Super Soldier

Chapter 1799: Pushing others into the nest

Su Xiaoni talked about the script in Kyoto in the past few days. Yesterday, she just finished the script. Today, there is nothing. She took the assistant to the zoo to play. I didn’t expect to leave, just in the place where I was going to the exit. I met Xiao Bing... and Xiao Bing’s woman Ye Xiaoxi.

Xiao Bing reminded him through the leaves. At this time, she also saw Su Ni Ni, but she saw Su Ni Ni wearing a yellow skirt, but the skirt was only at the hip, and her lower body was wearing a short jeans. A slender white thigh was all exposed, especially the pair of white high heels under her feet set off her charming long legs, which seemed more attractive.

Su Niuni was very popular in the anchor circle. The appearance, body and character of her ability made her very popular with fans. Now she enters the entertainment industry and gradually gets mixed up. Now she is a popular traffic star. It is.

At this time, see Xiao Bing, her long eyelashes flickering gently, and the big eyes in the charm reveal a bit of surprise color.

Xiao Bing smiled and walked to face each other. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So smart?"

"Yeah, it’s so good." Su Niuni nodded to the leaves and smiled sweetly. "The scorpion is good."

"Hello." The leaves looked at Su Ni Ni, looking up and down, laughing. "It's beautiful, it's more beautiful than on TV."

Su Mei Ni’s mouth swelled in a curve, her smile was always full of sweet but bad charm, her voice was sweet but not greasy, and she said softly: “The nephew looks so beautiful. If the scorpion can enter the entertainment circle, it must be a popular star."

The leaves smiled and said: "You are too polite, so met here, so take time to go to the house to eat a meal?"

"Well, I have a chance to go." Su Ni Ni’s eyes looked at Xiao Bing and smiled. "Dr. Xiao Bing, is it better to call you Long Shao?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It’s still called Xiao Bing. Kyoto is less than four."

Su Mei Ni said: "Dr. Xiao Bing, I have been talking about the script in Kyoto for the past two days. I have to take a new show and have time to gather."

"Well, okay." Xiao Bing did not deny this, because Su Ni Ni and the sisters spent different flowers, Su Ni Ni is not only beautiful and ambitious, but also a very smart and decent girl, Xiao Bing points Nodded, "Time is up."

"Okay, it's best to bring a donkey."

Look, all things are still thinking about the leaves, doing things very well, very sensible.

The leaves apologized: "Sorry, maybe the work in the next few days will be busy, but when you come home, I will entertain you."

"That's alright." Su Shini listened to the leaves and smiled. "I was thinking that Xiao had helped me so much before. I want to invite you to have a meal together."

The leaves smiled slightly and did not answer. She always knew this kind of body, because she also knew that Su Ni Ni invited herself to be not sincere, but she certainly preferred to gather together with Xiao Bing, and this is also Xiao Bing. Think about it, imagine that a man and a woman who have had a relationship get together to eat, and the girlfriend is on the sidelines, the atmosphere is not bad?

So the other party was very polite and the leaves were politely rejected. This is the smartest place for the leaves.

Su Xiaoni smiled and said: "Right, Xiao Brother, this is my assistant. I used to be a dormitory student. You have seen it before."

“Oh?” Xiao Bing looked at the other side. It was also twenty-four and five years old. Although he couldn’t compare with Su Ni Ni, it looked pretty good. It looked slightly familiar. Suddenly, Xiao Bing remembered, "Oh, yes, I met you and your classmates when I walked with Maggie. There seems to be one of them in the two classmates. At that time, she first mocked me, and later After knowing that I was a tiger hero, Maggie said she was guilty of madness..."

The female assistant was a little too embarrassed to listen.

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Don't mind, I just remember, in fact, Maggie was a child who was not sensible at the time, and now it will not."

In the heart of the leaves, the big bad guy is a typical nonsense.

"It doesn't matter." The female assistant extended her hand and said enthusiastically, "Xiao Hero, my name is Wu Xin."

Xiao Bing shook hands with her and then wondered: "Xiao Hero?"

"Yeah, when you were not playing tigers in the zoo, then we all called you Xiao Hero!"

The leaves grinned next to each other. Liu Xiaorui took Xiao Mingyue to play nearby. From time to time, I looked over here. Liu Xiaorui is indeed a big boy now. It is more sensible than the average child of the same age. Of course, Xiao Mingyue also It is much more sensible than a child of the same age.

Su Xiaoni smiled and waved her hand: "Let's go back first, don't bother you, Xiao Big Brother, play with the donkey. Goodbye!"

