Super Soldier

Chapter 1789: Fang Yuanyuan wants to worship (four more)

After Rick opened to the finish line five minutes later, he came down from the car and looked at Xiao Bing like a ghost. He asked, "How did you do it?"

Fang Yuanyuan did not believe it: "Yes, how did you do it?"

Xiao Bing shrugged and said: "It's just driving, just open and win, what can I do?"

This statement is too pretentious, causing many people to turn their eyes, but then all the people are showing a hot face, this speed is too shocking, what is this technology? Car god!

Fang Yuanyuan also can't care how Xiao Bing can be so fast. She reaches out and directly slaps on Xiao Bing's back. She can't stop laughing: "Great, it's an old driver!"

Xiao Bing: "..., can you not mention the old driver's three words?"

The morale of Zhang Mingyang is collectively low.

Rick shook his head as he shook his head. "It's too powerful. You are so powerful. Are you also a professional racer in China? Like you, it should be a professional player who appears in the international competition." Why have I never seen you before?"

Xiao Bing took a look at Rick and said: "Never play the car, it is not exciting at all."

Fang Yuanyuan: "...."

Fang Yi: "...."

Rick: "...."

Zhang Mingyang and others: "...."

All the people are collectively speechless, and they have seen it, but Xiao Bing is too powerful.

Rick obviously thinks that Xiao Bing is talking nonsense. A person with such a high level of racing will never play a car. You say so, who can believe?

However, he did not know that Xiao Bing said that it was really the truth. The car was just a hobby before Xiao Bing. Not to mention that it was on the professional field. Even if it was amateur, there was no name for Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing was a dragon tooth. The most powerful one in the brigade.

Although Rick did not believe Xiao Bing, but he has lost today, he must have no face to stay here. He reached out to Xiao Bing and shook hands. Then he said: "I admire your strength and hope that there will be opportunities in the future. I can also challenge you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Zhang Mingyang was sullen, then looked at Fang Yuanyuan and came over and said to him proudly: "How are you, you lose, don't entangle me in the future, or see you once!"

Zhang Mingyang naturally does not believe that Fang Yuanyuan can see himself once, to know that he is a big brother, and there are nearly a hundred younger brothers under his hand. How can Fang Yuanyuan play a few times? At most, it is five or six.

However, now that he has lost, Zhang Mingyang is also embarrassed to be entangled here. He can only look at Xiao Bing with a disgust, and then waved: "Brothers, go!"

Then they came to the satisfaction and went down again.

Fang Yuanyuan jumped up excitedly, and hugged Xiao Bing, and turned the circle. The mouth was still excited and shouted: "Great, they never dare to entangle me!"

Xiao Bing's face is arrogant. What is this doing, what to do, as for what, especially if your chest is up to me, I don't know what it is, I don't know what it means to be male or female, but it’s good to say that this crazy woman’s chest is good. Soft, Emma, ​​and sponge like!

When Fang Yuanyuan turned around for a few laps and looked at Xiao Bing’s face, he stunned and asked, “Are you confused?”

Fang Yi is cold and cold: "People are cheaper for you."

Fang Yuanyuan looked at herself and looked at Xiao Bing again. He immediately released his hand. Xiao Bing coughed and said: "Don't make trouble, I am passive. Besides, this is good for cheap."

After all, people have just solved a problem for their sisters. Fang Yi is not as cold and unkind as Xiao Bing before. At least a little bit of hostility, said: "My sister still wants to thank you for this matter. ""

"Don't thank you, promise good things, I naturally have to come over and the opponents are not too strong."

Fang Yi: "...."

Fang Yuanyuan: "...."

Fang Yi thought for a moment and said: "It is reasonable to say that a man like you who is so brazen, nature should not be very bad."

Xiao Bing was drunk and speechless: "What is this called, what is a man who likes to brag."

"It's like you."

"What is like me?"

"Man bragging."

Xiao Bing: "...."

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "Don't mind, my mèimèi is the heart of the knife, let's go, let's go out and drink, celebrate it."

"Drinking is not necessary." Xiao Bing took a look at the time and said, "I should go buy milk tea for my object."

"Oh, do you have a girlfriend?" Fang Yuanyuan said with a smile. "That can not bother you, but today you help me, I still have to thank you very much. The most important thing is... I want to worship you as a teacher." ”

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Don't make trouble, what do I teach you? I can't teach you anything!"

Fang Yuanyuan looked at Xiao Bing with enthusiasm and said: "Teach me to drive, you are an old driver, and the car is so powerful, how can you not teach me?"

