Super Soldier

Chapter 1855: Learn from the abbot

In the eyes of Maggie, there was a faint melancholy color. Zhiming’s abbot didn’t pay attention. He didn’t think too much even if he noticed it, because even if he had a pair of eyes, he must have guessed. The real identity of Maggie is the daughter of the devil, especially Maggie has no inheritance of any martial art of the devil. From the outside, she looks like a girl who is extremely exquisite and as delicate as a ballet doll.

Xiao Bing has already noticed that Maggie’s eyes are not right. For the identity of Maggie, Xiao Bing has already known very well. On the one hand, Xiao Bing has never planned to do anything about the Mozu, although The hatred between the Terran, Protoss, Mozu and Orcs has always been deep. This hatred has been formed since the mythology, but Xiao Bing does not think that there are thousands of years between people, gods and demons. Before the history to pay, according to what is the current people, the gods and tribes want to flow into the river for the original history?

On the other hand, I have some relationship with Maggie. I have been with Maggie for so long. Xiao Bing does not want Maggie to struggle between the two. Is it necessary to meet with Maggie and Gao Fei? ? That is obviously not what Xiao Bing wants to see.

Besides, Maggie is so cute and kind, although she sometimes likes to tidy up, but she does not look like a good human being. Maggie is like this, which proves that the Mozu and human beings are actually the same. No matter who is the Terran, Protoss or Devil, no one is born evil, no one is necessarily evil, and there are good people and wicked people in the human race. Isn't this the same for other races?

Xiao Bing said: "But if the gods and the demons do not harm humanity, I hope that even if the seal is broken, the races can live in peace."

The abbot of Zhiming apparently had some doubts and asked: "Do you believe it?"

"I believe, but I don't believe it completely, but things are artificial!"

Maggie suddenly said at this time: "Xiao Big Brother, I believe you can do it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you, Maggie, you are relieved, I will do my best to stop these **** hurricanes."

"Well, Xiao Big Brother is the best, Xiao Big Brother must be no problem." Maggie's eyes re-ignited in the eyes of confidence.

The abbot of Zhiming also looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look. He looked at Xiao Bing and then smiled on his face. He said: "Daddy rarely meets young people like you, and never even knows before. However, what you said is something that the old man didn't even think about, but the old man didn't know what to do, he would choose to believe in you. Not now, the late female donor is taking a break, and we have a good exchange in martial arts. Communicate, maybe the old man can have more insights in your young man."

Maggie snorted and muttered in her mouth: "It’s really boring, and I have to send it away."

But muttering and muttering, she also knows that it is normal for her to be an idiot in martial arts, so she really has no good communication in this regard, even when she listens to it, she feels very boring, so she also It was just a small whisper that muttered a few words, and then followed the little monk who came out from the outside and took her out.

After walking out of the door, the young monk said: "Female donor, you are the most distinguished guest of Shaolin. From 6 am to 8 am tomorrow, you can dine at any time. We will treat you with the best vegetarian meal."

After listening to the little monk's words, Maggie's eyes lit up and she became interested. When people hear the vegetarian meal, they will definitely find it meaningless. But for Maggie, who is a big fish every day, how many still have Some feel fresh, not that they haven't eaten vegetarian food, but they haven't eaten in a place like Shaolin. It feels different.

She was quickly brought to a good room by the little monk. The little monk closed the door after a few words. Maggie plugged the door, then lit the light, left to look at the right, and looked around. At first, I still felt fresh, but there was nothing in the room. She just got fresh for a minute or two and then got into the bed and started to rest.

The next morning, after Maggie opened her eyes, she stretched out, and the whole person felt refreshed. She couldn’t help but smile. She said to herself: "It feels so comfortable to sleep on their hard bed. The quilt still has a little scent, and it seems to be very comfortable to smell. Well... I will ask what petals are inside. Let's go out for a breakfast first, then see if the big lazy cat of Xiao Da Ge is up. ”

Maggie first washed her face in the room, and walked out of the room, then called a little monk, or the one last night. After seeing Maggie, the little monk seemed to be slightly shy and lowered. The head is actually not just him. After seeing Maggie, the other little monks have turned their faces to the side, and some even blush.

