Super Soldier

Chapter 1779: Pan An and Xiaobei

I went to the room and finished my lunch, because I knew that Xiaobei and Xiaobing had a lot of things to talk about, so the leaves volunteered to send Xiao Mingyue to the kindergarten, and then Xiao Bing called Xiaobei to the room and started talking.

When I learned that Buddhism had found the Lingchi and let the Buddhism and Eight Generals improve their collective strength, Xiao Bing’s heart was heavy and smiled and said: "I have long realized that no matter how powerful the Guwumen School is, it is not On the top, Buddhism is my biggest opponent."

Dao: "The foundation of Buddhism is too deep. Bing brother, don't blame me for telling the truth. On my way to growth, you have always been my guiding light. In my eyes, you are the strongest in the world. Man, no one can compare with you. But now... I feel that the Buddha will be an opponent who is not weaker than you. He is really terrible, too unfathomable. I am undercover in the Buddha Villa. For more than two years, I have never seen him."

Xiao Bing is very convinced: "This Buddha son is indeed too strong. To be honest, even if it is in my current realm, I have no confidence to defeat this person. He seems to always walk in front of me."

Dao: "What makes me feel strange is that I have been lying under the Buddha Mountain for so long, and I have completed some tasks during the period, but they have not done anything special, and I have not completed any of the tasks. Killing good people."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "That is to say that they are not full of sinful people."

Dao: "Of course, I can't say that they are good people. Many of them are righteous and evil. They have done good things, and they have done evil things. They don't know how much blood is contaminated in their hands. There are good people. The Aldrich, which I know, has heard about the 16 people of the whole family who have killed a kendo master in the country of y. Of course, these are not the Buddha’s son to let him do. The Buddha son did not let them do anything evil, nor did they restrain them."

Xiao Bing’s tone is stern: “This is the biggest difference between Buddhism and Dragon Gate. People who enter the Dragon Gate must obey the rules, and the people of Buddhism do not have restrictions on their work during the week. There is no rule at all. The threat to this society is too great. Just say that you just said that Aldrich has killed 16 people, and this alone is enough to make Aldridge die dozens of times. ""

Dao: "Yes, so although the Buddha has never taken the initiative to let the people of Buddhism do evil things, but they have never been bound by them. Not only that, but the people in the Buddha Mountain Village are more powerful and weak. There is not much dignity in front of the strong."

Xiao Bing said: "So I always wanted to smash the Buddha Villa. Although the Dragon Gate is not necessarily stronger than the Buddha Gate, once you know the specific location of the Buddha Mountain, you can inform the country and use the power of the country to bring the Buddha. The mountain village is razed to the ground. No matter how deep the foundation of the Buddha Mountain Village is, it is impossible to resist the national machine. This kind of thing is related to the living and working of the people. It is not a fight, so there is no need to pay attention to those. The principle is to go to a fair duel."

Dao: "We are all serving the country and serving the people. There are so many fair duels. Unfortunately, the Buddha Mountain Villa is too mysterious. I have a feeling, even if I am undercover for three years and five years, I also It is impossible to know the exact location of the Buddha Villa."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "So, I have already thought about it. This time, when you come back, don't let you go back. You have a wife and children now, go home and spend more time with your family. There is no need for you to go undercover at the Buddha Mountain. I am temporarily relaxed and do not need to help, and I have left a position for you in the Ministry of National Security. You can be the instructor of the Longmen in the future. The location can also be changed at any time, but the level of the Director will not change."

Road: "Thank you, Bing brother, I know that you are good for me..."

Xiao Bing frowned and asked: "Why, do you disagree? Or do you want to go back?"

"Yeah." Xiaobei’s eyes showed a few thoughts, and he said with emotion, "In fact, I don’t miss my family, why don’t I miss my wife and children, my child is now four months old, I am I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know if she still knows me."

Xiaobei is no longer like the big boy at the moment. His temperament is a bit more mature than before. Although it is still very sunny, the things inside the bones are hidden, that is A person who is a man, a husband, and a husband.

Xiao Bing looked at Xiaobei and said with emotion: "You really have changed a lot."

Xiaobei’s laughter said: “Xiaobei is the former Xiaobei, who has been pursuing Xiaobei’s road.”

