Super Soldier

Chapter 1697: It's you?

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When the mobile phone was dialed, Xiao Bing resumed a serious tone and said: "I have called so early, what is wrong?"

"It’s not too early, it’s already noon. We just did it yesterday. You won’t be alienating me so soon?”

Xiao Bing also felt a little uncomfortable.

Jenny smiled and said: "Well, rest assured, I will not let you be responsible for this because of this matter. I have not said it at the beginning, just returning you, plus I am also interested in you. You are also interested in me. You are willing to do what I want. We Westerners are not as rigid as your Orientals."

Xiao Bing sighed, still felt a little uncomfortable, and asked with a tone of voice: "Miss Jenny, how are you doing now?"

"When I got up this morning, there was some pain below, so I said that I was not feeling well with my family. I stayed in the dormitory and didn't go to class."

"Then rest in the dorm room, if there is anything you need, even if you tell me."

"Nothing is needed, I don't need you to be responsible. But my dad just called me, he wants to see you."

“Hey?” Xiao Bing was shocked. I’m going to go. I didn’t say that I didn’t have to be responsible before. How did the relationship happen the night before, and it’s not over twenty-four hours? The parents of the other party actually want to see it. Own? What should I say after I see you? It’s said that your daughter is already an adult. This kind of thing is no big deal. Isn’t it just a shot? Then her father’s temper is good, and her temper is not good, but she will not interrupt her leg.

Xiao Bing coughed twice and shouted: "This... that..."

Apparently guessing what Xiao Bing was thinking, Jenny smiled and said: "Oh, not what you think, you must have thought more? My father doesn't know what happened to you and me in the bathroom, and even if I know, I am an adult now, and some things will not let him go. He heard that you saved me last night, so I want to see you and thank you."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Xiao Bing sighed and thought that he had thought more. He thought that the parents of the other party had to be responsible for it. They couldn’t help but be embarrassed. They said with a smile: "Tell the uncle and say There is no need to thank you in person. This is what I should do. Under that circumstances, I have the ability to definitely save it."

"No, my father came here from Los Angeles. He wants to see you. Can you not see him?"

"This..." I didn't expect Jenny's father to run from that far. If I didn't see it, it seemed that I really couldn't say it. It seems that a young man like himself is playing a big card for an elder, and it is just I saw one side or a meal, and I couldn’t delay much time. I thought, Xiao Bing asked, "When is it?"

"Now, can you? We don't delay too long. It's just a simple lunch. I have already booked the restaurant. Otherwise, my father still has things in the evening. Some people here will entertain him. ”

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, he and the red rose had just finished eating for a little while, and now they are not hungry, let the red rose play here for a while, anyway, the red rose also learns to swim, plus the strength of the red rose. Basically, it is safe everywhere, there is no need to worry about anything, so Xiao Bing agreed and said: "That line, then you send me the address, I will pass."

"Okay, then you can't see it." Hearing Xiao Bing promised, Jenny's voice was very cheerful and it looked very happy.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing quickly received a text message from Jenny with the address of the hotel.

Xiao Bing climbed up from the ground, walked into the sea, swam to the side of the red rose, and stood next to the red rose. He said, "Rose, I have something now. Jenny’s father said that he would like to thank me for his daughter’s life. Grace, not seeing is not very good, so that people have not been guilty, I went to see one side, simply eat a meal and immediately come back. Now it is more than eleven, I will come back with you at the latest. how about it?"

The red rose smiled: "Isn't it going to call you to be a son-in-law?"

"How come?" Xiao Bing laughed. "I have never seen him. They don't know anything about me. Just because I saved his daughter's life, he let me do the ride. What kind of father?" I can't be so heartfelt. I just thanked me alone. I also thought about it. If they don't see it, they have been owed in their hearts. After seeing this time, basically, it has nothing to do with it."

"You don't have to explain so much, go ahead, I am here waiting for you."

"Well, then I will go first." Xiao Bing got into the ear of the red rose and whispered, "You see that so many men around you have to eat you, you should be careful to be harassed for a while."

"Giggle, rest assured, those men... They don't even drink my foot washing water, but I can't see it... But I heard that there is a saying in China that only the state official can set fire to the people to light up? ”

Xiao Bingyi smiled and said: "That, I will go first, I will go first, see you later!"

Xiao Bing ran back to the shore, and the red rose smirked at the back.

