Super Soldier

Chapter 1703: Kamala

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The next day, everyone got up and each had breakfast. After the group gathered in the first floor lobby, they checked out and left the hotel together.

Zhang Quan was earlier than everyone else. He had already rented the car in advance. Zhang Quan was responsible for driving. Xiao Bing, Red Rose and Zhang Xin sat behind, and the red rose sat in the middle.

Li Hong was originally planning to sit in the back, but seeing Xiao Bing had already sat down in the past, his eyes could not help but reveal a bit of anger.

Xiao Bing also noticed the grievances in Li Hong’s eyes. Although it was just a fleeting moment, Li Hong’s ordinary people basically had nothing to do with Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing did not care. Is it like a tiger going to take care of an ant who wants to count himself? An ant has no threat to the tiger at all.

An ant has no threat to the tiger, and Li Hong is no different from Xiao Bing and a weak ant.

This dilapidated sedan drove all the way out of the capital city, all the way is dirt road, and no one has seen any two hours later, more and more remote, more and more uninhabited.

Zhang Quan said while driving: "There are few highways in Africa, but the road that we have just passed is estimated to be built into a highway this year. It is the money invested by the Chinese government to help them build. On the African side, we have not made any effort to help them build roads, build schools, build houses, and encourage businessmen to open factories here and increase employment opportunities for locals. Now all countries in the world Inside, China may have the greatest assistance to Africa."

Xiao Bing sighed, and his heart raised a sense of pride. He sighed and said: "This is the responsibility of the big country, the responsibility of the big country."

Zhang Quan said with a smile: "You are right. This is a proof that China's status in the international community is constantly improving. The whole world can see the responsibility of China, and the country of M is gradually withdrawing from Africa. Their influence, one day, sooner or later, China’s influence in the world should be pursued in all directions, and it will be equally divided with m countries."

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a groan and said: "I am also looking forward to that day."

Xiao Bing and Zhang Quan’s topic, Red Rose and Li Hong seem to be a little inaccessible, but Zhang Xin is very interested in Xiao Bing and Zhang Quan’s words. She pushed her own glasses and said: “According to Now that the country's development has been analyzed, it is possible to catch up with the economic level of the developed countries in the past 20 years. By that time, the influence of China should be comparable to that of the m countries."

Li Hong said with a puzzled voice: "Is the current economic aggregate not the second in the world?"

"That is the total amount of the economy." Zhang Xin said, "I am talking about per capita gdp, not GDP."

"Oh." Li Hong is somewhat ignorant of these, obviously not as much as Zhang Xin knows.

Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Xin with great interest. Zhang Xin’s body has a book-like atmosphere that few people now have. Although her appearance is still not the kind of color, but this breath is given She adds a bit of charm.

Zhang Xin seems to have noticed that Xiao Bing is watching himself, so he also looked at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You still know all these things."

"Yeah, I still know a little more." Zhang Xin said with a smile. "My father also likes to talk about these things about the country, and I am also interested in such news and newspapers."

"Oh." Xiao Bing said, "So you think that if the per capita income of China is catching up with the developed countries, then at that time, can China really compare with the m countries?"

"At least there is no problem in terms of influence." Zhang Xin began to talk about it. "In today's world, wars are unlikely to happen between big countries, because there are too many things to worry about each other." Therefore, the real competition is still influence and comprehensive strength. Our country has begun to take off in the economic aspect. Although the gap between the country and the m country is still very large in military power, in these years, China has always been peacefully developing and the economy is the first. That is because it is a truth to understand that a country can only be strong if it is rich!"

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "A good sentence can only be strong if it is rich. This is why many men don't understand. I can't think of a woman who knows."

Zhang Xin smiled faintly: "What you said is a bit of discrimination against our women."

"No, no, I don't have discrimination, but most women are not so concerned about the state's political situation."

