Super Soldier

Chapter 1784: Pan An's life

Xiao Bing listened to Pan An’s muttering, a flash of light in his eyes, and then smiled and said: “Let's go, let's go in and talk.”

"Well, okay." Pan An returned, and his face showed a cynical smile.

Back in the house of Xiao Fu, when Pan An went to find the red rose to speak, Xiao Bing came to the room of the second goods.

Akasaka is wearing a white dress, leaning against the sofa, smiling at the two goods, sitting on the bed and talking about the red stalks, seeing Xiao Bing came in, Akasaka stood up and smiled and said: "Xiao Big Brother, you talk to two goods, I will go see my grandfather first."

"Good." Xiao Bing smiled. "The old man is still very strong these days."

"Yeah, I would like to thank Xiao Da Ge for taking care of it. In fact, I want to take my grandfather back home, and let us personally take care of my grandfather."

Xiao Bing saw the words of Akasaka, and he smiled and said: "Well, have time to spend more time with the father."

"Well, I will go out with my grandfather first." Akasaka branch went out of the room.

After Xiao Bing closed the door, he looked back at the second goods and smiled. "You said that your kid should be blessed. There are very few good girls like this."

"Well, you don't have to work hard at home, clothes and socks are all branches to help wash, you want to do some work, and the branches also say that housework is not what men should do." Two goods are embarrassed to say, but The faces are all happy.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, you are still showing up with me, hehe, but the branches are long and beautiful, but also diligent and virtuous. Even if you look at you as a stupid big man, it is a stupid person who is stupid. ”

The second thing is a smirk.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Two goods, I will come to talk to you about things. You can't mention it with your hair afterwards."

"Yeah." The two goods immediately sat up and said, "Xiao Boda, you say, what to talk about, I promise not to say."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing pretend easily. "In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. I just think that it is very interesting for you to make a small hair. So if you want to understand, you know, I am interested in pulling him into the Dragon Gate. It’s also a matter of knowing oneself and knowing oneself.”

"Oh, then you ask." The second thing was relieved. Originally, he thought it was a problem with his own hair. The pressure in his heart was still quite big. Hearing that Xiao Bing said that he only wanted to compile Pan An, he would I was relieved, although I haven’t seen it for so many years, but the relationship between him and Pan An has not changed at all, so he does not want to have anything bad about Pan’an, but the thing that is incorporated into the Dragon Gate is also What he wants to see, the second goods laughed, "Oh sure... know everything."

Xiao Bing erected a thumbs and praised: "Yes, idioms are very good."

The second goods haha ​​laughed: "Oh, every day, following these cultural people, you must have learned a lot. Are you progressing?"

"Yes, that's right, it's really a progressive boss." Xiao Bing smiled and then looked seriously. "I want to know, Pan An often gets your family's care when he is a child?"

"Well, my father is dead early, and I was raised from a young age. I was a mother and a mother. Later I saw Pan’s pity, so let him come over, but Pan’s own house also has a house. He said that he was used to living at home and didn't want to live in his home. So he only occasionally stayed at my house for two days. Usually he lived alone in his own empty house. When he was eating, he was often at home. Eating, in fact, other people in the village will take care of him, but it seems that they basically do not like Pan An, so Pan An still walks with my family, my mother cares for him a lot."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I always listen to you mentioning auntie. It is no wonder that Auntie can get this kind of respect from you. Indeed, she is really a mother who is very worthy of respect."

"Yeah." Two goods sighed.

Xiao Bing asked: "Pan's parents don't want him, right? I used to listen to him."

"Yes." The second goods said, "First, Pan An's mother ran with a man in a city. Later, when Pan An's father went out to work, he followed a woman from a city."

Xiao Bing frowned, and some disgusted words: "How are so many irresponsible parents under the sun?"

The second goods said: "I don't want to understand, but my mother loves you so much, how can he be willing to leave him."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is Pan An hating his parents?"

"Hate, he said that he doesn't have parents, he hates it very much. The people in the village seem to be because he doesn't like him. He thinks that his parents are like this. When he grows up, it is definitely not a good thing. At that time. There is a lot of discussion everywhere, and he is said behind him."

