Super Soldier

Chapter 1772: Xiaobei's change

Inside the Buddha Villa, Xiao Zai’s disguised Zhao Zaixing helped Buddhism complete a mission during this time. What puzzled him was that this mission was to round up with other masters of Buddhism to capture a monster that broke the void realm. The beast seems to be just a grown-up, belonging to the descendants of the fish that slipped through the net in the myth of that year.

At that time, the Yaozu was not sealed, but in the eyes of human beings, the monsters are already on the verge of extinction, so they are not too much a thing. In fact, there are still some monsters alive, but the number of monsters at that time has already been Extremely rare, the beast is different from the ordinary beast. Although most of them are extremely brutal, they also have more developed IQs. Some of them with low IQs then ran outside to make chaos, and then they were killed by human masters. There are also very few fish that are leaking nets that belong to high IQs. They hide like wild animals and never eat too much.

Even those who have missed the net, after thousands of years, because of the lack of reproductive power, most of them have been extinct. Now there are only a few rare monsters. In recent years, Buddhism has never fought with Longmen. I have been searching for the whereabouts of these monsters in the carpet. Some time ago, the intelligence personnel of Buddhism found the whereabouts of a monster, and then several of the masters of Xiaobei and Buddhism went together to arrest the monster. I came back and was taken away by the Buddha.

Xiaobei asked Buddhism at the time to catch these monsters. The answer from the Buddha’s son made Xiaobei feel shocked. The Buddha’s son said that these monsters are the nuclear weapons of Buddhism, which means that the Buddha’s mastery is equivalent to mastering one kind. A weapon that can bring pain to the world at any time!

In the recent period, there has been no task. In addition to occasionally going out to see two wives and children, Xiaobei is trying to find out where the monsters are hidden by the Buddha, because in Xiaobei’s view. Those monsters should be regarded as more threatening time bombs than the Buddha Mountain. Although the Buddha Villa is powerful and mysterious, it is human beings after all, but the monsters are not. They are gathered together. If one day they lose control, It will definitely bring great disaster to the world.

Unfortunately, there is still no progress in these investigations. Everything about the Buddha’s son is too mysterious. Even if Xiaobei has been lurking in the Buddha’s Villa for several years, he has not investigated any useful information about the Buddha’s son. Even some of the other old people in the Buddha Mountain Village know very little about the information of the Buddha.

Xiaobei has now begun to hesitate to stay here. If he can't, he will leave. There are still wife and children waiting for himself. The most important thing is that he has nothing in the past two years.

At night, Xiaobei was going to go to bed, and suddenly there was a footstep sound from the outside. Xiaobei’s brow wrinkled, and he heard who was in his footsteps.

Xiaobei’s person was lying on the bed and his body did not move. When the other party was still in the yard, Xiaobei had already said: “I advise you not to enter my room. I hate people who bother me when I am sleeping. You should know that I don't have any interest in beauty, so I won't do anything about pity and jade."

Into the yard is the moon demon, she is wearing a low-cut skirt, the **** exposed half of the outside, the perfect figure is unobstructed, it seems more temptation to have more temptation, at this time heard Xiaobei After that, although she was unwilling to stop, she stopped, her eyes flashed with a bit of hatred, and then barely smiled: "Zhao Zaixing, are you not a man? You are a man, your wife has left. For a long time, you won’t feel hungry and thirsty?”

When I found out that there was no voice to respond to myself, the moon demon felt that I was being humiliated. It was a shame and shame. The other side did not even bother to respond to myself. How disdainful is this to myself?

However, when it comes to beauty, although she is beautiful and sexy, she can't seduce Xiaobei completely.

As far as strength is concerned, she has just broken through to breaking the initial stage of the void, but Xiaobei's progress is faster. Xiaobei has been rocket-like and directly soared to break the peak of the void, so fast, she has heard all the time. I have never heard of it, on the one hand let her rush to envy and hate, but on the other hand, she is full of desire for this man who is always full of adventures.

The moon demon hides the hatred in his eyes, and says coldly: "You don't want to be self-righteous there. I am here, the general manager of the palace sent me."

"Miyabe general manager?" After Xiaobei asked a sentence, he was temporarily silenced. After more than ten seconds, Xiaobei had already walked out of the house wearing neat clothes.

