Super Soldier

Chapter 1782: Feeling deep into memories

After a dinner was finished, Xiao Bing let the two goods and the red scorpion branch stayed. The two people are naturally happy. The red stalks can accompany her grandfather, and the second goods can be accompanied. My own hair is small, so Pan An has naturally lived here.

Xiaobei temporarily found a room to live in. After returning to the room, Su Xiaoxiao knocked on the door and came in.

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Hurry up and sit down!"

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaobei and smiled. "Come and talk with you, because I know that if you don't hold on to talk with you, it is estimated that you can't say it right away. It is estimated that you have to leave again."

"Ah, yeah!" Xiaobei stunned, then smiled and did not deny it.

"Looking out, when Xiao Bing left you to live, you have a little soul, do you want to be a wife and a child?" Su Xiaoxiao sat down on the sofa, smiled and looked at Xiaobei, said, "small North brother, you are a good person, definitely a good husband and a good father."

"Haha." Xiaobei asked. "What do you want to drink?"

"You don't have to be busy."

"Then I will help you make a cup of hot tea." Xiaobei used to find teapots and teacups, smashed it first, then cooked a pot of hot tea, and took two cups and walked over. Put the cups and teapots Among the two people, Xiaobei also sat down.

Xiaobei looked at Su Xiaoxiao, and his face and eyes were all warm smiles: "I see it, you have changed a lot, you have become happier, more happy than ever before."

Su Xiaoxiao bit his lip gently and said: "Little North, the smile on your face is the most sincere and heartfelt one I have seen since you came back this time."

"Is it? Is it not sincere?"

“No.” Su Xiaoxiao sighed. “You like to hide the worries and all the unhappiness in your heart and not let people see it. It’s natural that it won’t make others unhappy, but you How much unhappy is squeezed in my own heart? I am really happy to see that you are really happy from the heart."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Because I am so happy to see you, I am really happy."

Xiaobei smiled a little, and Su Xiaoxiao saw Xiaobei. He couldn’t help but tease Xiaobei and said, "You look like this, if your wife knows that I can hit someone!"

"Ha ha ha, I know that I know, in fact, it has already passed." Xiaobei said with a smile, "I am sincerely happy for you, we... now is the best friend of the opposite sex, like a soldier and you Same as my sister, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao nodded.

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Remember that when I went to the bottom of Buddhism, you and the brothers were still not clear, but now they are already open, right, how is the attitude of the aunt?"

"My mom? Hey, she never said it. She is actually confused. But how can she not know it? After all, she lives under one roof. I am too embarrassed to talk to my mother. One is that the brothers have already had a true girlfriend, and the other is that Xiao Bing’s brother can’t guarantee when he can marry us. Although my mother said that she can see it now, she is also the previous generation. People, let alone the previous generation, even if this generation can accept it?"

Xiaobei said with emotion: "So sometimes I have to say that the luck of the brother is really good. I can meet so many good girls, the girls that he loves and will really pay for him."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "I also think that his luck is super good, as if all the good things in the world have been smashed by him alone."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Haha, yeah, little, now you still like to read comics?"

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "Do you remember that I like comics?"

"That is of course. When the soldiers asked me to protect you, how long have you been protecting you? How can you not remember what you like? Although I didn't dare to say that time, I have nothing to do with you. Basically, I can't beat my ears." Xiaobei smiled. "But the opponents at that time were not as strong as they are now. At that time, the ancient Wumen faction did not come out. It seems like now, the soldiers are provoked. The enemy is almost at a higher level."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "It’s more than Guwu. I also played with the Protoss a few days ago. Do you know?"

"Oh, I heard about this thing." Xiaobei’s eyes sparkled with excitement and said, "I have never seen the protoss look like."

"It looks like human beings, but it is a self-righteous and special pride." Su Xiaoxiao obviously has no good feelings for the Protoss.

Xiaobei smiled and said: "In fact, in my opinion, they are genetically better humans, and they have stronger genes in the body."

"So, what are you looking down on, why are self-styled high races, human beings are the existence of ants in their eyes." Su Xiaoxiao asked, "When did you bring your wife and children, we have not I have seen it."

