Super Soldier

Chapter 1791: Kidnapping

At this time, Fang’s sisters also noticed that these few people were rushing to come. Fang Yuanyuan stood up immediately, but inexplicably felt weak and even sweating.

These big men gathered around and looked at Yuanyuan, and then smiled: "Fang Yuanyuan is it? Our boss is watching you, let us take a trip!"

The talking man directly reached out and grabbed the past. Fang Yuanyuan broke freely and then flew out. The big man was smashed and smashed back and forth two steps backwards. Fang Yuanyuan’s face was pale, not right, it should be It’s going to fly, right, how do you feel that you are not motivated?

Fang Yuanyuan angered: "Who is your boss? Is it Zhang Mingyang's bastard? Isn't he losing to me? Isn't it a count now?"

The man who was kicked and patted the footprints on his clothes and smiled and said: "It's very powerful. It's really hot enough. It's no wonder that the boss has let us have a few more people. To tell you the truth, our boss and Zhang boss have nothing to do with us. Boss is Zhou Weitian, who is called Tian Ge. He seems to be your blessing, let us go!"

He glanced at the other three and said: "Not yet!"

These few people swarmed up, Fang Yuanyuan wanted to resist, but found that the body was weaker, completely unable to make any effort, and Fang Yi just rushed to the side, the head of the big man gave a side, she and her sister are not the same, She is a weak woman, she has no skill at all.

This person pushed Fang Yi to the ground, and then several people gave Fang Yuanyuan to the door. The people in the store wanted to stop, but no one dared to go, only to quietly call the police.

Seeing that they directly took the person away, Fang Yi shouted and let go of my sister, and rushed out of the store door, but saw that the other party had driven the van and pulled the person away.

Fang Yi was so anxious that her tears would flow down, even if her character was strong and stubborn, but at this moment she saw her sister being taken away by the bad guys, still a little helpless.

When she was anxious, she didn’t know what to do. Her cell phone suddenly rang. A strange number, Fang Yi hurriedly picked it up. Then she heard some cold words on the phone: “Do not call the police, otherwise If you tear up the ticket, you can't blame us."

"I..." Fang Yi took a deep breath, and kept telling himself in his heart, to be calm, to be calm, and then to the cold voice, "That tells me, what do you want? Is it money or what?" ”

"We said, it is your sister, our boss is watching your sister, huh, huh, after half an hour, go to the abandoned factory at No. 228 in the west of the city, go there to pick up your sister, remember, there are police, we will tear up the ticket! ”

The phone hangs up directly, and Fang Yi dials back. There is no answer.

Fang Yi's face became extremely ugly. Although it seems that her sister is not life-threatening, the purpose of the other party is very simple. It is obvious that she wants to ruin her sister. Fang Yi too understands her sister's character, and the appearance looks very embarrassing. However, it is actually very concerned about some things. Once it is really ruined, the consequences are unimaginable.

Fang Yizheng was a little overwhelmed. Xiao Bing’s car stopped at the side of the road, then shook the window and smiled. “Hey, how are you standing here? Your sister? Waiting for me inside?”

Fang Yi saw Xiao Bing, his eyes lit up, and an arrow rushed over and then sat in the position of the co-pilot.

Xiao Bing sighed: "Is not going to eat, what are you doing... huh? Your sister has an accident?"

Waiting for Fang Yi to explain, from the face of Fang Yi, Xiao Bing basically has already seen that something must be done.

Fang Yi snorted and nodded and said: "My sister... she was kidnapped."

"Ticketing?" Xiao Bing was shocked and asked, "Does the other side ask for money?"

"No." Fang Yi is not very embarrassed, but at this time there is nothing that can't be said, so he still said: "They are going to rob."

"Robbery... Well, who did it? Is that the group that night?"

"Not them, I heard that it is another group of underworld."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect your sister to be quite attractive, and it will attract these triads."

"Don't say it." Fang Yi is about to cry. "I know that you drive fast. Hurry up and chase it. My sister was tied to the Chengbei District. If I go late, I am afraid it is too late."

The other party has now gone for more than ten minutes, plus the people on the street come and go, there are so many traffic lights, even if Xiao Bing’s driving level is good, it can’t be the same as when driving a car, so time is really urgent. .

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Well, you give me directions!"

Xiao Bing listened to Fang Yi while talking about the detailed process. After listening to it, Xiao Bing couldn’t help but wonder: "If I am not mistaken, should your sister have some martial arts?"

Fang Yi was a little wondering how Xiao Bing knew this, but he agreed to it. To be honest, "There are four or five people who are not in the usual situation."

"Four or five people are not talking about it. Isn't that the other party today is four people? Is the other side also martial arts?"

"I am not sure about this, but I remembered it. Before my sister drank a drink that I didn't know who sent it, I suspect it was being prescribed."

