Super Soldier

Chapter 1829: Your talent

Fang Yuanyuan repeatedly chewed these words of Xiao Bing, and finally asked with a blank face: "The shortcomings in the eyes of others are actually my strengths, what is it?"

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Your disregard of personality, hot temper!"

When Fang Yuanyuan heard Xiao Bing’s words, she showed a look of dejection and grievances: “I thought it was really boasting me, it was hurting me!”

Looking at Fang Yuanyuan's look and look, Xiao Bing stunned, then laughed and said: "I praise you, is very serious to praise you."

"How did I not hear it." Fang Yuanyuan sighed and said, "I know that this person has a hot temper, a temper, and often does not care about doing things, so it often causes a lot of trouble for the family to give friends, I know like me. Sex is always the worst, regardless of my sister. It’s not like my sister. When I encounter things, I’m always calm and think twice, so I’m rarely wrong...”

When Fang Yuanyuan finished, she saw Xiao Bing looking at herself with a smile. She grinned and looked annoyed: "You just want to laugh at me."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "How come, I want to teach you Kung Fu, first laugh at what you do, I just think that you are still self-aware, um... really good self-awareness, but you know that sometimes life The shortcomings may also turn into an advantage in other areas. For example, if you win the Chronicle before, what do you think is the reason?"

Fang Yuanyuan naturally said: "Of course, because of the master, with the three tricks you taught me, oh, there are calculations for him, so I won."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are right, and the three tricks that I teach you and my calculations really have a big relationship, but if there are only my calculations and the three tricks I teach you, if you are not determined. And desperate, I am afraid that the outcome will not be won by you."

Fang Yuanyuan stunned, she did not expect this before, and then she listened to her father also talked once, also know the three tricks and Xiao Bing's psychological calculations and grasp, but never heard of himself and himself Resolutely related.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You still haven't figured it out? Forget it, it is estimated that your temper is not understood, but it is normal, let alone you, even if your father is afraid I don't understand this, so this is Everyone will almost ignore the point. Although I taught you three tricks at the time, but there seems to be no possibility to win three strokes, if you dare not use, there is a chance to win next? No! If that three It is not so serious and determined that you use it. From an attitude point of view, you cannot pass that resolute attitude to Fang Zhi. Fang Zhi will not be treated so seriously. The reason why he is so serious is on the one hand It fell into my trap, and on the other hand, because of your unrelenting attitude."

Fang Yuanyuan asked: "Is there another reason?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course there is, in addition, if you change to other people at that time, you may be able to fight against the local police with these three tricks, but it may not be so thorough, you do At this point, it is also because of the attitude of the one who has gone forward and who is whoever."

Fang Yuanyuan listened to the sly, and then her eyes were beaming. She did not expect that the battle won her and she had her own reasons. She never thought about it before, but now her heart has begun to burn and she has never had the confidence.

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan and nodded with satisfaction. He said: "The real warrior, do you know what you need?"

Fang Yuanyuan thought for a moment and said: "Enough work, hard work, talent."

"Yes, it is hard to work hard, but also has talent. It is like a friend I know is called a second goods. No matter how envious of others, it is useless. He is a person with innate physical talent, even if he does not learn martial arts. It is also impossible to knock down a lot of people, and it is not easy for others to hurt him. The natural King Kong is not bad. This is one of the talents that you don't have."

Fang Yuanyuan nodded.

Xiao Bing looked at her and continued: "But there is another talent, but you also have it. I have several friends, they don't have the talent of the second goods, but they also have their own kind. Talent. For example, a friend called Drunk Gyro, he is a monk, but it is a madman who fights up, but is a madman. Crazy is his talent. He gives this to the extreme, and mad can power. Give it to the extreme."

"A friend is called Molong. He is not crazy, but he is stable. Even if it is Taishan's topping, there is no way to crush him. There is no way to scare him to blink his eyes. Even if he is forced into a desperate situation, he is still full. Self-confidence, still calm, as usual, this is his stability! Steady can let him discover every flaw of his opponent, as long as his life is still there, even if life is about to be completely lost, but his opponent always has Maybe because of his own carelessness, he will lose his life because he is stable enough."

