Super Soldier

Chapter 1825: Sister, will you also blush?

Fang Zhi lost the gray face, and the result turned out that he was still dissatisfied, even if Fang Zhengming could not see it, and felt that his son was a shame and lost his family. The other people who are looking forward to Fang Yuanyuan’s loss will say that they are unwilling. However, when I saw that Fang Zhi lost and didn't recognize it, I felt that I couldn't open my face. Especially in this family, the credibility is generally seen.

Fang Zhi also knows that he is a shame, but everyone has already lost it. He would rather continue to fight it out. He continued: "I just don't be convinced. I just made it too much. After I got rid of it, she must beat it. I! Fang Yuanyuan, do you dare to compare with me again?"

Xiao Bing knows that Fang Zhi said that it is true. There is a big gap between Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Zhi. The reason why Fang Yuanyuan can win is not only how powerful those measures are, but also because Fang Zhi cares too much. A few tricks, so for a while, Fang Yuanyuan took the nose.

Everything just happened in Xiao Bing’s calculations. Xiao Bing helped Fang Yuanyuan to temporarily break through to the Dan Jin period, so that Fang Zhi did not dare to have a slight hint of the few tricks. At the beginning, he did not specifically remind Fang Yuanyuan how to use the tricks flexibly. Instead, let her play in order of order over and over again, so that the degree of reaction of Fang Zhi to those moves has formed an inertia, which does not mean that it can be changed immediately.

And then suddenly the same moves against the fight, the local chronicles will become unaccustomed, plus those few natural can not be a casual trick, which still has some mystery, Fang Zhi Lost, but once the party wants to understand, no longer affected by that inertia, or even not affected by these moves, Fang Yuanyuan will still be defeated.

Xiao Bing can let Fang Yuanyuan defeat Fang Zhi once in a short time, but it does not mean that in such a short time, Fang Yuanyuan is really superior to Fang Zhi. The two people are so different after all, let alone Fang Zhi’s martial arts experience is definitely not Compared with Fang Yuanyuan, if the gap can be smoothed out in such a few minutes, then the world is too unfair.

Unless he gives Xiao Bing some time, even if it is a month or two, Xiao Bing has the confidence to help Fang Yuanyuan win the bright future.

Obviously, the reason for the loss of the local chronicles is that other people in the Fang family have also seen it. It is not that the strength of the local chronicles is not good. It is really that Xiao Bing’s calculations are too deep, but if they are defeated, they are defeated. Although they are not willing, they don’t care. How ugly, I am also embarrassed to come out to confess before the gamble.

When I heard Fang Zhi actually challenge Fang Yuanyuan for the second time, Fang Yi came out at this time. She looked at Fang Zhi without fear. The tone was cold: "Whether you are not convinced, we just have gambling, I think Ask, is the gambling contract counted?"

"This..." Fang Zhizhi is arrogant, and some can't speak.

Xiao Bing applauded Fang Yi, Fang Yi really saw the current situation. The current situation is not to accept the challenge, but can not be tempted by the other side, the other party does not recognize the gambling at that time.

In other words, you are not convinced, but if you lose, you lose. If you are not convinced, you can have another match, but the previous gambling is not counted?

Fang Yi was very clever, and Fang Yuansheng also responded. He immediately looked at the father and son Fang Shanyue. He said that this matter should have a master.

Fang Shanyue is about to be 100 years old. The most important thing in his life is to be trustworthy, so although he said that he hoped that Fang Zhi could win, but since he had already lost, he did not hesitate even hesitated, he directly made a statement: This bet is that we lost, regardless of whether Yuanyuan accepted the next round of challenges, we just lost the gamble."

When I heard Fang Shanyue say this, Fang Yuansheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fang Yi and Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Fang showed their excitement, even tears, and a feeling of wanting to cry. They have been angry for so many years, and now finally Since then, these people have dared to laugh at them. That is, they don’t put the old man in the eye, that is, they don’t believe it, they just violate the gambling contract.

Fang Yuansheng was excited in the heart of the family. He was even more grateful to Xiao Bing. All this was because Xiao Bing did not expect Xiao Bing to accompany him and he could have such a good effect. Now they are excited. The tears will flow down.

Fang Shanyue looked at the crowd and said: "Since then, no one can mention anything about the son in front of Yuansheng's family. Also, no one can laugh at them because Yuanyuan and Fang Yi are girls, since they lost. Then, we must obey the prior agreement. If anyone violates it, then it is not our family, and we will not return to the house in the future!"

