it be better?"

Jones squinted, his eyes almost slammed out, and the cold sweat on his body began to take off, just as the Pope said, he carefully analyzed it. If he really died here, I am afraid that the country is still true. It won't be done to the Holy See, and it is almost easy for the Pope to kill himself.

After reaching this conclusion, Jones was frightened, the clothes began to be soaked with sweat, and both legs were soft. The reason why he was so rampant, in addition to his own strength, is more because of him. No matter where you go, it is almost representative of the m countries, representing the most powerful country in the world. Even this country can be described as unspeakable, but now it is impossible for the country to treat the Holy See for him. After the behemoths started, he was really scared, afraid that the Holy See would kneel on him.

He was frightened, and looked at the unfathomable old man sitting in front with a little fear and sorrow. He thought about the old man’s thoughts when he heard the old man ask him this time. When he was aiming, he felt a sigh of relief. It seems that although the Pope said that he did not believe that m Congress had fought against the Holy See, at least it was a bit of a face for the country, and he did not want to be offended, so he let himself go.

Jones wiped the sweat on his forehead. This time he became more honest. The arrogant attitude was gone. He said, "This is the case. The Secretary heard about what happened between your Holy See and Xiao Bing recently. I know that you are already an enemy now, so I am willing to help you."

The Pope asked: "How can I help me?"

Jones said: "Now Xiao Bing has not returned to China. The country of M also believes that this Xiao Bing will be a threat to the M country, so you can cooperate with you. You come forward with some top players and find ways to set up Xiao Bing. Under the ambush, he was slain. We are now investigating very clearly. Now that Gao Fei is no longer there, only he and his woman are two people. His woman’s strength is very strong, but your pope’s The depth of the foundation is so deep, there must be a way..."

The Pope asked: "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. You come to the top players, and our National Security Bureau will prepare several laser weapons. When they don't prepare, they will start launching. He is absolutely unable to escape. We will cooperate with each other and he will die."

The Pope sighed and said: "You can tell your National Security Director now, and I have already talked with Xiao Bing."

Jones frowned: "The Pope, you have to understand that there are no friends in the world forever. You have long been enemies, even if it is just a matter of expediency, how can you just give him a flat, and then once and for all? ?"

The Pope sighed: "I am afraid that you will be the last one."

Jones asked: "What do you mean by this?"

The Pope said: "Let's call your secretary, call me, and I will tell him."

Jones hesitated a little, but still listened to the Pope's words, took out the phone, and called the past.

When the mobile phone was just connected, Jones had not had time to speak. A horrible suction sucked the phone away from his hand and then fell into the hands of the pope.

Then I heard the Pope say to the phone: "Hey, I am the Pope."

Ps: Cavan is a bit powerful. Today I owe two chapters. I will try to make up for it all this week. In order to avoid the water chapter, I will not write it today, conceive the outline plot, and continue to update tomorrow. Good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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