Super Soldier

Chapter 1827: I want to go to Shaolin to see

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then go and call, ask me what?"

"Hit...but...but I am not his opponent."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "What did you challenge him at the time? What more than a month later?"

Fang Yuanyuan: "...."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Doing things should be decided and then move. This is not as good as your mèimèi. You know that you will lose. You have to challenge others. This is good. See how you look after a month." Do you? Hey, young man, why are you so impulsive?"

Fang Yuanyuan: "...."

Fang Yi: "...."

Fang Yuansheng couple: "...."

Nima, obviously you replaced Fang Yuanyuan to go to the next battle, now you still say that people are impulsive, you can be so thick.

Looking at the face of this family of four, the mischief is finished. Xiao Bing smiled and patted Fang Yuanyuan’s shoulder and said, “Oh, for the next month, you will often go to our Xiaofu. Walk inside, although the month is not too long, but it should be enough for me to help you win this battle, at least not lose."

Fang Yuanyuan sighed with relief, and under the reminder of her own mèimèi, she went straight down: "Thank you, Master."

Before Xiao Yuan’s squatting, Fang Bing lifted Fang Yuanyuan and said, “Don’t, I didn’t say that I want to accept you as a disciple. I just want to point you to you. Even if you are a confessor, you and me. There is a month of mentoring, and after a month I can do nothing."

Fang Yuanyuan sighed a little, a little discouraged, but it is also an important step after thinking about it. At least compared with Xiao Bing’s hiding from the beginning, now Xiao Bing is willing to point himself, even if it is only a month, this is a Very good starting point!

Fang Yuanyuan thought of this, and her heart began to get a little excited.

Fang Yuansheng laughed and said: "I am going to treat you tonight, Xiao Bing, our family must thank you very much, you must be welcome, you want to eat something, even if you say otherwise, we will not go too far."

"Well, you should have me to eat a meal. It should be." Xiao Bing is not arrogant, said, "Let's take a look, what is better in the local area, I can't say why, it doesn't matter. ""

Fang Yuansheng agreed, first called the car to everyone to go to the hotel, and then bànli finished the check-in, everyone went to the room to rest for a while, followed by a family of four called Xiao Bing out of the hotel, the most famous here Dine in a large hotel.

In the evening, everyone except the mother-in-law, everyone drank the wine, Fang Yuansheng and Xiao Bing drank the most. The family of the family of four was grateful to Xiao Bing from the heart. When the hotel was out, Fang Yuansheng shot On Xiao Bing’s shoulder, he said: "Xiao Bing, although you are my superior, the official position is bigger than me, but I am still an old fritter after all, so if there is anything in the future, you can say that if you can I will definitely go there when I arrive. Um... Although you and I are the same as the leader of the Ministry of Public Security, it’s more troublesome. If you look for me, no matter what, I will do my best, no. Speak more."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Uncle Fang, it is enough to have your sentence. If it is really useful in the future, I will not be too polite."

Fang Yuansheng's level is indeed worse than Xiao Bing, but many friends have more roads. This point Xiao Xiao still knows, and Xiao Bing has already thought about it. One day, one day, he has to retreat, before retiring. Making some goodwill will have some effect on the future.

Returning to the hotel in the evening, Xiao Bing and the leaves passed a diànhuà, and told the story here. After mentioning the time of the next month to teach Fang Yuanyuan, Xiao Bing suddenly thought of it. : "Leaves, before you have been persuading me to go back to my hometown with Fang Yuanyuan, I doubt now, is it your calculation?"

The leaves sighed and laughed over there and said, "I am letting you go back. I didn't let you help. I didn't let you set a gamble. I didn't let you teach others Fang Yuanyuan's efforts. This time. Can you still blame me?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Well, well, don't blame you, don't blame you, I just feel weird, I have so much life in my own inexplicable, hey, I really can't let it stop..."

In fact, Xiao Bingxin guessed that with the clever mind of the leaves, maybe he had already calculated the calculations before, and he would have thought of what kind of reaction he would have, but the leaves did not recognize, and Xiao Bing naturally did not. I will go deeper, let alone as the leaves say, even if the leaves are good before, but the people who decide what to do next are not themselves, and the people who step by step to the present are not themselves.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Xiao Bing helped Fang Yuanyuan is because he really can't see it, so he will do it. It has nothing to do with other things. If you come back again, Xiao Bing will still be able to help Fang Yuanyuan.

