Super Soldier

Chapter 1797: Tired at night

"Bing brother!" Liu Ke shyly answered the door.

Xiao Bing also had a bit more to drink, but he could stay awake. Looking at Liu Kexin’s shy look, Xiao Bing’s eyes were not moving, and some souls were not swayed.

Men always have some protection for a weak woman, and can't say that it is a macho, which is the nature of men.

Liu Kexin's pure sweetness and temperament are like the feeling of hibiscus in the water. From the inside to the outside, it can be described as clean in any aspect, even as a little fairy who does not eat human fireworks.

So no matter where Liu Kexin went, her colleagues liked her, men like her, women like her, even the bad guys can't bear to hurt her, just like the sacred gods of the Buddha in the past, obviously Liu Kexin For the kidnapping, but in the end, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to protect Liu Kexin.

At this moment, she was wearing a pink pajamas, and her crystal clear eyes looked at Xiao Bing. All the eyes were pure. Now, this society, such as her spotless girl, is gone, even if it is just looking at the past and the present. Does not exist.

Xiao Bing stepped forward and involuntarily put Liu Kexin into his arms.

Liu Kexin snorted, and some shy words: "Xiao Xiaoge, you..."

"I drink too much." Xiao Bing really drank too much, but this sentence I drink too much is obviously to express another layer of meaning, that is to say, the thing that the man wants to do after drinking too much, "may Heart, I want you to accompany me."

After finishing this sentence, Xiao Bing shut the door, and then took Liu Kexin to the bed.

Liu Kexin looked up at the head, and the lightness above the body was not working. It was completely picked by Ren Jun.

Looking at her like this, the ** in Xiao Bing’s heart burned up, and she took her to the bed, then quickly took off her clothes and pants, and carefully took off Liu Kexin’s clothes. Then the whole person started to ride up...

Xiao Bing always cares very much in front of Liu Kexin, even when he is doing this kind of thing, he will show great ingenuity.

Liu Kexin's delicate white body is under Xiao Bing's body, and his innocent eyes look at Xiao Bing. The kind of cute look is to let Xiao Bing have a feeling of crime, even if they are your love, Liu Kexin Lightly biting the lip, a few scorns in the nostrils, Xiao Bing's arms licking her body, the chest gently squatting on it, feeling the touch of the soft body.

"Dr. Xiaobing, you don't have to... you are fine with nothing."

Xiao Bing smiled a little, and kissed Liu Kexin’s lips like a little bit of water, then softly said: "A fool, not necessarily very hard, it’s crazy, it’s true love, no matter whether it’s emotional or anything else. It’s more important to feel comfortable with each other..."

Liu Kexin’s eyes are wet and wet. This is Xiao Bing, the most loved Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing was very gentle and Liu Kexin tossed for more than an hour. Xiao Bing stopped, and then two people went to the bathroom to take a shower. Xiao Bingqiang resisted the impulse in the bathroom again. After washing, two The individual was put on pajamas.

Xiao Bing's eyes looked up and down Liu Kexin, Liu Kexin was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Big Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Haha, I have already seen it inside. Look at the pajamas, what are you nervous about. Just want to say that your pajamas are quite suitable for your temperament, small heart, you are the purest and purest girl I have ever seen, no People can compare with you, I want to protect you, promise me, never change it?"

"Yeah." Liu Kexin nodded hard and then hesitated: "My colleagues all said that my character is too stupid, and I have to suffer in the morning and evening, so that I can have a good eye."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "You have your man, what are you afraid of? What you need to do most is to do whatever you want, to keep the true self. Otherwise, the last woman in the world is completely clean and has no impurities. The child is gone."

Liu Kexin said something embarrassed: "There are people who are so good."

Xiao Bing gave Liu Kexin a hug and laughed: "You are so good."

Liu Kexin squinted, his eyes flashed with a happy smile, and at the same time hooked Xiao Bing's neck, laughing: "Xiao Bing brother, if you want, I can still..."

"Haha, Xiao Nizi, don't seduce me, I just want to hurt you, talk to you, hug you, it feels good."

Liu Kexin looked at Xiao Bing with tenderness, Xiao Bing took her to the bed, then lay down next to him, watching Liu Kexin, saying: "I usually rarely be alone with you at home, your work is busy, And I have to accompany a few women... Do you complain about me?"

Liu Kexin blinked and smiled and said, "No."

