Super Soldier

Chapter 1832: Excited party

Waiting until the evening, all the people who came back from work will come back. They all know that Xiao Bing accepted Fang Yuanyuan as a formal disciple. Although they did not know how Xiao Bing changed his mind in just one day, they were all happy for Fang Yuanyuan. They all know that Xiao Bing has never hired an apprentice. He has received Lei Jing and Fang Shaopeng before, but it is more because of the nine-day relationship of death. This time it is almost impossible for them. The result is Fang Yuanyuan. Just did it.

When eating at night, Fang Yuanyuan stood up and raised a large glass of wine and said: "Thank you, Ye Jie has been helping me for a while, and I still don't blame me for cheating you."

The leaves smiled and nodded. If she was so careless, Fang Yuanyuan would have no chance.

Fang Yuanyuan looked at Xiao Bing again and said: "Thank you, Master, accepting me as a disciple. I know that I am very dull. I say that my head is a rib, but I know that my father is a father for a lifetime. Reason, so from now on, no matter what the master has, the disciple must be the first to go forward."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Before this, you still have to work hard to make progress. Otherwise, if you rushed up, I will save you, what should I do?"

Fang Yuanyuan is somewhat embarrassed: "The strength of the apprentice is indeed a little worse, but the apprentice will work hard."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing smiled and nodded. "But you are relieved. Your other two sisters and brothers are no better than you. When they come, I will train you every day." For a month, I am trying to get you to defeat the Chronicles positively."

Fang Yuanyuan nodded hard and said: "Apprentices will definitely fight for you."|

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "For your own sake, but also for women!"

"Yes!" The leaves also raised the glass and said with a smile, "For the female compatriots!"

Su Xiaoxiao, Red Rose, Liu Kexin, Maggie, Liu Xiaorui, Li Chunlan, and so on all raised the cups at the same time. Su Xiaoxiao said loudly: "Let all the patriarchal thoughts go to hell!"

Everyone who eats this meal is very happy. Fang Yuanyuan has been eager to do Xiaobing’s apprentice in the recent period. Everyone is watching it, and now the girl finally got her wish and effort to make up for it. People are happy from her heart.

After a meal, Fang Yuanyuan drank a lot of wine because she was happy. She saw that she was really happy in her heart. Xiao Bing did not stop her. After dinner, she saw Fang Yuanyuan walking a little. Xiao Bing said this: "Okay, don't go back today, live directly in Xiao Fu, Li Wei, let her out of the room where the bed was sleeping before, let her live in."

Li Chunlan hesitated and said: "Will the next time the branch comes back? Isn't it too good? The room in the mansion is still a few empty, I am going to pick it up now."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile. "When do you think that when you come back, can you still live alone? Two goods have a room in Xiaofu, so let them both sleep." It’s not good together, and the people on the branches are very good, there will not be so many things. Besides, they have moved to a new home, and she has already packed up the inconvenient things.” “Well, what you said Also." Li Chunlan thought for a moment and smiled. "I didn't think of that layer. Then let her and the second store live in a room number next time. Oh, I am now holding her to the room where I am going to sleep." ”

"Yeah." Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said, "I am happy today, so I will make an exception for you to drink a few more cups. You can't drink alcohol from tomorrow."

"Oh, oh, nothing, I am still not drunk."

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said something drunk. He smiled and said: "Isn't you still drunk? I feel a little dizzy. At least before the competition with Fang Zhi, you can't drink. After winning, let's celebrate!" Go, have a good rest tonight, do you want me to call your home? Tell them that you are not going back..."

"No, I will call myself if I can."

"That is also true. From now on, you have been living in Xiaofu for a month. If you have something to bring, you can go home tomorrow to pick it up and bring it here, then you will live here. Wait until the match, then you will go back, so that you will not run back and forth, and we have a place to sleep here."

"Okay, thank you...thank you master..."

Li Chunlan helped Fang Yuanyuan to leave, Xiao Bing licked his temples, smiled and returned to his room. After closing the door, he saw the leaves lying on the bed and screaming, Xiao Bing smiled, clothes Did not fall off and fell asleep beside the leaves.

