Super Soldier

Chapter 1793: Teach me Kung Fu

Zhang Mingyang was even more embarrassed. At this time, there was nothing to be concealed. He immediately tore off the original mask of hypocrisy and said with a gloomy face: "Yuan Yuan, what am I like to you, you are not I don't know, I have been chasing you for a long time, what do you want?"

Fang Yuanyuan was a little unhappy: "I said that I don't like you, what can I do?"

Zhang Mingyang has scraped together and can't help but fight for it: "Emotions can be cultivated."

"I don't like you, what else do you cultivate?" Fang Yuanyuan waved his fist and said, "Don't say that I didn't warn you. I will use the means later, be careful that I will beat you!"

Zhang Mingyang bit his teeth and said: "Then don't blame me for cooking rice, brothers, give me her!"

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Don't stop, don't you see me standing here?"

Zhang Mingyang squinted and screamed: "Fortunately, you come to remind me that if you were not yours yesterday, I have already won Yuanyuan, brothers, first give me a repair to this stinky boy!"

"it is good!"

"Do him for the big brother!"

These people did not think about Zhou Weitian for a moment, why they fell one by one on the ground, they directly rushed up with a large number of people.

Xiao Bing sighed, no wonder this kid can't catch up, it's really too long for him!

Xiao Bing directly rushed into the crowd. He used to stand there and he could use these momentum to crush these people. Even the imposing murder is easy, but Xiao Bing does not want to be too exaggerated, lest these people be excused. Scared to death, so Xiao Bing had no choice but to help each other raise his hand in the crowd, and every time he kicked a foot, he was very helpless, 'slowly' within ten seconds. The more than 50 people were all brought to the ground.

At this time, the first floor of the abandoned building was already full of people. There are no places to walk. There are more than 20 people who are Zhou Weitian. More than 50 people are Zhang Mingyang. Xiao Bing walks slowly. In front of Zhang Mingyang, he sighed: "I don't want to shoot, you have to let me shoot."

Fang Yuanyuan suddenly turned his eyes to the side: "Xiao Bing brother, you don't move."


"This person is handed over to me!" After the completion, Fang Yuanyuan jumped up and kicked Zhang Mingyang directly with a side kick. Then Fang Yuanyuan rushed again, and a chain kicked and kicked out in Zhang Mingyang's body. After a few feet, after Zhang Mingyang fell to the ground, he couldn’t move directly with his stomach.

Xiao Bing squinted, Nima, let you chase who is not good to chase this thorn, this time cool, directly hit by the sister.

And Zhou Weitian’s heart is also very happy, although this time he and Zhang Mingyang are a group, but if only one person is jealous, and Zhang Mingyang is nothing, his heart will feel uncomfortable. Now I see that Zhang Mingyang has fallen. He thinks in his heart, deserve it, let you hurt Laozi, and who makes you stupid, seeing Laozi’s being here, you dare to do it. You think who you are, you are stronger than Laozi. Where are you going?

Fang Yuanyuan pointed to Zhang Mingyang, who couldn’t stand on the ground, and said loudly: “Don’t dare to come to me later, this is the end!”

Zhang Mingyang licked his stomach, hurting cold sweat, and could not speak.

Xiao Bing glanced at the sounds of cockroaches everywhere, and there were little punks lying on the ground rolling, some of them were real, some were loaded.

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said: "Okay, after all, things are still irreparable. If you have a meal, let's go. Let's go."

"Well, yes, Master!" Fang Yuanyuan agreed to the excitement. When she looked at Xiao Bing, she was shining in her eyes.

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan’s desire to eat himself. He hurriedly said, “Don’t call me that, I didn’t say to be your master. My level of insignificant driving is not enough. You still have to find another clever!"

When Fang Yuanyuan saw Xiao Bing's way of running, she hurriedly chased it up and grabbed Xiao Bing's arm. While shaking, she said, "Master, you won't throw us here." Outside the country, I can’t get a car, and what if these people come together and want to start with us?”

Zhou Weitian hurriedly said: "Miss Fang Yuanyuan, and this big brother, we promise that no one will shoot again, and we will not dare to kill us!"

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes flew out, and Zhou Weitian screamed and began to lie on the ground to cough up blood.

Xiao Bing was shocked by the side, I wiped, the female tyrannosaurus!

Fang Yuanyuan took a clap and sighed: "Who told you to talk."

Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly looked at Xiao Bing again, and smiled and said: "They have so many people, I can beat."

Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile: "I didn't see that you have the meaning of playing."

"I can't beat it. You don't look at me like a bit of a skill, but what I say is also a weak woman."

Xiao Bing was almost drowned by a slobber, and he couldn’t believe it: "A weak woman..."