Xiao Bing quickly shook his head: "No!"

"Why not." Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly said, "I know that during the day we are a little misunderstood, but that is not all gone, big deal, I will apologize to you, are you looking good?"

"I can't do it." Xiao Bing said helplessly. "This kind of thing can be difficult without a strong person. I don't have any interest in the apprentice. So, you still don't bother, I am gone, don't tell you." It is."

Xiao Bing hurriedly opened his own door and got into his car.

Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly said: "Oh, how is this person like you, then don't mention the teacher, I always thank you first, you give me the mobile phone number, I will invite you to dinner tomorrow, thank you."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "This is really unnecessary."

Fang Yuanyuan ran to the front of Xiao Bing's car in a step, opened his arms and stopped the car, and said loudly: "If you don't give me the mobile phone number, just press it on me!"

Xiao Bing is really a little mad at this woman who is crazy about this style. She has to stop the car, pull out the paper from the car, tear off a piece of paper and write down her mobile phone number on it, then throw it. Go out.

Fang Yuanyuan picked up the paper and then dialed out according to the above number. When she saw Xiao Bing’s cell phone sounded, she just avoided it from the front and smiled: “That, Master, you slowly open, Be careful when it is dark."

Xiao Bing looked helpless and quickly drove away, but although it was helpless on the surface, Xiao Bing’s mouth was a smile after he left the car. He said to himself: "Some crazy Woman, hey, it’s really nothing to do at the time. I didn’t have that spare time. It seemed that I was still taking time to thank her, and then I sent it.”

Seeking truth from facts, this pair of sisters grows very beautiful, but Xiao Bing is now a respectful attitude towards women. It is really not wanting to provoke women too much.

On the way home, Xiao Bing passed the tea shop and placed the tea in the position of the co-pilot. Then he closed the door and stood next to the car. He smiled and said: "Catch it very quickly!"

But seeing the front are four young and colorful children riding motorcycles, these young and old are very familiar, all before Zhang Mingyang, Xiao Bing asked: "What is wrong, this is not convinced, but also wants revenge What?"

"Grass, talk nonsense, brothers do him!"

The few young and stunned people rode directly on the motorcycle and went straight to Xiao Bing, one by one, holding a baseball bat in their hands and heading toward Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled faintly. Those people didn't even see how Xiao Bing was shot. Then they were shot by Xiao Bing, and the motorcycles fell to the ground one by one. I don't know how far it was. The distance, and then one by one lying on the ground, screaming nonstop.

Xiao Bing re-entered the car, a group of small mixed children only, Xiao Bing has passed the age and level of general understanding of these little mixed-child, after the downturn, too lazy to pay attention to them, drove directly.

After returning to Xiaofu, Xiao Bing took the milk tea and got off the bus. He returned to his room with a slap in the face. Ye Xiaoxi was lying in bed reading a book. Xiao Bing saw Ye Xiaoxi not sleeping. He smiled and said: "Do you also read mànhuà book?"

"Well, I took it from a small room, wow, milk tea is finally back, I want to drink!"

Ye Xiaoxi ran down, grabbed the milk tea, then drilled back into the bed and put a straw into it.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Look at your appearance, it is like you are usually abusing you."

"Giggle, it doesn't matter to abuse, I just like this mouth, um, it's so delicious."

Ye Xiaoxi opened the mànhuà book.

Xiao Bing slowly took off his clothes, lying in the pajamas and sleeping pants, lying next to Ye Xiaoxi, glanced at the contents of mànhuà and smiled and asked: "Is it interesting?"

"Interesting!" Ye Xiaoxi said, "I used to watch mànhuà very rarely. Later, I watched it with the little ones, only to find that mànhuà was quite good, but the little ones that I have influenced are particularly fond of reading romance novels."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "It's very good. It's quite good. It's quite a good thing to enrich the spiritual world. Many people say that reading extracurricular books is useless. In fact, that kind of thing is not right. Any book can learn some. Knowledge."

Ye Xiaoxi smiled and promised, then stared at the book and asked: "How do you think about going to the car? Or because of Peya's things, to vent your mood?"

"Well... I can't say that this has nothing to do with it, but it is also a help for people, and promises others." Xiao Bing said that the sisters spent the time.

After Ye Xiaoxi listened, he put down the book of mànhuà and looked at Xiao Bing with a gentleman's eyes, which made Xiao Bing feel guilty.

(End of this chapter) (https:)

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