"Yes." Yue Yao looked at Xiaobei and said, "Zhao Zaixing, my moon is about the appearance and ability. Which one can't compare with your woman, can I not enter your eyes?"

Xiaobeibo looked at the moon demon without hesitation and said: "Talk about what the general manager of the palace asked you to come to me."

The moon demon resented and snorted, but thought of the right thing, or pressed the anger of the heart, said coldly: "I don't know the specific, the Gongbei manager just said let us go to see his residence, it is said Others will pass."

"Oh." Xiaobei promised, and walked toward the door. When passing by the moon demon, the tone was plain: "Let's go!"

Moon demon, followed by Xiaobei, watching Xiaobei’s back, her eyes kept flashing, remembering that when she first contacted this Zhao Zaixing, the strength of Zhao Zaixing was still under her, but short In the short two or three years, Zhao Zaixing has turned into a master who broke the level of the peak of the Nether, even one step away from Tianzun, and she is just a very difficult step into breaking the void, both The gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

What kind of man is this, how can it rise like a rocket in the past few years? The more the moon demon is curious about him, the more difficult it is to conceal the strong possessiveness.

In the past few years of Buddhism, Xiaobei’s mind and will have been honed to a certain extent. In the past few years, he has to investigate on the one hand, and on the other hand, he has to complete the various tasks that Buddhism has explained. They are all exposed to their own identity, so compared with the original Xiaobei, his character has become more stable, and even some people are unpredictable.

He first entered the courtyard of the head of the palace, and the moon demon followed, while the other people in the yard were already full of Buddhism, including the third of the Buddha, Aldrich, and the fourth of Buddhism would be ruthless. Buddhism fifth will be a villain and he and the moon demon, Aldridge's strength still breaks the void period, and has not changed in recent months. In fact, every improvement after breaking the void is a difficult one. No few people are small. North is so perverted, and Xiaobei is also taking the Shenyuan fruit obtained in the ghost gate before Xiao Bing, plus Xiao Bing used the instinct to help him improve, so the breakthrough of the skill increase has broken the peak of the void.

Now Buddhism will be among them, because the eighth of Buddhism will remain a vacancy for the time being, and the first two of Buddhism are always mysterious, so the known people are basically standing here at this time, from the third Until the seventh will be the strength of these known masters, Xiaobei is already well-deserved number one, even if the third of the Buddha, Aldrich can not match him.

The third Buddha will be Aldridge, breaking the void period.

The fourth Buddha will be ruthless and break the void period.

The fifth Buddha will be a villain, breaking the beginning of the void.

The sixth step of Buddhism will be Xiaobei, breaking the peak of the void.

Buddhism seventh will be the moon demon, the road broke the initial stage of the void.

In this case, Xiaobei's ascending speed is the fastest, and ruthlessness is second. The moon demon has also improved. The strength of other people has basically been in place for the past six months or more, but it has reached the point of breaking the void itself. It is already at a stage where it is possible to stagnate at any time, and it is really difficult and difficult to make progress.

At the time, Gongbei’s general manager came out of the room. When he saw Xiaobei, he nodded slightly and said: “It seems that you will soon break through to the early days of Tianzun, and you will not pay for the owner’s I am optimistic."

Xiaobei said: "Thank you for the owner."

"No," said the general manager of Gongbei calmly. "Your strength has improved so fast, all of them are your own merits. No one can help you. You are thankful now."

Xiaobei listened to this and always felt that he wanted to express something, but after careful consideration, he could not analyze it. He had to think about it first, and then some concerns asked: "I don't know Gongbei. This time, let us come over, is there any task that requires us to collectively dispatch?"

"Well, but it is still early, there are people who have not come." Gongbei said calmly.

“Is there anyone else?” Xiaobei’s eyes lit up and asked, “Is Zhuang mainly coming over?”

"No." The Gongbei general manager suddenly looked in the direction of the door. The calm road, "has come."

Xiaobei immediately looked back and looked at the past, but his pupils could not help but shrink, and a terrible breath began to spread throughout the yard, covering the entire yard.

At this moment in the home of Joer, the daughter of Joel is crying, and she is standing in the room and holding her daughter. While marrying her, she kisses her cute little face and smiles and says: "Emotions , love, don't cry, your father will come back to see us after a few days, do you want to be a father, your father must miss you too. Come, kiss, let us wait for your father to come back, no Ok?"

(End of this chapter)

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