Super Soldier

Chapter 1804: Misunderstanding

Middle-aged men and women, the woman directly rushed over, took Fang Yuanyuan up, opened her mouth and cried out, pointing to Xiao Bing, asked: "Who is he? Is he bullying you? Is he? How about giving you?"

The black line of Xiao Bing’s brain is obviously what your daughter almost gave me. How about my daughter? You didn't see the strength of her just-in-a-life.

However, Xiao Bing knows that this is no stranger to be a mother, no matter which mother came in to see this scene, it is estimated that it will be the same reaction.

The middle-aged man was iron-faced, but he was calmer and calmer. When he looked at Xiao Bing carefully, his face had a few expression changes, and he lowered his voice and asked: "Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Bing snorted and said: "Yes... it is me."

I didn't expect it to be recognized by the other party, but it was not very unusual. People are a director-level official of the Ministry of Public Security. They are also all state departments, and they are also deputy ministers. Of course he may know.

The middle-aged man smiled and gave a hand and said: "I am Fang Yuansheng, director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Public Security, and I met Vice Minister Xiao."

Xiao Bing and Fang Yuansheng shook hands.

The middle-aged woman is mad at the anger: "Husband, I don't care what minister or deputy minister he is, he bullies his daughter, do you stand by?"

Fang Yuansheng took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Bing. He said: "My wife is right, Vice Minister Xiao, although in terms of official duties, you are much taller than me, and I know how deeply you have influence in China. I just can't beat you like a horse. But if you bully my daughter, I will tell you the above, you have to give me an account."

Xiao Bing was helpless and finally spoke up: "I really didn't bully your daughter. Actually, there is nothing. I don't believe you ask her."

Fang Yuanyuan’s parents all looked at Fang Yuanyuan, especially Fang Yuansheng’s eyes with a bit of entanglement. He was really afraid that his daughter had said that Xiao Bing had just bullied her. If that was the case, on the one hand, as a father. Fang Yuansheng is heartbroken, and this is also an injury to his daughter. In addition, as an official, he has to tear the face with a deputy minister. These are not what he wants to see.

The problem that Fang Yuanyuan’s mother thinks is very simple. If this person does not do anything excessive about my daughter, if he does, let him be responsible for his daughter, otherwise the aging mother will fight with him, if not Do it even.

Fang Yuanyuan wiped her tears, and some groaned, hurriedly said: "No, Xiao Da Ge didn't take me how... I am... I just listened to some things that Xiao Da Ge said, I felt uncomfortable, Xiao brother's former comrade died. It’s so bad.”

Fang Yuanyuan's mother: "...."

Fang Yuanyuan’s father: “....”

However, a pair of fathers and daughters all had a long sigh of relief. Fang Yuanyuan’s mother still had some doubts and asked: “Really... really this?”

"Yeah." Fang Yuanyuan nodded.

The parents all sighed with relief, and Fang Yuanyuan’s mother said a little embarrassedly: “I didn’t know that before...this... Vice Minister Xiao? I apologize here with you.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It's okay, nothing small, it's good to explain it."

Fang Yuansheng also hurriedly held Xiao Bing’s hand and said, “Sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve just blamed you, so, staying here today, it’s my apologize for you.”

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "No need to use it, the party is too polite."

Fang Yuansheng said: "No, if you don't want to stay, it is not forgiving me... Your deputy minister, I am sincere and fearful in my heart."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, although the other party had a joke, but the truth is just a joke, and what he said is really justified. His official position is there, as long as he has a little bit of dissatisfaction. For Fang Yuansheng, it is a big deal. People in the officialdom are very concerned about this. Since they are friends with Fangjia, they don’t need to be frightened by their parents, and they can’t be a meal. .

Xiao Bing promised, Fang Yuansheng was relieved, Fang Yuanyuan also showed a smile, and Fang Yuanyuan’s mother hurried out to say that she had to cook for herself. She is also the official lady, knowing more than the woman of the ordinary family. I know that this is a big man who can't offend. Although it seems that the other party and his daughter should be friends, but just after all, ask people, and now they have to find a way to make up for it. Otherwise, if it affects their husband's career, it is definitely worth the loss. .

After waiting to go out, Xiao Bing and Fang Yuansheng went to the room alone to chat. Fang Yuansheng understood what was going on. Xiao Bing did not mention the part of the color lure. How much to give Fang Yuanyuan a face, just say Fang Yuanyuan I lie to myself to discuss getting myself.

Fang Yuansheng looked serious and looked at Fang Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the sidelines. The tone was harsh: "Yuan Yuan, you stand up for me!"

Fang Yuanyuan had to stand up.