"Well, this is not a mistake." Zhang Xin seems to recognize Xiao Bing's explanation, so he continued, "Like human beings, we can't walk with one leg, we must walk with two legs, there is a pole. When a few more radical Chinese people have contradictions between the country and the foreign countries, they think about why they don’t do it. Why don’t they fight, but they don’t think about what the country really needs now is a peaceful environment. One day, if you are really rich, then all other aspects will be really better."

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "Yes, the Soviet Union is an example. When the arms race was held between the country and the country of M, the result was dragged to death by the m country. Because the economy could not keep up, it could not avoid a disintegration. As for the military strength, they are not weaker than the m countries, but the m country has won this war without smoke by virtue of the economic superiority."

Zhang Xin looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look and said: "Now there are so many people who are as rational as you are."

"Wrong, there are still many. In fact, no matter what everyone thinks, the final idea is for the country to be good. I hope the country can be strong. I hope that China will never be threatened by any country in the future. After all, the history of World War II is really It’s too sad.”

Zhang Quan has been quietly listening to Xiao Bing and Zhang Xin in front of them. At this point, they finally interjected and said with a smile: "You two, these things about the national affairs, don't discuss them first. ”

Zhang Xin said with a smile: "Also, it is idle and boring, so just talk, right brother, remember? When we came over last time, we met with guns and grabbed money in Africa. Fortunately, you shot, directly The man was beaten down and then sent to the police station. Xiao Bing, you don’t know, the power brother was old and mighty."

Zhang Quan smiled a little embarrassedly: "That's just a coincidence, no big deal."

Zhang Xin said: "That is not a coincidence, the power brother will work hard, Huaxia Kungfu Oh, very powerful!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I have a chance to see and see."

Xiao Bing knows that the strength of this Zhang Quan has reached the Ming Jin period. Although it is still not a good thing, it is indeed a master among ordinary people. Of course, if you really encounter a gun robbery, Ming Jin period still Not enough to see, it is estimated that the Africans at that time must not think that Zhang Quan is so powerful, so it was only a matter of time. Otherwise, if there is a gun in the other hand, even if it is Zhang Quan, there will be no way. Bullet.

Sure enough, although Zhang Quan said that he was given a good worship by Zhang Xin, he still had no real pride. He said in his mouth: "That time is really nothing. If the other party is empty, he is not my opponent, but that The second opponent has a gun. As long as he is more vigilant, even if I am unable to take him, we should be careful in the future. Try not to provoke people on their side. Many local people here have guns in their hands. It is very difficult to provoke."

Zhang Quan’s voice paused, and then smiled bitterly: “Of course, even if we want to provoke, it’s estimated that it’s hard to have a chance to provoke these locals, because we have to walk for the next two days, and we won’t There are any more people, and then we will go forward for more than an hour. We will pass through a small village where there is a shop where we can buy some simple food and water. We parked the car there and then purchased it. Come to some necessities, start with those things, and rely on those foods and water to live the next two days, and when we return, come back and pick up the car."

Zhang Quan’s head is the way to say, it is easy to bring a sense of security and trust.

An hour later, several people really passed by a village, then drove in and parked at the door of a store.

Zhang Quan looked back at Xiao Bing and the red rose and said: "This is the only store here. The people in the village give them face, so it is absolutely safe to park our car here. Go, get off. , first buy some food and water, then we will set off."

Xiao Bing promised to get off the bus first, then took the red rose and walked out of the car.

After entering the store, the owner of the store was a short-skinned black man in his forties. He saw Zhang Quan immediately opened his arms and said fluent English happily: "My brother, I am very glad that you s arrival."

Zhang Quan said back to Xiao Bing with a smile: "This is Kamala, the boss here. His English is very good, and it is a rare returnee. He used to study outside, but he was willing to come back." ”

Xiao Bing also admired that most countries living abroad are estimated to be better than returning here.

The black man smiled and Xiao Bing also came to a hug, and then said with pride: "Old friends still don't tout me, I just want to make a little contribution to my country, except here to open this store, I also run a school where my wife and I personally taught the local children to study."

After listening to Kamala, Xiao Bing showed a tribute to Kamala.

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