Super Soldier

Chapter 1729: Thank you, good brother!

After the rouge went in, someone immediately arranged for the rouge to sit down. Basically, I knew the relationship between Rouge and Xiao Bing. Plus Rouge was a high figure in Kyoto, so let her and Xiaofu directly Sitting together.

The next person to come is Situ Haonan of Baijianmen. The strength of Situ Haonan is the great perfection of Tianzun. Now Chen Baijian is not in the case of Baijianmen. He is the agent of Baijianmen, so this time he came over. It is equivalent to giving up the face, especially the marriage is not Xiao Bing, but only a member of the Xiao Bing account, which is enough to prove the attitude of Bai Jianmen to Xiao Bing.

Situ Haonan had a gift of 100,000 yuan, and when Wu Qing shouted the name of Situ Haonan, almost all of the audience looked at it here. Some of the high-ranking people who came here early were secretly surprised, it seems that Xiao Bing Already thoroughly shocked the ancient Wumen school, the ancient Wumen faction has been convinced of Xiao Bing.

Immediately afterwards, all the representatives of other major sects came over. Basically, they came from elders or deputy keeper, and the door of the fairy door not only came by themselves, but even Ayi Ding came along, the fairy door. The doorkeeper and other Guwumen people sat at the same table and arranged in the front row, while Aydin was seated in Xiaofu. Other Guwumen people looked at each other and envied them. Ayi Ding Not only a genius, but also a good relationship with Xiao Fu, it seems that the fairy door has to take off.

After just sitting down, the major sects began to apologize to the door of the Fairy Gate. They had been besieging the Fairy Gate with the Kunlun School. The Fairy Gate also knew that they were all forced, and there was no need to suddenly Offended so many sects, so Zhang Qinghua did not have a general knowledge of them, and soon reconciled.

“Zhang Lei, Chairman of Fuqiang Technology Co., Ltd.!”

"Li Lansheng, President of Aochun Co., Ltd.!"

“Li Changyi, Chairman of Hongyuan Foods Co., Ltd.!”

The celebrities of Huaxia’s business circle have also come a lot, including some of the top 500 companies. On the one hand, they want to have a good relationship with the Ye’s group. The Ye’s group is now developing too aggressively. They also want to take the opportunity to climb the high branch of Xiao Bing. Almost everyone knows that the fiancé of the leaves is the deputy minister of China. This high-ranking official, even if they are wealthy businessmen, generally have no chance to interact. This is a good opportunity.

Among them, there is still a skilled person, Wu Chao, who met in the bridal shop a few days ago, who came with his fiancée Sakurako.

In addition to these businessmen and people from the ancient martial arts circles, the old class has just visited the country, but they have sent a director level, and there are other officials who are not low-ranking.

At this moment, outside the hotel, some of the pedestrians coming and going are whispering: "What is this big man getting married, so many luxury cars."

"Why is it a luxury car? Just now I saw that Director Hao of our district has also come, and did you see the attitude when he entered? It’s like coming to the leadership for the New Year, I see, the people who do things inside. Definitely an amazing big man!"

A similar conversation has been said in the mouths of many people. The wedding of the second goods almost shocked half of Kyoto.

Of course, there are still some people who sent people from the family to come and give gifts. For example, people from the four major families in Kyoto are even more shocked if they come from Kyoto four, but after all, they are married. It’s not Xiao Bing himself. They came over and sent a big gift, which is already very important.

I didn’t come over but sent people to give gifts. It’s not just people from several big families. Besides, there are some big people who are really not available. So I also sent people to send a big gift. It is estimated that even if you buy a luxury home in Kyoto, you can afford it.

Finally, the wedding began. During the ceremony, Akasaka Nakayama handed over the hand of his granddaughter to the second goods. Akasaka’s eyes were filled with tears, but he was full of excited smiles. He said, “Children, my granddaughter used to be yours, I hope you. I can take good care of her in the future, and you must be a good wife and a good mother."

Both of them nodded, and then the host continued the next step. This host was also specially invited to host the professional host. It was hosted by a famous beauty in a local entertainment channel. The leaves were directly invited by the relationship. Yip Group is a towering tree, she also wants to give this face.