"Well, goodbye." The leaves smiled and nodded. After Su Shini went away, the leaves only looked at Xiao Bing with their eyes and smiled. "Xiao hero, Su Damei seems to be very happy after seeing you." It."

"That... fellows see fellow villagers..." Xiao Bing took the hand of the leaf and hurriedly walked over to Liu Xiaorui, saying, "Look at these two little girls."

The leaves smashed two sounds, but they were not really angry, just teasing Xiao Bing.

After finding Liu Xiaorui and Xiao Mingyue, Xiao Bing asked: "Mingyue, do you want Dad to hold?"

Xiao Mingyue said: "No, I have to go by myself."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Well, go by yourself, then you will go by yourself. But don't run too fast, don't get tired of your aunt!"

"I don't care." Liu Xiaorui smiled. "Mingyue is very embarrassing."

"It’s a qualified little aunt." Xiao Bing smiled. "It’s so small to start being an aunt. How do you feel?"

Liu Xiaorui smiled and said: "How long have you been, how do you feel, but there are such lovely prostitutes, of course, happy."

"Let's go, the front seems to be a monkey park, let's look at it."

A few people walked all the way, saw the monkey, saw the koala, and saw the panda, the lion, the tiger... It’s been more than three hours to go shopping here, and it’s already afternoon when it comes out. More than three o'clock, Xiao Bing is okay, Liu Xiaorui and Ye Xiaoxi are all exhausted. Xiao Mingyue is still alive and kicking. It seems that the body of the ghost king is different. Even in terms of physical strength, it is no better than Xiao Bing, the sage. difference.

After coming out of the zoo, several people casually ate something nearby, and then strolled around the amusement park. A lot of photos were taken on the road, all of which were sent to a circle of friends.

On the way home, the leaves looked at the photos and small videos taken today, and Xiao Mingyue sat in the middle of the leaves and Liu Xiaorui, rushing to watch.

Xiao Bing’s mood today is also very suspicious. On the way, while holding songs in his mouth, he occasionally asks two words: “Small flower, is it tired now?”

"Fortunately, not too tired."

"Well, take a break after taking a long vacation, but don't delay the review."

"I know, I’m going to finish my homework in the next few days, and then I can review my homework."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about learning."

"Of course, learning depends on self-consciousness." Liu Xiaorui said with some pride.

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "That's right, it's right. Oh, yes, you have to ask Maggie in the aspect of learning." The little girl is a enchanting girl."

"Mc. Sister Michael is amazing. I feel that she is better at telling me than the teacher." Liu Xiaorui said with some exclamation, "Brother, how can you say that Maggie is so smart?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Who knows, but if you know that you praise her so much, she may be proud of it."

Xiao Bingxin, Maggie is the daughter of the devil, can the gene be compared to the average person? It is reasonable to say that the child of the demon **** should be the state of martial arts talent is invincible, but Ma Qi is not a talent in martial arts, and her talent has all been transferred to her head. A wise man like a enchanting man.

The car quickly opened to Xiaofu. Xiao Bing stopped the car, untied the seat belt, and got off the bus first. Then he opened the door in the past and helped Liu Xiaorui to help him down. He also hugged Xiao Mingyue.

Liu Xiaorui said happily on the side: "Brother, I am really happy to play today, I want to go to the amusement park next time."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, if you want to go, you can go at any time... but your nephew is not easy to rest for two days, let her rest at home tomorrow, I will take you there again, okay?"

Liu Xiaorui is very sensible: "Okay, my nephew could have worked hard. Brother, you used to be busy every time you open a parent meeting. Next time if you have time, you will give me a place instead of my nephew." Is the parent meeting good?"

Xiao Bing looked at Liu Xiaorui’s look and looked forward. He felt a pain in his heart and smiled hurriedly: “Reassured, I will replace you in the next step.”

"Well, my brother is so good." Liu Xiaorui jumped up and kissed Xiao Bing's cheek.

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "I am really a little girl, let's go, let's go home and rest, play for a day, you have a good night's sleep."

"Well, okay, brother."

The leaves suddenly said: "Let's let us sleep three rooms this evening. You still have to accompany Liu Kexin."

Xiao Bing touched his nose, although the heart was already in the air, but on the surface it was a bitter smile: "Well, you are the palace lady, now I start to help me flop every day."

"Hey, who makes you so frustrated, since the sisters respect me very much, of course I have to be an example. You will accompany us for a day during the day and go to the party at night."

"Good, I listen to you, oh, no, today Liu Kexin wants to work late in the hospital."

"Then go with the rose."

"Good!" Xiao Bing took a kiss on the face of the leaf and smiled. "Listen to you."

In the evening, I pushed me into the bed of someone else. It’s a real wife!

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