Xiao Bing looked at Xiaobei and said with some apologies: "I also consider the situation of you and your family, so I don't want you to return to the Buddha Mountain Villa. What's more, it is really unnecessary to go back now. The location of this Buddha Mountain Villa. If you can't find it, you won't be able to use it for a long time."

Tao: "I can still have some other functions. For example, this time I will not tell you the secret of Buddhism. If there is no undercover, I am afraid that we can’t think of the Buddha. A saint exists."

Seeing Xiaobei’s stubbornness, Xiao Bing frowned and said: “Xiaobei, your woman and child, don’t you think about them, are you afraid that your niece will remember your father in the future? Sometimes You should also consider it for yourself..."

Xiaobei looked at Xiao Bing, his eyes sparkled with light, and his face smiled brightly: "I want her to grow up and know that her dad is a big hero."

Xiao Bing opened his mouth. At this time, he did not know how to persuade him. In fact, he was not as good as Xiaobei in this respect. After all, Xiaobei had already had children, and he was not married yet. Of course, Xiao Bing also had Xiao Mingyue. But that is not the same, Xiao Mingyue and ordinary children are not the same after all, she will not grow up, even she can protect herself, so Xiao Bing will be more worry-free, and since she will not grow up It does not involve problems after growing up.

However, Xiao Bing thought carefully, and it is indeed understandable that Xiaobei hopes to make his daughter proud of himself.

Xiao Bing thought about it carefully. After all, there was not much to persuade. He sighed and said: "In short, I will respect your opinion. When you are willing to return, you will take the initiative to return, and don't go back. Always remember that you don't owe anyone, even if you give the country enough to make the country and the people respect your decision, even if you quit immediately, you are also the hero of everyone, including your daughter. ""

"Well, I will consider it." Xiaobei smiled. "There are many days in anyway. I will not stay too much in Xiaofu. I will stay for two or three days, then I will go back... ""

When I finished, I saw Li Chunlan coming in from outside and smiled at Xiaobei, then looked at Xiao Bing and said: "The second shipment of the second goods is not here."

"Oh." Xiao Bing's eyes lit up, stood up and smiled. "Don't let him go back. I will call the second goods, let him come over later, and the two goods will have a small affection for him." But it is very deep, and it is rare to have a chance to get together."

Xiaobei was surprised: "Is the hair of the second goods small?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing smiled. "A very interesting person, and also gave him a very interesting name. The strength is still very exaggerated. It is even more powerful than the second one. It is definitely a practicing Wu Qicai. You will see it later."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Then I really want to see it."

"Wait a minute, I will call the second goods first, then let's go out together."

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number for the second item, said things again, then hung up the phone, patted Xiaobei’s shoulder and smiled: “Go, go out for a while, the second will soon When I arrived, this person was very interesting and just knew each other."


Xiao Bing and Xiaobei went out together from the room and walked through the corridor to the room. At this time, Pan An was standing in the room and talking to Maggie. The story was kept around the mouth of Maggie. , Chad Maggie from time to time issued a giggling smile.

When I saw the back of this person, Xiaobei sneaked a little, and then when Pan An looked back, Xiaobei was completely stunned, but it recovered in a flash.

Pan An smiled and said: "Xiao Lao Da, I also call you like the second goods."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Pan brothers are polite. You just call them the same. You wait a little longer for two minutes. The two goods will arrive soon. Since they are all friends, it is better to stay here for dinner."

"Okay." Pan An smiled. "I am mainly resting this time. I just know that the second goods are here, so come and see him. This silly boy was always bullied when he was in the village. I always helped him at that time... haha, in fact, I said the opposite. Generally speaking, it is me who is using his brains. He is the one who is doing it. At that time, he can play more than me, and he can beat me."

Maggie smiled and said: "You are so kind to say that you are really bad."

Pan An immediately turned his head and looked at Maggie. Some of the fascinating eyes looked at Maggie and smiled. "The man is not bad, the woman does not love. To be honest, I have never seen this big." A beauty like you..."

"Get it, Uncle." Maggie directly interrupted Pan An’s words. "I have heard a lot of lines like you. I can often hear a little bit of meaning in TV. Uncle, you. Age is not suitable for picking up girls outside, age is too big, and my thoughts are outdated?"

Pan An: "...."

(End of this chapter) 8)

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