Super Soldier

Chapter 1729: Chairman of the board?

Although the staff did not know what it meant by Qiaoer, but the clever thing said was no problem. The guests who came to the store had to send water to pour tea, and this was obviously negligent.

She immediately walked over to remind the staff who served the two people in the leaves. Then the staff took a cup of coffee and walked over to hand the leaves and said, "Beauty, drink something first."

The leaves smiled and agreed, "Oh, ok, thank you."

At this time, the red stalks came out of the locker room. She was dressed in a white wedding dress and looked beautiful.

The eyes of the leaves lit up and praised: "It's beautiful, really beautiful."

The red scorpion branch is a bit shy: "Is it okay?"

"Oh, it’s just too much. Our branches look good no matter what they wear. This wedding dress is very good for you..."

The leaves are ready to go to the red stalks. As a result, I just took a step and heard it, but I saw that the wedding dress was directly in her hand, and then the coffee in her hand was directly spilled on the other hand. In the wedding dress held in it, the wedding dress was directly stained with brown.

Everyone was stunned, and the face of Qiaoer changed. "How are you going? What about my skirt? You have to pay me!"

"This..." The leaves slammed and the brows wrinkled slightly. Obviously this thing was really embarrassing, but she said, "That would tell me how much this dress will pay me. I will pay you directly." ”

"Compensate for me?" Qiao Erhe sneered two times, mocking, "You said it is easy, this dress is a limited edition, there is only one set in the entire bridal store, what do you pay for me?"

The staff on the side were already stunned at this time, and the staff next to the leaves were anxiously saying: "Miss Ye, this dress is worth more than 20,000..."

Qiaoer proudly looked at the leaves, the beard man reacted at this time, came over and cleverly, looked at Ye Xiaoxi, said: "Don't talk to us about money, no one is bad, I am The money at home is enough for you to earn ten lifetimes. I think you will take the wedding dress worn by your friend and pay it to us. I have paid for the two sets of wedding dress money. It is cheaper."

The staff on the side whispered in the ear of the leaf: "This... Miss Ye, may only be like this. Otherwise, we can't make a difference. If it ends up, if it is alarmed, it will definitely be like this." The payment."

The red scorpion branch came over and looked at the clever child. He said: "I just saw that you specifically came over from my friend and came across my friend. It is obviously your intention. You still let us pay compensation?"

Qiaoer laughed: "I came here specifically, but I didn't want to let your friends spill coffee on me. I said so much is useful. Anyway, you will lose it to me immediately." This identical wedding dress, or else you will lose the piece of your body, you can do it yourself."

The staff member said: "The wedding dresses of both of you are all limited editions. We dare to say that it is very difficult to buy a second set even in Kyoto."

Qiaoer laughed: "Then I don't care. If these two ladies are very capable, they will give me exactly the same set of things. Otherwise, I am sorry, I can only pay for the wedding dress of this lady." I, because I have to look at the one worn by the lady, except for the one in my hand."

The leaves are cold and shouted: "Well, you are enough to have a chance, set a frame to frame me."

Qiaoer smiled coldly, with a smug color, the expression is saying, I am specifically framed you, what can you do with me? Anyway, the facts are here, and it is useless to say anything.

The leaves are also the embarrassing color of the face. The current thing is really difficult. The other party is obviously deliberately framed. It is impossible to balance the money, and the woman is so aggressive. If there is no way to compensate her. The same wedding dress, I am afraid it is really necessary to compensate for the wedding dress made by the red lychee branch.

However, this set of wedding dresses made by Akasaka branches was designed with a lot of thoughts before. Now it is necessary to get married, and it is too late to customize. How can we compensate the other party?

The face of the leaves has changed and changed, and the heart is in a dilemma. The red stalks bite their teeth and say: "Leave sister, you don't have to be embarrassed. Let's not know them. I will take my compensation in the past. I can't choose any more. A set, anyway, is similar."

"How can it be done?" The leaves firmly said, "I only have one marriage, how can I let you deal with it casually."

"But what about it..."

Qiaoer proudly looked at the beard man, the beard man erected a thumb, the heart is dark, high, it is high, I did not expect that I can not solve the problem of spending money, cleverly a small means to give Solved, now the other party is useless even more.

Qiaoer proudly said: "I told you, my time is limited, my husband's time is also very valuable, so you don't know how much money my husband has made, and I will give up at most. If you can't pay me for five minutes, give me the one you wear, or I will call the police."

Akasaka sighed and said: "Then I will give it to you."

Cleverly proud: "This is almost the same."