The second goods were very excited from beginning to end. They looked at the red stalks with affection, but occasionally they sneaked at the door. At this time, the bridesmaids had nothing to do, and they all sat back in their seats and sat next to Xiao Bing. The leaves whispered: "I see the second goods is really excited, but why is he always looking in the direction of the door, what can be at the door?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, whispered: "I guess he is looking for him, the hair is small, strange, his hair is small and clearly said that he will come, why did not come... If not, two goods Definitely it will be very disappointing."

"Well, what is this small, how can it be so unreliable." The leaves said with a sigh.

Su Xiaoxiao also said coldly on the side: "My brother is not married to join the game. If you can't come, don't agree in advance. I think the second brother should also care about his hair. This is really broken. Heart!"

Xiao Bing sighed and couldn't say anything. He thought so in his heart, but people couldn't come or decide what they could. They could only wait and see, but now the wedding is about to end. Basically, everyone does not have much hope.

At this time, suddenly there was a loud noise outside, everyone looked at the door, what is going on, is it that someone is not doing something?

Then I heard a voice that sounded cynical and said awkwardly: "I told you all, I am bringing people to the wedding..."

Two goods heard this voice, some excitement loudly: "Let him come in, he is my hair..."

At this time, Pan An was the first to come in. Pan An wore a very clean, brand-name brand that looked handsome.

Maggie whispered to Liu Xiaorui on the side: "Xiao Bing's big brother said that this person is still okay, and it seems that it is indeed okay. This kind of romantic looks is really not like the hair of a second brother."

Liu Xiaorui nodded hard.

Pan An smiled and said: "Sorry, I am late!"

When those Guwumen people saw the strength of the people in front of them, they couldn’t see through them. They all became surprised and their hearts were more awe of Xiao’s power.

Two goods smiled and said: "Nothing, come on, just come over and sit down."

"Don't worry, I will bring you a gift, but my gift is special, not a car house, not a ticket..."

Just when everyone was curious, a group of people came in from the outside. These people’s clothes were very clean, but they were very simple. Many people’s clothes didn’t seem to know how many years they wore. How many times have you washed?

Everyone was embarrassed, and they didn’t know what it was all about. The people in Xiao’s familiarity with the goods were faintly guessed. Sure enough, after the goods were sluggish for a while, the eyes were moist and rosy. Road: "Everyone... everyone is here... come to my wedding?"

Pan An smiled and said: "I have been returning to my hometown for the past two days, so I didn't have time to come over and help you get married. I packed a plane and invited all the fellows who are familiar with you from home. They also want to come over. When I say that I want everyone to attend your wedding, the big guys are very happy and want to see you."

The second item wiped his eyes, and the red scorpion branch whispered and smiled and said: "In the past, talk to everyone."

Two goods sighed, and walked over, and the red scorpion singer followed the singer.

A man who seems to have been in his seventies is holding a cane and trembles in front of the second goods. He pats the arm of the second goods and says, "Okay, okay, if you see you now, you are so good. She will be very happy when she knows what to do."

Two goods pharynx: "Grandpa Li...."

"Well, I said that you couldn't be wrong with this child. You are honest and down-to-earth. It really is not wrong. Good boy, going to a big city. It is not important to have money. Be a good person and stand on the ground."

"Well, I remember, Grandpa Lee!" The second goods wiped his tears and asked, "Are you still in good health?"

"Fortunately, fortunately, I am so old, it doesn't matter. I heard that people in the city are also very tired, you are still young, you must pay attention to your body. Have time to go back to the village to see, remember every day More activities, otherwise the body will be finished sooner or later."

"Oh, I know, I remember."

"Don't always be embarrassed... The old guys in the village are so many years old, some people can't change it. You are so young, can't you change it? Let people think that you are a rural child when you listen to it. Shame!"

"Not a shame!" said the second, "The rural people planted vegetables for them to eat, no rural people, they are not starving to death? Rural people are not shameful!"

"Good boy, good boy!" If you listened to the second goods, everyone else was excited and said to each other: "The two goods have not changed."

"Yeah, the two goods have not changed!"

Pan An used to grab the shoulders of the two goods and smiled and said: "Whoever changed, my good brothers will not change. Thank you, the big guy is coming to the wedding of the second goods today. I stayed here for one night today. I packed the plane for tomorrow, and I will send the big guy back tomorrow."

Everyone promised, then came up and chilled, and then arranged the position to sit down.

The second goods will Pan An hold in his arms, Pan An excitedly said: "Hey, I don't want to do it."

Two goods pharynx: "Thank you, good brother!"

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