Super Soldier

Chapter 1753: Star chess board!

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Hey, old guy, I just started to be angry and angry. Your strength is too weak. The saints are very successful. If you break into the realm of demigod, then you can barely I have to go a few more rounds in front of me."

"Hey!" Dao Xuan taught a blood spit out, and then his eyes filled with anger and screamed Xiao Bing, said, "Xiao Bing, very good, you dare to yin me, your chasing stick has the ability to attack the soul. ?"

It turned out that Xiao Bing had just been in control of the Taoist hands, and he always controlled the soul-hunting sticks to release the soul attack. Therefore, he has always thought that this chasing stick is just a very hard stick, but I didn't expect him to win, and the whole person was a little lax. Xiao Bing and the chasing soul also issued a mental attack. Xiao Bing’s mental strength is very powerful. Although he is lower than the Taoist teaching, he is lower than the Tao. The mental strength is not weaker than the Taoist teaching, and when his chasing soul sticks to the cover of the Taoist teaching, the spirit is passed down to the past, both of which are passed. The superimposer came, and the soul of the Taoist teaching was instantly stabbed and wounded, and Xiao Bing also took the opportunity to teach the Tao to the fly. If the Taoist teaching is indeed profound, it will be avoided in time. If the key is true, I am afraid that my heart has been shattered and died.

Everyone listened to the words of the Tao, so I realized why the Taoist teachings would suddenly fail. One heart couldn’t help but be secretly surprised by Xiao Bing’s plan. It seems that Xiao Bing is from beginning to end. It has already been counted. If he has just started using a mental attack, he may not fall so fast, but his chances of winning are not too big, so he would rather be overwhelmed by the Tao. This seems to be just a calculation, but it still requires a lot of courage, because once it is suppressed, it is very likely that it will not be able to turn over completely, and even if it is too late to use his real card, it will be directly killed by the Tao.

Therefore, Xiao Bing is almost a combination of calculations and courage. The people present can't help but feel a chill in one heart. One can crush you on the strength, and even the calculation is so deep, how do you fight with him? ? These people feel a sense of powerlessness.

And now the only person whose strength is above Xiao Bing, is this defeated?

Xiao Bing listened to the words of the Tao, and smiled disdainfully: "I am yin? Do you have any effect on my weapons, and must report everything to you before you can do it with you?"

The face of Dao’s teaching has changed. Xiao Bing’s words are indeed true. Although the other’s heart is very deep, it is really unnecessary to reveal all of his bottoms to himself, especially this is a life and death duel. Even if it is just a discussion, it will not be disclosed in advance.

"Hey." Dao Xujiao snorted and said with a gloomy tone: "Looks like I still looked down on you."

The injury of the Taoist teaching is not light. Now he has the confidence to be invincible, but if he continues to fight, he is not sure that he can kill Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It seems that today you are defeated."

"That may not be." Dao Xuan taught a beckoning hand, shouted loudly, "Stars checkers!"

However, in the distant Kunlun Palace, a golden light flashed, and a huge chessboard flew directly toward it. Xiao Bing’s pupil narrowed slightly. He once saw the power of this star-shaped chessboard, but now It is the second time I saw it.

The chessboard flew to the top of Xiao Bing's head and began to rotate constantly, emitting a dazzling golden light. It slowly rose and rose above Xiao Bing's head, about a hundred meters from the ground.

Immediately after the board began to open, the original board was folded. After opening, all the pieces were densely black and white pieces. The pieces began to squeak and fell to the ground. All the pieces fell on the ground. One hundred and sixty-one pieces formed a layout with a mysterious and seemingly regular pattern.

Xiao Bing’s pupil contracted slightly and coldly said: “Is this hand again?”

The proud voice of the Taoist teachings quickly came from outside: "I know that you have seen the power of the stars and the chessboard, but the same artifact is in my hands and in the hands of my disciples. Different."

Xiao Bing knows that the last time even facing Hongjun, Xiao Bing almost died in the hands of Hongjun, to know that the realm of Hongjun was still under Xiao Bing, and he could almost kill with this star-shaped chessboard. Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing still has some heart palpitations, and this time Xiao Bing’s opponent is the master of Hongjun’s Taoism, the Taoist teaching as the Kunlun school’s master, the power of the artifact in his hands. It is totally different.