"Well... I have a chance to bring it in the future, but I don't want it for the time being."

"That can really wait." Su Xiaoxiao said with emotion, "When it is completely peaceful."

"Well, when it’s completely peaceful." Xiaobei’s heart is a slap in the face of any right and wrong, so that they don’t touch these dangerous circles. I feel that it is too distressing. "I think if the Buddha is not a threat, it should be fine."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "At that time, it is estimated that Xiao Da Ge can also retire. When we just move to live together."

"Let's stay together, isn't that convenient? But you can squat." Xiaobei smiled. "You can be a neighbor. When I arrive, I have to come over and cook."

"Well, when you come, you must come over and eat rice often. We are too happy to come." Su Xiao's novels said, the more he said, the more happy he was, the light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled. "Thinking is good." look forward to."

"I am also looking forward to it." Xiaobei said with a smile. "I am not the same as Xiao Brother. I am not a person with great ambition. My previous dream is to follow the footsteps of the brothers, but now I want to think the most." It was able to retreat one day earlier and then grow up with the children."

Su Xiaoxiao erected a thumbs up and said: "I have already said that you must be a good father. I really haven't said anything wrong. Your wife and children can have such a pillar and you are really happy."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "I have them very happy. When I am in the Buddha Mountain Village, I feel very lonely and afraid every day. Really, although I am a man, there is a very, very dark place, and It’s hard to have any friends there, there is no way to believe anyone. After all, I’m an undercover, it’s hard to really integrate. At that time, I met Soft, and if she’s not with her, I don’t know if I’m going to Will not last for so long."

"Well, it’s a good girl." Su Xiaoxiao laughed. "You said, I really can't wait to see it."

Xiaobei took out his mobile phone from his arms and then began to turn it up. He finally found a photo of him and Joel. He handed the phone over and smiled and said: "Look, there is no high-tech now. The phone can be seen at any time."

"Wow." Su Xiaoxiao took the phone and his eyes lit up. He said, "It looks like a very sweet little girl. It feels like a small bird."

"Well, yeah, what kind of character she is."

Su Xiaoxiao took a mobile phone and looked at the photo inside the photo. Xiaobei was quietly watching Su Xiaoxiao. His mouth slightly floated a smile, and his heart thought silently, Su Xiaoxiao, I saw you so. I am very happy to live happily every day, maybe only with the brothers, you will be so happy, but I will be very happy, I really like you, now It’s not completely forgotten, but I have learned to let go and then enjoy another relationship. Joel is now the girl I need to love the most. I will love her wholeheartedly in my life and treat her as her. My most important woman, and you are the memory of my past.

Su Xiaoxiao finished the photo and handed the phone back to Xiaobei. He smiled and said: "Give it to you, really happy, enviable."

"Well, it was really happy when I was with her. She is a good girl, otherwise it is impossible to walk slowly into my heart."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "Look at you, then look at your big brother, you should never learn from your brother, he is a big radish."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "In fact, he is really sincere to you, just... maybe someone like him is really hard to really settle down."

"You still defend him." Su Xiaoxiao giggled.

Two people as the most intimate friends, there are a lot of words to say, has been talking from more than eight o'clock in the evening to more than ten o'clock, Su Xiaoxiao stood up and said: "Oh, it is already so late, Don't bother you, hurry and rest."

"Nothing." Xiaobei smiled. "I usually sleep late, but you still have to go to work, or go to bed early."

"Okay, good night." Su Xiaoxiao walked to the door, opened the door and just went out, then suddenly stopped and went back to Xiaobei and said, "Oh, yes, if you really want to If you see your wife and children, don't be embarrassed to say goodbye. Anyway, it's not a farewell. Go back to accompany your wife and children, and wait until you have time to come back."

"Yeah." Xiaobei nodded.

"In advance, I am not willing to let you go. I am really reluctant. In this Xiaofu, you are the person I am most willing to talk to, and one of the best people to me... I have always regarded you as a pro Like my brother, Xiaobei Ge, you sleep, I am gone."

"Okay, rest early, good night."

"good night."

(End of this chapter)

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