The leaf grabbed the arm of the red ash branch and said, "Don't take it to her, look for the police and look for the police..."

Qiaoer’s face changed a bit, and Akasaka’s branch was surprised: “Ah? But, don’t you find the police to pay her, and we have to be taken to the police station, blaming me for hurting you, it’s better to lose to her... ""

The leaves are about to explain what, a couple in the bridal shop came in, a man in his 30s, a suit and a woman, the woman looks very noble.

When the man saw the leaves, his eyes lit up and he walked with his woman.

The bearded man who had just been a local tyrant looked at the man in the suit. Immediately his face changed and his waist bent down. He looked at his knees and bowed his knees. He whispered, "This is our head office." Big boss Wu Chao."

"Ah!" Qiaoer immediately revealed a pair of birds that looked like people, but his eyes were quietly and fascinated.

The bearded man saw the big boss coming over and immediately bowed his knees and smiled. "The chairman is good, you and my wife are also coming. Is this also a wedding dress? I didn't expect it to be so clever..."

The bearded man has already bowed his knees. Who thought that this Wu Chao was just a sigh of relief, then he looked at the leaves with a smile and said: "This is not the chairman of Ye’s Ye, I can’t think of it here. You are!"

“Hey?” The bearded man was directly stunned, Chairman Ye? what's the situation? Is it the Yeh Group that is more powerful than the head office of the company in which it is located? The super group that has already squeezed into the top 100 companies in the country? My goodness, what have I just done? ”

The bearded man can't wait to find a place to sneak in.

The leaves smiled and nodded lightly, saying: "The chairman of Wu is also here. Is this Mrs.?"

"Yes, yes." Wu Chao said with a smile. "I will introduce this. This is my fiancée Sakurako. This is the chairman of Yeh Group, Ye Xiaoxi. Our company's business in recent years is thanks to Ye Director. Long take care of it."

Sakurako smiled and said: "The chairman of Ye is so powerful, so young and beautiful, he is already the chairman of a big company."

The leaves smiled and said: "You are so polite, you are beautiful."

Wu Chaodao: "Oh, yes, this is the general manager of a branch office under me. How do you just stand together?"

Wu Chao’s eyes showed a bit of doubtful color. It is reasonable to say that a big man like Chairman Ye could not be in contact with such a small person as Chen.

Chen sin swallowed a slobber, Ye Xiaoxi said with a smile: "I came to pick up a wedding dress with my friend. The scorpion is called Sakurako. I don't know which country is it?"

Sakurako smiled and said: "I have half of the national blood, growing up in the country of r, but now I have settled in China."

"Oh? It’s a coincidence that it’s a coincidence. My friend is also a grown-up country. Now I’m going to get married in China. You really have a chance.”

Sakura's eyes lit up and looked at the red stalks. "Yes, what are you called?"

"Red stalks."

"Miss branch, where is your home, how long have you been in China, still used to it?"

The fellow villagers saw the fellow villagers, and their eyes were tearful. The two of them soon stood alone and started chatting. They talked about it.

Wu Chao is also very pleased to see that his wife is finally a friend, and the crime of sin is to want to die, the woman who just offended has turned into a good friend of the boss wife? ?

Wu Chao looked at Chen’s sin and asked: "Chen sin, do you know Chairman Ye?"

"Know, ah... don't know..." Chen's teeth began to tremble.

What kind of big character Wu Chao is, how powerful it is to look at it, his face immediately coldened, but when he looked at the leaves, he was apologetic and said with a smile: "Ye, Chairman, I am not sensible. Does the subordinate offend you?"

"Oh, nothing." Chen sin just breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, the leaves said the things that had just happened, and the whole process was not added. But with the big man like Wu Chao, I almost looked at it. It’s true that the leaves are out, and the sin is definitely the leaves that are specially framed.

Yeh Group has greatly helped Wu Chao's company in recent years. Wu Chao's company is one step away from the Fortune 500. He is planning to have a good relationship with Ye's Group and use the power of Ye Group to enter the five. The top 100, I did not expect to be destroyed by my subordinates, his face immediately cold, biting his teeth, "Chen sin!"

The face of Chen’s sin changed. Suddenly, a slap in the face of Qiao’er’s face, the power of the big man directly gave the slap of the softness to the ground, and then roared angrily: “Hey, just you are not framed. Chairman of the Board of Directors Ye Ye, Chairman of the Board of Directors, is a large number of people. I can't help but see you!"

Ps: four chapters per day, consecutively added to next Wednesday

(End of this chapter)

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