Super Soldier

Chapter 1859: Buddha watching

Molong’s eyes condensed and muttered to himself: “This Xu Mu should have reached a deep state in illusion. Even if the door owner is in illusion, he may not be able to gain the upper hand.”

The reason why Molong did not say that Xu Mu had surpassed Xiao Bing in illusion, because Xiao Bing’s accomplishments in illusion also reached the level of superb, and with the eyesight of Molong, he wanted to distinguish between who is strong and who is weak or has some difficulties. .

Just like a master of the Dan Jin level to see a strong middle-aged and strong peak, almost feels unfathomable, it is difficult to see who is tall and who is low, this is the same reason.

The strength of Molong's strength is the great perfection of Tianzhong's mid-term. The strength of its own strength has the same gap as the sage-level powerhouse. Together with Xu Mu and Xiao Bing's illusion, even the saints are the most peak. So, Molong can only analyze one, and it is still difficult to make a detailed judgment.

Miyamoto's Xinyi coldly said: "So, we have been squatting Xu Mu before."

“Yeah.” Molongdao, “must be a man who is called the patron saint of China. He can suppress the East by himself and let the Western powers dare not invade. If there is no means, how can it be done?”

Liu Zhendao: "This is a good thing. Now we are all doing things for the country, and it seems that Xu Mu is not secretly protecting the door owner because of his son's personal grievances. If so, his strength is stronger. The stronger the power on our side. The only worry I have now is that he is not the opponent of these protoss powerhouses. If that is the case, I am afraid that China will have trouble."

Drunk gyro smiled and said: "There is any trouble, isn't our door owner not the opponent of this guy?"

"This can't be said." Liu Zhen said with a bitter smile. "I have always been very confident about the door owner, but if this person can defeat Xu Mu, then the door owner can be the opponent of this guy is ambiguous. ""

Everyone listened to it and felt nervous in the heart. Now it’s hard to get the ancient Wu world. As a result, the protoss strong people have come out again. The ancient Wumen school is still in the category of the human race. But these protoss powers are different. They are foreign people. Before the Western powerhouses had already died in the hands of these protoss. Before the high-level Chinese thoughts, many people here also thought about it. If this time let them live alive, let all the protoss Everyone knows that the world is where they can come and go, then the world is going to face disaster.

Therefore, this war basically attracts the attention of the whole world, attracts the attention of the strongest people in all martial arts worlds, and attracts the attention of the top officials and the military in the world, whether it is China or those in the weekdays and China. The countries with competitive relations all hope that Xu Mu will win this battle.

Even at a certain position above the peak of Lingshan Mountain, both the Buddha and Xia Hongyin are hidden in the dark, and there is some excitement between the look of Xia Hongyin. There are grievances, hatred, nostalgia in the eyes... there are all kinds of different things. The emotions are hidden in it.

The Buddha’s tone calmly asked: “I miss it?”

"No." Xia Hongyin pressed the strange emotions in the voice and tried to pretend to be indifferent. "Even if the Mozus have nothing to do with me, let alone the Protoss."

The Buddha son smiled and smiled: "Is the blood relationship really cleanable? Even if you have no feelings for them, don't you hate them? As far as I know, your heart is full of hate for them. It’s right.”

Xia Hongyin’s fists clenched and gritted: “I said, I have nothing to do with me, why should I hate them?”

"But I hate it." Buddha son sighed. "You should also hate it, because the hatred in my heart is the seed that you spread for me. How can you forget it? You make me hate them, you let me understand." I have to pull them uprooted and thoroughly level one day. You let me know who killed our family. I can't forget these, how can you forget?"

Xia Hongyin closed her eyes, her face was full of guilt and grief, her eyes were shaking, her mouth was twitching, forcing the emotion inside her heart, saying: "Sorry, give you the emotion for a lifetime, that is mine." wrong."

"You have nothing wrong. For so many years, I have never thought that you are wrong. Mothers, one day, one day, they owe them to us in the past few years. I will let them repay them one by one, absolutely not. I will forget. For so many years, your whip and whip are on my body. You want me to remember this. The hatred on your whip has already penetrated my bones with the wound, and I can’t forget it. Now, you are trying to make me relieved, but these can't be forgotten."