"A friend is called Gao Fei. He is ruthless, cold, confident, calm, and overbearing. The world's many military talents are concentrated on him alone, so he is a very respected martial master. ”

Fang Yuanyuan said with emotion: "There are such people in this world, and the few that you said before, it is also very powerful!"

Xiao Bing smiled and felt very interesting: "Can you hear the talents of other people, can you think of your own talent in this area?"

"I? I really didn't think of it." Fang Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Our advantage, I still want to remind you. If your merits are difficult to listen to, it is impulsive, and it is good to say that you dare to go forward, that kind of desperate to do one thing. Personality is your greatest talent."

Fang Yuanyuan blinked her eyes. From small to large, others said that she was reckless. She never heard that this turned out to be her talent. At this moment, she was actually touched, but there was no doubt because she was in her present. In the impression, Xiao Bing has already become omnipotent, Xiao Bing said must be right.

Xiao Bing looked at her and said: "If you encounter something, you dare to stand up. You know that you will lose and you dare to do it in front of everyone. This is your quality, because you are not afraid of losing, how to lose? How about it? When you lose, you will find a chance to win again. If you fall, you will get back again!"

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes were filled with tears. She did not expect Xiao Bing to be her Bole.

Xiao Bing said: "This may be a shortcoming to others. Well, life may indeed be a shortcoming, but it may not be in martial arts. You just have never encountered a Bole that can discover your advantages. ”

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan and asked: "Do you think that the confidant is dead?"

Fang Yuanyuan nodded hard, Xiao Bing said: "That is not necessary, listen to me this month, study well, um, then I will turn your advantages into a victory, After all, although these personalities have merits, they say that they are talents now, and there are points, but this talent has only one line difference."

Fang Yuanyuan asked: "What should I do? No matter what I do, I can do it!"

In the eyes of Xiao Bing, there is a smile. If you change to a person familiar with Xiao Bing, you should worry about Fang Yuanyuan, but Fang Yuanyuan does not know that he is going to be unlucky, but he is still immersed in the happiness of Bole.

Xiao Bing coughed and said: "Work with me, even if you give up your full strength, treat me as your enemy and use all your strength to fight against me."

Fang Yuanyuan promised to scream, and rushed straight to Xiao Bing, and then crossed hands.

Xiao Bing looked back and felt the crazy offensive of Fang Yuanyuan. While frowning, the tone was not very satisfactory. "Not enough, not enough. Are you giving up the strength of breastfeeding? How to give people It feels like a big girl who hasn't eaten enough. You can't do this. Who can you beat down like this? Want to defeat that square? Even if there is no name, Li Zhi, Zhang Zhi, you are the same. It won't be an opponent."

Fang Yuanyuan had been working for a long time, but even Xiao Bing’s clothes were not stained, and finally he stopped breathing.

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan's hands and supported his knees in a big gasp, shook his head and said: "According to your level, it is really lost."

Fang Yuanyuan panted and said: "Master, do you have any special training methods, no matter how much or how tired I can practice."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "You should rest first, and wait until the adjustment is over."

Xiao Bing first sat down on the ground, Fang Yuanyuan also sat on the ground with a sigh of relief. After about three or four minutes of rest, she stood up again and again, and took a chance to say: "Master, come again. !"

Xiao Bing stood up and looked at her and said, "Do you know where you are almost?"

Fang Yuanyuan shook her head and said she didn't know.

Xiao Bing said: "You really have courage. This is your advantage, but it is still far from the victory. It means that you can't reach the true level of talent, because your courage is less self-confident. With the courage of self-confidence, you can overpower your strength, but you don't do it. Your courage is enough, but you are not confident enough."

Fang Yuanyuan said: "But... I was not your opponent!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't need to think about this. What you need to consider is that even if you sacrifice your life, you must defeat me. Even if you have a breath, you will kill me with your mouth." !"

Xiao Bing’s pupil shrank slightly and said, “Next, I will teach you this!”

(End of this chapter)

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