All the pieces suddenly burst into white light at this time. The light is accompanied by a sacred power with great penetration. It seems that every piece seems to be alive and unstoppable!

Chen Baijian said: "This star-shaped chessboard is the artifact of the Kunlun faction. It is more important than the Tianhe sword. The Tianhe sword is a artifact of the next product, but the star-shaped chessboard is a Chinese artifact."

"The Chinese artifact?" asked someone who didn't understand.

"Yes." Chen Baijian said, "The artifacts are also graded. The power of each level of artifacts is also incomprehensible. Of course, it is not the hand-held artifact that will surely defeat the hand-held artifact. People, also depends on the cultivation of the person holding the artifact and the tacit understanding with the artifact, but when it comes to the power of the artifact, the artifact is much higher than the artifact, or even more than double the power. Maybe it's more than that."

All the people have widened their eyes after listening, so if they say so, will Xiao Bing not die?

Chen Baijian’s face has become extremely dignified. Others are not optimistic about Xiao Bing. Although Xiao Bing used a variety of methods to win a small victory, after all, strength is strength, and the crushing advantage is not afraid. Any intrigues, and now all the cards of Xiao Bing have been taken out. In the face of the numerous cards of the Taoist teaching, what other abilities can he defeat?

In addition to Xiao Fu’s confidence in Xiao Bing, other people are basically not optimistic about Xiao Bing, and Xiao Fu’s reason for maintaining confidence is because they constantly encourage themselves in their hearts and do not let them think about bad things. .

Dao Xujia teaches and laughs: "If you can still defeat the victory, then I will really obey you. Not only will Kunlun send you orders, but the deity will also kneel on the ground to give you two heads."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is what you said, old man, see how I won you."

Those pieces suddenly moved. More than a dozen pieces flew toward Xiao Bing at the same time. These pieces were pressed toward Xiao Bing like a mountain. Xiao Bing could not see any figures around this moment. What he could see was More than three hundred peaks, each of which can crush itself into meat.

These peaks are so high and high, Xiao Bing laughs and laughs, but the mood is still dignified. When I faced the scene of Hongjun, Xiao Bing still has not forgotten it.

One of Xiao Bing’s eyes shines with gold, and one eye shines red. The power inside Dan Tian has been mobilized the most, and the genes in the body are also stimulated. The momentum of the whole person has reached its peak.

At this time, more than a dozen pieces flew to the top of Xiao Bing's head, getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger, becoming more than ten peaks.

Xiao Bing swallowed a slobber, and the throat rolled over. I remember that when I faced Hongjun, the last strong blow of Hongjun should be this degree. Now, the imaginary is just the shot, and it has reached this level. I don't know if this Taoist teaching is just an attack, but it is also the strongest attack he can display.

Regardless of whether it is the strongest attack, Xiao Bing now has to deal with all his strength. When the mountain falls, Xiao Bing is quickly dodging, but he is like an ant hiding from the top of Mount Tai. It is so weak.

The people watching the outside have already clenched their fists. The palms of the palms are all sweating. The Xiao Bing inside bounces directly from the ground. Seeing that they can’t avoid it, Xiao Bing rushes straight to the pressed pieces and hits the past. In the eyes of these people, it is almost like a car. In their eyes, the pieces are also as huge as a mountain, so many people can't help but see their eyes.

A loud sound of thundering, one of the pieces flew, and Xiao Bing also fell heavily on the ground, and then the rest of the pieces fell down at the same time. Xiao Bing sneaked a fucking, followed by waving The soul stick greeted him again. More than a dozen pieces were all shot by him. When he saw Xiao Xiao, who was as small as an ant in front of the chess piece, he even shot more than a dozen pieces in succession. All the people were dumbfounded. And Xiao Bing has done all this, but it is also breathing heavily in the mouth and snoring, sweating like rain.

Although he did this, it was not easy. I remember that when I faced Hongjun, more than a dozen pieces almost killed his life. Now he is much stronger than that at that time, but now the opponent is also better than that time. A lot stronger.

For Xiao Bing to be able to do this, Dao Xujiao is not surprised. He said calmly outside: "Very good, very good, you can do it really makes me feel very surprised, more than ten if Can't kill you, then twenty?"

In Xiao Bing’s eyes, there are 20 bright lights in all directions, and the white light goes straight into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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