Fang Yuan’s sullen face is blue and green. He said: “Whoever gives you this ambiguous idea, don’t hesitate to apologize to Vice Minister Xiao!”

Fang Yuanyuan snorted and said, "Sorry, Xiao Brother."

"Forget it, a little thing, I won't be too concerned."

Fang Yuansheng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mr. Xiao, my two daughters have been too petty at home, and as a result, they have developed a problem that is not known for their heights. I am really sorry. Yuanyuan, why are you so whimsical? Vice Minister Xiao is a high-ranking official of the country, and a big man at the head of the class, how can I teach you time?"

Fang Yuanyuan said with a sigh of relief: "Why don't you have time, just point me to me, I don't need to go to school every day."

"There is no time!" Fang Yuansheng said sternly. "Not to mention that if Vice Minister Xiao wants to teach you, he will naturally accept you. I don't want to teach you. What kind of mentality do you play? This is because Vice Minister Xiao is a large number of people, otherwise it is not the case. You think that you are a girl like you. If Vice Minister Xiao is not happy, it is not easy to clean up you?"

"No, Xiao Da Ge's people are very good. I saved me before..." The words had not finished, and Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly closed her mouth.

Fang Yuansheng’s face changed and asked: “What saved you?”

"That... that..."

Fang Yuansheng’s face sank immediately and screamed: “I still don’t tell me anything, there are still things that are glaring at me!”

"Well, let's say, what's great." Fang Yuanyuan immediately stalked the big brother of the underworld, and later Xiao Bing said how to help himself and save his life twice.

Fang Yuansheng knows why his daughter can actually know the big man at the deputy ministerial level. When he heard that his daughter was actually kidnapped at the time, he was still shocked, but he was a director-level figure, and he was immersed in the officialdom for many years. Although nervous, there is no change on the surface, but it is very strict: "What is the name of the hybrid telling me, I will go back and deal with it, and now these triads are still so embarrassing!"

Fang Yuansheng looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Deputy Minister Xiao, it seems that I am just making a meal at home to entertain you. It is too shabby. You have a life-saving grace for my daughter. This kind of kindness, no matter how repayable. For the past."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The director is not too polite. If I don't show up at the time, the other party will not dare to make a thousand dollars, but I also think that you have to take care of your eldest daughter. Let her be less outside and with those people."

Fang Yuanyuan saw Xiao Bing complaining and immediately snorted. Fang Yuansheng squinted and said: "What is it? Is there any problem with Vice Minister Xiao? Shouldn't you say that you are?"

"No." Fang Yuanyuan licked her mouth and was extremely wronged.

“Not on the line!” Fang Yuansheng said with a smile. “I heard that Vice Minister Xiao is now setting up the Dragon Gate, and all the people around me said that although you are now a deputy minister, the real energy and rights are no worse than the country’s. A few ministers are small, almost equivalent to one person, and today you are still young, really is a promising future!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, I don't have much ambition in my career."

"Without ambition, I have reached this point. Isn’t that even more difficult? Regarding the affairs of Vice Minister Xiao, I used to hear that I don’t know how many, you are now a big red man in our country, even foreign. The government’s eyes are on you. In fact, it is an honor for me to be able to dine with you through my daughter’s opportunity today."

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "I still don't want to be so polite. I want to do this. My two daughters and I are also friends. We don't want to stick to the status of deputy ministers here. Why don't you call me Xiao? Bing, I am your uncle, can you look good?"

Fang Yuan Sheng Daxi, hurriedly said: "This is of course good, as long as you don't mind."

"I do not mind."

The two men began to talk enthusiastically. Fang Yuansheng was interested in making a good deal with Xiao Bing. After all, he had a good relationship with a big minister at the vice minister level. He still had great benefits for his career, especially the vice minister was still so young, almost To be sure, it will take a few years for the minister to be Xiao Bing. After all, the old class is getting older, and it is estimated that it will retire in a few years.

The two people talked together very hot. After chatting for a while, the food was ready. Several people went to the restaurant to sit down. Fang Fang helped to have a good meal and then sat down.

Several people still didn't move the chopsticks. Fang Yi also came back from the outside. When I saw the family and Xiao Bing sitting together to eat, Fang Yi couldn't help but swear, and then asked her eyes to see her sister, when she saw her sister bitter melon. When she looks like a face, she knows that things are definitely not going well. Fang Yuansheng is cold and cold: "Fang Yi, your sister's business, you know it? Are you yelling at me with your sister?"

Fang Yi said hurriedly: "Dad, I have to wash my hands first, you should eat first."

Fang Yi fled in the wild, Fang Yuansheng: "...."

(End of this chapter) 8)

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