Super Soldier

Chapter 1857: World vibration

Rain, I don’t know when it’s raining.

Blood, I don't know when the ground has been dyed red by blood.

Abdullah’s body has become a blood man, and his blood has others, but more is his.

His shoulder was pierced by a long sword, half of his arm had been cut off by a long sword, and his body was all red. Only one face was disastrous because of excessive blood loss. He was panting and looking desperate, and he was behind him. The bird is silent.

Zhuang Shen’s tone is calm and there is no slight emotional fluctuation. The faint saying: “You two are too tempered. The two people have even been delayed for so long. They all say that you are the leader of the younger generation. It seems that in this way."

Bai Yu and Jiang Shen are also panting, and their bodies are also contaminated with blood. Most of the blood is belonging to Zhuang Shen, but there are very few bloodstains belonging to them. They have suffered a little, but only minor injuries. Only.

At this moment, I heard the words of Zhuang Shen. The momentum of the two people immediately began to grow wild, and the height of the eyes increased to a higher level. Abdullah felt more pressure. He immediately poured all the power into the Excalibur. Inside, the Sword of the Cangwu immediately burst into the power of incomparable horror.

Bai Hao snorted and said: "Look at who can kill him first!"

After that, Bai Hao suddenly moved. She was dressed in white clothes. The whole person constantly appeared in every corner of Abdullah’s front and rear. If it was changed, the white man would not be Abdullah’s. Opponents, but now Abdullah’s spirits have been declining. In fact, it is already the end of the strong, so at this time there are some hands and feet, even if it controls the Excalibur, but his reaction speed is slower than the white one. In particular, the martial arts of the day is still light-minded, and at this time it happens to have a mutual effect on Abdullah.

On the other side, Jiang Shen saw that Bai Yu had completely occupied the upper hand and his eyes were bright. Haha laughed: "White, you are the most talented genius in the younger generation of our Protoss. It seems that you can be alone. But in order to get out of this broken place soon, I will help you!"

Jiang Shenxian praised the two verses, and then joined the corps. The three men fought together. After a glimpse of the sword, a slap in the air, Abdullah directly fell to the ground, and then the body directly split into several cut.

The white stork went forward, bent down and took the sword to the hand, and then looked at Zhuang Shen. Among them, the three were mainly Zhuang Shen, so she must first consult Zhuang Shen at this time. opinion.

Zhuang Shen nodded slightly: "Well, yes, this artifact is yours."

The white face of the frosty face burst into a warm smile, and the sword of the sky was closed. He smiled and said: "Thank you for Zhuang Tongling. Although the strength of these people's masters is not good, they still have artifacts. This is counted. A big gain."

Seeing that Bai Hao took the artifact away, Jiang Shen is not angry. On the one hand, he is pursuing daylight. He is one of the admirers of the day. On the other hand, Bai Yu’s reputation in the realm is greater than him, and his strength is better than him. Stronger, although they are also the beginning of the saints, but there is also the strength of the same level.

For example, Xiao Bing, from the debut of Xiao Bing, the most proud place is that he is always in a state of invincibility in the same realm. No one in the same realm is his opponent.

Bai Hao asked: "Where are we going to go?"

Zhuang Shen said: "I have made it clear that the strongest among the Terrans, apart from a few hidden families, the strongest in the West is the Holy See. The strongest in the East should be even the Chinese gods Xu Mu and Xiao Fu’s Xiao. Soldiers, we will fight one by one, and finally go to find Xiao Bing. If even Xiao Bing is defeated, I think the Terran has no more worries. It is a group of ants who can easily pinch to death."

Bai Hao smiled and said: "Zhuang Tongjun said right, then we will accompany Zhuang Tong to lead the sweep of the Terran masters, and then return to the Protoss, let them behave every day before our Protoss is born!"

Zhuang Shen haha ​​laughed: "Well, what you said is in line with my mind. According to what you said, swept the masters of the people and let them fight every day!"

After Zhuang Shen laughed, suddenly both palms pushed forward flat, and a horrible wave went straight to the manor. In the case of Bailu and Jiang Shen, they were stunned, and a pale golden wave directly directed into the villa. After sweeping away, the ground was even blown up by a layer of land, and the iron gates and walls were instantly collapsed, and most of the people in the manor were squandered in the horrible waves, and some people spit out a big mouth. Blood, then wilting.

