Super Soldier

Chapter 1834: Xia Hongyin

What Xiao Bing said is true. The Holy See has been the most powerful force in the West hundreds of years ago. Especially when the military was not so modernized, the Holy See relied on the horrific martial arts to let the West They are all shivering.

But now that era has passed, martial arts is stronger, and it can’t be compared with militarization. It’s like that sentence, the kung fu is high, and the knife is afraid. This may be a bit fake, but the kung fu is high, and I’m afraid of dǎodàn This is true.

"Right, in a few days I might have to hold a grand banquet, and then invite all the celebrities in the martial arts world to pass, and you will also go there."

Rouge has some unexpected words: "So high-profile is not like you, what is it?"

"Apprentice." Xiao Bing said, "I have received a total of three disciples and decided to announce it."

"Oh, collecting disciples is a big deal, especially if your current status is here, and high-profile is normal."

"Well, I think so. My disciples are different from me. They still have some talents. They don't want to eat just like me."

"Can you have a face?" Rouge ate and laughed. "But you are really good. If you really want to eat by face value, you will only be able to do my little white face later."

Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "Do you want to raise me?"

"Of course, do you think I can't afford it?" Rouge gently put his finger on Xiao Bing's lips, and said with a charming voice, "I only need to look at your face every day, it will definitely make you full. Drink enough, and have the strength to stay with me in bed. You can't watch any woman except me. Every day I want to show you a lot of videos, let you learn the skills of studying the bed, and then serve me... ""

"The trough, it sounds like a duck!"

"Giggle, it should be said that it is the face of the face, can be my face, happiness is not happy?"

"Happiness..." Xiao Bing laughed. "It sounds really good, but when they go out, don't they laugh at me as a little white face?"

"Giggle, that's why they envy you, don't know how many people want to be my little white face and have no chance."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "It makes sense. Then I will be from you soon?"

"Still forget it, people's leaves have more money than I have."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "It seems that I am still a toon. There are so many people around me who have a wallet to raise me. Hey, it’s really hard to rely on women to eat by the age."

"Smelly, how long will you spend with me today?"

"Well... I have to go back to dinner at night. Some of my apprentices have just come over. It is not good for me to show up on the first day."

"Oh, well, that time is almost the same."

"Well, I will stay with you for a few more minutes, I will not want you, and I will go back later."

Rouge's voice is soft and charming: "What you said, it sounds like a smeared honey, and everyone feels distressed."

"Hey, who makes her husband love you so much."

"Who are you husband?"

"It's yours!"

The two men began to hug and hug again, but they all knew that the time was a bit late, so they also paid attention to the heat, so that they couldn't help themselves if they were not careful. Then they didn't know when they could go back.

It’s too late to wait until I see it again. Xiao Bing up and Rouge said sorry, then dressed and rouge walked out of the room. When I went downstairs, there were just two people from around the country. The eyes of the two m-peoples looked at the rouge eyes more often, and Xiao Bing whispered: "These two are..."

"Well, that's the two very proud people I said before."

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a bit of disgusting color and said: "I hate them looking at your eyes."

"Giggle, I really like your jealous look, but don't worry, I can't see a piece of meat. Besides, I have been used to it for so many years, I will take care of myself."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "Then take care of yourself. Don't let these two people move their hands and feet. If they dare to swear, they will be thrown directly from the club. It is not their country." Even if their president is coming, it’s not good, and the woman who provokes me must get out of the club!"

Rouge listened to the heart and laughed. "You know what, my favorite is yours?"

"Which point?"

"It's your hegemony."

Xiao Bing smiled and then whispered: "I looked at the strength of the two people, probably the degree of chemical power."

"I know, rest assured, the master can turn over the sky outside, but it doesn't work well for us."

"Yeah." Xiao Bingxin is also very reassured, not to mention that it is a master of chemistry, even if it is a master of Danjin, it is impossible to be in the club of the Pink Lady Club, otherwise the red-pink beauty will not be worthy of being the first club in China. It is.

Two people broke up at the door, Xiao Bing returned to his car, shook the window and waved his hand on the rouge, shouting: "Nothing can you go to sit in Xiao Fu, they like you very much, just stay a few It’s ok.”

