Super Soldier

Chapter 1848: Maggie is shameless.

The next day, Xiao Bing drove to the hospital in the morning. Rouge had already changed clothes and new clothes. After washing, the hair was washed. The whole person looked radiant and looked completely cured.

Liu Kexin was talking to Rouge in the ward. When Xiao Bing pushed the door in, he looked at the rouge and smiled. "Yes, I have to recharge my hair for a month. I think you are more beautiful than before."

The rouge heart is happy, but the mouth says: "Don't talk about it, the most beautiful one is next to me, do you still praise me?"

This is indirect in the rouge, Liu Liuxin's face is red, some shy words: "I don't have a rouge sister look good."

"Speak nonsense, if I change to become a man, I guess I will like you, I will be fascinated by you."

Liu Kexin spit out his tongue and shyly said: "Shu, sister, I don't tell you, Xiao brother is coming, then I will go to work first."

"Well, you are busy, have time to go to the club to find me often, just mention me after you go in."

"Well, I know. That... my work is so busy, not necessarily very time, or Rouge sister has time to go to Xiaofu to play, we are willing to wait for Rouge."

Rouge smiled and said: "Then I will definitely go see you. During this time, I lost my heart and took care of me here. I personally cook for you to cook."

"Well, I tasted the craftsmanship of Rouge sister, Xiao Brother, you go back to the rouge sister, I will go to work first, and see my sister."

"Attention to the body, goodbye."

After Liu Kexin went out, the beauty of Rouge gently stunned Xiao Bing's eyes, and the eyes even let Xiao Bing couldn't help but tremble, and then immediately wanted to do bad things.

Rouge smiled and said: "You said that you have a lot of blessings, but a girl who is so cute and simple can actually be fooled by you."

"Hey." Xiao Bing said, "Where is the flickering, my point is that I am in love."

"Giggle, yeah yeah, you are the best, why do all the girls have a good relationship with you..."

Xiao Bing said seriously: "Because I am handsome."

After Xiao Bing finished, the rouge suddenly stepped forward and the whole person was attached to Xiao Bing's body. The faint scent of the body and her soft body directly let Xiao Bing's whole person's cockroaches burn quickly.

Rouge reached out his hand, his finger gently on Xiao Bing's nose, and said with a chuckle: "But you don't know, for a woman, sometimes it is useless for a man to have a face value."

"Hey, do you still have money?"

"No, you still have to live."

Xiao Bing was almost killed by a sip of water. Looking at Xiao Bing’s look like a sip, Rouge couldn’t help but laugh.

Xiao Bing looked helplessly: "I said... are you too dirty?"

"How is it dirty? Isn't this a normal thing, isn't it normal to reproduce the offspring? Is it not that you can't do this?"

"When you hold the grass, I can't do it. Don't you know?"

"This... It’s been a month, and people really don’t remember.”

"Well, I see it, you just want me to bully you, let's go, let's go back to the club."

Xiao Bing went to the bed and picked up the baggage with a bag, and then the other hand with a rouge hand, walked toward the door.

Rouge Jiao said: "Where to go to the club, you can actually go to other places."

"Oh, yes." Xiao Bing said, "Go, go open the house!"

Xiao Bing just finished, suddenly found that Rouge looked at his eyes some wrong, and then Xiao Bing turned his head and looked back, and sure enough, the attending physician and her two female students were standing behind and looking at themselves, holding Grass, just talking about talking with rouge, forget to see if there is anyone next to it.

And look at the eyes of the attending physician and the two students, it is clear that just picking up people out of the hospital, you have to bring people to open the house, you are really anxious!

Xiao Bing wants to cry without tears, grabbing the smirking rouge and rushing out from the hospital. After waiting in the car, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This time my sexuality is completely washed. Clean!"

Rouge smiled and held his stomach. Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "What are you laughing, not because of you, go, see how I can clean up you for a while."

Xiao Bing drove the car to the nearest hotel nearby, then took the rouge hand to the front desk and opened a room. After entering the room, Xiao Bing pushed the rouge down on the bed, and there was no panic on the rouge's face. Color, but looking at Xiao Bing with a flirtatious look, like a teasing smile, said: "What are you doing?"

"I want to bully you!"

Xiao Bing said, while he took off his clothes, the rouge giggled and said: "I just took off my clothes when I entered the room. I am really anxious."