There are actually a lot of masters in the crowd. For example, there are two Tianzun, two break the void, and there are many masters of the Jinjin and Danjin. The strength of this hidden family in Europe cannot be compared with the Holy See, but it is absolutely The big family that played a big role, the result was actually killed by Zhuang Shen, a lot of masters, and the remaining people who were not dead were also seriously injured. They looked at Zhuang Shen with horror, and Zhuang Shen was like a girl in their eyes. Killing the gods, even if their homeowners could not do this before they were born, what strength is this strong Protoss in front of them?

Is it so horrible to see the power of the Protoss super strong, is it true that the Protoss strong people are coming to the world, and then have they reached the era when the gods and gods ruled the world? Compared with the death of the family, this thought makes them feel more fearful. As an ancient family, they are very familiar with the era of the gods.

More than a hundred people in the manor, died six or seventy, Zhuang Shen looked at the other people, indifferent: "You can survive, this is your luck, facing you ants, I will never again The second move, so you are very honored, today you can live, despite the publicity of the outside world, my Protoss commanded Zhuang Shen to come to the world, to compete with the masters of your Terran, the bright and straight, the competition Winning and losing!"

Zhuang Shen turned and walked toward the distance. Wherever he passed, the space was split automatically. In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared at a distance of 100 meters away, and Bai Yu and Jiang Shen also hurriedly chased them up.

The people in the manor looked at the dead bodies on the ground, and they burst into tears.

"He... what strength is he?"

"No... I don't know, is this a protoss master? How is the Protoss more cruel than the Mozu?"

These people are crying sadly one by one, some people screaming wildly, and others can only tremble.

One of the blonde women cried red eyes, the whole man was lying on the ground, tears and mouth slobber all flowed out, and suddenly there was a tear in his mouth and shouted: "I want to kill him and avenge my father!!!" ”

It turned out that this woman is the daughter of the old master.

At this time, other people who have been forced to come over have already surrounded the women and reminded her to lead the family to rise again.

The woman barely stood up from the ground, nodded, wiped her tears with her back, and walked to the outside of the village. She looked at the old father's body under her feet. She resisted grief and said, "Father, you can rest assured, I am Be sure to watch the death of the enemy who killed you. This hatred does not mean to wear the sky!"

She looked at the manor again and said: "Everyone is calming down. The urgent task now is to take the news out for a walk, so that everyone knows that the protoss master is coming, and no more people can be killed. Only other The masters of the race are ready to kill these few mad guys!"

At this time, an old man who looked a little old came out and pointed at two of them and said: "You two went out to the police and then spread the things out. The Holy See has me to inform you. The rest of the people come over to the master. The body is carried in."

Half an hour later, the police rushed to the manor and began to deal with the body. The news spread to the world's major martial arts in an hour. The entire martial arts world was boiling, and the protoss master appeared. Killed the sage-level powerhouse and even completely destroyed the Abdullah family, one of Europe's oldest martial arts families.

The world is shaking!

In China, senior officials also started a group meeting.

The head of the second head looked at the old class of the Minister of National Security and asked: "Old class, you said, how do you see this thing?"

The old class hesitated: "You must not let these protoss guys live alive. Otherwise, in the period of enchantment, they will have masters at any cost. When they escape, they can kill one or two masters." It’s not so much more unscrupulous to kill so many people of our human race, and then they are more unscrupulous. On the contrary, if these guys of the Protoss can be killed, the Protoss in the Divine Realm discover these tribes. After I came out, I never came back. I don’t know if we are deep and shallow, they will not dare to test it easily."

"Of course, I also think this is a small probability event. This guy with several Protoss escapes. It may happen in the future, but the chances are small, and the number will be small, but it has to be prevented. Therefore, I suggest that it be proposed directly at the United Nations to send a joint army to be placed around the enchantment. Once there are strong men of the gods and demons, they will immediately use heavy weapons to kill them!"

The head of the second nodded and said: "Well, I agree with you, but now it is imperative to kill these protoss strong people? Are we going to use the army or?"

The old class said: "I suggest that some things still have to be handed over to the martial arts community, not to mention the fact that once a large-scale anti-personnel weapon is used, it is sure to kill not only three of unless it is forced, otherwise Give it to those who are strong. Especially Xiao Bing... I believe he must have this ability. And Xu Mu should also say hello..."

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