Xiao Bing said coldly: "The dragon is born and the dragon is full of phoenixes. It is all old thoughts. How can they think so, how much damage it is to a child."

“My mother also often said to people in the village that she would not let Pan An say this. Later, she also admitted that Pan An was a son.”

Xiao Bing praised: "Your mother is really a good person, it is an example. But why Pan An does not want to live in your home, I think your mother must also welcome him."

"He said so, he let him live in, he did not do it, he asked him to come in, he did not do it, and finally there is no way, only the mother can make him to eat every time he cooks. Sometimes, Niang Niang will also look at him and help him make clothes. "There are some things that hate it," said the village. He liked to say that he was behind him. He also said that he should make him a good fight. I thought that he didn't live up to expectations. From an early age, he liked to pick up a girl, went to peek at the little girl to take a shower, and swayed the little girl in the village. Even he was a little bigger than him, and he went to play, and really hooked up several girls in the village. Later, the people in the village said that he was more, and he didn't mind."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I basically understood it. In fact, he may not care. Afterwards, why did he leave? It is because of the reasons you said that he said that there is no girl in the village that he can soak?"

"Yeah, he just said that. When he left, he still cried with a mother-in-law. He said that he would definitely come back to see her mother in the future, but he had not gone away for a few years, and her mother died of illness. Then, I also left the village." The two eyes were a little red, grinning. "When the mother left, she told me that she would go out and make a good trip. I hope that one day I can find Pan An and tell. Pan An, the child, the old people in the village are not malicious, let him not mind too much, people must live for themselves."

Xiao Bing listened to some movements. Maybe the second goods would not have much reaction to his mother’s dying time, but Xiao Bing immediately understood the meaning of it. He couldn’t help but feel that the second goods had such a mother with such great wisdom. It is really rare.

Xiao Bing nodded and then asked: "So you said to Pan An?"

"Oh...." The two goods grabbed their hair and said, "I forgot."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "You should really say something to Pan An."

The second goods said: "Hey, I think Pan An has never taken those things seriously. You also saw it. When he got married, he went to the old people in the village."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "So you just don't understand Pan An, it doesn't matter. If you don't mind, I can talk to him."

"Oh." Two cargo lanes, "I don't mind what I care."

Xiao Bing looked at the second goods and said: "If you still think about Pan An, let me know at any time."

"Well, I know it." Xiao Bing opened the door and walked to the door. Suddenly he stepped forward and thought about it. He turned back and said to the second goods, "If you kissed the mother, you still told Pan An personally, after all, This is the task that your mother told me before the death."

The second point of the goods nodded, and his face showed a bit of awkward color. He said: "This is really not filial to be a son. I even forgot the words that I had to explain before my death. Hey, I will tell him now. ”

Two goods rushed out of the room, Xiao Bing's mouth showed a faint smile, and then closed the door.

The second goods really don't understand, but Xiao Bing has already understood the deep meaning of the two-in-law's words, and also has some understanding of Pan An's character. Pan An is a playboy-like figure on the surface. I started to hook up, but is that really Pan An? I am afraid not necessarily.

Nearly Zhu is close to the black, and Pan An has no parents when he is very young. How much influence can his parents give him? On the contrary, he is probably longer with the mother of the second and second goods. Next to such a kind-hearted elder, isn’t he still being submerged in front of such a kind-hearted elder?

His nature is definitely different from the one he showed, but he wants to express those deliberately. It was formed during the rebellious period of his growth. You don’t all say that I am definitely not as good as my parents. What's the matter, will you pick up four in the future? Well, then I don't have to wait until I grow up, I will come and see you now.

Does he really care? Which child does not want to get a different look from the people around you? However, he couldn't get it. No matter what he did, other people would think of his parents. In the case of the second goods, Pan An didn't care about those arguments. This is unreasonable, and Pan An has always performed. It proved that he was very concerned about it, and those arguments forced him to another direction, a very extreme direction, and even affected his life.

Xiao Bing shook his head. These villagers were not really bad people, but because of their long tongue, it may have really affected a child's life...

(End of this chapter)

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