Xiao Bing wiped his body again, then went to the locker room to change clothes and shoes, then went out and called a taxi to the place where Jane said.

Xiao Bing came to this hotel that Jenny had booked. After entering, the waiter took the initiative to welcome him. Xiao Bing said: "My friend is Jenny, I book it here."

"Oh, it was Miss Jenny." The waiter said sweetly, "They are in the b2 room."

they? That proves that all of them have come now, just waiting for myself to come.

Xiao Bing was a little nervous, and then he secretly reminded himself that there is no need to be afraid. Nothing is so nervous. People don’t know what is happening in the bathroom between Jenny and Jenny. They just want to thank themselves and they are saviors. Ah, what is the savior of the savior?

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, the nervous emotions began to disperse immediately, and then stepped into the corridor of the box. At first glance, he saw two black sunglasses men standing at the door of one of the boxes. The most important thing is the two. The strength of men in black sunglasses has reached the beginning of the enthusiasm.

This can be a little scary, although it is not a big deal for Xiao Bing, this kind of strength can not hold even a move in front of Xiao Bing, but after all, there are few people in the world. The realm is the same as oneself, and the sturdy period is definitely the top master in any city. Such two people are responsible for standing at the door. It is obvious that the identity and status of the people who eat inside are definitely not ordinary.

"Forget it, what does this have to do with me? Anyway, whether in the country of m or China, there will always be individual big men, but they are only hit by themselves today." Xiao Bing is no longer thinking about it, and starts looking for the b2. The private room, walking and walking, finally could not help but slammed, the room where the two people were guarding was the room b2.

Xiao Bing stopped at the door. The eyes of these two people fell on Xiao Bing's body. One of them asked: "Are you looking for Miss Jenny?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing heard that the other party asked, and he knew that there would be no mistakes. I am going to go. It turns out that this Jenny's father is still a big man!

"Miss Jenny is inside, please come in."

Xiao Bing promised a sound. If you come here, you will be safe. If the other party is a big man, Xiao Bing is not too concerned. What is the status and status of Xiao Bing? Even if the Secretary of State of M has been in contact, the Queen of the Republic of Y also had dinner together. The head of China’s No. 1 was also summoned. What big people have never seen? The reason why Xiao Bing was nervous before was because of Jenny's reason. Now, I don't think about it. The whole person has already calmed down and pushed the door straight and went inside.

Although it had already calmed down, but when he stepped into the room, Xiao Bing still stunned. There were only two people in the room, one was Jenny, the other was Jenny’s father, and this Jenny’s father turned out to be Minister of the Ministry of National Security of the m country Bass!

Although Xiao Bing has never seen it with Bath, but it is also the work of the Ministry of National Security. How can Xiao Bing not even know the Minister of National Security of the world's number one power? So I recognized it at first sight.

When Bath saw Xiao Bing, he stayed the same. His familiarity with Xiao Bing was far better than Xiao Bing’s familiarity with him. Xiao Bing is really too hot now, the leader of the dark world, conquered. The eight martial arts of Guwu, the city of Jingdong and the safe and innocent departure, even the most powerful martial art of China, Kunlun, was suppressed by Xiao Bing.

During this period of time, Xiao Bing’s intelligence kept appearing in important departments of the world, even if it was the country of m, he did not dare to take it lightly. Xiao Mo’s concern was the Chinese Xu Mu, but Now Xiao Bing's strength may not be under Xu Mu, even Xiao Bing's power is even greater, Xiao Bing's potential is even greater, Xiao Bing is still so young, if you continue to grow, no one even dares to imagine Xiao Bing can What to grow to.

At the age of 30, I reached the middle of the saint, then 40 years old? Fifty years old?

Demi god? God level?

Think about how many years have passed since the history of God, even if you think about it, it makes people feel too crazy!

If Xiao Bing really continues to progress, it is very likely that the individual combat capability within a hundred years, no country in the world can compare with China, so the country will hope that the Holy See and Xiao Bing will fight for you and die. Xiao Bing, a potential opponent, was able to weaken the strength of the Holy See by the way, but did not expect to be seen by the Pope.

At this point, the two men glanced at each other and said, "Is it you?"

Ps: At two o'clock, I can't help it. The third chapter is going to get up early. In the morning, um... all these chapters are the chapters of yesterday. Today's chapters will be at night, try to be more in the middle of the night tonight.

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