"Why not?"

"I like you."

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "You are a fool, in fact, you are really easy to be bullied."

"Well, it doesn't matter, the soldiers will protect me, just what you said."

"But what if I bully you?"

Liu Kexin said something embarrassed: "I am willing to be bullied by the soldiers."

Xiao Bing quickly went up and kissed Liu Kexin's head. The whole heart was melted away, his face was smiling, but his nose was sour and his eyes were sour: "You are a stupid girl, really. It’s hard to kill and die, and it’s about to melt people.”

Liu Kexin looked at Xiao Bing and said seriously: "Bing brother, I am serious about it. Although you usually can only spend time with me alone, I really don’t blame you. I only need to be able to do it every day. I am satisfied when I see you."

"Do not worry, stupid girl, this situation will change sooner or later." Xiao Bing's eyes are faintly flashing. "I have been thinking about one thing, if the country finally disagrees with me and marries you. A few, I will change you in a different way."

“A different way?” Liu Kexin snorted and asked, “What way?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But this goal is not easy to achieve, so I will not talk about it for the time being, but the soldiers will work hard."

"Well, I believe Bing Ge!" Liu Kexin nodded. She hesitated a bit first, then said weakly. "If there is no way at the end, you can’t do it. You just have to lick one leaf... I don’t care. I won't mind."

“Why are you always thinking about other people?” Xiao Bing looked at Liu Kexin and said, “When can you consider yourself?”

Liu Kexin smiled and said: "My things, there are soldiers to help me consider it!"

Xiao Bing is almost going to die of Liu Kexin, and Liu Kexin is in his arms. He said: "My fool, my baby, my fool..."

Two people were greasy in bed, and they talked about it at four o'clock in the middle of the night. Seeing that the sky was about to light up, Xiao Bing looked at the time and smiled bitterly: "So late, I blame me for coming back late today... ”

Yesterday evening, Xiao Bing first went to save people, and after spending the rest with his sister, he accompanied Zhang Qiang’s drink, so when he got home, it was already more than eleven o’clock. Two people tossed in bed for more than a minute, then rushed After taking a shower, I went to talk for more than two hours without knowing it.

Liu Kexin smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, tomorrow I am just a late shift, don't worry about getting out of bed."

"Well, then you have to take a good rest, usually work is tired enough." Xiao Bing gently helped Liu Kexin to sort out the hair, distressed, "Hurry up to sleep."

"Well, sleep." Liu Kexin lay down sideways toward Xiao Bing, two hands resting under his face, slightly closed his eyes, a happy smile on his face.

Xiao Bing gently patted Liu Kexin's shoulder with his hand. Slowly, slowly Liu Kexin finally fell asleep.

Xiao Bing’s mouth twitched a faint smile, and went over it, gently kissed Liu’s lips, and muttered to himself: “Good night, baby.”

Xiao Bing also closed his eyes and began to sleep.

The next morning, because it was the weekend, everyone was on holiday, so they got up a little late, but even at eight o'clock, they should get up. The leaves prevented others from coming to call Xiao Bing to get up, and then follow everyone. I went to the restaurant and had breakfast.

Everyone sat down, Xiao Mingyue asked with a small mouth: "Mom, is my dad going out to play with us today?"

"Yeah." Ye Xiaoxi said with a smile. "Let your father sleep for a while. He rarely sleeps late. Anyway, it doesn't matter if we go out late. It won't be too late to come back. The night view of Kyoto is also very good."

"Yeah." Xiao Mingyue nodded very cleverly. "I listen to my mother and let my father rest."

Ye Xiaoxi smiled and said: "Mingyue is really awkward, really sensible."

Maggie smiled and said: "I found a rule. Xiao Da Ge gets up at the latest when he sleeps in Rose's room. See if today will break the record."

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. Su Xiaoxiao even hurriedly bowed his head to eat, and the leaves were white and Maggie, while the red rose was not afraid to eat breakfast and said: "It’s too late to toss."

Seeing the red rose is really no worries, saying so straightforward, Maggie did not know what to say, some dumbfounded.

Some people beside them are snickering, some people are blushing and eating, and some people are holding back and laughing.

Maggie turned her eyes and said: "Well, I know that this can't be said to Rose, if it's a little useful for Xiaoxiǎojiě... This is really uncomfortable..."

After listening to everyone, I couldn’t help but laughed. (https:)

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