Super Soldier

Chapter 1741: reward

Back in Xiao Fu, Xiao Bing sat alone in the study room, sitting cross-legged on the ground, constantly exhaling breath, his body's breath was constantly flashing, this battle will further stimulate the power inside his body. Now that he needs to consume these forces as soon as possible, he can go further.

Xiao Bing closed his eyes, as if he was in a deep sleep, but his two hands suddenly moved. If Gao Fei is here, he will find that Xiao Bing is practicing the tricks used by the Buddha.

The fact that the Buddha son is really above Xiao Bing is not only the realm, but also his moves are also on the top of Xiao Bing. On the tricks, the Buddha has basically reached the realm of returning to the real world.

Xiao Bing’s two hands seem to be unconsciously dancing, and the speed is very fast and dazzling.

An hour, two hours, I saw that the sky is going to light up. I haven’t known for a few hours. Gradually, his speed has slowed down. It seems that the moves have become extremely simple, simple and effective. The style of the move is accompanied by a natural feeling.

Immediately afterwards, the strength of Xiao Bing’s body surface gradually disappeared. He opened his eyes and flashed a bright light in his eyes, but it was a bit of awkward road: "This Buddha’s understanding of the martial arts moves, even On Gao Fei, if he is the age of Kunlun and the Holy See, it is understandable. If he is under the age of forty or fifty, it would be terrible... but this battle is really a harvest. too big."

Xiao Bing can feel that the age of the Buddha son is definitely not too big. That is to say, the Buddha son is definitely the first martial genius that Xiao Bing has ever seen. Even in Xiao Bing’s view, there is no one from ancient times. I dare to say that in the martial arts talents, I can be above the Buddha's son. If I give the Buddha a certain time, he definitely belongs to the Shaolin and Wudang class.

Xiao Bing stood up and spit out a slight tone, muttering to himself: "The martial arts moves have gained a lot. I also used this Buddha son to inspire more power in the depths of Dantian and integrate into it. Unfortunately. Although it has now reached the mid-term success of the saints, the distance from the breakthrough to the peak of the saint is still a short distance. Anyway, now is a little bit of an opportunity, and it is possible to break through at any time, which is full of gains. ”

Although the harvest is very big, but Xiao Bingxin is not at all easy, even if it breaks into the peak of the saint, Xiao Bing is now unable to overcome the Buddha's son, or must continue to improve, but Xiao Bing faces Kunlun And the Holy See already has a greater emboldened.

Xiao Bing went out from the study room and saw that the sky was already slightly bright. The newly hired babysitter had already started breakfast in the kitchen. Xia Hongyin also helped in the kitchen. When Xiao Bing walked in, he heard the little nanny said to Xia Hongyin. "Auntie Xia, what do you do up so early, hurry to rest, I am getting paid, you always go to the kitchen to work, I feel very unaccustomed."

This new babysitter was newly invited after arriving in Kyoto City. It is called Qin Nan. She is usually called Xiao Nan. She is not too old. At the age of 25, it is very useful.

Xiao Bing walked into the kitchen and smiled and said: "Mom, you are too."

Qin Nan is wearing an apron. She is wearing a buns. When she sees Xiao Bing coming in, she smiles and says: "Big boss, please give me aunt to go out and let Auntie rest for a while!"

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "I can't sleep anymore, let alone you have to pack some time."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then I will come together to help, wait a minute, I will wash my hands first."

Qin Nan hurriedly said in the back: "Xiao Brother, don't come in and add chaos."

Xiao Bing squatted back to his room to wash his hands, then came out into the kitchen and smiled and said: "What did you say? What is the mess? Don't think that I am a big man, nothing will happen. I will let you see if I will pack."

Xiao Bing walked over and began to pick up the bun, while skillfully wrapping the dumplings, and said with a smile: "I have lived independently since I was very young. When we are inside the team, we often have to eat it ourselves, so what kind of food? , Buns dumplings and the like, how can I not. Qin Nan, are you still used to it here?"

"I am very used to it." Qin Nan was embarrassed. "The salary is also high. Everyone is very good to me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is not so much attention here. It is time to work when you are working. When you are not working, everyone is like a friend. Now it is not like the feudal era. There are grades to say, now What is the society, everyone is equal, so it is right for you."

