Super Soldier

Chapter 1821: Gambling

Although the grandfather Fang Shanyue said that he also had a little opinion about his grandson Fang Yuansheng, but he is also a grandson who loves him, so he is not like the following juniors. The other source is such a target. He heard that Fang Zhi stood up and asked each other. Yuanyuan challenges, at a glance, he sees Fang Yuanyuan's strength and his tone is unpleasant: "Xiaozhi, your strength is much higher than Yuanyuan, and it is still a big man, what is compared with a little girl?"

"Yeah." Fang Zhengming saw that his father was not happy, and said in a hurry, "Don't be fooled, Yuanyuan is not your opponent."

Xiao Bing suddenly stood up at this time and smiled and said: "Why are we not a martial arts family? Today, grandfather and grandfather are just as good as Wu Xingxing. Actually, Yuanyuan, you said, isn't it?"

"Ah? Yes..." Fang Yuanyuan stunned, but still subconsciously agreed, and then waited until he agreed to come down, not right, he is not an opponent of the family, but they have already agreed, plus the above Yuanyuan It is also a woman who does not admit defeat, even if there is no Xiao Bing, I am afraid she will give it to the next.

Originally, everyone didn't care too much about Xiao Bing. The two sisters of Fang Yuanyuan were not placed in the eyes of these people, let alone an outsider. Now Xiao Bing suddenly came out. Fang Zhengming frowned and immediately found the opportunity. Sneer and sarcasm: "Yuansheng, not me said... It seems that you are not very sensible when you find such a son-in-law. Grandpa does not want your daughter to be embarrassed at home. You and your son-in-law are still unclear!"

Fang Yuansheng said: "In fact, Xiao Bing's identity is still..."

Xiao Bing smiled and interrupted: "I am also saying that it is true. If you talk about it for such a good day, you can find it fun, and let Grandpa be happy. Moreover, since it is a discussion, it is still difficult before the outcome." I don't know if this... Fang Zhengming is, how do you know that my girlfriend will lose?"

Fang Zhengming said coldly: "How do you know how to know, let alone the disparity in the realm of strength, even if they are the warriors of the same realm, a man and a woman, are also very clear?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are a woman who is despising. The current society is equal to men and women. I don’t think you have such a patriarchal thought. It’s no wonder that before I came, Yuanyuan told me that most of this family is The patriarchal old antiques look so real!"

Fang Yuansheng’s face changed greatly. Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi’s sisters did not expect Xiao Bing to say so directly. Fang Yi’s heart was secretly saying how Xiao Bing suddenly became so rash, Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes were bright, and the heart felt so good, Xiao Bing would She always wanted to say it but said it because she was worried about her father.

Fang Zhengming stood up and said loudly: "Father, grandfather, and brothers, you have already heard it. Fang Yuansheng is not only worried about the incense of the Fang family. He gave birth to two gimmick films. Still chewing on the back of the tongue, not satisfied with our family, they are the wings are hard, there is no family in our hearts!"

Fang Yuanba wrinkled his brow and said: "Younger brother, apologize for the children!"

Fang Yuansheng hesitated a moment and was about to speak. Fang Yuanyuan suddenly said loudly: "I apologize, I didn't say anything wrong. It is a group of old antiques. Now it is equal to men and women. Why should I be squeezed out by you as a girl?" Ah, why should I always be looked down upon by you?"

The face of the old lady Fang Shanyue sank, even if he loved Fang Yuansheng very much, it was too angry at this time, the crutches paused on the ground, Shen Sheng said: "Yuan Sheng, this is the child you educated?"

A horrible pressure began to cover the entire restaurant. When the grandfather was angry, Fang Yuanyuan became honest. If there is anything in the Fang family that makes her feel scared, then this old man is only.

Fang Yueyan is also slightly dissatisfied with Fang Yuansheng, saying: "Yuansheng, the children you educate are really too ignorant. If you don't want to pass on the incense, you can still educate the children." How should my dying brother know how to look!"

Fang Yuansheng faced the accusation of his uncle and was hesitating about how to explain. Xiao Bing suddenly asked: "Second grandfather, I want to ask, how can my uncle not want to pass on the incense? Didn't he give birth to two? Is there a daughter? There are two in his family. The two sons of your two sons have two together and only two. It should be that you don’t want the incense to pass on."

Fang Zhengming sighed a voice: "Sure enough, there is no education. When the elders speak, what is your share? My family and Zhengshen are both born sons. Even if they are also sons, can they be the same as his family? What are the two kosher films? The daughter who marries out is like the water that is poured out, and it is a loss of money!"

This is too much to listen to, even if Fang Yi feels a sullen chest, tears in the eyelids.