After Fang Yuanyuan returned to the room, lying on the bed, stumbled out of the phone, looking for the phone book, after all, let her find the landline phone at home, and then dialed directly, after a while, the phone After a while there, someone finally picked it up. It was a woman's voice. The voice of the mother-in-law: "Hey, Yuanyuan, when are you coming back? Hehe... Why didn't you move, are you drinking?"

"Ah? Nothing... I didn't drink much..." Fang Yuanyuan was obviously a bit big when she spoke.

Fang Fang was a little anxious over there: "You are not going to learn martial arts, how have you drunk so much wine? Where are you, nothing? Do you want me to pick you up, or let your dad pick you up? ?"

"No... no, mom, hahahaha... I really didn't drink much."

Fang Fang was a little scared, just want to continue to ask, Fang Yuanyuan said: "I am at the master's house... Well, I lay down, I sleep alone... That, the master and the teacher are very good to me, so I will be more I respected them a few cups."

"My silly girl, you are grateful that Xiao Da Ge is normal, but there is no need to drink so much wine. You said that if you are in a family's home, if you are drunk, how bad it is..."

"Ha ha ha, my mother, Xiao Da Ge has already promised my master."

"Yes, ah? Have you already promised to be your master for a month?"

"Isn't it, what I said is... I promised to accept my apprentice, let me be his official apprentice, I know I can do it, hahaha, I really did."

Fang Fang knows why her daughter drank so much wine, why it sounds so happy, and the mother on the phone is excited at the moment, she is not just for her daughter to have a good master. Excited, more is excited for her daughter to do what she wants to do, her eyes are red, slightly choked: "Good daughter, you are the best... well, um, well, then I will Hang up, you have to rest early, my mother will tell the good news to your father and your sister."

After the phone was hung up, I heard Fang Yuansheng’s voice coming up from the building. Fang Yuansheng walked down the stairs and asked: “What good news should you tell me and our baby daughter?”

"Yuan Yuan... Yuanyuan told a good news." Fangmu calmed down the emotions, stood up, looked up at his man, and all eyes were the pride of being a mother, saying, "Our Yuanyuan It has been approved by Vice Minister Xiao. Vice Minister Xiao officially accepted her as an apprentice. It is official, not just for a month."

Fang Yuan took a sigh of relief, apparently did not think of it, and then some excited said: "Is this true?"

"Of course it is true, my daughter just called and told me."

At this time, Fang Yi also walked out of the room and ran downstairs. He asked with surprise: "Mom, are you really?"

"Well, your sister said it."

"Great, great." Fang Yi excitedly said, "My sister is finally a dream."

"Yeah, there is no better teacher than Xiao Bing under the sun." Fang Yuansheng said with excitement and emotion. "What is Xiao Bing's character? Even if it is the Guwumen faction, it can't find one that can match him. It can be said that it is the best teacher in the world. I didn’t expect to accept our daughter. It’s really worth celebrating!”

Fang Yi smiled and said: "It is indeed worth celebrating. During this time, I can feel that Xiao Brother looks like he is very good at talking, but he has principles more than anyone else. He will never change his mind in words. He can accept my sister. I don't know how much effort my sister has made to impress Xiao Da. When my sister returns, I must ask her how she did it."

"In short, we must celebrate well!" Fang Yuansheng said with a smile. "I didn't agree with her practice martial arts before, but now that this has become her dream and goal, I must support her and hope that she can do it. To the best and the most perfect, now she has done it, this child is really better than we think."

"Yeah," said the Fangmu. "You used to say that the brains of Yanjiayuanyuan don't turn."

"Ha ha ha." Fang Yuansheng said with a smile. "Maybe it is because of this rib of her, so I am moved by Xiao Bing. Maybe, daughter-in-law, do more dishes, let's eat late at night, then also Drink a little?"

"Okay," Fang said with a smile. "Long time no family has had two drinks together."

Fang Yuansheng smiled and said: "Then I will take out my bottle of red wine."

Fang Yi’s eyes lit up and asked: “Dad, is one of the three bottles of red wine that you have collected for several years?”

Seeing his father nod, Fang Yi said excitedly: "You don't know, my sister and I have long wanted to steal, but I have never dared."

Fang Yuansheng: "...."

Fang Yi found out that she had leaked her mouth and hurriedly grabbed her mouth. Then the family of three looked at each other and laughed all of them.

(End of this chapter)

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