Xiao Bing looked at Xia Hongyin again and asked, "Mom, have you slept well yesterday, have you been shocked?"

Xia Hongyin shook her head, but obviously looked like something.

Xiao Bing asked: "This time I think that the Buddha must be threatening me after I want to catch you. I blame me for being tired of you. Mom, if you go out during this time, you must let the masters of the house follow, but I think that the Buddha son shouldn't come over and find trouble in the recent period. I know him. This time, since he didn't succeed, he would not be able to come back for a second time like his conceited master."

Xia Hongyin asked: "The Buddha son... This person is so powerful, child, if you can, if possible, keep some distance with him, don't be against each other, think of a way and okay?"

Xiao Bing looked at Xia Hongyin a bit strangely, but thought that this is also the mother's concern for himself, it is normal, so he smiled and said: "I know, mother, you are worried about me, but some things are people in the rivers and lakes Involuntarily, I want to let him go, but he may not let me go all the time. But now this time is not whether I can find him trouble, but whether he will find me trouble, after all, I am not with him now. One level."

Xiao Bing said that at the end of the day, there was a bit of self-deprecating in the tone.

Xia Hongyin sighed: "If you hide,..."

"How can this kind of thing be hidden? But now I am not his opponent, I will try not to confront him, but if I have more strength than him one day, Su Peiya hates me. It’s not enough!”

Xia Hongyin’s eyes showed some anxiety, and after all, he no longer advised.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry too much, I can handle the outside things."

"Well, Mom knows."

Qin Nan said: "Xiao Xiaoge, Auntie, what are you talking about? When I was sleeping yesterday, I heard that the outside was so big, did you have any fights?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, I have a fight with people."

Qin Nan smiled and said: "Xiao Big Brother, you are such a big person, and still fight with people, let alone you are not an official, if anyone troubles you, you can let the following people directly solve it." ”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Some things I have some explanations are not clear. In short, your big brother is a very complicated person, haha, there is time for you to slowly understand."

Qin Nan whispered: "I know, Kyoto is four, the most popular people in Kyoto."

"Where, who said this to you?" Xiao Bing surprised. "You should not understand this?"

Xia Hongyin did not think about those troubles at this time. After listening to the conversation between the two of them, she smiled and said: "Who can, of course, is the wheat Qi, but he often says some of your legends."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "This little girl, from her mouth, is where the legend is, she must have said nothing bad about me."

Qin Nan smiled and said: "It seems to be true..."

Business forecasting from the sighs: "However this little gimmick is actually a matter of concern for you. Yesterday I was nervous wherein."

Qin Nan said: "I really had a fight last night? What is Xiao Big Brother’s fight? I am really curious. I blame me for sleeping so early last night, and it’s better to go out and have a look. I haven’t seen the excitement. ...."

Several people chatted and wrapped buns. When the package was over, the rest would not need Xiao Bing and Xia Hongyin. Qin Nan was responsible for steaming buns. Xiao Bing and Xia Hongyin went out from the kitchen together. Xiao Bing sent Xia Hongyin back. In the room, I sat down in the room of Xia Hongyin. Some blame said: "Mom, what are you doing so early? If you are really busy, I will hire a nanny in two days." Not to mention the fact that so many young people in the family, if they can't sleep, wake up to help and live."

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "I don't know any of you young people. I like to sleep lately. If we are older, we can't sleep so much. Anyway, it's boring to lie down. It's better to be busy and busy. Speak with Qin Nan."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "You are like this, Li Wei is also like this, well, don't say this, if you are sleepy, lie down and make up, I will go back to the room."

Xia Hongyin said: "I am not sleepy, child, are you okay last night?"

"Nothing." Xiao Bing laughed. "Not only is nothing, but the harvest is not small."

Xia Hongyin looked at Xiao Bing with some worries and said: "I thought you were yesterday... Has it been decided?"

"Don't decide?" Xiao Bing first stunned, and then some stunned, some surprised to see Xia Hongyin, he did not say anything, Xia Hongyin already guessed the thoughts in his heart, Xiao Bing smiled, "Mom, You really know me very well, I really thought about it. In order to protect everyone, sometimes some adventures are inevitable, but before I go out, I will go first and talk with the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao. Talking..."

(End of this chapter)

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