At this time, Fang Fang finally couldn’t listen anymore. He held Fang Yi in his arms and said with a snot of tears: "Okay, enough, what you said is almost enough? Our family The mouthman has been told by you for so many years, what do you want to do? Isn’t that just having two daughters? It’s okay to say what I’m not using, and my daughter doesn’t need you to raise it. What should always be mad at you! You don’t feel that you are too much!"

Fang Zhengming pointed to the mother-in-law and said: "Look, you see, say that you are still anxious, that is to protect the children, it is no wonder that the habits are so unsatisfactory!"

Fang Yuanyuan said: "Dad, I don't care, I can't listen to it today. I won't be back in this family anymore!"

No one expected that the event would be so big in the end, Fang Yuan frowned a brow, Shen Sheng: "Yuan Yuan...."

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle, I have a mouth, I think Yuanyuan is right, they say hello in one mouth, but I didn't see that one person is for you."

Fang Shanyue gently patted the table, everyone calmed down, and then they heard Fang Shanyue sigh: "Oh, don't quarrel, just the thing is, even as Yuanyuan... just wait After going back, Yuan Sheng will give a good education, and the children will not care."

After all, Fang Shanyue is still a bit of a grandson to his grandson Fang Yuan. Most of the others are unhappy, and the heart is not convinced. Fang Shanyue looks to Fang Zhengming and says, "You don't give birth to your brothers and uncles." Their mouths are not very good, but people are good people, and they are all for you. You should understand..."

Xiao Bing suddenly stood up, picked up a chopstick and clipped a bone, and then placed it in the bowl of Fang Shanyue. He said with a smile: "Too grandpa doesn't want to move any more. It's just my fault. People say that this kind of bones are chewed." It is calcium supplementation, and you can eat a little more for the elderly, good for your health!"

Fang Zhengming saw this scene on the side, and took the opportunity to say: "Xiao Bing, what is this person like you, don't you know that Grandpa's mouth is not good, is it not convenient to eat this kind of tendon?"

Xiao Bing sighed a bit: "But I am so good for my grandfather, this kind of bones is really calcium."

Fang Zhengming said: "Other people eat calcium, too grandpa's mouth is not good calcium? Oh, in order to be too grandfather, do not know according to the situation ...."

After Fang Zhengming’s words were finished, he suddenly became stunned. Others were all looking at Xiao Bing with a strange look. Especially the grandfather Fang Shanyue’s eyes were slightly complicated.

Xiao Bing sat down and smiled and said: "Yes, the voice is good for others. This rib is a calcium supplement in my opinion, but I have to let my grandfather eat what I think is good. I don't know if this is for the grandfather, or if I am doing good things with good intentions. Well, it is because of the conscience, because if you have a bad temper, you may think that I am special and even give birth. Great gas."

The restaurant has calmed down. Xiao Bing has never been angry, and he always smiles, but every word he said directly impacts everyone's heart.

Fang Zhengming looked at Xiao Bing with some surprise. His eyes were slightly dignified. He didn't put Xiao Bing in his eyes from beginning to end, but he didn't expect that Xiao Bing was the biggest one.

Fang Yi’s eyes gleamed brightly at Xiao Bing, and there was surprise in his eyes. He was amazed. Fang Yuansheng’s husband and wife were also the same. So simple, even Fang Yuanyuan reacted at this time, let alone others.

Fang Shanyue looked curiously at Xiao Bing and said: "Is Xiao Bing? Well, young people can be as smart and clear as you are, but you don't know much about our family, our house. It is really necessary for people to inherit and inherit the martial arts of the Fang family. You don’t know that when our ancestors Fang Xiaoyu, the Fang family was still a big family, and now the family has become smaller and smaller. Maybe it will not exist for a few hundred years. For example, now, the last generation of Fangjia has only three boys. Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi are girls all the time, even if we let them be the future. The child must have a surname, but Fang Yuanyuan can still inherit the martial arts of Fangjia, and then carry forward."

Xiao Bing said: "How can I not do it? Grandpa, although you are older, I have to say a word. If you talk about it, you are really far away... Otherwise, let us prepare first. Half an hour, then Fang Yuanyuan and what is the ambition? Let them play one game?"

Fang Zhi stood up, his swaying neck squeaked, and smiled proudly: "Play one game, that is, don't say that I am a big man bullying a woman!"

"No!" Xiao Bing smiled and stood up and said, "That is a fight, I am the master. If Fang Yuanyuan loses, my uncle must regenerate a child, regardless of whether the third child is a boy or a girl. It’s also a good effort. If we win, you will close your mouth in the future, no more ridicule, dare?”

(End of this chapter)

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