"It's no wonder, so to speak, the other party's planning is very thorough, your sister is really strange, just give someone else to drink?"

Fang Yi was not very embarrassed and said: "She said that she learned from me. Hey, I can't explain it. In short, we have to hurry up. Right, you said that I am alarming or not, if I call the police. If you don't call the police, if you don't call the police, don't they both die in the past, there is no effect at all!"

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "It should still be a little bit useful."

"What is the role, can you fight?" Fang Yi is obviously not very optimistic about Xiao Bing.

"I feel that I should be fine."

"Hey, this is a triad society. It's different from ordinary small fights. You haven't seen it, so you don't understand it." Fang Yi hesitated, took out his mobile phone and wanted to make an alarm call, but hesitated for a long time. Finally still did not dial out.

Fang Yi looked at Xiao Bing and said: "This thing can't hurt you. You will send me to the place for a while, then I will wait for me in the car. I will go in and talk to them."

Xiao Bing asked: "You are not afraid that they will give you that too? You know, you are very pretty."

"Which still cares so much!" Fang Yi is about to cry.

Xiao Bing nodded secretly, and the sisters were deep!

It’s just that this thing is so coincidental. Although Fang Yi said that this matter has nothing to do with Zhang Mingyang, Xiao Bing does not believe it at all. It’s just how it happened. Xiao Bing still doesn’t understand it, but he still has to wait until the place know.

However, it is a group of mixed people, Xiao Bing is not too serious, just need to hurry up, so as not to be really regrettable.

Xiao Bing’s car began to speed up, and all the way to the outside, finally came to the abandoned factory, Fang Yi sighed and said: "Thank you, I know that you can drive faster, so I did not take the rental, you So, you are waiting for me here, uh... what are you doing? Why did you drive in, then you are not exposed?"

However, see Xiao Bing directly increase the horsepower, went straight to the factory yard, and then stopped under the steps outside the building.

Xiao Bing shrugged and said: "The exposure is exposed, just as I am with you!"

Seeing Xiao Bing actually got off the bus first, Fang Yiqi said: "How is this person so stubborn, this is not looking for death!"

Fang Yi hurriedly got off the bus.

At this time, Fang Yuanyuan has been **** by a rope and tied to the chair on the first floor of the abandoned factory. There are more than a dozen mixed people on the first floor. The head is a strong figure with two gold earrings on the ear. It’s a bit of a sigh of relief. This person is a big hybrid Zhou Weitian.

After hearing the movement outside, Zhou Weitian glanced out and then widened his eyes and said: "How come they come so soon?"

The younger brother next to him was the big boy who was responsible for arresting people. The man said: "I didn't expect it to be so fast. We just brought people in and tied them up. They arrived."

"Oh, but it doesn't matter, just tie the two men together, haha, this girl is also very slick!"

Fang Yuanyuan saw her sister and Xiao Bing outside, and immediately shouted: "How come you, run fast. Xiao Brother, you drive fast, hurry to take my sister to run, leave me alone! ”

Fang Yi's eyes were red, and he ran quickly. Then he was grabbed by one of Zhou Weitian's men and pressed on another chair. He was also tied up.

Then Zhou Weitian laughed and said: "Not bad, this is your own door. In fact, I think your little girl is more delicious than your sister!"

Fang Yuanyuan was anxious and ruined: " put my sister, you can do anything to me, beg you to let my sister."

Zhou Weitian’s fascinated eyes swept over the sister’s flowers, and then smiled: “I’m not relieved if I’m relieved. If you let me go, I’ll let go. I’ll have no face! Let me Think about how to play..."

Xiao Bing stood in the hall at this time, and some helplessly looked at the scene and sighed: "You guys... It seems that you didn't see me, is it that I am invisible?"

Zhou Weitian only looked at Xiao Bing at this time, and then sneered: "Who are you? Now I don't want to move on the ground, I am too lazy to take care of you, or you will break your legs!" ”

Xiao Bing sighed and asked: "So overbearing?"

Zhou Weitian shouted loudly: "Grass, it is so overbearing, what happened?"

A younger brother pointed at Xiao Bing and shouted: "Bad boy, who is our boss? This piece is his territory. This is Tian Ge, is the stinky boy looking for death?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I hate people pointing at me."

After listening to the younger brother, he was even more arrogant. He pointed out Xiao Bing and shouted: "I pointed out, what?"

"Not so, fly!"

"Hey?" Don't say this is a younger brother, and no one else understands.

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled directly, and then everyone did not see Xiao Bing have any movements. The little brother who just pointed to Xiao Bing flew out directly, and flew out more than ten meters away, then A bang slammed into a steel machine on the first floor, slowly slipping to the ground and fainting.

There is a dead inside the whole hall!

(End of this chapter)

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