After Fang Shanyue finished speaking, everyone in the Fang family agreed.

In addition to Fang Yuansheng, Fang Yuansheng’s family of four people all fell in love with each other and hugged them together.

Fang Yi kept saying: "Thank you, thank you sister..."

Fang Fang kept saying: "My good niece..."

Fang Yuanyuan whimpered: "I want to thank Xiao Brother."

Xiao Bing saw this scene, his lips showed a smile, and he turned to Fang Zhi and asked: "Do you really have to challenge?"

"Yes!" Fang Zhi bit his teeth, although the gambling was lost, but this battle he lost to Fang Yuanyuan in the eyes of the public, he is still not convinced, Fang Yuanyuan is not just not as strong as him, or a woman.

Fang Zhi did not dare to say that the other party is a woman. After all, Fang Shanyue has already said that no one can make a fuss about sex, but he still said in another way: "I am not convinced, his strength is not as good as me, it is me. Great idea!"

Xiao Bing sighed and nodded. "Okay, but you can't do anything. You can gamble. You say you can play another game. If you have to fight again." If you look back at the face, then it’s good. After a month, it’s still here, you two can play once again, but that time you don’t need to gamble anything...”

Fang Yuansheng’s family calmed down a few emotions, and all looked at Xiao Bing. Although they all saw that they would play another game, Fang Yuanyuan would definitely lose, but no one refutes. Xiao Bing has helped them too much. Now they are Xiao Bing is full of trust. Almost regardless of what Xiao Bing said, they are expected to agree. Xiao Bing can take full responsibility for them.

Xiao Bing said one word at a time: "This war is not for gambling, just to get back the dignity that was lost at the beginning. Fang Yuanyuan not only wants you to dare to say it in the future, but also let your heart also I know who said women are not as good as men!"

When Xiao Bing worded a word, the mother and the two daughters almost cried and cried. They forced themselves to hold back. Fang Yuanyuan stood up and said loudly: "Xiao Bing's big brother said yes, one month later, I will pick you up. Let you know who said women are not as good as men!"

Fang Fang’s people all stayed, and Fang Zhi stayed for a while, then nodded his face and said: "Okay, after a month, I am waiting for you here!"

Now that the rice is finished, the rack is also finished. Xiao Bing and others are arranged to stay. In the evening, Xiao Bing fell asleep. Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi sisters slept in a room, and two people were still lying in the bed. What happened at night.

Two people squatted on the bed, and their legs were constantly snarling. Even the snow on Fang Yi’s face, which was always very cold on weekdays, seemed to melt a lot. She looked at her sister and smiled and said: "Sister You are the big hero of our family, and you won’t have to be laughed at by these people in the future."

Fang Yuanyuan said: "That's not all because of Xiao Da Ge, Ye Jie said that it is true, this lucky is to let Xiao brother come along with it, did not expect to really solve such a big problem, how Xiao Xiaoge is so powerful His age is not very big, why is there such a magical power, as if anything can be easily solved in his hands."

"Yeah." Fang Yi also said, "I didn't want you to get in touch with him at the beginning. Now think about it. It's really wrong. It is actually a blessing to have access to such people. Younger vice Minister, and the martial art is still so deep, the mind at the crucial moment is so calm, it is just a perfect man. To be honest, if he does not have a girlfriend, I really want to try to catch him. ""

Fang Yuanyuan was a little surprised: "Little girl, I didn't get it wrong, chase it?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with the chase?" Fang Yi said with a smile. "Is such a good man not worth it?"

"But... If you let the students in the school hear it, it is estimated that you will be shocked by the chin, learn the famous proud iceberg měinu, and even say that you want to chase a boy, I don't know what they think."

Fang Yi smiled and said: "They don't think anything at all. The biggest dream of my childhood is to marry a man who can make me feel safe. Who else in the world can give him the same? Security?"

Fang Yuanyuan said: "That is, I am afraid I can't find it."

"Right, but he already has a girlfriend. It may be a fiancee. Even if it is excellent, I can't share a man with other women, so that is to say, it's a pity.... ”

Fang Yuanyuan suddenly smiled: "If you know him earlier, I heard that he and Ye Jie have been more than four years old. I think about it, four years ago, when should you just go to high school? ”

Fang Yi smiled and said: "Well, you don't laugh at me, to be honest, such a man, sister, you don't feel?"

Fang Yuanyuan’s face was red.

"Wow, sister, you will actually blush!"

(End of this chapter) (https:)

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