Xia Hongyin's body trembled slightly, his nose was sour, and his voice said with a bit of difficulty: "I can't help you, let you bear these."

"Mother, you have changed." The Buddha looked at Xia Hongyin, and there was a golden and red glow in his eyes. "You didn't choke in the past, and you won't cry. You said that people must be strong when they live. But now you are getting weak."

"I..." Xia Hongyin felt that if she continued, she might not be able to cry, so she hurriedly closed her mouth. All these years have been flashing in his mind, including their family. How was it forced to go nowhere, then she abandoned Xiao Bing and placed Xiao Bing at the entrance of the kindergarten. Later, she gave her son who was left with her training to become a cold-blooded killer.

In the eyes of the outsiders, the Buddha’s son is a top-notch, dark world leader. It’s unfathomable and mysterious, but in her opinion it’s just a poor child. It’s a revenge that she has educated step by step. tool.

Xia Hongyin wants to apologize, but now it’s too late to say anything. When one day she finds that people are still alive and happy, it’s good to know how to do it. When I understand this, everything is already It’s too late, hatred has gone deep into the bones of the Buddha, and it’s easier to talk about it.

Xia Hongyin’s heart, the child, the child, I am sorry for you, not just Xiao Bing, you should make me apologize, if you can, even if it is at the expense of my life, I am willing to make up for you, but I can't make up for anything now, I can't do anything, maybe I won't be able to pay you back in this life.

Xia Hongyin resisted tears and looked forward to a distant war in the distance.

The Buddha son is very calm and cold looking at the scene, as if who won the battle in the first battle, whoever died and who has nothing to do with him, he is like a calm looking spectator watching a scene. Look at it all calmly.

The Buddha son suddenly asked: "Mother, let's bet, you tell who is going to win this battle?"

Xia Hongyin sighed and sighed: "Since there is already an answer, why bother to gamble this game? I am afraid that even if your brother is personally out of the horse, it may not be the opponent of Zhuang Shen."

"That may not be the case." Buddha’s son smiled faintly. "But I hope that Xu Mu will not create any miracles. Let a protoss leader die in the hands of me or my brother. Maybe it will be more interesting. It makes more sense, isn't it? Well, this is what their protoss owe us..."

Xia Hongyin took a deep breath and then showed a deep worry, and asked: "Do you think your brother will be the opponent of this person?"

"According to the normal realm, I will open it in the 28th, but that is my younger brother. We can not use the common sense to measure it, so I am willing to add it to the four or six."

Xia Hongyin frowned: "Since this is the case..."

Buddha son smiled and said: "He is my younger brother, you should accept these challenges. Of course, if he is really not the opponent of this person, I don't mind shooting, let me experience the feeling of killing the Protoss master... Oh, yes, mother, who is this Zhuangshen, do you know him? Do you want to talk to your son well..."

The Buddha son looked at Xia Hongyin.

Xia Hongyin hesitated a little, his eyes with thoughts, seemingly recalling the person's name and image, and finally nodded.

The Buddha’s son asked curiously: “It’s better to talk to me. I’m really curious about these people in the realm of the gods.”

Xia Hongyin looked at the contest venue and said in a calm tone: "I will continue to talk for a while, they have already fought."

The Buddha son smiled faintly: "Mom, do you think they can quickly win the game?"

"Isn't it?" Xia Hongyin exclaimed. "Xu Mu's strength is very strong, but it should not be the opponent of Zhuangshen. The gap between the two people is relatively large. This time, Xu Mu is afraid to suffer a big loss. He only hopes to save his life. ""

The Buddha’s son smiled faintly: “The first person on the surface of China is not so simple. If he is so simple, one of the strongest countries in the martial arts world is not a sham. It’s not as good as a mother. Say it."

Xia Hong Yin sighed and sighed: "In fact, I don't remember it very clearly. The time was too far away... It was all over twenty years ago. Now I still have a lot of vagueness in retrospect. Especially I am not a person among the Protoss, but I am slightly impressed with this Zhuang God."

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