Maggie looked wondering: "What's wrong with you, am I too long to be scary?"

"Ah, no, the female donor is so beautiful? Ah...not, the color is empty, and these things are actually nothing..."

Maggie smiled and said: "All said that when the monk is the most honest, it seems that it is not necessarily the case. If it is really color, then what are you embarrassed about? There are also small monks around."

The more I saw these little monks shy, the more Maggie wanted to tease them.

"That... that..." The little monk was arrogant, and he couldn’t speak.

Maggie chuckled and said: "Talk about it, since the color is empty, you feel the same, you look at me, look at me more."

The little monk’s face was flushed and angered: “The female donor does not want to talk nonsense.”

"Why do I have nonsense, cut, obviously my own guilty. Right, my brother, who is he sleeping in?"

"This... Xiao Shizhu didn't sleep last night. He has been in the Zen room with our abbot. The abbot has already told me that no matter when they come out, no one can bother them."

Maggie snorted and muttered to himself: "It seems that they are really rewarding, then I ask you, the abbot does not let people bother, if not for many days, what should I do? How to arrange for me?"

"Xiao Shizhu said, if you are willing to live here, you can wait for him here. If you don't want to live here, let us Shaolin send a few disciples to send you back."

"Oh, that's good, then I will live here, you will be my guide in the future, how about?"

"This..." The little monk asked with a confused look, "What is a tour guide?"

Maggie looked helplessly: "I don't even know what the tour guide is... The meaning of the tour guide is that in the few days of Shaolin, I will take you around with me in Shaolin, can't you?"

"Well..." The little monk felt that Maggie was beautiful in front of her, but she thought that Maggie was really terrible and terrible. I don’t know why I didn’t dare to go to Maggie, and I would always be Mai Qi gave a blushing heartbeat and couldn't speak, but he thought of the abbot's account, or said, "The abbot had explained it before, no matter what Miss Mai Qi has to tell, as long as it does not affect the principle problem, it can be Promise, so I have no problem with such a small request."

Maggie smiled proudly: "If this is the best, this is what your abbot said, the biggest abbot in Shaolin?"

"Of course, the abbot is the biggest." The little monk is revered. "The abbot is guiding us to Shaolin, and the Zhiming abbot is one of the greatest abbots of our Shaolin Temple."

Maggie said: "If this is the case, then you will definitely listen to the abbot's words. Your abbot will let you try to meet my requirements during this time, then you will definitely listen to me?"

The little monk didn't think there was anything wrong with this, so he said, "Yes, that means."

"Well, this will do." Maggie smiled proudly. "Let's go, take me to eat the best vegetarian meal you have here, then take me around in Shaolin, where do I go, you I went there with me, but I didn’t even think about it."

"I know, female donor."

In the heart of Maggie's heart, I was thinking about it. I seem to be able to make a fortune in these few days. I have to think about how to make this little monk in these few days.

When Maggie went to have breakfast, Xiao Bing and Zhiming Abbot also sat face to face in the room. You said a word in the mouth of two people. All of their thoughts turned out to be two people. One is Xiao Bing, who is temperamental and arrogant, one is an inscrutable old monk. The two people say the moves in their mouths, and the consciousness is constantly moving.

This night, Xiao Bing has no idea how many times he lost, but every time he feels that he has gained something, and the old monk’s harvest may not be as much as Xiao Bing, but it is also not too small, according to his current realm. He said that few people in the world have the ability to inspire his more potential. He did not think that Xiao Bing’s understanding of martial arts is so deep, although there is still a big gap compared with him, but Xiao Bing’s current understanding ability is no longer weaker than the average half-step **** level.

Within the entire Zen Room, apart from the fact that the two of them were in verbal confrontation, there was no other breath, and the two of them were not at all like two extremely advanced top players at the moment, but instead they were like two ordinary people. People, the master has nothing to breathe.

They have reached the realm of returning to the truth in the understanding of the momentum!

Ps: There is only this chapter today. The activities of participating in the website these days are tired and sleepy. I will go home on the 20th. There will definitely be more time. After the 20th, I will start to make more compensation. Thank you for your understanding.

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