So even if this is a pit, Xiao Bing is willing to jump inside.

Xiao Bing and the leaves chatted for a while, then hung up diànhuà to sleep, lying in the bed, and flipped the news on the Internet. Xiao Bing was only watching national news and people's livelihood news, and he was not interested in entertainment news. Since the relationship with Bi Tingting, Xiao Bing began to pay attention to the entertainment news. After reading some news about Bi Tingting, Xiao Bing turned off the phone and then went to sleep.

The next day, the group returned to Kyoto and they left at Kyoto Airport.

Back in the house of Xiao Fu, the leaves did not go to the company today to wait for Xiao Bing at home. When I saw Xiao Bing’s servant coming in, the leaves smiled and said directly in the room: “Take off the clothes for a while, I will help you. Give it a wash."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "The road inside the town is not very good, the dust is very big, so it is gray. But now I still feel the head dizzy. I used to watch Fang Shiyu in TV. I didn't expect it now. It’s hard to think of drinking and eating with the descendants of Fang Shiyu."

At this time, Maggie didn't know where to jump out. She said excitedly: "I knew that I also went. I just watched the young Fang Shiyu that diànying."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There are actually exaggerations in the film and television dramas, which are not necessarily the same as in real life. Um... but there will be some similar places. For example, Fang Shiyu was indeed a master in the martial arts, although Not to the extent of chuánqi, but it is also a first-class player. The strongest of Shaolin’s ten tigers is Hong Xiguan, followed by Fang Shiyu... But the Shaolin masters at that time are definitely not the top ones, you know, even now. The realm of Shaolin’s top players is also unfathomable. In ancient times, it should be even more powerful than it is now..."

Maggie's eyes sparkled and said: "Isn't it all said that the world is martial arts out of Shaolin? I have the opportunity to take a look at it. I can often see it on TV, but I have never been there yet."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and smiled: "If you want to go so, after a month, we can see it in the past."

“Really?” Maggie was surprised and happy.

"Of course it is true." Xiao Bing smiled. "The world is martial arts out of Shaolin. Although you are a girl, but I am taking it, I think it should not be too much. I and Shaolin’s abbot count. It’s a pity.”

"Okay, then let's say it, after a month... Why wait a month?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You have to ask your nephew."

After that, Xiao Bing looked at the leaves, and his eyes were clearly saying that he didn't need to swear at me. You are the one who has been counted before, and I can't help but Fang Yuanyuan.

The leaves are smiling, but they are not denied.

Maggie snorted and then confused: "Which scorpion?"

Xiao Bing: "...."


Maggie chuckled and Xiao Bing sighed: "Forget it, don't take you there."

"Other, I am wrong. I just teased you to play well. Wouldn't you be so ignorant?"

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes.

Maggie chuckled and said: "I can do it without me, but I am very vengeful. If you can guarantee that this mouth will not cause too much trouble for you in the next month, then you Just don't take me."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, he really couldn't guarantee that this Maggie little girl had a strange spirit, even if she had no way to take her, I thought of it here, Xiao Bing actually found that he had no other choice, so he had no choice but to helpless. The bitter smile, said: "Then I will take you, then you will be honest in the next month, not to make me angry!"

"Well, don't provoke it, don't mess up!" Mai Qi smiled and agreed.

Xiao Bing sighed and looked at the leaves helplessly. He said: "I always think that you are like a little fox. Now I feel more and more, Maggie is more difficult than you."

The leaves couldn’t help but smile: "There is more than one person in the family who can cure you now. Let's go, go back to the room and change the clothes. I will help you wash."

Back inside the room, Xiao Bing took off his clothes and pants, was about to pick up the new clothes and pants on the bed, and saw the leaves swaying side by side. He suddenly couldn’t help but hold the leaves in his arms, somewhere. Directly on the body of the leaves, the leaves screamed, then gently bite the lips, the face was red, sent Xiao Bing a white eye.

Xiao Bing said: "That, misunderstanding... misunderstanding... I just want to... I just want to kiss you."

Xiao Bing did not expect that he had such a big reaction, hurriedly turned and ran into the bathroom, fleeing. (https:)

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