Fang Yi couldn't help but twist her face to the side and pretend that she hadn't heard anything. Obviously, she was very speechless and funny about the words of the weak woman she said.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, suddenly his eyes lit up and smiled: "How can I forget that there are several cars in the factory yard, can you just drive their cars directly?"

"No..." Fang Yuanyuan turned his eyes and said in a hurry. "You promised to let me have dinner for dinner this evening. Isn’t it a count now?"

Fang Yi smiled, and the IQ of his sister's sentence was quite high.

Xiao Bing heard Fang Yuanyuan mention the matter of eating, although it has been tossed so late, but Xiao Bing is really a real answer to the request of Fang Yuanyuan to eat, so it is really bad to refuse, had to sigh, helpless The road: "Well, let's go to the restaurant just now? I think it's a change."

"Well, you drive, I will show you the way." Fang Yuanyuan ran out of the first step of excitement, and then directly sat in the position of the co-pilot.

Xiao Bing smiled a bit and looked back at Fang Yi and said, "Let's go."


Fang Yi agreed. When he went out, Xiao Bing looked back at the people inside and said, "Oh, yes, don't provoke them both sisters in the future, otherwise the next time I shot, I am afraid you can't afford it. ""

This time, since I have been idle, Xiao Bing will not be a good person to do the end, let alone Xiao Bing does not want their sisters to be harassed, after a short contact, although the two words of friends can not talk, but How much is still a little good, the most important thing is that this pair of sisters will really make Xiao Bing feel some shadows of the Su family sisters.

Zhang Mingyang and Zhou Weitian quickly agreed, Xiao Bing took Fang Yi out.

After Xiao Bing and others drove the car away, Zhang Mingyang struggled to sit on the ground and screamed loudly at Zhou Weitian, who was sitting far away: "Zhou Weitian, you are a bastard, he can play so, why don't you tell me early?" I, if I don't shoot, our brothers won't be beaten so badly."

Zhou Weitian heard Zhang Mingyang mention this matter, and immediately sighed with anger: "Zhang Mingyang, you and his mother have a face, ah, because of who beaten? You do not investigate the investigation, let me do it, how do I know Will it be such a comet that so many of our brothers have been beaten so badly, is it not your responsibility?"

Zhang Mingyang also knows that he really has some losses, so he no longer cares about it, so he said: "We still don't have to fight, or go to the hospital first, I feel that my ribs are broken."

Zhou Weitian said: "I am also..."

There was a sigh in the entire abandoned building.

Xiao Bing drove in the direction of Fang Yuanyuan and drove to the door of a restaurant in the city center. Xiao Bing stopped the car, several people got out of the car, and then walked in and found a box to sit down.

Fang Yuanyuan is very atmospheric and said: "Come, come up with the menu! Master, this hotel is not the best in Kyoto, but the grade is not too. Sometimes you can meet some stars here, look at the menu. Just casually, what to eat if you want to eat."

Xiao Bing was not very interested and said: "Look at it."

"Oh, then I will take a look." Fang Yuanyuan ordered an eight-course dish in a single breath. Xiao Bing said that she couldn't eat it. Fang Yuanyuan said, "How can I do less? This is the first time I asked the chef to eat." Too shabby to express the respect of the master."

Xiao Bing only felt a headache, but said helplessly: "I can confiscate you as a disciple."

"You will accept me as a teacher, sooner or later."

Xiao Bing: "...."

This Fang Yuanyuan is now a teacher of Zhangkou, shutting up the truth, Xiao Bing really wants to sew her mouth.

Fang Yi, who is on the side, has been holding back and laughing.

Xiao Bing sighed helplessly, smiled a bit, then heard the sound in the room next door was very noisy, Xiao Bing looked over, a glass wall between the two boxes, but this glass wall to see things compare Blurring, only people who can see there should be quite a lot. At least there are about seven or eight people, including men and women. The voice is really noisy. It’s a bit too noisy in this kind of restaurant, but it’s a bit less stressful, but It must be a friend's party, it is normal.

Xiao Bing noticed that Fang Yi also noticed that her temper has always been relatively cold, especially the sound of the next door is indeed a little bigger, Fang Yi could not help but frown and asked: "How loud the noise next door, we want to be quiet Saying that the conversation will not work."

"This..." The waiter was a bit embarrassed. "Then I will remind you a little."

"Well, go take the dish."

The waiter promised, took the menu and went out, and the door next door seemed to be open. It is estimated that the waiter is going to tell the next door.

Fang Yuanyuan stood up and waved her fist and said to Xiao Bing: "Master, you are so young, the kung fu is so powerful, how did you do it? Do you see if I have martial arts talent? My former teacher said that I Talent is very powerful, can you teach me Kung Fu?"

Ps: This is the first chapter of today, starting a stable update time, every day at 0:00 in the morning, 11:1 in the afternoon, and 4:1 in the afternoon. If there are any changes, it will be explained in the WeChat public account.

(End of this chapter)

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