"Okay, I know, I will see you in a few days, and look at my good sisters by the way."

Xiao Bing smiled and shook the window, then drove away.

After Rouge waited until Xiao Bing’s car was far away, it took back his eyes and turned back to the club, but saw the two m people coming over.

Although Rouge didn't like the two foreigners very much, she smiled and nodded very politely. The comer was a guest. Rouge worked in the club for so many years. This can still be mastered.

Who knows that the men of the two countries have actually stopped in front of the rouge, one of them asked a little bald: "The one just said is the dragon they said?"

"Yes, my boyfriend." Rouge wants to kill the two people, naturally it is unkind to admit the relationship between himself and Xiao Bing.

"Oh." The man nodded. Both of them were in suits and suits. They looked very capable and they were a little proud. They seemed to be not ordinary people in their country.

The man who talks to Rouge is called Jefferson, and the other who looks temperamental is called John.

Jefferson nodded and said: "It seems to be a bit interesting, but rouge xiǎojiě, our two status in the m country is not normal, I think if you are friends with us, there will definitely be great benefits for you. ”

Rouge deliberately pretended not to hear Jefferson's suggestion. He smiled and said: "The two are already my friends. All the VIPs here are all my rouge friends. If there is nothing else, I will go to the restaurant first. I wish the two gentlemen a happy time to play here!"

Rouge smiled and nodded to them, then stepped away from here and walked straight in the direction of the restaurant. Two masters who had reached the stage of the sturdy period began to follow the rouge.

Jefferson frowned, and John waited until Rouge had gone far away and whispered, "What do you think?"

"Long is very good, I am very interested... The more proud people, the easier it is to cause our conquest**, isn't it?"

John smiled and smiled: "I agree with you, but here is China, we still have to pay a little attention."

"Well, what you said, I know... Oh, but don't forget, we are the people of the country, the people in the world's most powerful country!"

John faintly said: "It is best to conquer by other means, not to be too rude. We both have the skills."

John also had a strong interest in his eyes. He and Jefferson came out to the country for a trip this time. When they came back, they prepared to go to China for a round of laps. They just saw the rouge in the club, which made people feel uncomfortable. Woman with heartbeat speeding up.

After Xiao Bing returned home, he no longer thought about the thing he had just happened. After all, it was only two people from abroad. The strong dragon did not suppress the head of the snake, not to mention the strong dragon, and there is no need to feel uneasy. Category.

After Xiao Bing came back, everyone immediately opened the meal. Maggie’s stomach screamed and complained that Xiao Bing was coming too late. They were waiting for Xiao Bing to come back for dinner. Xiao Bing was so sorry that he was really provoked. Can't afford Maggie, Xiaoni, apologizing is the best way.

After a meal is finished, everyone should be busy with what to do, the play to play, the rest of the break, some people gather to talk, and some go out for a walk, and some go out to the night scene, such as Said Fang Yuanyuan drove with his brothers and sisters to the city center to visit the night scene, Lei Jing and Zhou Shaopeng are from outside the country, plus their brothers and sisters really should find time to enhance the relationship, so Xiao Bing Just remind them not to forget that tomorrow will start early, and they will not be in charge.

As long as they have a number in their hearts, let's play with a few points.

Xiao Mingyue is crazy today. First, he has to ride a big horse with Xiao Bing in the room, then take Xiao Bing to go out for adventure. At night, it is dark and lacquered. Two people are exploring the jungle near Xiao.

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but feel that this is the kind of courage to change to Xiao Mingyue. In exchange for other children, dare to go to such a dark place to play so late.

Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue were happy, but they didn’t notice that there was a pair of eyes in the distance looking at him. The eyes were all gentle, because one was in the dark, the other was in the dark, and the distance was very Far, plus Xiao Bing's fun, so I did not notice this scene.

The owner of the gaze sighed in the darkness, and then he was relieved to say to himself: "Child, I wish you happiness all the time..."

The owner of this gaze was afraid of being discovered by Xiao Bing and quickly left. Her clothes were fluttering, and she turned out to be a woman. When she appeared in the moonlight, she saw her true identity, Xia Hongyin. (https:)

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