"..." Xiao Bing was a little crazy. "Grandma's, can't you talk about sex?..."

Rouge was a bit of a joke, and the two soon began to entangle in the bed, and the cheeks gradually turned into a sly voice.

After the two men finished their skins, Xiao Bing was lying on the bed, lit a cigarette, spit a cigarette ring and said: "I have already sent a master to the Red Pink Beauty Club. From then on, I think this kind of thing should not be so easy. occur."

"Well, thank you." Rouge smiled. "I want to have these two countries to be role models. After I know that I am your person, whoever dares to make troubles in the future, we must also measure the amount."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "This time it is really scaring me. I want to think about what happened to you. I feel a horror, and I am afraid of it."

Rouge said: "I know that the next time I will be cautious, I will not let you worry anymore, and will not scare you again."

Xiao Bing said: "I didn't cry."

"Isn't it almost scary to cry, it's the same." Rouge suddenly smiled. "But I haven't seen what you looked like when you cried, or else let me see?"

Xiao Bing said: "Hey, man, big man, tears don't flick, you know..."

"I am not a man's husband, of course I don't know... you just cried one for me, okay?"

"I do not cry……."

"Cry one, okay..." Seductive spoiled.

"I don't cry, I don't cry, I can't cry, how do you cry me..."

"Oh, let me cry for someone..."


Rouge suddenly suggested: "Or don't go back to the club today. Anyway, I have already opened the house. I am here to stay with me this evening. How do you see it?"

"Also!" Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said, "Then I have to call home to tell."

Rouge promised.

Xiao Bing dialed the landline of the house, and then heard the voice of Maggie over there: "Hey, brother, what's the matter?"

Xiao Bing said: "That, you told the family, I said that I am not going to go back tonight tonight, I don't have to wait for me for dinner, I am going home tomorrow."


The eyes of the rouge turned around and suddenly snorted: "Sir, do you need special services?"

Xiao Bing was so scared that he slammed the phone, but it was already late. When he put the phone in his ear again, he heard that Maggie said over there: "Okay, brother, good outside. what."

Xiao Bing looked at the roar of the rouge, and smiled and said: "That, it was your rouge sister."

"I don't believe it, anyway, I will talk to my nephew... I don't want to let me say it, unless..."

Xiao Bing quickly asked: "Unless what?"

"Unless, I haven't thought about it yet, unless I promise me a condition, I will tell you later."

Xiao Bing hesitated, what conditions will this little witch take? I can't think of it, and the more she said it on the spot, the more frightening the battle, Maggie has long been the image of a little witch in Xiao Bing's heart.

Maggie secluded: "Forget it, I thought you have already treated people as your loved ones, so even if you do that kind of thing outside, people will squat for you, but you will not trust at all." People... Hey, forget it, since you don’t treat people as relatives, then I will tell my nephew to know, but the temper of my nephew is explosive, if you are with Rouge, there is Maybe she still has nothing. If you are hooking outside, don't know how the scorpion will lose your temper."

Xiao Bing was shocked. Rouge knew that he had caused trouble. He hurriedly rushed over and said to the mobile phone: "Hey, Maggie, I am rouge, you are a rouge sister..."

"Oh, what are you talking about? What do you say you are special? I don't understand..."

Xiao Bing: "...."


Rouge said: "I know that I was too gentle to you before. You have a blue and blue in your home. Maggie is a little girl. I don't even dare to provoke it later."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Now you know it?"

Xiao Bing is facing the microphone, helplessly said: "Okay, okay, I admit defeat, I owe you a condition, you can mention it with me later, but it must be reasonable."

Maggie chuckled and said: "This is almost the same, then I said it directly to my nephew. Oh, I just remembered, the one who just talked to me is Rouge sister? Recently my ears are not very sensitive, just not too Listen clearly, sorry for me and Rouge sister."

Xiao Bing: "...."


Maggie said: "Okay, I will hang up first, and I will have time to let Rouge sister come to the house to eat. I hang up, 88."

The phone was hung up over there, and Rouge looked at Xiao Bing. The two men looked at each other silently. It was only half a rouge that said: "What is the shameless power of Maggie, how is it like you?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Then you can lift me too much, let's go. You are not easy to leave the hospital today. It's just over a little more than a minute. I will take you out for a stroll and come back at night."

"Yeah." Rouge said happily, "just go out and have a good heart!"

(End of this chapter) 8)

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